《Otherworldly Magicians Return(indefinite Hiatus)》Chapter 1 : Waking Up (Revised)


“ “ (name) is normal conversation.

[ ] (name) is a person's thoughts.

(name) is conversation through device or telepathy.

"Nhng, what happened." (Lyle)

As he woke up Lyle suddenly felt an immense headache as if someone took his head and slammed it against the wall. As he tried to open his eyes a blinding light entered through his slightly open eyelids and he was forced to close them again.

This time, he slowly opened his eyes, learning from his last mistake, they slowly become accustomed to the light allowing him to see.

When he opened them and looked around, what he saw was dazzling. He was in a pure white room made out of stone the appeared to be giving off light. Near the wall, there were pillars, made of a slightly more grayish colored stone, it made a good contrast with the rest of the room. As he stood up he was able to notice that there was some type of mural on the ground. On the mural was a pure white owl like creature with three pairs of wings sprouting from the same spot on its back. It appeared to be radiating light like the sun and underneath that owl was a pair of white doves staring at each other.

While he was captivated by the mural he heard a noise and looked toward where it came from. There he saw his four friends lying on the ground seemingly unconscious. He moved towards the one closest to him and also the one who made the sound.

"Hey, Sal, wake up." (Lyle)

"Hnmmm, what happened, where are we!?" (Salvador)

As he was woken up by Lyle, Salvador got up and asked that with surprise after he noticed that they were in an unknown place. However, before Lyle could say anything, Marc and Elizabeth started to wake up.

After standing up and noticing that they were in an unknown place they started to panic a little. However, when the two noticed Salvador and Lyle standing slightly away from them the two moved in their direction.

"What is this place?" (Elizabeth)

"Hey, I'm just as confused as you all."(Lyle)

As Lyle and the twins were having a conversation Salvador moved toward where Lee was unconsciously laying.

As Salvador got closer to Lee he noticed that something was wrong with her. He ran up to her side and saw blood. He quickly turned her around and saw that she was bleeding from her head. He then screamed which attracted the other three that were standing not too far away.


When they looked towards the direction of the scream they saw Salvador crying while his hands were covering his head. Seeing this the three ran up to him and noticed what had happened to Lee.

"Liz!!! Help her she's bleeding so much!!!" (Salvador)

He screamed at Elizabeth who was a first-year pre-med student. Seeing her wound Elizabeth moved towards the two and kneeled near Lee and examined the injury.

"It's an open skull fracture, we have to get her to a hospital quickly otherwise, she'll bleed out" (Liz)

When they head her panic emerged in Salvador and her starts crying and screaming in even greater amounts. Elizabeth and Marc try to calm him down unsuccessfully. Lyle then looks are the room and notices a large golden colored door. Upon it was an engraving of the same owl and doves that were on the ground. He then turned around towards the other four.


Hearing Lyle who usually never raises his voice the other three were surprised and they became frozen. Seeing this Lyle continued.

"If we panic it will only waste time and her condition will only get worse. If we hurry, we can get her medical attention. Even if we can't we can try to see if that there is anyone here who can help us, there's a door over there so we can go through it." (Lyle)

"We don't know where we are. What if that leads to nowhere. What if there are people but they're not friendly?" (Elizabeth)

"It's a gamble, either she dies or we risk it! Also, eventually we'll have to go through the door to see where we are anyway." (Lyle)

Hearing Lyle's statement, the other three nodded and agreed. Then they stood up with Salvador carrying Lee in a princess style. The four then started running towards the door. When they were a little more than halfway towards it the door slammed open and a middle aged man walked in.

The middle-aged man started at us in surprise. He has golden blonde hair with multiple strands of gray and silver reaching his ears and his eyes were a light blue. His face was chiseled and he looked to be around 40 years of age. Overall one could say that he was very handsome.


The man was wearing a pure white robe with an insignia of an owl and doves over the heart that gave off a slightly golden light.

"Who are you all and how did you all get in here?" (Man)

As the man asked that a group of seven people came rushing. All of them wore the same white robe with a golden insignia, except their insignia did not give off light.

As the man started at them and moved his head across the group his gaze suddenly stops at Lyle for a moment but then he moved his gaze once again. Finally, it landed Lee who was in Salvador's embrace. Possibly after noticing her injuries he moved towards Salvador who was carrying her.

"Hand her over to me. I'm a doctor and I can help her." (Man)

As he put out his arms to take Lee from Salvador's embrace, Salvador moved back and embraced Lee closer to his body.

"How can we trust you, a complete stranger!? Where are we and who are you people!?" (Salvador)

"It's all right, everything will be explained to you soon enough and we help in any way possible. However, at the moment your friend needs help and we're the only ones who can help her." (Man)

Even when Salvador screamed at the man, the man remained calm and talked in a voice that seemed to magically sooth the person and lower anxiety.

While the man and Salvador were speaking Lyle looked around and noticed the faces of the group of seven behind the middle-aged man. He noticed that as the more Salvador screamed at the man the darker the faces of the group got., Lyle had a promotion that if this continued it would become truly dangerous, not just for Lee but also for them, so he spoke up.

"Sal, hurry up and give Lee to him. If he says he will help us and her, we should accept the assistance." (Lyle)

"What do you mean Lyle! We can't trust them, what if they are just trying to trick us!" (Marc)

At Marc's yelling, Lyle was not the one to respond but instead the middle-aged man.

"Do you have any other choice. You all are currently on our domain. If we wanted to harm you would I be speaking here with you all? With our numbers, we can easily overpower you." (Man)

"Also, if you continue to dilly dally your friend will be beyond saving, then what would you do. At the moment even if not completely, you all have to place your trust in us." (Man)

Hearing what the man said Salvador was still reluctant so Lyle had to give him one final push.

"Sal he's right. At this rate, Lee will die. Even if it's a little we have to place our trust in these people. Plus, they can just gang up on us like he said and we wouldn't be able to resist." (Lyle)

Upon hearing his friends statement, even though reluctant, Salvador still handed Lee to the middle-aged man, who in turn placed her gently on the floor.

"Where are your medical tools?" (Elizabeth)

Seeing that the man laid Lee on the floor and had no equipment to treat Lee, Elizabeth became a little skeptical of him being a doctor.

"I don't need any tools or equipment." (Man)

Hearing the man's response, all four of the friends turned slightly pale and started to doubt the man and tried to stop him but when they say the spectacle that came next they were stunned and wide-eyed.

The man waved his hand through the air and a gentle blue light enveloped Lee's head. When the light enveloped her wound one could see that it visibly started to close. When the fracture healed the man, possibly seeing that there was blood covering most of Lee's face and hair, waved his hand through the air once more and this time a big ball of water with a diameter of two meters formed in the air and it slowly fell poured on Lee's face washing away the blood.

After doing all this the man stood up and looked at the four whose mouth was agape and eyes wide. He smiled and spoke to them in a slightly excited tone.

"Greetings, other worlders, my name is Abednego, pope of the Church of Alva, goddess of light, I welcome you to the world of Alderaan." (Abednego)

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