《Summoned: Looking for Fragments》Chapter 1 - A Short cut.. To another world?


Chapter 1

"AAAARRRRGGG!!!!" A roar sounded within the throne-room. The demon gave its last breath.

A man, clad with silver armor and a holy weapon defeated the demonlord after hours of fighting. Using strength gained from fighting countless monster (exp) and learning the best magics from the beings of legends.(with quests)

[You have defeated the Demon Lord]

[Level up + 4]

[Title obtained: Demon Lord Slayer]

[Title obtained: Hero]

[Title obtained:Savior of the World]

[Achievement obtained: Conquer the Demon Castle]

[Achievement obtained: Finished main storyline]

"YESSSS!! AT LAST!" Shouted the man. "After days and nights of grinding. I've finally defeated this last boss!! Cant wait to bragged this to my friends."

The man cheerfully exclaimed while skipping around the demonlord, now a corpse and particles escaping from the body.


An alert window suddenly came infront of the man.

"Crap im late, ill take the loots for now and check it later." The man flicked his arm above the corpse, flashes of lights came the dead demonlord and onto the arms.

The man made gestures from his hands and a window popped out. He made few scrolling motions and finally tapped on

Afterwards. The surrounding place suddent stopped making a sound. Dissolved into particles until nothin is left, only pitch black.


In a dim room. A youth with black hair and a pair of clear green eyes laid down on a bed while wearing a helmet. A computer with the screen showing the status of the character and the name of the game. First Phantasia Quest:VR.

The youth's sat up and removed the helmet he's wearing "Oooooookay, time to move!"

Throwing aways the helmet on the bed, as he rushed on his cabinet and wore his school uniform.

"Roan! Breakfast! You're late for school!" " 'kay, Mom!" Roan yelled back.


Very quickly, Roan ran down with haste. Grabbin the easiest food to eat on hand.

" Mom. I'm late, no time for breakfast!"

"Then take a sandwich and go out already, this is why you shouldnt play in the morning. Take a taxi so you could make it in time." His mother said in a slight mocking tone.

"Nuh-uh. I'll use my hoverboard and take a shortcut. Its faster that way" a sandwich on the mouth, he walked out of the door with the hoverboard on hand.

"I'm off!" "Stay safe"

Setting up his hoverboard, a quiet humming sound came from the rectangular platform. The hoverboard itself looks like a an old model of a skateboard but made with newest technology. He let it float 4 inch above the ground. From his home to school, it'll take at least fifteen minutes if he took a shortcut using the alleyways.

In an alleyway after traveling for almost 10 minutes. A sudden force stopped the hoverboards. Roan lost his balance and his head got hit with on an invisible wall.

Holding his forehead in pain. What the hell? That hurts!

He noticed that lines of lights are forming. He felt some familiarities with the lines and seconds pass by, he noticed its similar with the magic circles from the game he just played this morning. unbeknownst to him.

The magic circle formed a spherical shaped and within the sphere is himself and the hoverboard. Panic showed on Roan's face as he felt that gravity is getting heavier. With a flash of light, his mind went blank and the sphere of magic vanished into thin air, along with Roan.


White. Blinding light... I tried my moving my limbs but it felt like i was within the deep sea. A pressure that makes the air in my lungs empty.


A few seconds after I tried moving the force suddenly change like im free falling.

And once more, lines of lights appeared as the light dims down.

Next thing I knew I was standing still on my hoverboard, within a room full of people. Men with armors and robes similar to movies and games.I stared in shock with the sudden changes.

"What's going!?" "KYAAA!!" "What's happening!?"

Voices came from my sides and behind me. I counted quickly. There is five of us including me. Their faces showing shocked and not undertanding about the situation. Heck i'm pretty sure im also making the same face.

"***** ** ****** * ** *****" An old man with spoke suddenly with an unknown language. A high and mighty voice that obviously think he a king of a country. Sitting on throne and with those luxurious scepter and a gold crown i'm pretty sure he is.

"***** ********* ***********" the king figure spoke once more and the lady beside him walked down and stopped few steps away from us.

The lady made a curtsy and spoke the unknown language before showing us stone-like gems. Gesturing us to take each.

Looking closely. The lady looks really beautiful and seems like she's a princess. Each of us took the stones and after that...

"We apologies about the current situation and once again let us greet you. Welcome young Heroes"


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