《Dimensional Wars》Chapter 17 - Apex Predator


Chapter 17


Apex Predator


Soon Teng awakens from his training. Opening his eyes, he feels three weeks have passed. His training has slowed, so he wishes to gain more experience. He even feels the Pterodactyl he first saw can’t best him anymore. The Chieftain he has left in the dust. However, he still wants to see the results of his training, so he decides he must face the Chieftain again.

Heading out he sees the sun is up. Not waiting, he steps hard, the ground cracks, and he travels fast, his body giving off a horrifying amount of energy. Proceeding through the forest Teng notices many new under growths, and other lifeforms. It seems the energy has started transforming this island into dense lush rainforest. He even sees a few new animals, and some furry ones he wants for pets.

He arrives at the south volcano fringe soon. The mud village looks to be abandoned, not a single serpent creature in sight. Moving along Teng sees the location he last fought the Chieftain at. Mostly it was washed away by the rain. Seeing nobody home, he proceeds onward.

Circling around the volcano which houses green grass, and purple flowers he finds himself near a clearing. Looking ahead he senses some movement. Getting closer he sees a cave, with a few Serpent guards. It extremely well hidden. It seems they moved here.

Perhaps they thought Teng would try ambush their King while injured. Teng being much more powerful than before has no need to. Actually, Teng considered ambushing the Chieftain, but gave up. He’s not sure he could kill him, even if he was injured. They both were about the same level.

Heading closer, he slowly conforms himself into a surf. As he rushes forward, the expressions on the guards faces become horrified. Ignoring them he slips past them down into the cave.


It looks to be an underground cavern. Moving quickly, he bypasses many serpents, even ascending along the walls, where even the serpents have trouble climbing. Before long the Chieftain hears the disturbance and rushes out, looking to be in peak condition.

Teng really feels like he has grown. Facing this six metre tall monstrously, not even batting an eyelid now. If he included its tail, it would be at the length of 11 metres like the world’s biggest python on the ground. Muscles rippling with power, and scale that look as hard as steel.

Teng not willing to be outdone forms his elemental, quicker than last time.

Silence ensues for a brief moment. The Chieftain seeing my intent to fight orders his kin to leave. Mostly watching from the outskirts. With no sign Teng and the Chieftain both charge at each other, weapons following.

Not wanting to take any chances the Chieftain instantly uses his trump, his eyes flash, as he goes for a fatal blow. Teng’s mind flashes, forming a water barrier. In his training Teng considered one way to counter this move, and he finally perfected. The lethal energy doesn’t penetrate.

With his mind clear, Teng pushes his glaive forward, feeling it is more suited for this battle. Both using their energies trying to overcome the other it becomes a stalemate for a brief moment. However, with Teng’s new improved spear technique, and insights, it’s not long before the Chieftain starts feeling the pressure.

Every move of his is seen through by Teng, their spears stabbing back forth, each not giving an inch. As the fight drags on, its obvious now even with the Chieftain at his peak, his wounds recovered, and even have faced Teng before, he is no match.

Teng quickly gains the advantage. Not wasting his momentum, he strikes for its underbelly, the Chieftain twists to dodge, but it doesn’t arrive. Instead it arcs into its shoulder. After Teng’s feint he aimed for the shoulder. Green blood quickly flows from the Chieftains shoulder. Undaunted, the Chieftain continues.


It isn’t long though before the Chieftain’s weapon becomes heavy, and his arm slow. After a few more seconds, the Chieftain loses grip over his weapon, and is sent flying by Teng.

As it scrambles up, there is evident fear in its eyes. Teng satisfied with the fight, leaves.

The other serpents, create a path, not daring to get too close.


Back at the camp Teng lets out a breath of air. Truly that Serpent’s endurance had been terrifying. Luckily it fell for that feint, or Teng would have to fight for a while. It seems he needs to increase his endurance again, not satisfied with his already absurd level. Truly he could run a few weeks just on energy, not included in battles. His Laws could help him get a little further though, but he prefers to save it for powering himself up before a fight.

His glaive seemed to worked very well, and after he fights more with it, he can hopefully imbue it with his laws like his spear had.

With Teng’s strength reaching new heights, and the fight validating his strength, Teng feels a bit of pressure drop off him. He has nearly forgotten about the rest of the world, with him just being focused on surviving. There has not been a single day when he didn’t let up, either in training or gaining insights into his Law. His safety is not completely guaranteed, with the Pterodactyl, but Teng feels he can escape if need be now, maybe even fight it.

With room to breathe now Teng considers his plans. He could try leave the island now with his strength. His endurance is fairly high, but he’s not sure how far he is from any known country. Furthermore, who knows what sea creatures have mutated out there, or what has come through. He hopes humanity is surviving, although he loves the solo life, he doesn’t want to live forever by himself. Just like the Hermit sometimes interacting with the trader. He feels it wouldn’t be too bad to have some servants, like the Chieftain had. He would have less work, and more time to focus on insights too.

Teng decides to wait a little longer. He is still curious about the island.

His thoughts are interrupted by the disturbance above.

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