《My never ending cycle of Life and Death》C-1 Chapter 1 : Genius General


"So you really are a brat huh..."

"One of 5 Great General of Xierz Empire, Furnield Dercos! I shall accept your challenge of Duel!"

In the battlefield that still reek of Blood and Gore, everyone at that time, no matter what they do, whether it is enemy nor ally. They're all stop, an encircled the 2 of them, one is a stout and big man, with 2 meters high while the other is a juvenille kid in his teens. Stood face to face.

"Hahaha! Losing or Winning the answer is the result of our Duel! O Genius General of Certain Death! Come!"

"What a lousy naming sense!"

With that, the teens let out his dual wielding of dual swords in his hands, and point it to the stout man, while the stout men Brandishing his giant great sword, that with a swing a squad of men will be annihilated.

In the history of War, in the Xierz Empire, there stood 5 Great General that always give glory to the Empire. They're all a man that stood as the guardian deity of Xierz Empire. All of them, alone could destroy a regiment of novice soldier. One should know first that a regiment, even if they're all just a novicec soldier, consist of 10.000 men. And, that is not a small number at all... Of course, in a direct battle, the 5 Great General have no chance of winning. However, by experience alone, they could dominate them all.

While the teens in front of him being Called Genius, he's still have too little of Experience against Dercos.

"Come Brat!"

"In the name of Vi Zhield's family! I shall move forward and win this battle, and once again bring Glory to my Kingdom!"

The Kingdom of Riezet, a Kingdom that have a bountiful land, and plentiful enough to accomodate their 3.4 million of citizen. Is being invaded against the Xierz Empire, to expand their Size, and realize the word 'empire' in their Xierz Empire.

The teens move fast, and in several second, he blitz through more than 10 meters of his and the Decros's Distances. At the same time the sword pointed to Decros, the great sword in Decros hand waltzing like a feather and block the attack, not just once, it's thrice!.


In just but a moment of attack the Genius General teens, give 2 stab and 1 slash to Decros, at the same time Decros block those 2 stab and 1 slash with his Giant Great Sword, that weighted more than 170 Kg and more than 2 meter tall like a short sword.

The battle continues, and the adrenaline of those 2 Increase by the time goes up, while the soldiers who watch the Duel takes on, having their mind goes blank. 'Is they really a human?!' is most of the though, while the senior soldiers mesmerized by the Duel, the novices get their hope flared. Whether it's the enemy nor the ally, all of them wish for their general to win.

In their attack and parry, Decros always being pushed, while the teens using all his attack whole heartedly, and try to end the battle as soon as possible, However...

"You are too hasty Brat!"

That hastiness is a miss, and give Decros a chance to retaliate. With a vertical slash, Decros's attack knock the teens to slide in the ground leaving a 2 meter long trail until he stop.

Then, the teens crouch while still holding the swords. Not long after, he dash off, attacking Decros again at full frontal high speed. They clash again, the Clash been so loud that the soldiers blood boil in ecstasy!

"General Decros!"

"General Zhield!"

Lynn Vi Zhield, 15 years old teenage that get a nickname of Genius General, in a defensive battle against the invasion of Xierz Empire. He was born in a Duke household, and being in care of their parent until he reach the age of 7, he set himself to the battlefield... that is Warzone!

The battle between Lynn and Decros, still continue. Each slash Decros brandished make a crack in Lynn's sword, and each stab and slash combo Lynn give push Decros's stamina and strength away.

Each parry they make, will followed by the soldiers Cheer. By the time the crack in his sword getting longer, Lynn combined the bottom of his sword's handle. Magically, the sword combined like a pole with each end has a blade in it.

"So it is the Legendary Double sword of yours Brat!"


"Yes, and see this technique of mine kill you!"

Again, Lynn dashed while swinging his double sword like a windmill so fast that the grass below being chopped by him. By the time he reach Decros position, he swing it up so fast that the 170+ kg Great sword almost thrown from Decros's hand.

Unfortunatley, even if the Great sword not blown away from his hand. It still numb his hand, and with another impact...

'Is this Brat... yes... he really is a monster!'

Break! The Great sword isn't the one that break! Lynn's double sword is!

"Kuahahaha! Even though you're monstrous but your weapon are not!"

Hearing that, Lynn gave him a disdain smile. And with that negligence... Decros's life end there...

"How foolish you are... Furnield Decros, O the great general of Xierz Empire..."

*Splurt* *Splurt*

With that one, and only one negligence. Decros have a very large and deep slash wound in his big and stout upper body of his... Still... Even so...

"Guahahaha! Amazing! So there's a hidden blade inside of your sword! I feel very wronged... but I accept my defeat!"

He could still talk.

"... Even with that big Injury you could still talk. I am being amazed by your life force oldman..."

"HAHAHAH! With this! you will no longer afraid of Xierz Empire's 5 Great General anymore! *Puke*"

Say Decros While puke blood.

"Yes... as of you are the last of them..."

"And all of them are dead in your hands Brat... no.. Lynn Vi Zhield..."

Lynn's first debut as a Strategist at the age of 10 and bringing Victory to the Kingdom, he thus became a child prodigy in the battlefield. Even his father, Reynold Vi Zhield in awe of his son's knowledge in strategy. However, no matter what he still his father, and the conflicting feeling of letting his son go to battlefield, and letting his homeland being invaded by others force conflicting so much...

However, while he's being in distress... His Son at the age of 10, able to defeat 1 of the 5 Great General in battle of Strategy and make that general lose his life, and by the time he's in the age of 13, 3 has die in his battle of strategy...

In the age of 15, He once again triumph in the battle field, and won by battle of wit against the other general... Leaving Decros as the last great general of Xierz Empire. However, between all of them. Decros is the smartest and the Strongest of them all...

Unfortunately, his late coming make Lynn growth more outstanding. And by the time he battle against Lynn in strategy.. He lost... and to end this battle, and overturn his lost, he initiate Duel against Lynn... It is a shameful act, even for him... But, he never though that Lynn will accept the Duel... and resulting him, to this situation he's in right now.

By now, Decros already losing his steady composure and dropped to the ground.

"Furnield Decros the number 1 of the Great general has die! Leave now or receive your annihilation!"

With that shout, Xierz army's that in grief come to their senses and run as fas as they could to go back to their camp, some removing their sword to make themself faster, and many more even removing his armor and helmet to increase their speed.

"Cough cough..."

The should be dead Decros still in his last breath cough.

"So you still alive huh..."

"Cough... ha ha ha... how unfortunate... because of that Emperor's stupidity, we've gave birth... no.. let the Riezet Kingdom gave birth to a monster... cough... now... Xierz will no longer be... cough..."

"Fret not Oldman, at least for now... I've got no intention to invade your country."

"At least for now.. cough... huh..."

"Yeah... so just die already..."

"Heh... I will see u again in Hell bra...t"

"Ah... after a very very long time though..."

With that as his last word.... Decros die in the hand of the teens, and Xierz Empire total defeat against Riezet Kingdom soar in the continent at the same time inform the other countries about the Genius General of Riezet Kingdom. At the same time, the birth of a monster that excel in strategy and battlefield...

Lynn Vi Zhield...

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