《Untainted Lands》Stan 2.1


Chapter 21

Stan 2.1

Stan stood in the Martial Arena while revolving his Force at his fastest speed. Shock waves hit his chest like a thousand pound hammer. Not something he couldn't resist but still something that left him uncomfortable. Right now a Royal Guard and a Master of Valleyfall were clashing repeatedly in the middle of the arena.

This time, both of them weren't using weapons but were clashing with their bare fists and legs. Every time they swung their limbs, air cones follow behind them, producing vapors that spread around their bodies. Stan Aura coated his body in a hue like state as it wrapped tightly around his skin.

These two expert combatants were strong in the Force as their Aura climb out from their limbs like an extension of their beings. They jump and rip each other clothes apart, tooth flew out and lips crack at their vicious attacks. Either way, even with all that, they still laugh as if they were having the time of their life. Stan could understand them, by now he stood with his brother sitting on the stands that the masons built in front of the pavilions, lining down the cliff wall.

The common folks were also jumping and cheering, some even threw copper coins at the arena. An act of appreciation for the show the fighters have put.

Stan blood was running through his vessels like hundreds of galloping beasts. His heart was accelerated like never before, he has never witnessed such show in the past. Lanier beside him was grinning while eating a roasted leg that a woman brought him. Her name was Melissa, and it's his girlfriend.

Stan look at his brother and said, "where is Cyrus? How come he disappear after your battle with Ser Johan." He chewed a mouth full of meat and answer with his mouth stuff full, "how should I know." Stan shrugged his shoulder and continue staring at the arena before him.


With a kick square at the chest the Master of Valleyfall was pushed out from the arena. Everyone stood up and whistles while other shout with mugs in their hands. Stan also stood up and move his arm to applaud at the warriors. Later the warriors shook it off and walked back to the stands. Their faces now were a mess of purple bruises and missing tooth with cracked lips as they continue walking out of the Martial Arena in the meantime spitting blood.

However, right at this moment a man enter the arena and the once roaring field quiet down. The common folks were confused about the sudden change coming not only from the Royal Knights and Guards but also the Masters of Valleyfall. Even Lanier who was enjoying his roasted leg while hugging Melissa took a frown upon his face.

Stan also noticed that the other party was standing in the middle of the arena with a soft smile on his face. There wasn't anything different about the man and if Stan could point something out, it will be that the man had a Battle Robe draping over his body. It was a weird outfit for anyone who lives in the Seven Kingdoms of Vendelia.

Stan only thought of a group of people who will follow such dress code, Martial Cultivators. There's not much of a difference between a Martial Practitioner who practice the Arts for some mundane benefits, then from the Martial Cultivators who cultivate the Essence of Life since young.

The only difference will be on how they implement and control the Force. Normally these Cultivators are from Immortal Schools who search for Esoteric Knowledge while others are from the Martial Clans who specializes in their respective familiar Force Powers. Powers that were inherent from their past ancestors.


Stan has read about these Cultivators since young but their appearance were so rare that normal citizens in the Seven Kingdoms of Vendelia normally never come in contact with them.

"Why the abrupt silence? I only came to participate in your show." That smile on his face was filled with disdain that even Stan couldn't help but give birth to a distaste for the man.

"Who gave you permission to enter this valley?" General Beévarn was sitting with Master Creg and Uncle Ash in a far open pavilion. They had a table full of food and alcohol. Stan could even see some whore sitting on the laps of Master Creg and General Beévarn while Uncle Ash had a large oval plate full of shredded pork. He was eating like there would be none tomorrow. He didn't even pay attention to the woman that was helping him serve more food on his plate and more beer to his massive mug.

"Where I enter is none of a General business. I only enter this place because of how lively it sounded from miles away." His voice was sharp like a sword and Stan could now feel the current disgust he had towards his home. He stood up but before he could say anything his brother big palm patted his shoulder and stood up. He put his half chew up roasted leg on his hand and said, "don't eat it, I will come back soon and finished up." Stan furrowed his brows and nodded.

Sitting back down he saw Lanier jump over the heads of the people in front of them and landed softly on the crystal cold grass.

The twins light illuminated the whole arena like beacons in the darkness. The silver moon shine back at the earth like the lantern who scare away the monster at night.

Lanier walk on to the stage tiles and took off his heavy boots. "You mustn't be the only one here as your people don't dare to step down from your hiding mountains alone." Said Lanier. Is true though, every time a Martial Cultivators walk out from those hidden mountains they would always come in groups with a strong combatant in their shadow.

As Stan and most Masters, Royal Knights and Guards figure that out the mouth of the man twitched in displeasure. "My companion are on a mission to investigate some occurrence in the Broken Mountains. They don't need to enter this messy place filled with the smell of wet dogs." The moment those words escape that man mouth Stan stood up from the stands.

But this time it wasn't because of anger but because of shock and disbelief. From another side of the arena a burly shadow made its way out from the town gates. It was fast and travel the distance from the town gate to the Martial Field in seconds. Stan stare at the unkempt hair of his brother who was now flying in all directions.

His Aura exploded from his body but no sound was heard. No shock wave was created. That burly figure walk closer from the town gates. What were seconds actually, to Stan felt like it was minutes, hours maybe.

The closer it got, the stronger, and higher the Aura of Lanier became. The Dire Wolf hair was unkempt and it had a tall sturdy physique that surpassed even horses. It was a monster of an animal. It's brown hair was the same as Lanier and their eyes look at their prey with the same savagery.

Even that man needed to take a step back and stare at Lanier in surprise, he later look at the Dire Wolf that stood sitting outside of the Arena. "So you're an Ashcold? That would be even better if I beat you and your Magical pet." The man Aura also climb out from his body.


Just like any Martial Practitioner his Aura turn murkier and denser. That transparency completely disappear and what was left was a sheet of color in reality covering a human body.

Lanier Blue Aura shine with the moonlight and his breath started to produce mist that cover his mouth and nose. This was an act of activating his Breathing Exercises at the same time as circulating his Force. This were feats of people who were well versed in the Aura of Reality.

A Breathing Exercises is more to replenish the consumption of energy and is mainly practice when one is in a quite place, best for relaxation. Activating it in the middle of a Battle was something that not everyone could do.

Now Stan, and not only him but everyone else stood up from the stands with open mouth. The Aura behind the man started to churn and morph around him. With a white glaring burst of light, that Aura shone like a blast, quickly taking the form of a beast. A living beast!

Stan has never seen such creation before. He has read about the Martial Cultivators abilities to summon Martial Spirits but he thought those were hearsays of the old and exaggeration from the legends.

Is because the act of calling upon a creature from another land was as mystical as the mysterious relationship the Magical Beasts had with the High Noble Houses of Vendelia. Stan never believe in such abilities, it was because in any and all pass encounters with the Martial Cultivators they only knew how to boast about their abilities. They have never showed something concrete in any Conversion of the past.

Stan look at General Beévarn and Master Creg who now walk out of the pavilion with surprise in their eyes. Stan took his eyes back and gaze at the creature created by the Aura. It was Deep Red in color and look like a tiger. It's face was real, it's claws were real, it's eyes were real. Stan couldn't find an illusion in the beast.

The only thing that made it apart from a real life, flesh and blood beasts was that a core stone shone from inside its body. After all, it was made from Aura, no matter how much it look real it couldn't hide it's true nature from discerning eyes.

"Bring your Magic pet up to the arena. Let's have a true competition now. Your Magical pet against my Martial Spirit." Stan stare at his brother and his eyes couldn't help but twitch.

It was true that at first Lanier was bent on ripping this man alive after insulting them but after feeling the sharp raise of his power and the summoning of that strange Martial Spirit. Lanier face now had that excited look as if a new friend had come to play.

Stan knows him well, Lanier by now has ignored the insult. He now wanted to battle. He shook his shoulder and that Dire Wolf appear behind him with a single leap. It reached Lanier shoulder and stare at the growling Red Tiger up front.

The Wolf sniff the air and shook its head in displeasure. Stan didn't understand the Magical Beasts action but as soon as it finished it leap out with wide open maw.

The Red Tiger also roar and leap out. As quickly as both creatures stood in front of one another they stand on their hind legs and swipe with their claws at each other body while their mouths bit into the others throat.

This was the first time he has ever seen a Dire Wolf from his house battle another beasts and what came about left him petrified. Not only him, but the others as well. From common folks to the Royal Knights and Guards.

They all saw the fur of the beast glow with silver particles, particles that came from the moonlight above. They firmly coated the limbs of the wolf, and with every swipe the claw rip through the air faster, stronger than a warrior attacks.

The one who suffers the most was the rippling wind. The rippling sound created sharp gales around the wolf fore limbs.

Stan stood as shock just as the others. Only old people who have live since the previous generation of the Ashcold could keep their calm, but that didn't mean that their bodies weren't trembling in absolute excitement.

The Red Tiger also shimmer with red light and orange flames lit up it's limps. Not only him but the wrists and ankles of the man flare in Fire like Aura.

Lanier Aura also held a hint of mist that escape to the surrounding. They stare at each other for a couple of seconds before they both leap at each other just like the Beasts prior.

Lanier barefoot lash out with explosive power towards the man as that leg was coated with dense swirling Aura. The moment the explosive leg lash out Stan took a breath of fresh air because he realized that even though Lanier was now playing, he really unleash his full power.

The air gave way and the power of reality affected the atmosphere around them. Making a dome of light encircle their bodies. Stan stare at this dome of light and it was an incredible Force Field that clash between one another.

Stan grips his fist tightly and couldn't help but feel a sense of anger passing through his heart. Why does he have to be weak? His brother was always out there defending the honor of the Ashcolds and he, what achievement has he ever done?

The man Aura flare like the flickering if a candle flame. The big Red Tiger was covered by the same light as it clash against Lanier Wolf. It was also at this moment when he saw Lanier Aura change once again. Like an exploding flame it burst into activities on it's own as Lanier body flouted slightly in mid air.

At this, Stan couldn't help but stand up with a jump that landed him in front of the stands. He steps closer to the arena and stood on the edge while fixed his eyes below Lanier sole. It's true! Lanier was flouting!

He wanted to shout and ran around while expressing his excitement. But he didn't show it because he saw Lanier stern face. Right at that moment Stan realized that his brother was taking this extremely seriously and even though those eyes say otherwise he was giving his all.

Stan saw the ankles of his brother shift to another side and his body rapidly became a blur that appeared in front of the man in battle robes. Lanier fist now exploded in a feat of brilliance while the rest of his body loose it's glowing Aura. All of it was concentrated on his fist.

The man felt the abrupt change in the atmosphere and look at Lanier in shock. He couldn't believe what Lanier has done? Of course he couldn't as what Lanier was doing was incredibly dangerous for any Practitioners. He gave up on protection and left his body undefended while all of his Aura was concentrated on the knuckles of his fist. They glow in a sheen of metal and he stroke forth with unrelenting Force.

The man was clearly not expecting an all for nothing from Lanier and Stan saw him flustered as he steps back continuously. The Force concentrated on Lanier fist cause the Force inside the air to churn and wroth as if it was been operated by a furnace.

Stan could see Lanier fleshy fist tremble, caused by the power in his fist. It stroke out like a release arrow and blast the man directly on his chest. Stan saw the eyes of the man bulge out and his mouth open with spurting blood spreading across the air.

His body flew out like a broken arrow and he fell outside of the arena. Lanier blow got him so off guard that he still had an incredulous look on his bloody face. "You..." The whole Martial Field was partially silence as they stare at the man on the soft grass.

Lanier took a deep breath and relax his tense body. The big Red Tiger by now was dispersing in red smoke as the Aura flew in the wind until it's body completely disappeared.

The man was holding his chest as he sat up. Lanier walk back and took his boots and made his way towards Stan. He wobble as he walk down from the arena and almost fell face first towards Stan. He catches him and when he felt his brother body, Stan couldn't help but tense up.

Lanier was dry like a broken damp and the Force circulating his limbs was almost untraceable. Stan knew that this was an overextended state that Lanier found himself in. It was all because of the depletion of his Force.

It was a dangerous state to be in. Right now Lanier body was even weaker than a Forceless human. He couldn't muster a single pound of Force in his body and now he could only meditate to replenish his lost strength. Even so, this act of completely unleashing every ounce of Force in ones body was a move that could leave the person in a crippling state.

That's why Stan and the rest of the people in the Martial Field were shocked to witness Lanier move.

While helping him back towards the sitting stands, Stan couldn't help but question. "Why did you use such a reckless move?" Lanier head was down and his unkempt hair left Stan unable to look at his expression. He could only hear his voice as he answered him, "because he is too dangerous. That Martial Spirit had a possibility to kill our wolf if I had left him able to harness the power it was summoning. It was the same with that man. As the Spirit unleashed more power, that same power would be transferred towards that man's body. As such I had to ended in a single blow and couldn't drag out the fight even if I wanted too."

Stan was surprised by what his brother said. He was so preoccupied with the act of his brother Sky Step that he didn't pay attention towards that man’s power. The power of Sky Step let a human step on air and overpower any Martial Practitioner at their own level.

Even though Lanier only was in the flouting state, his speed and Force were multiply by a fold higher than normal. This was one of the Magical gift that the Aura of Reality bestowed upon the humans who could comprehend the realm they have attain.

As they walk up to Melissa, Stan couldn't help but tremble when he felt the ground shook behind him. Turning his head over his shoulder he saw the man in battle robes standing up and releasing another burst of Aura. "You, you... Made me Bleed?" He step forward and leap over the arena with surprising speed.

Lanier and him were both shocked at the display of power and Stan couldn't believe that this man still had that much of energy to spare after suffering a full blown attack from Lanier.

Just as he was about to reach them and just as he heard the gasp and the screeching sounds of weapons been taking out from their scabbard. A figure clothed in a big cloak appear before them in a swirling of black Aura.

For a moment he thought it was Cyrus as he is the only human who can taint the sky and earth in that abysmal black Force. But when the attack was about to reach them he saw that delicate but sharp arm swing out like a raging fast blade. The Aura of the man was cancelled and he was struck by an unimaginable pressure that even the air was visibly spread down towards the grass.

The man was still in the middle of attacking and he was dumbstruck as he saw that sparkling white arm made its way towards his throat. With a slight pinch it grab that man neck in seconds. Stan gaze at the scene in front of him in shock, not only him but the face of the man was deeply in shock as well.

His legs were dangling in mid air and he couldn't unleashed another burst of Aura as he did prior. There was a pressure that stifled the air surrounding the arena, even Stan who stood a couple of steps away from the arena was feeling a suffocating pressure that even affected the circulation of the Force inside his body. He felt as if he was moving inside a pool of water.

"This will do." The voice that came out from inside the hood was crispy and soft to his ears, for a moment he thought that the voice was strangely familiar. But he couldn't figure out who it was behind that hood.

Just as the woman finish speaking she was about to depart when an enraged howl came from the top of the cliff. Like a raging inferno a hot breath descended down from above. This was a feeling that the northerners have never felt in their life. The temperature of the Martial Field rose as if they were standing on the mouth of a volcano.

A middle aged man who looked like he was leaning on the older side crash down in front of the hooded figure. The Aura that coated that man's body was tens of time denser than the guy who just fought against Lanier.

"Uncle...Help me!" His voice was squeeze and sounded just like a small little child. The woman who was feeling the brunt of the Aura ignore him and squatted down and leap up towards the cliff edge above.

"Where do you think you are taking him?" The man's voice was loud and was imbued with Force making it sound loud and sharp towards everyone ears. Stan, Lanier and all the common folks and the Knights and Guards flinch at the loud voice of the man.

Stan stare up and as the woman who was leaping out also flinch, the middle age man made a grabbing motion at the air in front of him and the Aura that flare like thousands of volcano morph and transform into a flaming hand that sprang forth towards the woman in mid air.

He wanted to shout a warning towards her but the words seems to stay stuck in his throat. Just as that flaming hand was about to grab towards her a screeching sound reverberate around the field. Stan stare with wide open eyes and saw that big hand disperse like the wind. A dark grey blade of light pass behind the woman and slash apart that man's Aura.

Not only that but a burst of sounds follow that dark grey arc like light. The sounds came as quickly as they left but everyone could see the glaring grey lightning that descended from the edge of the cliff.

This wasn't made by the woman, he was clear on that as she was still leaping through the air. It was only now that Stan and Lanier catch another figure peering down from the cliff edge.

Stan and Lanier couldn't help but take a cold breath when they saw the stature of that man. He was bigger than any men of the north, but his body wasn't fat. It was the opposite, he was lean and taller than most. And those muscles that outstretched his coat were a clear sign of his overbearing physique.

A blast was heard and Stan look back towards the middle age man who was now taking dozens of steps back and was holding his open mouth as he couldn't stop coughing. From the gabs of his finger blood trickle down and his face now took a slightly pale shade.

From his expression Stan figure that the man was as shook as everyone in the Martial Field. His round eyes stare at the two figures standing on the cliff edge and at this moment a voice came from one of them. It was the woman who still had that man by his throat. "Puny weak human, bless your living day as this woman doesn't have time to waste on a pathetic loser." These words were left in a clear disgusted manner that Stan couldn't help but feel even insulted as she call them human. As if she wasn't one of them? Was she?

"You dare! We are from the Red Sun Tiger Clan! Going against us is equal to death. Not even the Noble families will save you!" He wanted to shout more but he stare at the residing shadow of the two hooded figure as they enter the darkness once more.

"You! I would take this towards the Lord of these lands." Leaving those words a flaming cloud burst under his soles and propelled him out from the valley and up to the cliff in a single thrust.

Stan and Lanier still stood looking at the scenes that just happen in bewilderment. What the hell is going on?

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