《Smoking Bandits》SB4.4 - The Lost Flavor


A cheap lodging house on the west side of Pinetown. As soon as Lark steps in, he is greeted by dozens of empty beer cans, ashtrays full of ashes and cigarette butts, dirty clothes piled in one corner, dirty dishes in the sink, and a full trash bin.

With various pungent scents mixed into one, it could be said that the lodging house is the worst place to stay for Wolf People like Vivian.

Meanwhile, contrast with the living room. Vivian's room at the back was neat and tidy.

Lark softly said, "Put all the things you want to carry on the bed. I'll help pack it up."


Without delay, Vivian put her clothes which were only a few pieces on the bed, along with a pair of slippers, a handful of Rell coins in a mineral bottle, a towel, and a toothbrush.

For a moment Lark looked at Vivian belonging, then asked, "Is this all?"

"Ummm... There are still three puppies, a bicycle, and a safe in Terre's room. Your gold bar is in the safe along with Terre's other savings."

"Forget the safe, it's empty. Terre always spends money as soon as he gets it. He doesn't even have spare ammo or equipment in this place."

Vivian immediately lowered her head. "Sorry."

"It's not your fault." Lark straightened Vivian's head before smiling at her.

Not long after that, Lark and Vivian were in the backyard of the lodging house. Against the wall, there is a pink girl bicycle, with a large basket at the front. Next to it, is a doghouse made of wooden planks and netwire.

Three German Shepherd puppies in the doghouse instantly wagged their tails and looked at the approaching Vivian with sparkling eyes.

It seems they are only 4-5 weeks old. Unfortunately, their bodies look very thin, weak, and shaking a little.

While Lark helped hold the bicycle, Vivian moved the three puppies into the large basket in front of the bike one by one.

"What are their names?"

To Lark, the three German Shepherd puppies looked the same. All of them had brown and black fur, with the exact same size and gazes.


But Vivian easily distinguished them. She gently stroked their heads one by one. "Choco who likes milk, Cocoa who likes chicken meat, and Mocca who likes sausage"

Vivian was silent for a while before continuing. "I found them in the dumpster a weeks ago. Sometimes I take them there for a walk, because who knows their mother is still looking for them. But she never shows up."

Somehow, Lark was able to feel that deep in her heart, Vivian was also hoping her parents were still looking for her.

Unfortunately, Lark didn't know what to say to comfort her. So he could only rub Vivian's head which was lowered.

- - - - -

Not far from the Lodging House where Vivian lived, stood a small shop called Panfry Tavern. When she first arrived in Pinetown, Terre took her to Panfry Tavern to celebrate.

Pan Fry Chicken Breast was a menu that Vivian enjoyed that day, and then became her favorite menu. Every few days Terre would bring Vivian to visit Pan Fry Tavern, and she would always order Pan Fry Chicken Breast.

When Terre became lazy and began to be less attentive to her, Vivian still visited Pan Fry Tavern every few days by herself. She still ordered Pan Fry Chicken Breast as usual. It's just that she never found the flavor she was looking for. Somehow, her favorite menu become tasteless

Even so, Vivian never stopped visiting Pan Fry Tavern. Hoping that the flavor she missed so much would return someday.

Realizing that Vivian was staring at Pan Fry Tavern with a complicated expression, Lark immediately asked, "Are you hungry?"


Vivian on reflex shook her head and looked away from Pan Fry Tavern, but Lark casually said.

"Let's eat first."

Without delay Lark approached Pan Fry Tavern, while guiding Vivian's bicycle. At the same time, the three puppies in the bicycle basket became excited.

Vivian can only follow Lark. She took off the bicycle basket containing the three puppies, then carried it into Pan Fry Tavern and placed it at her feet.

Not long after that, a waiter approached Lark and Vivian, and Lark recognized him because he had met him at the town gate.


After smiling cheerfully, Lark greeted the waiter, "You work part-time in this place? I thought the salary from Pine Co is quite high."

"This is my wife's shop." The sentry guard smiled at Vivian before turning back to look at Lark. "You can call me Hirak."

"You can call me Lark, and we order Vivian's favorite."

For a while Hirak was silent, then he said, "I suggest you order a double regular."

"Nope, just bring Vivian's favorite menu."

Seeing that his guest had settled on his choice, Hirak could only nod slightly. He then walked to the kitchen while sighing in silence.

- - - - -

The main menu at Panfry Tavern is Pan Fry Chicken Breast for five rell. Consists of three pieces of boneless chicken breast weighing 100 grams each which is baked using a pan fry, then served with two fried eggs, two pieces of white bread, and a glass of lemonade.

However, the Pan Fry Chicken Breast that Vivian usually ordered was a little different. The menu consists of only two pieces of chicken breast, one fried egg, eight pieces of white bread, and a glass of lemonade.

The price is also only three rell.

Even though it was his first time enjoying Pan Fry Chicken Breast, at first glance Lark knew that the menu Vivian ordered was a minimalist version. He could easily guess why Vivian ordered that version, but Lark said nothing.

Lark also did not order additional menus and only moved his two pieces of chicken breast to Vivian's plate.

"Thank you," Vivian said softly.

Carefully, Vivian cut the chicken meat and white bread on her plate. Then, gently she fed the three puppies.

After the three puppies had eaten six pieces of white bread and one piece of chicken breast, Vivian then heartily ate what was left on her plate.

Dinner went fast, and with almost no conversation. But a faint smile spread across Vivian's lips as she walked out of Panfry Tavern. Because somehow, the flavor that she missed so much now is return.

- - - - -

As soon as he arrived at Glue House, Lark immediately took Vivian to her new room.

Vivian looked at the clean and spacious room before turning towards Lark. "Can I really sleep here?"

"Of course you can, from now on this is your room."

Lark then put a wooden pallet measuring 50x30 cm in one corner of the room. Previously the wooden pallets were used as the base for ammunition crates. But now the pallet will become Choco, Cocoa, and Mocca's beds.

After Lark coated the top of the pallet with cardboard and thick towels, Vivian then placed the three puppies on it.

"This way they won't get cold because sleeping on the floor." Lark turned to Vivian before continuing. "And you have to shower, then go to sleep."


Without wasting any time Vivian then went to take a shower. Meanwhile, Lark rubs the three puppies gently.

Lark realized that the three puppies were weak due to the constant malnutrition. In fact, it would be difficult for them to grow normally, let alone have a long life.

Therefore Lark immediately took out three small pieces of meat and incised a drop of his blood on them.

After the three puppies ate the piece of meat, Lark activated Bloodslave. He then modified the three puppies' physical potential and raised their intelligence level to the maximum.

Lark gently scratched the three puppies' chins, "Now you three can play with Vivian for a very long time."

Simultaneously, the three puppies nod, and Lark smiles after seeing it.

Lark then waited for Vivian to finish showering and climbed into bed before leaving the room. However, when he arrived outside the room he did not leave, but leaned against the wall of the room.

Lark thought it would take some time before Vivian fell asleep in her new room. But in just a few minutes Vivian was fast asleep. Meanwhile, Stanic has also fallen to a deep slumber on the couch in the living room. He even snored.

Lark then went to his room while smiling from ear to ear.


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