《Dimensional Wars》Chapter 1 - Sea


Chapter 1




Water drowned him. Noticing the water gushing into the plane he quickly reached for his seat belt strap. It seems the movies of seat belt locks aren’t as common, at least for him. Unlocking after a brief moment.

Knowing he doesn’t have much time he decides to not go for any of his belongings. Nothing was of real value anyway. At least not over his life.

With the plane sinking, he swims for the nearest exist. Luckily, he was briefed before departure. Although there are a few more holes, and a tail missing from the plane to choose from.

Briefly glancing at some unconscious passengers Teng hesitates, but still continues forward.

Swimming quickly, he moves outside the plane. Not wasting any time, he pulls both straps of his life jacket, and is pulled to the surface.

Breaking the surface in a surge of waves. Not knowing whether to feel happy to be alive, or be depressed over so many deaths, he blocks it out. Many people die every day.

It seems they are located in the sea. Since it’s very dark he can’t see too far ahead. It seems relatively calm besides the air plane crashing into the ocean.

Now Teng has got his bearings, which are in basically the middle of nowhere, he decides to search for other passengers. Hearing a few calls in the distance he swims over. Luckily, they were not far.

However, as he gets closer, he hears constant swearing and negativity. Deciding he doesn’t want to be involved in their negative emotions he just floats. Thinking about what happened it doesn’t make much sense. There was no storm, just an ominous sound before the tail was ripped in half. Not necessarily any fire either.

Deciding not to think much on it anymore, he just lets himself drift.


He really doesn’t want to get dragged into others crying and bickering. He would prefer to die without spending his last moments amongst others. Although they could provide some companionship, he has learnt the hard way, and doesn’t really want anything much from humanity.

Never had he expected his holiday planned trip would end him floating in the middle of the ocean.

Soon his little LED light on his life jacket flashes to life, as he has been in the water for some time. Seems the battery starts working once in the water. No automatic turning on needed.

Tired from the endeavour Teng slowly falls asleep.

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