《Summoned: Looking for Fragments》Chapter 6 - I'm from what?


Chapter 6

Dawn came. Raze was the first one to wake up. He walked towards the window looked at looked at the morning sky. He was thinking about yesterday. About the sudden summon, the people who also got summoned with him and his parent's words.

'Look for my sister? I don't even know where she is right now.' He recalled the words.

He was thinking about then place he was summoned, and an he knew where he was.

'I'm in one of the human capitals. It's a long way home...‘

He went back to the bed and laid down, arms spread. He waited until a maid knocked on the door.

"Excuse me my lord, are you awake?"

"Yes, how can I help you?"

"I've come to inform you that breakfast has been serve on the lounge. I'll be guiding you to the lounge" she spoke in a respective manner

"Just a moment." He replied. Raze stood up, took the stone on the table and went outside to follow the maid.


Luxurious food and delicacies spreads on a round table, with 5 plates prepared. Four maids and a butler formed a line and bowed in sync. The party faced this scenery which can often be seen on movies or manga/comics.

"Well.. This is something" (Tristan)

"It feels like a maid cafe" (Fia)

"....." (Raze)

"Let's dig in? (Roan)

"Let's" (Ami)

While they were eating, they had little talks.


Raze's point of view

While we were in the middle of eating in silence, Tristan took the initiative to start a conversation.

"We don't know much about ourselves huh? How about we tell something about ourselves?" Tristan suddenly proposed.

"Since I already mentioned it, I'll go first. Currently, I'm working part-time as a FX designer for a certain VR game. Me and my brother actually mainly work for the magic effects so, I am kinda interested in real magic this place can offer." He said hinting he wants to learn about magic.


'FX designer? VR game? I have no idea what are those.' He spoke words which I have no idea what they meant.

"By the way, the VR is First Phantasia, the latest release." He paused for a bit, then Roan suddenly stood up.

"Dude! Really? That's amazing!" Roan exclaimed. 'It's a big deal huh?' I thought.

"I actually just finished the VR yesterday! Those effects are top notch!" Roan seems to praise Tristan

"Thanks. There may be glitches that we need to patch." He gave his thanks while pushing his glasses. "And you?"

"Nothing amazing, I'm a high school student. I really like playing VRs and MMOs." Roan spoke more words I cannot comprehend.

"Same as me then, still in high school. I don't really have anything impressive. I do play a little bit of VRs and play some retro ones." Fia followed up. 'This VR word again. I know about the high school but not the other'

Fia then look at Amelia by her side "How about you, Ami? Also in High school?"

"I was about to be one. Currently, I took the examination for the the MCP. I'm still waiting for the results though." She poke with while scratch the back of her hair, also with a bashful smile.

"Woah.." "Wow!" "...." The two gave and awestruck reaction, while Tristan has his jaw dropped.

"It's not as amazing as you think, and i'm not even sure if I'm gonna get accepted" Amelia added. She then looked at me and passed the baton "How about you Raze? You've been quiet ever since"

'Well yeah... I'm embarrassed to suddenly butt in. You can communicate and I cannot.’

"I'm probably the least interesting person here. I'm home schooled, you see. Also I was embarrassed to say this but can't follow the talk" I gave an honest answer. "Uhm VR, FX, MMO, and MCP?"


When I said those words, everyone had a questioning look. 'I have to be careful with my words'

"Well you see, MCP stands for: Mars Colonization Project." Fia explained

"It's a special education to prepare to colonize planet mars. We have to study a lot of things like biology, how to operate a central console, and such" Amelia explained in depth.

'Colonize The planet Mars?' I thought. My dad explained to me how our world is round. And so he explained planets and how there are other planets that cannot be colonize because there isn't air or the place is toxic and such. This is where I learned about Mars, the red planet.

"Are you talking the red planet Mars? I thought it's impossible to live there?" I ask a question about this mysterious plan.

"Hey, are you serious? There are few people already living on Mars. How come you don't know this?" Tristan

"Did you live in a cave or something? This is really common" Roan added

'How should I know? I'm not from another world!' Did dad gave me wrong info?

"You mentioned you also don't know about VR or MMO, right?"


Their faces shows questions, and they looked at me like i'm sort of an extinct animal.

"Hey guys, a moment. We'll say some words. If you get what it means, do tell" Tristan said then signaled Roan

After that, He said a series of words.

"Firstly, VRs and PCi" Roan gave a word, they nod then looked at me. "HiSPD Hover Train?" Fia followed up, they nod then looked at me. "Nano implanted trees?" Amelia followed, again with the nod then looking at me. "2167" Tristan gave a number, and they repeated the nod again.

"Raze, you didn't react at all. Do you know of the words we said?" Tristan asked me while pushing his glasses. 'Wait, did they noticed i'm not from Earth?' I cant tell them I'm not from Earth due to various reasons.

"I didn't quite get it. Should I? You said about trains and trees, also a number at the end?" I said honestly, sweat coming out of my back.

"Raze, can I ask this? What year is it on earth?" Fia asked me a question. When she asked me what year, it boggled my mind for I didn't know what to say. I do remember the day my parents came here. I do hope it can help.

"It is 2017, why?" When I said the year, all four of them had their mouths opened.

"This is..." "How can this be?" He's..." Questioning words came out from them.

I don't know how to react on why they had to ask. I just sat there without moving.

"Uhm Raze? You are probably... From the Past?" Amelia spoke.


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