《The Magic Ork》chapter 1 The Void


I... I am awake... How am I awake. I try to open my eyes only to realize I have none. Everything around me is darkness. Like an actual void. Everything is kinda sureal you know what I mean. I mean I just died. I actually just died. Weird how I am just floating in a void with nothing to do.

Some time passes before I remember the staggering amount of books I read (seriously staggering). In every one of those books when some one dies and roams around in the void like darkness thats surrounding me right now that usually means there going to re-incarnate. Again some time passes.

How long is this going to take. I mean I may be technicly immortall but that doesn't mean I am immune to bordem. I don't even have any books on me. Some time passes again

Okay this is getting ridiculous. It feels like its been years already which it may have been. You know what, I've been refraing from trying anything just in case it messes with the whole re-incarnation thing but I feel like if I don't do any thing I'll go crazy. So I'll try to move faster.

I then try to push myself. Nothing seems to happen. I try to push once more. Again nothing happens. I try to think of a way I can get out of this boring ass void. Wait one second why not use the void around. Kinda like magic using the environment. Okay, okay now I need to like be one with the void or some crap.

I need to empty my thoughts and be one with my surroundings. And try not to think about the fact that I am floating in endless darkness. Slowly but surely I start to feel my mind melting into the void. I start to kinda boat my way to what I feel is forward. I and since I am coneccted to the void around me I can tell that I am moving faster and faster.


I am starting to get the hang of it when all of a sudden I bang into a wall or force field thing. What the hell is this. Wait, wait if I banged into somthing that might mean progress. I believe that if I destroy barrier than I'll reincarnate. Now that I have an objective I need to find a way to acheive my objective. Well since I already have a bit of control over the void I think I could probabaly weaponise my control over the void.

My mind some how remains part of the void the entire time I am thinkinking all of this. My working hypothesis for that is that the more my mind stays in the void the easier it'll be to get it back into the void. I start trying to gatther the black darkness "essence" around me into what I belive to be a concentrated ball.

It takes me a while but I eventually do make a concentrated ball of "essence" I then throw the ball at the barrier. I don't know how but I can tell there are cracks on the barrier. I do this 2 more times before realizing this is getting harder and harder my efficiency though is getting better and better. The 5th time I feel extremly tired and nausaus.

I stop just in case hiting this thing anymore is dangerouse. I take my version of a deep breath and then continue. After I reach the 10th time I feel it breaking. Weirdly I realize that I can do it more now. I realize it must be somthing like stamina or all the magic I read in books. I guess I just extended my ah "limit"

I then enter the area that the barrier was protecting I enter and feel with my mind a slot machine. There are three slots in the machine. above the first there's it says "race" the slot itself is blank, above the second there are the words "already set: class" in the slot it says mage, above the slot it says "special power" the slot is blank.


From this I understand that these are my characteristics for who I'll be in my new world

I search for a lever. After finding one I use my what I guess is magic since I am a mage now apparently to pull the lever. The race and special power slots move but the class slot doesn't

after a few seconds the slots stop moving the race slot lands on ork the special power slot lands on faster learning. After that I feel a bright light and everything vanishes

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