《The Legion》Chapter 4 - #0095c2


I awake to a deep chill and a dark room. The fire seems to have burnt itself out for some time. I can't tell if the room is cold, or if it's just my severe blood loss to blame.

"Are you still there?" I croak out with my new, strange voice.

The room just sits in silence.

"Guess not..." I responded to the room.

The silence still just sits there. As if it was in on this very very bad joke from the beginning.

Looking around out seems to be a very simple home. Looks like it hasn't been cleaned for years. Garbage seems to have naturally gathered in the corners. The walls are missing paint. The windows missing bits of glass. The bed seems to have been long since dragged into the centre of the room, and the floor worn with the laboured attempt.

The smell of metal, must, and an earthy mold permeate the space.

My headache is subsiding. Time to try walking.

I move my foot and paralyzing pain shoots up my foot and into my ankle.

I look down.

I sigh.

God Dammit.

The knife is in my foot now. It must have landed there when it fell from my neck.

Tired and without any energy left, I collect the tattered bandages, or whatever that lady called them, and proceed to tightly wrap them around my foot. Too tight to be comfortable, but at this point I must only have a few drops of blood in me before I die.

Removing the knife wasn't bad, it was putting the bandages and pressure on that hurt. Once the wound was cleaned up, I spent the last of my energy by dragging myself to the bed, and collapsed.

Ugggh, my headache is starting to come back, as well as the howling voices.


I play over the events of the last… 600 years in my head. My previous life seemed so distant... something so inconsequential. There was no point in trying hard, working towards some kind goal. There are no rewards in the afterlife, no moral or karmic retribution, just whether you enjoyed doing what you did while you are alive. Even then, there are no real winners as it’s either being reborn with no memory of yourself, or being destroyed and made into… some kind of building block for a universe... or some sort of nonsense.

It feels like highschool and university all over again. No real idea of what I want to do, just an overwhelming sense of pressure to make the right decision for my future.

What should I do? I don’t know anyone here, I am in pain, kinda hungry, and absolutely miserable. My previous life had no joy and the god in charge ended up making me suffer over there. I had talents that were never recognized, and everything always fell away to some popularity contest. My world was unfair. The afterlife was unfair.

The voices that were always droning on have gone eerily silent. There is just a sound of rustling coming from a light breeze passing through a broken window. Minutes pass by as I sit in my despair.

A thought flutters through my mind and I instantly recognize it as my immediate goal. My mouth salivates, and I can feel excitement reach into my very core.

I will punish that god that put me here. I will make him suffer. I will become a menace in this world. I will make this world’s god take note of me, show him that my presence is an aberration on his world, that I am not from here. As long as I am not just smited or anything like that, I will rat out that miserable god so he can be punished. If that won’t happen or justice won’t be met, I will take it upon my own being.



The forreign, yet all too familiar noise pierces through the silence, distracting my thoughts. What the hell is that sound?

A blue square pops up in front of my face, as if responding to my thoughts. Slightly transparent, but interrupting the dark lines of the hewn roof I had been staring at for the last 30 minutes. White text fills in the majority of the square.


Ding Sound is enabled by default on: Skill Acquired, Level Up, etc.. Would you like to disable it?

>Disable Sound >Leave Sound Enabled

… What the hell is this?

Another window pops up.


Status Windows occur on any updates/alerts/etc. You currently have (623) windows open. By default, all automatic status windows appear in the peripheral vision.

>Close all Status Windows >Disable Status Windows

623 windows? What does that mean?

I look around and realize the blue hue in my peripheral is still present from while I was dead. Focusing my attention to my peripheral bings up hundreds of squares all at once, completely blocking off my vision.

A harsh blue light is all I can see. I focus on the top windows, which seems to be the most recent of them. I can make out two of them, the rest are overlapping and cut off.

Destiny Chosen

God Slayer path has been chosen. Reconfiguring System to meet requirements. You have (623) windows currently open. All windows will be closed. Would you like to close all windows now?

>Yes >No

Skill Acquired

Minor First Aid, combined Cauterize and Bandage under new skill

….Looks Like I have a lot of reading to do.

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