《Twisted King》9: Sneak attack.


The signal spell began to draw in troops as the others ran away in a panic, followed by the rest of the townsfolk.

Alex gave me a knowing look, I had to delay the knights that came as much as possible in order for everyone to even have a chance of escape.

Then it happened.

From the sky, hundreds if not thousands of arrows fell towards the town at ridiculous speeds.

As they struck, buildings were reduced to rubble and many citizens were killed and injured in the attack.

It took me a few moments to pinpoint the cause, an S tier hero.

His face was vaguely familiar, he certainly attended school but I couldn't recall his name.

A second volley of arrows were fired as the survivors took cover in the wreckage of buildings.

Mars was let out of my shadow as I pointed towards the culprit.


Mars was absurdly fast, I doubted most people could even see his movements.

As he rushed over towards the attacker, he was struck by countless arrows.

He dispersed back into mist and returned to my shadow, I felt a force temporarily blocking me from calling him out once more.

The archer was clearly far too strong, he used pinpoint precision to murder innumerable guards and citizens.

His eyes were glazed over, I didn't doubt that he probably had some sort of hypnosis put over him.

No matter how indifferent to my bullying, I doubted he was capable of willingly massacring a village.

A knight tried to grab me from behind.

"Your precious 'classmate' is a mindslave, he refused to serve the king willingly and needed extra persuasion.

I think you'll be turned into one aswell brat, we don't know which of you was hiding your strength so we have orders to take you all."

The talkative knight hadn't been paying attention to my hand snaking it's way onto his stomach, by the time he realised he had already been deteriorated.

Brute force knights were easy enough to kill, but the archer hero was firing off shots that I couldn't react to.

I needed to think of a way to get close enough to defeat him.

Deteriorating him fully was a terrible option morally for someone not in control of their actions, but live capture wasn't a realistic option either.

I had to hide, I was trying to time my approach to when his attention wasn't on my direction.

As he turned and fired an arrow volley at survivors in the opposite direction I took the chance to run a closer piece of rubble, I waited until I could call out Mars again and used his high speed running to distract him further as I grew closer.


I had to stop when other knights appeared, covering all directions around him and making further progress impossible.

Mars was taken out once again and I had to wait upwards of three minutes to recall him.

I tried stay silent and small, hiding myself as they began marching through the rubble to check for survivors.

A knight barely passed me by before turning and doubling back on himself, I counted down in my head before sending Mars out yet again and drawing closer and closer.

Mars was taken out and I had to hide behind a very short piece of rubble close by to the knights, who's attention once again changed and allowed them to start sweeping the area.

It took another three minutes, but I was far too close for the same trick to work.

I waited tor the guards to spread out before summoning Mars to take the archer to the ground, the guards got suspicious as the two wrestled.

I had to slowly climb between aisles of rubble to take out the guards one by one, it took a stupid amount of time before I removed all of the backup but Mars was already being overpowered.

I had to rush in to fight, but he just barely managed to loose an arrow which hit my stomach.

The pain took me to the ground and I was forced to crawl towards him slowly, pulling the arrow out and healing myself after getting to cover.

I heard the sound of Mars being overpowered which worried me, I was stuck behind cover as Mars was getting closer and closer to death.

I had to take a chance, I used the full extent of my upgraded strength to throw a rock towards his arms.

The bow was knocked away as I took the chance to run towards him, he barely stood a chance once I landed a hit.

I took out a large chunk of his torso, but he managed to land a hit strong enough to push me back.

Mars was already dead, and the archer ran towards me with speed exceeding Mars himself.

He threw a hard punch which I barely managed to grab, normally grabbing a punch would be a bad thing but my ability let me mostly destroy his forearm before he could react.

He threw a kick and jumped far back to grab his bow, I was forced to charge towards him since degeneration would be negligible compared to his bows shooting into my brain.

I got close before he could draw his bow and he tried to throw a kick instead, which clearly caused him pain in his missing side since he soon stopped to grab his torso.


I tried to grab his head, but he barely dodged and pulled back another arrow to fire.

He himself seemed to resist, just a little. He didn't fire his bow even after I got close, I managed to grab and deteriorate his free arm.

Stumbling back and then charging at me led to him falling onto his face, in response I picked up and drew his bow before shooting him in his head.

Everything went silent for a moment as the system notification popped up.

I decided to take the XP for myself, resulting in the usual message.

Name: Rem Gallant Lvl: 22 Race: God Class: Healer, God of Dark & Light Class skills:

Healer: Heal, regeneration.

God: Shadow conscription. Magic eye creation. ???

Skills: None Unique Skills: Role Reversal Blessings: Twistars Blessing Titles: Heir of Light, Heir of dark, Shadow lord, Light prince, Hero slayer. Str: 22 Dex: 22 Vit: 22 Int: 41 Res: 22 Men: 22 Wis: 41 Stat points: 10

Killing a hero gave me an absurd strength boost, five levels in an instant and an upgrade in my healer class in addition to numerous other upgrades.

Being level 22 gave me a base of 22 in all stats which allowed me to beat the weaker orcs in terms of brute strength even without levelling it up.

The most important thing was the chance to save the hero though.

Conscription was used and his shadowy mist rose from his corpse, it seemed immoral to kill a schoolmate but with conscription I had the potential option to let him live semi normally in the future.

"You can retain your old name in your own mind, but in the system you will be known as Apollo."

It seemed easy enough to remember and the lack of earth culture in the world made me confident few if any people would use the same name, I could feel the somewhat judging eyes from the shade himself though.

Apollo moved into my shadow along with Mars. I concluded that the shades lost around half of their level and stats upon being conscripted based on his reduced speed.

It was a bittersweet revelation and meant that higher level shades would be losing a lot of their power if the pattern continued.

Once confirming everything, I moved back towards the area the group fled from and healed as many people as I could on the way.

Many people were injured severely but not quite as many were dead, only those who had been crushed by falling debris or the few unlucky enough to take a direct hit from an arrow volley had died at that point.

I couldn't heal everyone, not that many people were left on my path and I couldn't afford not to help the others in E tier if any couldn't make it out in time.

Thankfully, as I arrived at the outskirts of the town there were no corpses.

I managed to heal the rest of E tier who had started running before the arrows even fell, all outside and out of the range of collapsing buildings.

Alex came to thank me personally, the rest of the group relying on me as I pulled out the magic eye gems from my pocket.

"I made these, if I use them then you can gain a strong ability that will make you stronger regardless of rank."

He seemed perplexed, but without hesitating picked the earth eye.

He gained the ability to liquify and control the earth, a great ability for trapping and immobilizing foes.

His jaw drop as he checked his status.

"How did you manage this?"

I didn't want to become the groups magic eye making slave so I answered carefully.

"I found the materials, but I could only make five with what I had. The strongest amongst the others can take the four remaining, don't let word of this spread too much though."

He seemed to understand the need not to create a panic, and started thinking to himself about who was most suitable after I described the effects of the remaining eyes.

He chose four candidates amongst E tier and asked me to transfer each before having the users swear to absolute secrecy.

Magic eye abilities were stronger when given to someone suitable for them, like a fire magic user being given an eye that can double the temperature of his flames, on top of that stacking them could create interesting effects going forward.

My next major goal became using magic eyes on Mars and Apollo, using them on shades seemed possible since shades were able to handle skills and such.

I needed to experiment more and find suitable magic eyes for each, I didn't want to test them with ones that were unsuitable.

For the moment, the goal of moving became even more important.

The group were packed up and ready to leave, the town mayor started guiding everyone in the town towards a teleportation array set to a foreign kingdom that the knights couldn't act openly in.

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