《Otherworldly Magicians Return(indefinite Hiatus)》Chapter 0 : Prologue (Revised)


“ “ (name) is normal conversation.

[ ] (name) is a person's thoughts.

(name) is conversation through device or telepathy.

"Please Don't Go!!!." (???)

Currently on top of an altar that lies upon a large mountain, there is a swirling deep violet hole that is radiating pure energy in the form of purple lighting. In front of the altar is an absolutely breathtaking young woman who appears to be 16 years of age. Whether it be her face or body, while still having some immaturity, were perfect. One could tell when she matures there will be many suitors for her. Currently, this woman is clinging on to the arm of a young man wearing a bird mask who has one leg within the hole.

It was this woman who had yelled in a crying voice with tears running down her face. A little farther away from the two people is a group of others numbering around 10. The man wipes the tears on the woman's face and says.

"I have to, my mother and father are ill and they might pass away soon. I also can't leave my siblings alone." (Man)

"Please, I beg you don't go. It's true that they are sick but they have your siblings, plus you said that your siblings are older than you, they can take care of themselves." (Women)

"Lillian's right ‘Kaiser', please stay." (???)

One of the people within the group of people spoke and stepped up. He was a muscular man who looked to be around twenty years of age and had ten 6 inches(15 cm) horns protruding from his head resembling a crown.

"Amory(Ah-Mory) is right ‘Kaiser', you say you have family and sibling but didn't you say that you also considered us your family." (???)


This time, it was another man, but unlike the man with horn called Amory, this one was slimmer and had an androgynous face with two large fairy wing on his back.

"Lord Jeroham(G-Row-Ham), I do consider you all family and you all are truly dear to me, but…. " (Kaiser)

As he moved his gaze across all the people present he could see that some of the people he knew and truly cherished did not come and the people who did come all has tears in their eyes no matter their size or age.

".... I can't abandon them just yet. I am sorry. I wish you will all allow me this selfishness." (Kaiser)

Upon saying that the man removed his mask and moved his head closer to the women clinging onto his arm. He then whispered in a sad voice which was full of regret while tears started streaming down his cheeks.

"I am truly sorry. Please tell the others that as well." (Kaiser)

After saying that he kissed the young women on the lips and gently pushed her away and even though it was gentle she was sent slowly flying through the air only to be caught by a middle-aged man standing within the group.

He then stepped through the swirling hole which closed behind him all while ignoring the screaming and pleading of the women named Lillian.

" Damn! Damn! DAMN!, I've messed up the coordinates at this rate I won't be able to reach home." (Kaiser)

Currently, Kaiser was traveling through a long violet tunnel that gave off purple lighting. This was where the hole lead, which in truth was the entrance to an interdimensional tunnel.

"At this rate, I won't be able to keep the tunnel open and I'll be eradicated within this chaos." (Kaiser)


As he said that the dimensional tunnel started to destabilize.

"Damn, it's too early what happened." (Kaiser)

As he had said that he started to hear cracking noises. However, even if the tunnel was destabilizing it was impossible for it to shatter. Then what was it?

[Crap my core!!!] (Kaiser]

As he said that he used his senses to check the status of his core and sure enough, there were cracks in it.

"That explains the destabilization, my core will shatter at this rate and I'll perish." (Kaiser)

However before his core shattered the tunnel started to tear.

[This is bad I have to escape!] (Kaiser)

Right when he had thought, an explosion of energy happened within the tunnel and Kaiser, who was near it, lost conciseness.

"They're late" (???)

A male spoke with annoyance in his voice. Possibly being annoyed by this the youth standing next to him replied in a slightly irritated voice.

"Oh stop complaining, we said to meet up at 3:00 in front of the main entrance of the school. It's not even 2:45 yet." (Male 2)

Following up on this a girl spoke.

"Yea, and remember that they live farther away from the school than us so it will take them longer." (Girl)

"I know that but it's the 20th and today was the last day of school and I don't want to wait. Plus it is over 87° F(30.56° C), it's damn hot!" (Male 1)

"Well if you take off that mask of your's you won't be as hot. Why are you even wearing that thing today anyway." (Male 2)

"Well, it's because …" (Male 1)

"They're here! Marccc! Elizabethhh!" (Girl)

The girl cut off the boy and yelled while pointing at a certain direction where two people were running towards them. A girl with black hair and blue eyes and a boy with blonde hair and green eyes. The two shared similar facial features showing that they were siblings, which they were for they were twins. As they were running towards the 3 the girl raised her arm and waved. She then yelled from a distance.

"Lyle, Salvador, Lee, sorry we're late." (Elizabeth)

"Yea, you are la…" (Lyle)

Cutting him off was the male youth standing next to him, Salvador.

"You're not late, you're actually early, Lyle, stop it." (Salvador)

"Chee, You're no fun, Sal. Well anyway, Marc, Liza you guys have been making me wait in this hot weather for so long, how are you going to make up for it." (Lyle)

The blonde hair green eyed boy responded while rolling his eyes.

"Wait so long, haha, you probably been outside for less than 10 minutes. Also, who told you to wear a mask when it's hot outside, take it off." (Marc)

"Wearing a mask does not make a person feel hot." (Lyle)

"It depends on the person." (Elizabeth)

While the group was having their senseless discussion lightning struck and thunder sounded. Hearing this the group looked up and saw swirling storm clouds forming.

"Was it supposed to rain today?" (Elizabeth)

"No, it wasn't. Plus storm clouds don't look so…...unnatural." (Lyle)

"Should we cancel the outing and just head to my house." (Salvador)

To Salvador's proposition, the other nodded and when they were about to head to his home when the ground shook violently.

"EARTHQUAKE!!!!!" (Marc)



However before any of them could move, the ground below them collapsed and the group of five fell into a newly formed sinkhole.

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