《Mortal God》Chapter 5 : Leoness Kingdom's Capital (2)
Before enrolling he need to fill the stomach.The problem is that all the money that his father has for his self-support and registration fee has been exhausted.
"I have not eaten all day, this is all the wrong that sucker old man who spends all many to subscribe to prostitutes every day when we see or hear a rumor about brothel also he spend a money, a money we found, money in the box of a pirate chief to buy expensive horse cart. Fuck that is ten golds horse cart, so wasteful"
Behind Zhang Bai, there is a chariot which is the white horse.This horse cart was chosen by Lin Yan, he says "vehicles are men pride so want women must have an expensive vehicle first"truth be told, he wants to tell every brothel' s owner he is riches man so they give the best service.
Zhang Bai look at his horse carriage
"Status' No name (horse carriage) ( male first-mutation white horse) (three years old) (LV.0)
Hitpoint : 21
Damage : 2.1
Mana : 23.5
Strenght : 2.1
Agility : 3.2 (1.6)
Intelligent : 0.7
Spirit : 2.35
-white horse runner arts LV8 (+0.4 ag) (+120% movement speed) (trash)
-basic phase speed arts LV12 (+1.2ag) (+230% movement speed) (normal) "Although it can attract women, it has problem, this horse only eat an expensive horse food, I do not have money to buy my food why must buy expensive horse food for this fucking horse. If I sell, maybe I get five or six golds at most it enough for me to live five or six months in the capital, but for school fee and lodging fees, it not enough. Let me sell "he look at sword given by his father. Yin Sword (high)
Damage : 2.2
Durability (19/200) (almost broken)
+1 str , +0.5ag ,+1 sp 'high-class sword..how much can I earn from the sale of the sword?'
Then, Zhang Start moving to find a horse carriage store to sell his horse carriage. The result of the intelligence and trade knowledge that his father dwindles, he managed to raise the horse price from six golds to six golds and one bronze.
"Hahaha..so easy to cheating in trading, father" Zhang Bai lough for the result of more one bronze of the trade.
'hahaha...what a stupid young man, first-mutation white horses are the lowest prices in the market is eleven golds, what a lucky day' think of the store owner because he cheating skill.
After being happy with the profitable trading results, Zhang Bai searches a dining store to fill the stomach.
After two minutes walking, Zhang Bai could see a simple restaurant but a lot of customers.
'many customers must be good food'
In front of the entrance he could see the signboard'flowing water restaurant'then he goes to the empty table and beside a wall.A half-human approached Zhang Bai, she was a waiter.
"Master, welcome to flowing water restaurant, please select food from this menu book" she gives a picture book to Zhang Bai
"Thank you beauty, what your name?"
"Lily what a beautiful name perfect for your beauty"
"Okay, please tell me, what a special menu at this restaurant?"
"Owh...special menu master?.today special menu was fried heavenly crab and strawberry parfait, it popular amongst noble." Answer Lily with happiness.
He sees special menu prices in menu book
' Fuck very expensive it three golds and five silver.only fool want this'.
"Okay...okay Lily give me special.., plain water and normal bread"Zhang Bai answer quietly without shame.
After she hears Zhang Bai order, she wants vomit and kicks Zhang Bai shameless face.
"Okay..plain water and bread.master" she hurries out from where she was afraid she could not stand to kick Zhang Bai face.
After Lily go, Zhang Bai seeing around restaurant to see who fucking fool to order special menu,he can see more than ten fool customers and also saw the old women cry because she was kicked by a boy, from appear age around twelve or thirteen, around him there were three boy who that boy peers.
"Fuck what to do with the restaurant owner..why he does not kick out this old woman begging from the restaurant.
"You bitch, you bitch half-human get me restaurant owner or manager," he told to Lily with angry.
"O..okay" Lily hurry up to the kitchen where a manager is.
In the kitchen, Lily told the incident that happened at the dining place to the manager.
"I not going out," said managers
"But he count's son"
"You go out and say to that boy I not in restaurant now"
"But what happens is he know I lied, I don't want to kick like beggar"
"It okay, because he's wrong, this restaurant allowed anyone to enter, to hang out, to sleep or to beg..hahaha what fucking rule.."
"Okay," then she out of kitchen headed to that boy.
"Sorry managers already going out to bought the grocer and the restaurant owner I never see him"
"Fuck you bitch" this boy wants to slap Lily face, but the boy's hand is held by someone before it touches Lily face.
"Release my hand...I want to slap this bitch!!!"
"Fuck you!!!, you won't die, you know who I am"
"Bro I hope you can release young master Tan hand, he is a count Lin Za's son Lin Tan," said boy behind Lin Tan.
"Hahaha..are you afraid now..hahaha who I, I am count son so I can do anything I like, here.. Hurry up release my hand if you don't want to die"
The man who holds Lin Tan hand, of cause Zhang Bai, he pitied with Lily who takes his order menu, and pity with old better fate.
"Hahaha..Lin Tan, the count's son, hahaha. .if Lin Za here if I want Lin Za to kneel to me, he wants..you know..hahaha.what more you are his son"
"Fuck ..who are you dare say this way to nobles like my father"
"Hahaha I only one of the customers this restaurant"
"Fuck only commoner"
"Sorry, I also own this simple restaurant, this first time I come to my restaurant to take look my restaurant"
"Lily are you alright"
"...." Froze Lily because surprised, the man with the handsome face who only order plain water and normal bread is her employer.
"..." also all customers in restaurant surprised, the man who apparently poor, was the mysterious restaurant owner.They can't wait to go home to brag about this.
"Okay kid, you dare to break my restaurant rules"
"What rules, I never break?"
"Fuck you are you blind, look the wall behind you, can you see the restaurant rules," " crown prince afraid to break my restaurant rules, who are you..you only little count 's son." " Lucky today I in the happy mood, I give you four opportunity to pay off due to my restaurant loss today, ..hahaha..if I bad mood..now you only dead body..hahaha.or I only ask Leoness Royal Military School's principal to discard you from school..so what do you do?"
"Do not...please do not..we ...we pay off" Lin Tan starts giving one hundred and fifty golds and five golds and seventy-two silver for food fee.
"Okay..okay..fine I take the money..don't worry I take it..do from now, I don't want to see your face in my restaurant," said Zhang Bai while counting his money.
After seeing Lin Tan and the gang out from restaurant Zhang Bai feel release and a sense a greatness with is acting talent.
"Are you okay Lily, with your attitude of responsibility, from today I am appointing you as assistant manager" when Lily hear about can be assistant manager she feeling very happy and other waiters jealousy with Lily.
Zhang Bai helps old beggar to stand up "aunt take this also Lily tell the manager that every time this aunt come give she a free food" Zhang bai give two silver to an aunt.
"Thank you child"
'fuck, only two silvers you give me...so stingy..you get from count's son more than one hundred golds'
Zhang Bai can see in his table have bread and plain water, he quickly drinks plain water, take a bread and walk out from there.
After he far away from the restaurant he starts rest and eats bread.
"Hahaha...I am the wisest man...now I am rich so I promise I don't go there again...hahaha..but maybe this is not enough for school fees... Fuck why I did not ask for all gold from them..Had to sell this sword.
In the restaurant, seeing the joy in face of Lily, the manager was not willing to tell her the man was the impostor, also she wrong because did not stop that impostor acting because she froze with that man shameless acts.
'this is first time I see a man who is so shamelessly disguised as a restaurant owner to eating free, fuck plain water free and bread one bronze..why no pay..also he taking food fee from customers, raising someone' rank at will and the most extreme he dare rob count's son and Leoness Royal Military School's student in capital'
Zhang Bai can see shop selling and smithing weapon named'Dead of Blacksmith'
"what a fucking name"
Outside shop Zhang Bai can see many weapons in the exhibition. Florios blade (normal)
Damage : 1.2
Durability : (80/82)
+1.1ag "It normal class blade, ..price 38 purple golds fuck so expensively..." Iron dagger (super trash)
Damage : 0.2
Durability : (9/10) "Even super trash dagger sale at 10 silver "
"If normal class blade price 38 purple golds, my high-class sword highest price more than 50 purple golds almost"
'50 purple golds are 500 golds hahaha..I rich..hahaha'
The sound of hammering entered Zhang Bai ears, and he suddenly woke up from his daydream, hurriedly going inside with a huge stride.
Upon entering inside, Zhang Bai discovered a long-bearded, old and small stature blacksmith with a hummer in one hand a metal plate in the other, currently vigorously pounding away, those sturdy looking muscles in small stature body made Zhang Bai jump in surprise.
'Strong definitely very strong..this was totally humanoid monster in small stature'
Realizing someone had entered the blacksmith looked towards Zhang Bai body.
"Are you here want to be my apprentice, with your body like you, I can't accept, your body not sturdy enough, but it okay today your lucky day, I give you chance"the blacksmith put down the hummer and stepped aside " if you can lift this hummer."
"Sorry I here not ...."
"What you..you don't want to be my apprentice, me the grandmaster blacksmith are you fool"
"You must be my apprentice"
Zhang Bai starts feeling angry with the blacksmith who forced him to become apprentice blacksmith.
"Fuck. You, who fucking fool want to be your apprentice look at yourself, you are fucking dirty old man"
"My age is just ten years old...l..l want kill you" then he pounded Zhang Bai's stomach until he fell and kicked it strongly.
"Ahm..stop..ahhua"Zhang Bai start vomiting a blood.
After seeing Zhang Bai vomiting, the blacksmith stop kicking Zhang Bai "once again I hear you say I'm the dirty old man I kill you!!" He starts feeling sorry for Zhang Bai, he easy to heat.
As a former Immortal God he knows the intricacies of the human body and the way to treat it, so he uses the technique to remove blood from his mouth because he knows his body resistant can endurant.He also knows the blacksmith in heat so he tries cool down with the injury.
"A..ah or.sorry next time I don't call you..what .."
"..ahh..yeah I forget"
" fuck, dirty old man"
"Yeah..yeah..owh..you dirty old man"
"Now I can remember..you dirty old man.""ahh..sorry..I sorry..I don't call you dirty old man again", sincerely apologize and he tries to check blacksmith status. TGIH RANU (male dwarf) (10 years old) (LV.0)
Hitpoint : 66
Damage : 6.6
Mana : 21
Strength : 2.7 (3.9)
Agility : 0.12
Intelligent : 0.56
Spirit : 2.1
-basic smith LV18 (0.9str) (trash)
-master blacksmth arts LVmax (3str)
-saints'hand (saints) "I..I want..no..I just want to sell this sword...it's my family ancestor sword, I forced to sell, I need 55 purple golds as soon as possible for my mother's medicine..I don't want she die..huhuhu.."
"This"Tigh Ranu surprised by this sword.
"This .. high-class sword...hahaha in my father shop only have one high class it so rare in the Leoness Kingdom. Despite its resilience reduced its lowest price is 50 purple golds..but the friend for you kindness for your mother I am touched. For you, I give 60 purple golds 5 purple from it for your mother you can buy dress or good food for her" speak sadness with's Zhang Bai situation
"Oh..thank you..ahh you are the greatest grandmaster blacksmith in the world" try to bootlicks Tigh Ranu.
"Also..can...can you smith dummy for this sword, I don't want my mother know because she I selling ancestor sword"
"Yes...I can give me five...no two minutes", he starts looking for tools to create a sword like Zhang Bai and he starts smithed.
After two minutes later, Zhang Bai can see a sword that resembles a lot his sword.
"This your new sword, I give you for free and take this purple golds for the fee you sword" he gives a sword in the case and 60 purple golds.
"What your name..friend"
"..I..my name Lin Tan."
"Lin Tan?"
"You..you Lin Tan count's son..ahh you lied..I kill you"
"Please don't kill me..I know you must know my father's temperament, when my mother sick he started to force my mother out from the house because she can't be used..Huhuhu. .I start to give my mother justice but my father...huhuhu."Zhang Bai starts crying.
"Okay...I am sorry,, okay don't worry from nom if you want weapon, you come here I get my father to give you 20% discount and from now my father'shop doesn't receive subscribers from that bitch count Lin house"
"Thank you"
Zhang Bai gets out of the shop happily.
'time for school'
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In the mids of industrialization, Liana, a girl of almost twelve, awakens her flow and follows her newly awakened calling, the ocean, and thus the path of the last remaining god. With the advent of industry, one's status and the accompanying skills slowly grow to be secondary as people choose more recreational skills and classes. The clear exception are flow bringers. Humans with an increased affinity towards flow and attunements are the only real remnants of the age of gods and mysticism. Terrors on the battlefield, saints in hospitals, saviours during drought, are just some examples of the wonderous abilities they display. As civilization grows less dangerous so does the stress that is often associated with the awakening of the flow reduce and only the real talents remain. Please be aware that this is a first draft at best. Tag/Genre analysis: Action: A theme that will appear in the story at some point (probably 15+ chapters in) Adventure: Yes Fantasy: Yes Magic, Beasts, and other fantastical elements are totally at home here. Tragedy: Life is not always fun. For what is fun when there are no downsides. I don't know how heavily I am going to lean into this genre. I want to but don't expect too much. Loop: Yes, though I will not divulge anything else. Just be aware that there isn't nearly as much looping as in MoL for example. Female Lead: Yes, Liana is female. Dungeon: Yes, there are dungeons. Yes, they will get explored. LitRPG: Yes, read the first chapter if you want an example. Magic: most definitely because who doesn't like calling lighting down from the heavens. (Disclaimer: No actual lightning will be called down from the heavens) Mythos: There are gods. So maybe, I don't know if that is enough to qualify? Progression: yes Slice of Life: There is plot, and the story will mostly be about that plot, but there will also be downtime because there can't always be action. The first "loop" especially the first 20-30 chapters will be heavily SoL. And afterward there will be a lot less. Profanity: The ocean (see title) includes sailors and we all know how the stereotypical sailor is. Gore: Hmmm, some but I will have it be not graphic at all.
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