《A Tale of Space & Magic: The Last Humans of Gliesen》A FAMILIAR VOICE
The Bayen is right at the most visible part of the landing station when I arrive 2 floors down. Her cheerful face and her drooping ears seem uncharacteristic of what I imagined their species to be, however; and it's very unsettling but I guess that's just the way it is.
"Come now." She waves a scraggly hand. "It's just over here. A boxy lounge but it'll only be a slight discomfort."
I follow her feasting my eyes around with the new sights. A number of giant glowing orbs fill the ceilings serving as the greater source of light, and smaller orbs for indoors. Tall high-rising window-and-door-less buildings tightly border on each other , the alleys between them dim and tight. In comparison to the higher floors, this looks more like a normal city. Although it's quite unusual that Etrave doesn't utilize electricity despite their technological superiority over Earth. I guess who needs electricity when people have it easy with magic?
"So this is the city of Hiltrud. Quite a nice place."
"You bet," says the Bayen.
"By the way, do you have any name?" I don't want to refer to her as that Bayen all throughout.
"Of course I have a name. It's Smamecknuck."
"Smame-- It's too long. Hm. Let me think of a nickname for you."
"A nickname?"
"A shorter version of your name. It'll be easier calling you that way."
"I do like that idea. Yes, please do." Her eyes brim with eagerness.
I mouth her name, muttering a few nicknames. Sma? Smam? Smeck?
"I'll call you Sam. It's easier and not weird."
"Sam? That's a weird name." She breaks into a peal of laughter.
"You don't like it?"
"Well, I guess I'm gonna hold on to it. What's your name?"
"Sounds like food to me."
I laugh nervously.
A flying Melkree, a tall humanoid creature with leopard spots with six eyes along its oddly shaped head, swishes by in flight prompting our silence as we observe it until it pauses in front of a building, where a door from nowhere slides open, and glides in.
"Oh Melkrees are beautiful creatures. I love their spotty glossy skins and dangling tails. I might just hunt one some time, take a piece of their skin and tail as a trophy. Then sell some for a good price. The Murzush would pay a high price for one, they'll pay for anything glossy and shiny. They're quite fond of glittery and new things, despite their nasty looks." Sam shudders.
I hold my contempt in. It is rather a repulsive idea to hunt other intelligent species for trophies. But god, it's so like Earth. I search around looking for something interesting other than hunting other species to talk about.
"I can only see a few species flying around. I thought everyone here can do magic and fly?"
Sam shrugs. "The magic of flying. Yes. Only those who are quite adept with the magic can mostly fly. Everyone seems to be born different. Others feel closer to the elements controlling the dust of the earth, the heat of the fire, the cold of the snow and ice, or to anything-- anything that is matter. Others have their natural abilities that helped them survive. There are several varieties of strength. I can't fly but I can run as fast as the wind. My springy old legs never fail me. And it won't soon. Oh, here we are."
We stop in front of a huge, door-less box. God, I swear this place needs an architect. Buildings look like wood blocks, absent of salient designs.
"Let's go. This way," she says. I notice her ears curling closer towards her tiny body as she walks towards the box.
I feel an urge to ask her what's the problem, but I hold my tongue. This is not Earth, she's not a puppy that droops their ears in the same context. She might be expressing--
"Oh my god!" A whispering voice shrieks from behind me. "Jayr? Is that you?"
Quick as lightning, I turn around. I recognize that voice and that language. "Irina?"
Her head is covered with a knitted striped cowl, and she's wearing a long dark velvety black coat that curls a few folds at her feet. It looks outlandish, but I guess it's for secrecy's sake.
"Yes, it's me you idiot. Oh for fuck sake, for so long, finally. We've been searching for you."
"Jayr, who is that?" Sam calls out, waving her hands. "Come, in you go first."
"Wait," I say in Etravean. "I'll be right there."
"Jayr, how the fuck-- did you learn that language in just a short time?" Irina violently whispered while grabbing my arms. "Let's go. There's no time to waste."
She stomps away, tugging me along.
"Wait….Irina. What are you doing?"
"Keep your voice down!" She edges closer towards my ears and hisses, "I'm saving you. We're doing a covert operation right now so stay a low profile. I don't know how the fuck you got in here but my older brother Detlef somehow knows you're here. So I'm saving you. We are."
"Wait a minute. Let's talk for a bit." I calm her down, confused. "First of all, I don't need any rescuing."
"Jayr, come over here!" Sam calls out, impatient.
"Wait… just a minute," I shout back. Then I turn to Irina. "And what do you mean by we?"
"We as in 30 people risking their sorry lives for you. So better get our ass over to our side right now." Irina yanks my arm curling it around her supple hips.
"What are you--"
"We'll fly out of here."
"Jayr?…." It's Sam.
"Irina, can you give me a few minutes? I need to talk to Sam over here." I lean closer towards here. "It's something about the humans in their home planet. Maybe it's useful info."
I notice her eyebrows perking up.
"Oh yeah?" She inspects my face. After what seems like an eternity, she sighs, expressing that she concedes. "Okay, ten minutes. That's all I can give you. But I'll go with you. I don't want to lose you again."
"Sure. I'm sure Sam won't mind." I shyly unwrap my arms around her waist.
"That goblin is a Sam? Gross. I didn't know you had such a weird taste."
"Oh c'mon. I was just curious."
"Not a good thing, always," Irina says, stressing the last word, as we head towards the ever waiting Sam.
A door slides open in front of Sam. She waves a hand, telling us to go in first.
"I don't know, Jayr. This sure is suspicious," says Irina as we walk towards it.
"What can go wrong?" I assure her. I have Endra. He's super strong, I just know. I stare at the darkness inside the box, gulp then go in. Sam follows in and orbs shine at the ceiling.
"What a weird place," Irina comments. "Is this a tavern?"
"I guess?" I say minding the empty tables and seats. The barkeeper lurking out from a dark corner glances at us and grunts as if greeting its customers. It's a Zunbar, the MAD tells me. Their curling ivory tusk, and their troll-like appearance gives off a daunting presence.
"The bird has landed!" It hollers as it presses something on the wall and the door firmly slides shut.
"Sam?" I ask in puzzlement. 'What is--"
Sam leaps away. Her ears perk up stiff as a board. She smiles deviously. "Oh little Jayr. Didn't your momma tell you not to follow strangers? No hard feelings."
Marching steps rush down the stairs at one end of the Tavern's corner. Tall bulky Nytians appear. There's 3 of them.
Irina quickly shoves me behind her. "What in the seventh hell is this, Jayr?"
"I've been tricked. I should've known better… A Bayen can never be trusted. I guess it's the Nytian incident. They're here for revenge."
"Nytian incident? And you just realized it?"
"Those 3 are Nytians. And Sam is a Bayen. I indirectly had one Nytian killed. I-I didn't kno--"
"Two precious rocks we have here. Well, I didn't expect one more, but I guess it's for the better. You can kill them, but don't mess up their skins and heads too badly. That's my prize for the catch."
"You made your point. Now let's get this over with," a Nytian, who looks like their leader, says as it unsheathes a pale silver blade on two of its hands, the others mirror him. "For Pof!"
They charge with a rumbling growl.
"I don't understand one single fucking word you guys are saying, but all of you are messing with the wrong person," Irina says sharply, revealing her casual clothes as she takes off her costume. She produces a fire enveloping her fists and feet, and a number of fireballs appear, circling around her steadfast figure. She grabs my arm and leg, and hurls me towards a corner, a safe distance from the fight.
Fuck that hurts. I roll along the floor yelping in pain. "What the hell--"
"First, let me take care of this stinking goblin!" She charges towards Sam and punches straight at her neck. Sam darts to the left, but Irina has a kick ready for her.
"You--" Sam screams as she tumbles and crashes on a table. She shakily stands up, seemingly unfazed "You got some fight in there, ain't you!"
But Irina does not understand. She evades an incoming blade by leaping mid-air, and kicks at a Nytian's face. It teeters backwards grunting in pain. The Nytians despite their thundering blows and multiple arms are quite slow-- a fatal weakness.
"Get your eyes on that goblin you idiot," she shouts at me. "I have five of these insects to crush."
Turns out she was right. Sam lunges at me, and I quickly roll sideways, missing her sharp claws an inch.
"Sam, is there anything I can do for you to stop this?" I say, hoping to rather go through this peacefully.
"You should have said that to that dead Nytian. Pof was the gentlest Nytian I've ever seen!" She angrily hisses. Pure hatred is in her eyes, not even a pale hint of her former beam. "Now here we can fight to our heart's content. No guards to save your sorry ass!"
"You know it wasn't my fault!"
She charges at me again, this time faster. I leap away, half-flying, maintaining distance enough to evade her lightning pounces.
"What's wrong, little boy? Can't fight?" She charges again. Her claws brush by my shoulders. It bleeds, but I feel no pain. I thank the adrenaline; however, that split-second of inattention proves a fatal mistake for she pounces again, claws first-- aiming at my stomach. Shit, I can't react in time.
Luckily, Irina swoops in giving her the hardest kick at the neck with her flaming feet. I hear a loud crunching sound. Sam is sent flying towards the counter landing with a loud thump, her head disfigured. She lays there motionless.
"Argh." Irina wails as two blades pierce her stomach right at that moment she lets her guard down, but she pulls herself off and leaps at a safe distance evading three more strikes. She puts a hand on her bleeding stomach, pulls out a bottle from her pouch, and chugs it. It's a healing potion.
She gives me a quick peek. "Don't let me do everything, goddamit. Find a way for us to get out, I'll cover you."
"O-Okay!" I realize I’ve been gawking at her in amazement for a good portion of that few minutes. I rush towards the door and shakily pound it. But it did not open. I look around searching for a button or something.
"Hurry!" Irina yells. Her agile body seems unable to keep up with the barrage of blades striking at her, yet managing to prevent anyone from crossing over to me by hurling the crackling fiery orbs that floats around here at the other two, who are forced to defend themselves, and assaults the isolated target. A ingenious tactic against several opponents who only uses magic for strengthening and defense.
Calm down, Jayr. Think of a way. Irina can die any second from now. What did I first see when the door closed earlier? Tables, seats, counter, bartender. Yes. That's it. The button. He pushed a button!
I hurry towards the counter, leaping in flight. The towering Zunbar peers over me then towards the button on the wall right at his back. I stare at him pleadingly.
He grunts, and nods his head sideways. "Always love seeing a good fight in the shadows of Hiltrud. But it's not my policy to interfere….You go on."
The Zunbar takes a step aside, and I scramble towards the button and press it heartily.
The door opens. A gush of fresh air blows in.
I glance at Irina. Two still Nytian bodies lie among the rubbles of tables and seats, and a weird burning smell fills the air.
"You… Get your ass out!" She hollers, exhausted. "Run!"
I fly towards the door, in some ways getting a better hang of how flying works.
"What about you?" I say when I reach outside, glancing at Sam's body down the counter one last time.
"Go on first, I'll follow."
"No you don't!" The Nytian decide to ignore Irina and stampede towards me. A sword streak towards me point-first.
"Oh shit!" I leap towards the air, the blade missing the skin on my knees by a hair's breadth. With all the strength I can muster, I soar higher and higher until I feel it's the safest distance.
"So long suckers!" Irina shoots up in the air, but not before he can kick one right at the face, and rests at my side.
"Are you okay?" I ask, concerned. I inspect her from head to toe. She seems okay.
"When did you learn to fly?" She groans in pain.
"It's not the time for that," I float closer towards her, and check her stomach. She shoves me away.
"I'm okay…. Let's go."
I eye the Nytian below, its gaze transfixed at us. Fortunately, it can't fly an inch. It'd be disastrous ever if it can.
"You really have a knack for inviting trouble, ain't you Jayr?" She gives me a teasing nudge and glides away. I chase after her.
"Where are the others?" I call out.
"They're at the take-off platform on this floor. I signaled them I found you. A ship is waiting for us right at the gate."
"You've been here before?"
"No. When Detlef rescued me that time, I demanded answers. He told me all about it. Seems like this is enemy territory."
A light on my visual flickers. A hundred meters or so from exits and entrances are no-fly zones.
"We can't fly here. We need to walk. It's a no-fly zone."
I land on an alley and so did Irina. We rest, relieved that it was all over.
"Oh crap. I forgot the dress," Irina says.
"It's okay. No one will take you for someone strange and hostile. Just don't get too quirky, try to blend in…. And don't stare at anybody. That's experience talking right there."
She nods, perhaps well aware of what I'm talking about. "Alright. I'll trust you. You've been here longer."
"That's good. You were amazing earlier, by the way," I remark, genuinely impressed.
"Thanks," she replies. Thank god she's not being an ass-- yet. "So how was it?"
I shrug. "How was what?"
"Your vacation here, while I was out there putting my ass in danger." She smirks. There it goes. "I tell ya, it wasn't a bit easy."
"You just don't know what I've been through. It was horrifying and exciting at the same time. And best of all, I've even been given a level 3 citizenship here."
"Citizenship? And a level 3 at that? Wow. How'd you manage to get your hands on it?" She edges closer towards my face, curious as a puppy.
"Well, I-uh, I… It's given to me by the Keeper. Wait. I'm surprised you know about citizenship levels."
"Well, we were given a card before we entered the gate and the levels were posted right there. I have a base 1 card and so did the others too. We were told not to go to floors without Base 1 access and to avoid ending up in trouble with the higher level citizens. I only managed to climb to this floor with Detlef's help, but I don't know where he's off to right now. The clothing I had earlier is an invisibility item."
"Then you found me right at the get-go…"
"No, no, no, no. I told you. It was Detlef. He pinpointed me your current location from above then flew off somewhere."
"You see, that's pretty suspicious right there. This Detlef guy is mysterious. Maybe he had some inside help?"
Irina gently punches me at the stomach. "That's my brother you're talking about. He'd never betray his own people. If he's doing whatever or anything behind our knowledge, we always know it's for the best. So never ever doubt him. Let that also serve as a warning."
I scrutinize her face, gauging whether she is damn serious or not. She is.
Shit. I can't betray the Keeper and Endra. What if they'll find out that I'm trying to escape?
I know what I am supposed to do. It had been apparent since the beginning. I choose the human side. But I'm not willing to face the inevitable consequences if ever the Keeper and the might of Etrave would decide to take violent action. I'm not. But a decision had to be made, yet the wrong choice could mark the end of my candle or lose an opportunity. I think staying would be the righteous choice here. If whatever the Keeper said was true, then the more that I should be convinced to stay. Etrave might need me in the future. But what about home? Maybe once I have made my mark here I can request for a trip to Earth. This is the most viable option.
"Irina… I-I don't think I can really go with you guys," I say hesitantly.
She gives me a puzzled look. "Why not?"
"There's something important that I need to do here." I can't tell her about Endra or about the Keeper's proposal just yet.
"Are you kidding me? You'd rather stay with these monsters?" She silently screams at my face. "Yeah, that's it. I just wasted my time coming over here. I nearly died--"
"I'm really sorry. Totally. But I feel like I can't go. I'm a citizen here now, and the Keeper sort of needs me. And Endra…"
"Who the hell is Endra? That monster girlfriend you're fucking?"
"Irina… A flick of their finger could mean your death--"
"The death of who?" A well-modulated voice interrupts.
"Detlef!" Irina cries out in pure joy. "You've arrived."
A tall handsome man greets us. His suffocating commanding presence pushes me to cower a bit. But I fight back. I'm no servant nor a chicken.
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