《Dimensional Wars》Chapter 16 - Gear



Chapter 16




As Teng settles down, he feels he is becoming more alive. With His Rain Laws increasing it seems his cells are becoming more joyous. His small water world is growing too. It seems it’s even influencing the surroundings, but Teng hasn’t figured out how it works yet.

Looking at his choice of weapons. Two spears come into view. Both extremely sharp. On the right is a weapon at least three metres in length, it has a black wooden base, with a red blade moulded into the top. It’s looks closer to a glaive than a spear. Beside it is Teng’s main spear using bones. However, after the fight with the Chieftain, he will have to get used to his glaive he made out of the ant mandibles. His treasured spear needs to be repaired if he wants to use it again.

Teng picks the glaive, with a few short spears. Making an account of what he has, he sets out to the North valley. Although the Chieftain is wounded at the moment, he doesn’t feel his chances are good enough. First, he wants to make himself a new set of armour, then maybe try again.

Moving swiftly through the forest, he enters the valley in under an hour. It used to take him a few hours before. Now with his proficiency of his Laws and energy increasing, he wastes no time. This Island has become his backyard.

Reaching the valley, he heads down, gathering the ant elites and queen. It hasn’t been long since he was last here, but still the meat has already rotted. Making a convenient air pocket, he begins to work, his water easily blocking most smells.

After half an hour he has done majority of the work, removing carapaces and letting them dry in the sun. Adding the Queen’s carapace into prepared boiled water he waits. A little while later, he pulls it out. Teng starts to build his new armour.


He cuts out a few pieces with his new glaive. He then pokes a few holes through them. After making sure there is enough holes, he grabs some spare vines he brought with him, and begins. After a few minutes he has a makeshift armour of exoskeleton. Although it looks shoddy, Teng thinks it’s’ comparable to Predator gear in the movie Alien vs Predator. With his Spear, he looks even more intimidating.

Feeling it’s secure enough, he doesn’t leave just yet. So far, the Queen allowed him to make armour for most of his body. Usually it would be burdensome on Teng’s body, but he feels its no problem with the increased energy. If he uses his laws, he will have no problem moving around freely.

Teng grabs a few more carapaces from the elites. He slashes them a bit, ties them up, and brings them back to his camp. He is thinking of using them to make some more spears, or shields in the future. Even some new boots if he can.

Feeling the heavy load on his back he takes off.


Streaming through the undergrowth Teng bursts out, his hair and reed whipping about, as he flies quickly past the trees. It seems his senses have become sharper, easily sensing the energies around him. He can even sense a bit of the hidden life that supports the island. He feels this law is similar to his Rain that supports his body.

Teng heads back enjoying the wind, as it brushes past him.

Entering his camp, he drops off his stuff, before deciding to head to his fishing ground today. He wants to digest his battle experience more thoroughly. Last night was focused on the laws, but he still wants to remember how to proficiently use it when in battle. Thinking like this, he grabs his main spear. However, seeing it in disrepair, he decides to comb the stone in mud again. Adding thick vines this time. He adds a layer of moisture to it through his Laws, helping it harden and fuse.


Just has Teng brings his body to life through the Law of Rain, so can he now imbue his insights into an object. However, the process is hard. It’s only that his spear has been with him through many life and death encounters, it is easy to imbue. Seeing his main spear good as new, Teng heads out.

Seeing no waves, Teng surfs over the water, sitting down on the sea. Since its’ not his water, he controls a portion of his water to allow him to sit comfortably. In the future he hopes to wield both aspects. Since it’s a nice day, Teng start goings over his battle with the Chieftain again. Remembering his decisions in using his spear to battle. What works, and what didn’t. He also tries to copy the chieftain spear technique, but it will take time. So far, he estimates, his battle prowess will not only make him stronger in his fighting prowess, but also temper his heart. Making his spear will stronger.

Such Teng begins his day by meditating, and then practicing his technique in the sea.

A calm soon washes over the Island. Most beasts have been wiped out, and any who remain set up in their territory. Teng continues his training day in and day out, unconcerned with any affairs besides his training, just honing himself in this wilderness.

Days pass quickly, and it seems the island is completely isolated from the world. The Rift it’s only friend.


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