《Reincarnated As A Divine Beast, I Sleep To Level Up!》Earth Dragon 1


Chapter 6 - Earth Dragon 1

“Alright, let’s head out!”

After finishing some breakfast, we decided to head back to town, hopefully, we won’t get arrested for destroying the village huts.

We aimlessly walked for hours through the forest encountering nothing interesting, the weather was nice outside with the sky being bright blue and the luscious green leaves of the passing trees shining but it got boring after a while.

“Hey, are you sure we’re not lost?”

Jack who was walking behind me, asked a stupid question. I passed my Geography class in 8th grade with flying colours! I definitely know how to use a compass and map, I think? How does a compass work again?

“Uh… I think we’re lost, but don’t worry! I’m sure my amazing geography skills can guide us to the right path!”

I crouched down to pick up a stick and held it slightly above the ground.

“Oh, great stick! Please guide this lost one to Corolla!”

“It’s a Corella.”

I chanted the magic words and released the stick from my grasp whilst ignoring Jack, the stick of prophecy pointed straight forward.

“Sigh, I highly doubt a child’s hearsay can guide us back to Corella, give me the map.”

“Alright here-”


A massive roar shook the ground, nearby birds began flocking in the air escaping from the source of the roar. Jack unsheathed his sword and directed it straight ahead, in the direction the stick pointed.

“We should probably go in the opposite direction. That’s probably a dragon’s roar, we’ll die if we confront it.”

“Aren’t you a Goddess? So Goddesses can die, or is it just you?”

“I don’t know, never died before. Oh! I know! I can make some potions, my skills are maxed, so I can make pretty much anything.”


“We could’ve made money from selling that instead of adventuring.”

“Yeah, whatever. Inventory select! Portable apothecary kit!”

A large table appeared out of thin air, laid out on the table are multiple glass bottles, beakers, bunsen burners and several other things from a chemist’s wet-dream. Under the table laid several large and small pots, next to the pots were a few more utensils.

I grabbed a small stone mortar fro a cupboard and began grinding on some stuff I had on hand.

“What are you making?”

“Élixir sacré de la divinité.”


“It’s a high-class potion, you need quite a lot of stuff to make one but it has one of the best buffs in the beta.”

“The dragon is will probably come here and eat us up before you finish, let’s just hurry up and leave already, I was joking about facing it.”

Jack stood behind me shaking, tightly clutching his sword whilst I was grinding away on some herbs. The air around Jack was tense compared to me who just focused on grinding on the mortar whilst Jack continues to plead to me.

“What’s so great about that thing you’re making anyway? It’ll be useless when the dragon comes around and kills us in one strike.”

“Ohohohohoho, you have yet to learn the greatness of this potion it seems. This potion gives you a 100+ buff for every stats except luck, it also grants an 18HP and 18MP regeneration buff for every second! Not to mention, 5 seconds after drinking it, every attack received only deals 1 damage! You also gain ‘God Dragon Golden Twilight Effect’, it’s one of the most overpowered buffs! And-”

“WAIT! How much does this thing even cost?!”

“Well, the more expensive ingredients are Hercules Leaves from Mt. Olympius which only opens up after completing the 30 Ascension Myth quests- aah… I remember spending 5 days trying to beat the 4 Elemental Spirit Kings with 10 levelled 80+ players. The next most expensive item is a glass of Yggdrasil Honey from the Elven Kingdom, I remember spending a couple of days completing the coup d’etat quest which unlocked access to enter the Elven Kingdom and the Yggdrasil tree. Oh and-”


“Alright! I get it, just finish off the potion quickly you useless-”

{Rustle THUD Rustle THUD}

“Something’s coming… How about we run while we can?”

“No. I’m almost finished it’s enough to create 2 bottles worth, one for you and one for me, the dragon should give some good materials and experience-”



“Buy me time!”

“If I die, it’s all your fault!”

While I focused on quickly finishing the potion, Jack charged off, sword in hand, towards the direction of the roar.

The trees which stood tall and mighty were easily knocked down by a giant figure about 3 stories tall, the creature’s eyes were bloodshot looking for its prey darting all over the place. The creature was an earth dragon. Earth dragons are classified as A rank monsters like most dragons but the earth dragon before Jack was an abnormal one.

“A mutated dragon…”

Jack muttered upon seeing the dragon. Mutated earth dragons are different from normal earth dragon, the biggest difference is its usage of dark elemental magic, which derives from the demon lands. Jack faced a normal earth dragon once during a subjugation quest, several veteran adventurers cowered in fear facing it and the casualty was high, the one before him was 5x stronger.

“Sigh... I just have to pray that the useless Goddess finishes.”

Jack looked up to the sky praying before rushing straight towards the dragon with Kurogami behind him, quickly finishing the potion.

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