《Adventure to the Stars》Chapter 20 - ‘’A Bright Shine’’
‘’A Bright Shine’’
I remember a distant memory. I was walking next to my father down our yard. I felt comfort in it. Like I would forever be safe. ‘Say, father.’ I get his attention while we walk through a field of Edelweiss flowers. ‘For the last few years, we’ve all been living peacefully. Nothing that would threaten our lives. Business has been running smooth…yet I feel uneasy. Like everything could just fall apart in minutes… Do you feel like that as well sometimes?’
He chuckles. ‘Of course, my dear Brandr. That has been part of history for as long as humans can remember. Never has there been true peace. Conflict will rise at some point.’ I look worried at him as he suddenly stands still in the middle of the flower garden. ‘But you know, Brandr. Even if everything we build is for naught, we must try. There is nothing gained from giving up before even starting. Because if that was the case, nothing would ever been done in this world…………’
Seconds pass while my eyes are closed. I prepared myself to die just a moment ago, as I couldn’t do anything anymore to prevent the trident of the Abyss to skewer me. Yet there is nothing. No wound. No death. I slowly open my eyes, only to see a wet ground in front of me and an angered Abyss in the body of Inna. The trident disappeared…but why?
‘It seems like I can test this body fully now…’ A smirk. That’s all. Confidence drips of his expression, but these words weren’t directed at me. They were meant for someone else. Someone…behind me….
My head jerks to the other side. I see a man standing on the tip of a boat, with a staff in his right hand. ‘E-Evander!’ He’s here! Oh my goodness, he’s here. I’m saved!
‘Looks like you’ve got yourself in trouble again. Can’t you just have a normal day without me for a second?’ I let him mock me. I don’t care. I feel myself being filled with confidence again.
‘Hah… I guess so. Never a dull moment, right?’ I smile. Finally, I get to smile honestly again.
Evander puts his foot on the island, while the old man that was talking to me gets out after him. He sees the boy, and sprint towards him. ‘Dyer! By the…what happened to you?!’ He glares at me, clearly looking for someone to put the blame on.
‘He’s only unconscious…he actually saved my life…’ Dyer… I didn’t catch his name at all before now. It’s the name of a brave kid.
‘Brandr…’ Evander throws something to me, but I barely react to it and the object smacks me in the face. I recognise the cloth around it, wrapped in leather straps.
‘Watch out with that! It’s very important after all…’ I pull the leather straps from it, unveiling the shining Arc. My entire body still hurts all over, and my wound in my flank is still gushing out blood, but I cannot falter here.
‘So…I can feel an awful presence coming from that girl, so I presume that she’s the enemy…’ Evander stands next to me, while something red appears in his left hand. I can feel the heat from its source…fire…
‘…yeah. The spirit entered her body…’ I feel vomit coming out of my mouth, but I resist throwing up here.
‘That’s….’ the blood from the old man nearly pulls from his face. ‘…maybe it’s for the better that she is the one being possessed.’
‘W-What?!’ Anger nearly overcomes me. I can’t believe what he’s saying. ‘What do you mean wi-‘
‘Silence, useless land-striders!’ A demonic voice fills the area within seconds, gripping everyone (but Evander) with fear. ‘You can have this conversation in the afterlife!’ The spirit lifts Inna’s arm up in the air, as tridents start appearing above her head.
‘Watch out!’ I shout as the old man grabs Dyer and Evander pushes me to the ground as tridents fly in out previous positions. I pick myself up and try to muster up as much possible magic into my sword. ‘Ugh… Come on!’
‘Lighting…’ A quick mutter from Evander followed by a lightning strike that flies from his staff straight towards the body of Inna initiates our counterattack. The Abyss throws a wall of water in front of him as the lake starts to turmoil, turning into a body of its own.
‘Hm?!’ The magic gathers into one place, ready to be unleashed by my sword. I brace myself, ready to attack with a single strike. ‘Take…’ I swing the Arc behind me and use my body as leverage to throw as much momentum in the downwards swing. ‘…that!’ A massive magic wave flies from the Arc towards Inna, who was still dealing with her skirmish with Evander. She notices at the last moment that my attack is heading towards her. ‘Y-Yes!’ I already start my celebration of a successful attack, only to have my hopes shattered as it created another wall of water, bringing my attack to naught. ‘Y-You’ve got to be kidding me…’
The confidence sinks into my shoes, while Evander tries to keep Inns at bay with multiple elemental attacks, while she herself is constantly countering them by the use of tridents, water walls and typhoons pointed towards an Evander that dodges, attacks and counters with the skill of a veteran that has fought for over a thousand years without pause, honing his skill to near perfection. Evander doesn’t need incarnation for the small spells, an only short ones for the quick attacks he uses to quickly attack his adversary without risking himself for battle. It’s honestly an amazing fight that I could probably watch all day. Only we don’t have a day, and defeat is equal to…death… ‘Hngh!’ A small grunt comes from Evander, as the earth on the island starts shaking, and pillars of rock appear, stopping the multiple tridents flying for his head. ‘Sol!’ A flame accumulates in his hand and as he throws it high in the air, it starts shooting fireballs in all kinds of directions, turning the island into a sea of flames. The Abyss uses Inna’s body to its extent, nimbly moving around the altar, narrowly dodging every attack, while using the waters of the lake to attack back in short counters. It is then that I notice something happening behind Evander in the waters, as if the lake is cooking at a specific point.
‘E-Evander! Behind you!’ I reach out to Evander, who’s foot gets captured by the water, while water surfaces like pillars from two different spots, throwing themselves at Evander, who uses his magic in a quick move to cover himself with earth. It’s a high-level magic battle, where only one outcome can be reached… a defeat for my aged guide. A trident form above Inna’s head, ready to pierce the barely guarded Evander. My body reacts before I can even think, as I throw my body in front of Evander, catching the spear right into my body.
I can hear the blood dripping from my body. My throat feels hoarse, my legs weak and my body cold. A strong voice in the distance is keeping me awake, preventing me slipping into my unconsciousness. My vision sharpens bit by bit, revealing the unimaginable wound on my chest. I can still…see…it…pierce…me…
‘Brandr! Wake up, dammit! Brandr!’
‘S-Shut…up…will…you…’ I clench my sword tightly. Even in a state like this, my body doesn’t want to give up. My body has been reacting to these events quicker than my mind. So, it’s my mind…that’s holding me back?’ I shake the bad thought from my head, and glare at the Abyss in Inna, whom has a satisfied smile on his face, as if he finally passed the point of no return. ‘This…is…nothing…’
I hate everyone…
A lingering voice in my head, completely pushed back into the safe that harbour my thoughts and feelings. I push it back in. ‘Do…you really…think…I’m…going to die…because of this! You should…go back…to your…fantasies!’ I hold my sword as tightly as possible, and all the magic in the area gathers into one place. The Abyss realises what I am up to, and quickly send all the water and weapons in the vicinity at me, only to be blocked once again by Evander’s quick judgement, using the earth to halt the attacks, while the Arc consistently gathers more and more magic inside it. ‘You…are…not dealing…with…a normal…person…’ I use all the strength in my body to raise my sword in the air. ‘……’ I open my mouth, but nothing comes out. My conscious is rapidly fading away, but I can pass out just yet. ‘…radiate…Arc!’ I release all the energy in my sword, which blindingly shines brighter than the sun itself, illuminating the dark morning sky with a beautiful light.
‘W-What are you!’ The Abyss inside Inna realises too late. I remember being able to keep Abyss at bay with this shine, so if I use it more effectively, I might… ‘Grrr…! You will pay for your insolence!’ the Abyss screams as it escapes Inna’s body and tries to push itself into the altar. It wants to take control of the Guardian again.
‘I won’t…let you!!!’ I concentrate all the power in my sword and get ready to unleash its power with everything I’ve got. ‘You have enjoyed yourself for too long! Now…die! Illuminating…Strike!!!’ I swing downwards to the earth, unleashing all the magic inside.
‘Damn you…Hero!’ The strike flies towards the small Abysmal body, and completely obliterates it at impact, leaving nothing behind as the magic disperse mid-air and returns to the sky.
‘Damn…that…was…easier than…I thought…’ I barely get out of my throat. I am beat.
‘Is it over?’ Evander looks released from whatever he was locked and stands next to me, as I suddenly fall through my knees. ‘B-Brandr?!’ I can only smile pitifully. I defeated the Abyss controlling Inna and the Guardian. In other words, I made the tridents disappear…including the one in my chest. Blood starts spitting out of my body, as well as my throat. ‘Brandr, pull yourself together.
‘I-It’s...okay…just…’ My consciousness is rapidly fading away. The world is turning pitch black, filled only by the voice of Evander that sounds like its in another country. I fall asleep, my body cold and tired from the night…
‘Brandr…’ the boy falls asleep in Evander’s arms, his breathing shallow but still existent. ‘I’m no expert in healing, but I will try my best. Anima…’ A single chant that escapes tiredly from Evander’s lips is accompanied by a green and yellow light in his hand, which he uses to cover up Brandr’s wounds. It’s a lacklustre effort. ‘Dammit…I should’ve studied more healing magic.’ He desperately ties to close the wounds, to no avail. ‘I’m sorry…Brandr… It seems like…’
‘Sir Evander…’ a familiar voice cuts of Evander’s loud spoken thoughts. The older man has put down Dyer and offers Evander a bottle. ‘Please…use this…It will help him heal.’ Evander grabs it without second though and forces the fluid down the throat of the sleeping Brandr. His body responds to the fluid in seconds, as the wounds on his body regenerate.
‘W-What is…’
‘It’s our trademark potion. The pride of this small village. I can close any wound on anybody. Our ‘’Dragonroot Potion’’.’
‘I see…’ Evander thinks quietly. For now, Brandr is safe. Everyone can think rationall-
‘Now that that is over with…it is time to pass judgement…’ the old man says suddenly as he stands up, his vision darkened as he looks at the body of a young, unbeknownst girl…
A whole day passes.
I vaguely remember the events that took place, but Evander kindly explained what happened. Apparently, the curse had been lifted, and I was saved by a special potion that kept me from dying. I am still amazed sometimes by the amount of luck I have. I am sure I should’ve died already by now…
The villagers prepared a thank-you for me by the time I got out of bed. They gave us a ton of stuff to carry with us, as well as samples of the potion that healed me. Three of them. I was thankful for that. When we were about to leave, Dyer came to me. He apologized for everything, but I told him I didn’t mind. He saved me after all…
Inna was still resting in her bed. Evander told me that she nearly became a vessel of both the Guardian and the Abyss. She could’ve died. She should’ve. But she didn’t. I told them it’s because of her strong will.
We resumed our travels soon after, heading to Fireroot in order to get our first star. ‘Say, Evander…’ He turns towards me, while skilfully keeping the horses on the road. ‘I’m glad I was able to help these people… I was reluctant, because I was only thinking about myself, but they have lives as well. They are just trying to get by, just as much as I am…’ Evander only smiles and smokes his pipe as he returns his vision to the road.
Yeah…I’m glad… I really think I did something good…
A magic circle appears on the ground of the forest of Perinia. Somewhere deep in the forest, where no one ever goes, a single man with a hood covering his face stands in front of the magic circle, chanting inhuman incarnations, until the silhouette of a beast appears, carrying more weight and power than the man could ever image for. The silhouette stretches his arm, and the man promptly takes it, as his body suddenly disappears along with the magic circle and the silhouette, leaving only pure corruption behind which the forest could never filter out. It will remain dead and corrupted until the days of the world are completely spent.
‘My lord, I bring urgent news.’ The man goes to his knees and takes of his hood. The face reveals the old man from the Perinia Village.
‘Ah, Rador… What is it the humans call you? Aaron? Alat?’
‘Adam, my lord, but what the humans call me is of no concern of mine. It is merely a cover for me to safely serve you.’
‘Ah, yes… Adam. How have the humans been to you? Have you done something new? I’d like to know. It peaks my interests… Ah, I wish I could have a taste of all those delicious meals…pizza, spaghetti, ravioli. Ah, if only they tasted so good as the blood of Illuminians…’
‘It seems that your love for small talk hasn’t faded yet, my lord. As always, you tend to side-track.’ The demon Adam talks to chuckles loudly. ‘I have come to report to you that the new Hero has departed the village, my lord. It has gone exactly as you planned. Your wonderful plan has stalled their movements.’
‘I see…good…good! A Hero will always be a Hero. You know what a Hero makes one, Rador? It’s their inspiring will to help the weak and fragile. Using the corpse of the Guardian was a good call from you. Ah… Heroes truly remain the same. They are blinded by their desire to help, so much so that they don’t even realise that it’s a fake voice talking to them. Now we can move to the final stage of the ritual.’
The demon talks continuously while Rador silently listens. The Guardian is long dead, taking over and murdered by Abyss. They projected a voice like the Guardian’s into Brandr’s head, begging for help. Never would Brandr have realised that it was a trap to stall time for the demon.
‘My lord, I wonder was goes through your mind right now…’ the demon stops his monologue and stares angrily at Rador, who doesn’t look fazed, like a man that knows his friend more than he does himself, knowing when to back away and when not to. ‘If we played our cards differently, we could’ve prevented the Hero damaging the fake spirit, and we could’ve used it to gather more energy for you.’
The demon chuckles once again, seemingly enjoying himself. ‘There is no need, because that same Hero has nearly completed our ritual. The girl…because of his fight, that girl became a vessel, harbouring the remains of the Guardian. When we killed the Guardian, we kept her intact, using her body and making sure that it could carry our abysmal strength. But a spirit remains a spirit. It’s not alive and cannot feel anymore, but the guardian now resides inside the girl, along with the Abyss that was inside the Guardian’s body. We can use her to bring even more misfortune. Herself alone is more than enough. We don’t even need the villagers anymore…’
‘I see…what shall we do with the rest of the villagers, my lord?’
‘Purge them. Craze their mind into killing each other. I want the boy and the girl alive. They are valuable assets.’
‘I will see to it, my lord.’
‘Make sure both of them will be tortured brutally. I need their sorrow. Misfortune obtained by pain still tops my personal list of most delicious sorrow. I love to see the faces of humans when they beg me to kill them to end their suffering.’
‘Your wish is my command… I shall see to it, lord Juren-Kulei.’ Rador stands up as his appearance change. No longer does he look like an old man, but more like a demon wearing a dark, long robe and demonically shaped necklaces.
Juren-Kulei… the name of the demon Rador was talking to steps out of the shadow, revealing a demonic golem, as much humanized as possible. ‘Good…soon I will have enough power…to destroy this world and get my revenge…hahahaha...hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!’ A demonic laugh escapes his mouth, lost into the darkness that is…the Abyss…
[It remains one of the most bizarre cases in the history of Illuminia. Within a single day, the entire village of Perinia ceased to exist. By the time the soldiers and investigators arrive, there wouldn’t be a single person alive. A complete massacre, with the bodies of its former inhabitants spread all over the village, while the beautiful lake would be encountered in red, newly coloured by the blood of its former inhabitants. When the bodies are counted, only three people would be found missing. Inna, Dyer and Adam. Till this day...no one knows what happened…but I am sure that Abyss had something to do with this, which makes me wonder if I could’ve done anything to prevent it…]
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