《Dimensional Wars》Prologue - New Holiday




New Holiday


“Welcome on-board Asia Airlines” the pilot announces over the broadcast. “With you today will be our lovely staff who will assist you with the procedures in case of an emergency. Please do pay attention.”

Up ahead Teng notices one of the staff showing passengers how and where to exit in case of an emergency. As well as where to find a life jacket and how to apply it. Standard Procedure.

Usually Teng would not bother with such demonstrations, but since he is looking for a good distraction, plus having nothing better to do he watches.

It calms him down by watching their animated hand gestures the staff display. Which he definitely needs to pre-occupy his mind with at the moment. After the procedures are over the plane takes off and begins its journey to its destination.

Teng noticed that barely any passengers paid attention to the staff, wondering sometimes why they even bothered. Honestly, he wouldn’t have paid attention either, but he needed something to distract himself with. His mind is like a hornet’s nest, and with each little prod it just ends with his heart being stung.

Tired of his life he decided a change of pace would be good for him. Not considering the damages to his savings, or any friends who would be anxious over his departure.

Thinking like this he decided a ticket to the east somewhere. Picking a jungle as a good crazy start. Exploring nature had always been his dream.


A sudden turbulence jolts him out of his thoughts. Glancing around the air plane, he sees passengers becoming alarmed with a bit of panic. Even the staff look a bit unsettled. Looking outside his window Teng sees no clouds or rain even, just a quiet night.

“Please remain in your seats, we are just experiencing a slight weather change. No need to be worr-“ Another turbulence hits the plane, and whoever was standing are thrown off balance.


‘Damn, this is starting to look a little dangerous’ Teng thinks. Deciding better to be safe than sorry he unpacks the life jacket under his seat. Puts it on, but doesn’t release the air pressure yet. Otherwise he might drown in the plane. He luckily is already in his seat, around the midsection of the plane, with his seat belt fastened.

It seems some other passengers had the same idea as well. However before too many could strap in and grab their life jackets, Teng hears the back end of the plane issue a jarring sound. Not good.

Before he has time to think about it, the tail explodes.

The plane quickly whirls out of control straight down into the sea.


Surprisingly, it takes a few minutes for the rest of the plane to hit the ground. For the lucky ones who fell unconscious for those few minutes, or perhaps not so lucky considering they might drown in the ocean.

Teng found it surprisingly difficult to stay conscious. With half the tail gone, the air plane went into roller coaster mode. His lungs got the wind knocked out of them. Almost like a sucker punch to the gut.

Thankfully most luggage was in compartments so he didn’t get hit by anything dangerous.

Even in such maddening invents Teng smiled. Truly it had been a long time since he felt alive like this.

With a mixture of fear and excitement, the plane crashed head first into the water.

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