《Untainted Lands》Belia 2.1


Chapter 20

Belia 2.1

Belia was looking over at the whole castle through her balcony, deep in thought while feeling the cold harsh winds of the north. She wrapped her mink fur coat more tightly around her and she looked at the Hour Glass that was filled with sprinkling blue dust on the sixth tube. That would mean that the sixth hour of the afternoon has gone by and night already swallow the valley.

Cyrus hasn't come by since the eleventh Hour of the Morning Glass. By now he should have already come, she wanted to talk to him and tell him some good news but it seems he disappear somewhere. At first she thought that he was with the princess because both of them have disappeared from the castle at the same time but the princess came back at the end of the second Hour of the Afternoon.

Belia have some dislike towards her... But she didn't even know why. It was a sense of natural rejection, maybe because she's more beautiful, maybe because she's stronger, maybe is because she's from the royal family. This sense of distant brought her displeasure every time anyone praise her in front of her. Maybe it was jealousy born from her talent.

Belia lifted her palm and a Dark Blue power swirls around her palm. That power look like the state of the Aura of Reality but she knew it wasn't. It was something else, something that was born from the deepest part of her blood. The necklace coming around her neck shimmer in a pale blue light that quickly suppress the power swirling in her hand.

Little did she know that this necklace would help her in hiding these powers. It was all thanks to the fairy creatures that live in the Black Forest that help her in finding this crystal stone.

The night sky was clear of any heavy clouds and the light of the two moons cover the whole valley. She could still hear the roar and sheers coming from the Martial Field and the soft muffled sounds of their clashing fists and weapons. Since little she has never seen Valleyfall so lively. The men weren't in the whore house entertaining themselves with women and alcohol.

They weren't searching the Weed of the Snake to smoke in their houses. They all spend the day sparring with the hundreds of Royal Guards and Royal Knights. It was a first for Belia to feel her home vibrating with excitement.


The door was knocked and Belia enter the warmth of her room and answer. "Come in." The door open and a servant girl came in. She bow towards Belia and said, "Milady the accident in the fourth district has been clean." Belia nodded and sat down in a chair in deep thought. What happened today in the fourth district brought her uneasiness.

A bloody massacre happen In a house on the west district. Eight bodies were mutilated in a gruesome manner. Their bodies were dismember and even a Master was ripped apart. It was as if this was the work of a vicious beasts, but that should be impossible, right?

It was say that the beasts of the Black Forest fear Castlely Ash and don't dare to step into the valley. No one in the Ashcold household knows why is that the case. Some say that in time long past the castle black oily stones were actually filled with magical properties. To this day no such prof has ever been confirmed because of the simple fact that beasts who are tame by the Master of Valleyfall generally enter into the valley with no problem or reaction whatsoever.


These beasts don't reject the entry and calmly walk into the valley with their new owners. But even with that, beasts in the Black Forest still don't dare to come closer to the valley for some unknown reason. They stay as far as five miles away from the valley surroundings, leaving a perfect area for outpost towers to settle around.

"The Master name was Feharg of House Freeckel." The servant girl spoke again bringing Belia from her thoughts. A Noble? This would become tricky as the Nobles would demand answers for one of their House Master deaths.

"What has my Lord father say?" The servant girl answer her, "he is now in a meeting with the King and the Lord Commander. Your lady mother is also accompanying him." She figure much, especially with the arrival of Lord Commander Robert Eastling, she realize that his arrival would be for an important discussion.

"And nanny? Is she in the know of this?" The maid shook her head and said, "nanny Marilee has been closed off in her room and hasn't come out. We already sent food to her room and she asked us to tell the lords of the castle that she was feeling tired today and would like to spend some time resting." Is she hurt? Belia thought that but later shook her head. Nanny Marilee is a strong old woman who have even taken care of Belia grandfather when he was young.

She doesn't show it but Belia knew that Nanny Marilee is a strong combatant. She must be cultivating her state of mind as the older ones gets the more important the state of mind becomes. "And my brothers must be in the Martial Field right?" The maid nodded and Belia couldn't help but snort at them. "Where is Faust?" The maid thought for a moment and said, "the last time we have seen him was before evening. Since then we haven't seen him again."

Belia furrowed her brows pulling a strand of hair behind her ear. Standing up, she walked out of her room. Everything was dumped on her head it seems, she had to take care of it alone. "What have the Freeckel say about this incident." Belia start. Walking through the dark corridors of the third floor Belia could hear the sound of the whistling winds from the half open glass windows. "Nothing for now Milady. Mostly because of the presence of the king but they didn't make any sound."

Belia figure much, if the king weren't here they would have already clamor to the steps of the castle. She dismissed the maid and walk alone through the dark corridor.

The open windows line both sides of the corridor and flicker the illuminating candles on the walls. The cold breeze that seep through the gaps of the open windows, and the warmth of the blue carpet below brought a sense of balance towards the dark, black stone walls that look sleek and oily.

She reaches the spiral staircase that went down towards the first floor and slowly reach the first hall. Right now the castle was empty and only some older servants could be seen here and there always making sure the castle was tidy and organized.

After stepping out of the castle doors she got a scare because she found Cassandra just stepping up from the steps. They both yelp and quickly took a step back. Cassandra regain her calm face faster than Belia and reach the top step with a single small jump.

Standing in front of her Cassandra said with a wary, but charming smile. "So sorry for scaring you now, I was absent minded and climbed the steps too quickly." Belia quickly shook her head and said to her, "it was me who should be saying sorry. I obstructed a royal from entering." At the moment those words left Belia mouth she saw the smile on Cassandra face curl down.


Belia voice wasn't filled with the sincerest condolences but with distaste and condescension. Looking at her face Belia wanted to say more but she stood with her mouth shut. She was the royal princess of the seven kingdoms and one of the most powerful Woman in the continent. She could snap her neck in a second and that was something that she couldn't stop, not even if her whole family wanted to protect her.

The difference between them was huge, so much that it brought a sense of stifling pressure towards her chest. Even though her smile was apologetic, the tone of her voice couldn't escape such being senses. As such the displeasure she was now showing in her face reflects clearly in Belia eyes.

Cassandra quickly chuckle at her and ask, "is my Cyrus inside yet?" My Cyrus? Now it was Belia mouth that curl down in displeasure. What did she mean by that?

Taking a deep breath she spoke towards Cassandra with a serious tone, "your Royal Highness, please don't joke like that. My little brother is not home now, he must be on his way soon as his medicine is supposed to be taken around this time." Cassandra eyebrows rose in surprise and she ask, "medicine? He never told me that he was sick." Belia didn't say anything about that and only spoke, "is a special drink that he needs to drink because of his special Constitution and it must be made with special ingredients. As he hasn't come to me to drink his medicine, so that would mean that he hasn't come back. Maybe, he must be playing in the Martial Field with my brothers."

Now Belia felt weird because she felt those green pools of eyes stare at her deeply. It was as if she was been investigated by an invisible light that phase through her body. The Force running inside her veins tremble and churn slightly. But nothing was reflected on her face, Belia kept looking at those green eyes that seems to flare like wildfire, the most frightening invention from the Maesters of Old Town.

This was a Force Awareness? One of the abilities that a person above the Aura of Reality can use. Similar to Force Instincts but this one can transform a normal human eyes into supernatural things that could see what this mortal Realm doesn't show.

The crystal stone under her fur coat shimmer with light and her body quickly turn back to normal. Did she know? How can she know that Cyrus consume blood? If not why did she investigate her blood, the main source of Cyrus food...

Belia thought that she use the code words nicely and that she wouldn't pick it up. But the only way she would have that reaction to her words would mean that she has seen him feed before.

"Now I understand why he is so attached to you!" Cassandra clap her hands and move closer to her. She steps into her personal space and look down at her with her green pools of eyes and continue. "Since little he has only taste you before. So his attachment to you is something beyond that of just family." Belia couldn't help but take a step back but the door of the castle laid shut behind her.

This woman institution was horrifying accurate. With only looking at her and interacting with Cyrus for one day she decipher their relationship! Belia now was flustered and she didn't know what to say.

"Your father most have mentioned that he will be marrying me soon right." Belia gulp down, her nails were piercing the flesh of her palm and she wanted to denied but she just didn't voice her thoughts.

Not only was it because of their different status of that of ruler and subject but because of her inborn superiority. That Aura of Excellency pore out of her being. The sense of power could even be seen by her gesture. She was taller, stronger and heavier than the Broken Mountains in the north.

Belia has never been in such a situation before, she has never been looked down on, and never made feel like a weak ant. "If you weren't that connected with him I would have snap that pretty neck of yours." Cassandra step back and said with a smile, "but that would be boring, no? You are the person he cares the most in this world and I am his soon to be wife. I know that if we force him to choose he will not hesitate and choose you. I don't want that, me and him are equal, we share a destiny together and only am worthy to be by his side. So I won't kill you, not now. I would only show you how we will rule this continent together."

Belia was covered in cold sweat when Cassandra finally took three steps back. She was trying to calm down and still end up asking her back, "why him? You can have any man in the whole continent, older than him and more mature. Why marry a child when you can marry a man?" She was about to pass her and enter the castle doors but she pause and looked at her in the eyes.

"Why you ask? Because I want power. Because I want to destroy my enemies, my family enemies. And he....he is the embodiment of what I yearn through all my life. He is power and I want power. I wouldn't not let him slip through my hands because of some emotional attachment between the two of you. Maybe down the road I may learn how to love him but now it will strictly be a beneficial relationship."

When Belia heard this she felt like her lungs were about to explode. She just wants to use him for her ambition! Belia rages at the thought. She couldn't help but said, "you know that he isn't a dumb boy who can be manipulated. If he ever find out that you are just using him he will rip your throat off!"

Cassandra chuckled at that and that laugh sounded especially heavy on her ears. "Didn't you hear what I just say? It would be mutually beneficial to us. I will offer my body and even my soul if he wants to, for his undying loyalty. Not only that, I will give him all my possessions and birth his children to this world. My bloodline and his would create the strongest family this world would ever face. How could he not like that!" The more Belia heard her the more she felt as if she couldn't breath.

When she was about to scream back at her a voice sounded from below the steps. "How long are you two going to argue in front of the door?" The voice was like ice, it was colder than the freezing, harsh night breeze. Belia follow the voice and found a woman cover in a cloak standing calmly below the steps.

Her silver hair was striking out in the night with shimmering flare of light. Belia thought that she was mistaken but later realize that it was the bouncing light of the moon on her shining hair. She appear barefooted and a cloak wrapped around her mature body. Her cleavage was partially visible and Belia capture a tattoo standing on top of the entry of the unknown.

That tattoo look like the word V but with two lines going on opposite direction following a hook that aim up to her neck. Belia stare at that face and recognize that cold, stone like expression. Jirald Ventress!

What happen to her hair? Belia look shocked. That striking hair was so beautiful that even Belia didn't believe that a hair like that could exist in the world.

"Who are you?" Belia now look beside her and found Cassandra with a face filled with shock and disbelief. Her golden locks started to move but she felt that it wasn't because of the wind.

Belia knew that this was the phenomenon of Force Activation. Something that incredibly strong combatant use to intimate equal opponents. And as Belia came to that realization she stared at Jirald in full of disbelief.

Belia perfectly knows why Cassandra is deem as the strongest woman in the continent. Is not because she actually is. But because of the simple fact that she was in her midst twenty. An age were most humans are reaching the state of the Aura of Reality. It didn't matter if one was a man or a woman. The Aura of Reality was generally achieved in between their twenties or coming close to the thirties.

Cassandra only turn recently twenty five and after the celebration she head out towards the north with her father. That would mean that she broke through to the Realm above of the Aura of Reality in her early twenties and some rumors even say that it was even before that!

Now seeing her reaction towards Jirald even a blind man could understand how great of a shock this was to her. Belia somewhat understood Cassandra mindset in their exchange of words. She was proud and arrogant. Even though she doesn't show it for the most part but every time she's provoke she wouldn't mind taking off her mask.

Now Cassandra discover another woman that was around her age with the same power as her. This blow came too sudden and she couldn't control the raising of her powers.

"No one who you should be concerned with." Her words were lace with ice and she also activate her Aura. Even though both Aura were formless and colorless, Belia felt like a small boat in the middle of a swirling whirlpool.

"State you name, woman. I am Princess Cassandra of House Kylong." But Cassandra didn't want to back off and even took a step forward and look down at Jirald from the top of the steps.

For the first time Belia felt what it was to be in the presence of true Master Combatants. Their shapeless Aura almost suffocate her, when her world was turning black an old wrinkling palm reach out to her. "Child help this old woman walk out." Nanny Marilee out stretch hand came from the now half open door.

As if by instinct Belia reach out to hold Nanny Marilee shriveling hand. The moment she touched her it was as if she was now on cloud nine. Belia felt the stifling pressure off her chest and the fear that was birthing in her heart long gone.

Looking down at the small old woman that had even trouble walking on her own Belia felt a shiver down her back. Cyrus once warn her to look after nanny Marilee because she wasn't as simple as the family made her out to be.

Cassandra and Jirald staring battle was also shifted towards nanny Marilee. She walked out with a smile on her face and look at the two young ladies ready to rip each other apart.

"Jirald girl, you got lucky on your quest and are now looking for trouble? Didn't the Old Ones mark didn't tell you anything?" Mark? Cassandra was also as confused as Belia. They both stare at nanny Marilee but she ignored both of their stare.

"You must have felt it right? Everything comes with a price, but your goal was still achieved all the same. Now is not the time for battle, come up with me to my room. We have a long talk ahead of us." Nanny Marilee tap Belia palm and open the door behind her once again.

Jirald step out and instantly appear behind nanny Marilee. Her speed was inhumane and Belia couldn't even see an afterimage but she did manages to capture Cassandra sharp intake of cold air.

After the two of them enter the first hall Belia felt a pressure on her hand, she looked down and found Cassandra holding her. "Now you will tell me everything you know about that woman." She didn't ask but demanded. Cassandra open the castle doors and both of them disappeared in the dark Illuminated hall.

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