《Adventure to the Stars》Chapter 19 - ‘'Perinia the Guardian and Brandr the Hero’’
‘'Perinia the Guardian and Brandr the Hero’’
‘Come on, it’s this way.’ The boy is leading me through some woods while the girl called Inna and myself follow behind him. We walk through the dark forest and over the thickets.
‘Say.’ I look over at the girl who easily manages through the woods. ‘What is he trying to show us actually?’ She doesn’t answer. ‘Uhm…are you not allowed to talk about it?’
‘Exactly!’ the boy suddenly interrupts. ‘No spoilers allowed. You’ll see it when we get there!’ He strolls over the thickets and through the trees, quickly disappearing from our sight.
‘Ah…wait!’ We quickly chase him down, until we get at a treehouse, covered in moss. It has wooden planks nailed against the tree, forming an insecure ladder all the way to the treehouse. It’s big, and even has a platform to walk on. ‘Woah…did you guys make this?’
‘No, we found it already like this and decided to make it our secret base!’ the boy yells all the way from the treehouse. I have no idea how he got up there so fast, but I’m not going to question it too much. They probably can climb this faster than anyone else in the village.
‘Although now it isn’t that secret…’ Inna says as she nimbly climbs upon the wooden excuse of a ladder.
‘I get it, Inna! Just…’ he falls silent and heads back into the house, only to reappear again with a pedal. ‘Hey, bright man. Catch!’ He throws it down before I can even respond, but in the klutz, I manage to catch it mid-air.
‘Hey! That’s dangerous!’
‘Yeah, yeah. Just hold on, will you?!’ Soon after, the girl throws down some rope and a piece of wood, followed by a mallet and a weird shaped wand and then themselves (the climbed down of course). ‘There we go! Grab the ropes and follow me!’ he says as he puts the weird shaped wand in his pocket and grabs the piece of wood to start swinging it around like a sceptre as he starts walking away. Inna quickly follows him with the mallet and I soon follow as I grab the rope from the ground. I have no idea what they are planning, but there is nothing else for me to do but to follow them. I knew I should’ve gone to bed when I had the chance…
‘Tada!’ he cheers as he puts his foot on a rowing boat.
‘Oh, a boat. Didn’t see that coming.
‘Be a little more excited, will you!’ I’m sorry, boy. I’m just sleepy at this point. ‘Anyway, since the lake is so big, I’d figure you’d need a boat to carry you to the altar!’
‘I see… I can’t swim anyway, so I guess this is the best-case scenario…but why are you doing this for me?’
He holds up his shoulders. ‘I dunno. It entertains me. It sates my boredom.’ Fair enough with me. I don’t care about his motives, but now I got something I can use to go to the altar tomorrow.
‘Anyway, thanks for everything. Just leave the pedal here and I’ll try to come back as early as possible.’ I turn around and head back to my bed and sleep in for a bit before I go back and take the boat to the altar. Only I am not, since I am looking at the boy asking Inna to help push the boat in the water. ‘W-Wait, what?! Why are you pushing it in already?’
‘To get you to the alter, of course. You’re not as bright as I thought you were!’ the boy says struggling as he puts all his power into pushing the boat, which inevitably starts getting in the water. Inna just stands and watches at the boy.
‘Why though? Aren’t we going to do this tomorrow?’
‘People come and go from the morning till night-time. This is the only time that no one is here. In order words, it’s now or never!’ The boat finally gets completely into the water, as Inna throws the stuff we’ve brought into the boat. ‘So…are you coming?’ We’re only doing this today, so it’s a once in your lifetime opportunity.’
I think for a moment. He did say it’s forbidden to go to the altar, so it must to be night-time when I head out to it. I could always to and fetch this boat and the pedals as well, since he showed me where it is. But can I rely on the fact that the materials will still be there? He would probably playing near the treehouse again anyway, and I have no idea if he will support me if I reject him now. If I just came here more prepared… ‘You know what…’ I walk over to the boat and step inside. ‘I guess we’ll do a little rowing.’ They start beaming as the quickly climb into the boat. I am slightly worried not having my Arc with me, but a quick exploration mission wouldn’t be bad. Besides, the spirit talked through me, so I might be able to talk my way through everything. ‘I’m just making excuses…’ I immediately regret stepping on this boat, which takes off onto the lake, rowed by the two kids who work in synch.
We float slowly and softly over the water reflecting the moonlight beautifully in the nearly mirrorlike lake, which is completely calm next to our movement in the waters. I cannot stop feeling mesmerized by the still image of myself and the surrounding nature in the waters. ‘What’ya looking at, not-so-bright man?’ the boy suddenly asks while using all his strength to row the boat.
‘The name’s Brandr by the way… I’m just…looking at the waters.’
‘They’re mesmerizing, aren’t they? Inna suddenly says.
‘Yeah, you’re right. The reflection is amazing…’
‘Well, you better start memorizing it, because we’re almost at the altar.’ The boy suddenly finishes the conversation as we embark on the small island, containing a moss-covered tombstone in the middle, surrounded by small pillars surrounding it. ‘So, we’re here!’ He is awfully excited by this. It’s just an altar for them after all.’
‘Anyway, I’m going to do my thing, so be free…to do whatever you want…’ Although there isn’t anything to do, I leave them on their own, and head over to the altar, which really is in a sorry state in comparison to its probable former yesteryears. ‘This place looks like it hasn’t been tended to for decades… What happened?’
‘The elders always told us to stay away from the altar because of the spirits….’ I just back in surprise as Inna suddenly pops behind me with the boy. ‘Ever since we’ve been born, the elders told us not to get close to the altar, because of the evil it contains.’
‘E-Evil…?’ I don’t understand.’ I scratch my head, while Inna looks very solemn.
‘A lot of people died you know… Even a few days ago, there were villagers fighting the spirit. It pops out of nowhere from the altar and starts corrupting the lake and destroying the forest and stuff.’ The boy suddenly joins the conversation with a lot less enthusiasm than before.
‘So, you’re saying that for generations the village has been fighting the spirit?’ They both look at each other and shrug their shoulders. ‘I see…well, I was asked if I can do anything about the spirit attacking the village, so I guess this is the one.’ I purposely leave the part where I actually wanted to head out town. It’s the spirit herself that brought me here. The one they want to get rid of. I instinctively start rubbing of the moss from the altar and read the words described on it. ‘Guardian of the Waters of the World. Perinia, daughter of the Sea. Well, that’s catchy.’
‘You were supposed to fight it?’ the boy asks. I turn back to him and nod. ‘Then…where are your weapons?’ I smile wryly at him.
‘That’s why I wanted to do it tomorrow. So that I would have it.’ His face starts losing colour quickly. ‘Hey, are you okay?’ His face doesn’t change, as he looks more scared than a wounded deer cornered by hungry prey wanting to feed of its flesh. I glance at Inna, who has the same expression as the boy. ‘Say, guys. Just because I am not armed, doesn’t mean you have to look that scared.’ They both only point behind me. Only then I realise that there is a big shadow behind me that sends chills down my spine. ‘Wait…no, no, no…that’s too cliché! Don’t tell me…’
I turn around slowly, only to see a watery figure behind me. A woman wielding a trident, covered in watery armour. ‘I see…’ a dark, low-pitched voice of a woman ‘’enters’’ my mind, as if speaking directly into my soul. ‘You have awoken me from my slumber, feeble land-strider.’
‘Wait, didn’t you attack the village recently?’ I ask shakenly.
‘A trivial matter. You still have summoned me. Is it to surrender your body to me?’
‘Surrender my body? I didn’t even do anything! I just read what the darn altar said after removing the moss!’ I have no idea why I am arguing with this spirit, even though I am shaking in my shoes. ‘Besides, aren’t you supposed to represent the Guardian of Waters? Not this…Abysmal spirit that kills for fun?’
‘Fun? Fun?! Hahahahahaha!’ It laughs hysterically like a maniac. ‘No, puny land-strider. I am looking for the ultimate vessel. The vessel that allows me to walk on the lands. With the Guardian of the Waters in my possession, I shall create an army. First, I shall control a single land-strider, then I will use him to take over others, and I shall rule these vile lands to my own discretion!’
‘……’ Nobody says anything.
‘…….’ He says nothing either.
‘…Thanks for the information, I guess. We’re none of your concern, so I guess we’ll make our way out. Right guys?’ They both nod at me. ‘Well, then…’ I slowly walk towards the boat, which in an instant gets destroyed by a sudden wave of water coming out of the lake, slicing it through the middle. I fly back onto my bottom, only to look in agony as our only way of the island sinks down to the bottom.
‘You are not going anywhere, puny ones...’ I turn back to the spirit, who is looking eviller than before, its watery body turning almost into a rainbow-like colour. ‘…for there is no place to run…’
‘B-Bright man…’ the boy grabs my arm and shakes it multiple times to get my attention. ‘T-The lake…it’s…’ I turn my head around, only to see the lake slowly turn into the same colour as the spirit itself. Blue, red, yellow, violet, orange, all mixed together while the lake bubbles and oozes like a swamp.
‘W-What…is…this…’ It’s disgusting enough to twist my stomach. I turn away from the view while supressing the thought to vomit.
‘I-It’s like a swamp…’ Inna says while approaching the water. The boy quickly grabs her hand and pulls her way.
‘Inna, you idiot! Don’t touch that! I might be poisonous!’
‘………’ Inna doesn’t say anything.
‘…what is it you want, Guardian? Our bodies aren’t strong or anything. We’re just children!’ I shout out to the entity that shows no emotion, it’s expressions even more unclear than before.
‘You fool. It doesn’t matter. A vessel is still a vessel, and I’m sure…’ the grip around it’s trident grows stronger. ‘…you will be a fine vessel for me!’ With a quick movement, it throws it trident at me. Grabbing the boy behind me, I jump to the side with him in my arms as the trident firmly gets stuck into the ground.
‘Hah…hah… Hey boy!’ he looks in shock at me. ‘You’ve got to get Inna and try to run away as hard as you can. I’ll try to distract him.’ He doesn’t react at all, as the trident suddenly dissolves like water. ‘Listen to me! Take Inna and run!’ I shout at him as strictly as I can, in order for him to react. He lets go off me and runs over to Inna, who takes his hand and start running away from the wreckage of our boat. ‘Good. Hey, unicorn poop!’ I shout at the Guardian while wildly waving my hands in the air. ‘Come and get me, you psycho!’ I run in the opposite direction of the kids, trying to stall time until the slow-coming morning light, so that people will find us here and help.
‘…’ he doesn’t say anything and creates another trident in his hand.
He doesn’t attack at all, instead just looking at me, carefully watching my movements. I come to a standstill, as the body of the Guardian turns back into water. I quickly look back, only to see that lake still emitting a rainbow-coloured glow. I finally realise that he cannot kill me. ‘Wait…I’m a vessel. He cannot kill a vessel!’ Confidence swells up inside me, as I walk over to the Guardian, who doesn’t react to my movement at all. ‘H-Hey… Just because you’ve got an advantage, doesn’t mean that I am easily beaten! D-Do you k-know who I am?!’ I point at my chest, trying to puff myself up as much as possible. There is no reaction from him but a silent stare down to my soul.
‘……you might want to refrain from approaching me that casually with kneecaps shaking harder than an earthquake.’
‘…hey. What are you…?’ I look down at my legs…they are trembling enormously. Shit, I’m scared. I’m so scared right now… I realise I have no way of fighting it. Suddenly, danger pressures my entire body, and forces me to look upwards, facing the Guardian that throws its trident like a veteran javelin thrower, flying towards me at high speed. ‘Hngh!’ I instinctively jump backwards, dodging the weapon of the sea with sheer luck. I fall on my butt, but quickly pick myself up as another trident forms in the hand of the Guardian. ‘Y-You’ve got to be kidding me!’ He can really use that ability unlimited. I will probably have a hard time dodging every single one of them until dawn breaks. A glance at the sky shows that the moon is away from the night sky and already way over the halfway point of setting. Morning is going to come sooner or later. I run to the side but slip down to the ground face-first. How did that happen?
‘T-The…ground…’ Its dying. That’s the only description I can give it. The grass that covered the small island bubbles up like a swamp, losing its colour and its attributes. It’s like a swallowing monster, chipping away at its victim’s life little by little. ‘Is this…the effect of the water….?’ The rainbow-coloured water… I try to stand up, but slip once again, not knowing that that single moment saved my life, as the trident flies over my head, into the rainbow waters. ‘Huh! Ah…’ I must catch my bearings. I’ll die if I don’t. ‘Y-You…you’re going to kill your only chance of escaping this island? You are actually going to kill your vessel?!’ I shout at him as I run left again, to the other side of the island.
‘That…doesn’t matter anymore…’ It’s voice projects itself into my brain.
‘W-What do you…’ I stutter as he creates five tridents at the same time. I was a fool, thinking his attacks only consisted of throwing a single weapon. He throws two at the same time. ‘Ha!’ I can see the pattern of the weapons. These are easy to dodge…or so I thought. I try to move my leg, but for some reason sticks to the ground. I shift my body to my left side, dodging one attack, while the other trident pierces my left leg and right flank. ‘Hngh! Ahh…’ It hurts! It hurts so badly I want to scream. I look down at my legs. Water has been forcefully withdrawn from the ground and has taken grab on my feet, making it impossible to move. Even the ground looks dried up and dead after the water has been taken up.
‘I’m going to die… I’m going to die…I’m going to die…’ That single thought repeats in consistently in my mind. The coward in me resurfaces and shows its true colours. The pain of the trident doesn’t leave me, as blood slowly starts leaving my body. ‘Ah…shit…’ My vision slightly wanes. This is bad…I’m not going to see the next sunrise if this keeps up. ‘Why…tell me…at least…’ There is no reaction from the Guardian. ‘First you speak about gaining a vessel, and now you’re trying to kill me.’
It remains quiet for a moment, but soon after I hear its voice projected once again in my mind. ‘It’s because I realise what you are…Hero…’ I gulp loudly. He discovered my secret. ‘As much as I would like to steal your body for myself, the situation has forced my hand. Now I shall kill you here, take the other candidate as my vessel and submit this world to my bidding, granting my unlimited power.’
I shake in my shoes, afraid of the inevitable. ‘…wait…you said ‘other candidate’… Do you mean…?!’ He summons two other tridents, while the one inside me remains.
‘Farewell, Hero.’ He sends all five at the same time, while I close my eyes, trying not to look death directly in the eyes. It is then when I feel my entire body suddenly shift to the side.
I open my eyes, to see both the boy and Inna having pushed me out of the way from the tridents. ‘Ah…you two!’ I thank them in my thought, and try to stand up, but the wound in my flank immediately makes me sink to my knees.
‘Bright man, you’ve got to get up! Please!’ He tries to support me to stand, but the pain is just unbearable. The trident dissolves, and blood starts gushing out even harder than before. ‘B-bright man!’
I push him away from me. ‘Run…you two…’ I try to support myself unto my feet, while having one hand cover up the deep wound in my body. ‘You’ve got to get out of here…quickly…’
‘B-But how?! There is no way of the island!’
He’s right… There is no way of the island… I led those two to their doom… I’m going to be the reason why two children die for reasons they are not related to. ‘J-Just…stand behind me…and use my body as a shield…until the morning breaks and we can get saved… Evander…will do something…about all this…’ I push the boy behind me, but the moment I try to grab Inna, something happens…
‘Ah…Inna!’ I hold to boy behind me, while Inna stand still behind me. Water and blood enter her mouth, like a serpent wiggling its way into her throat. It forces its way in, nearly choking her as her throat starts to swell up. I cannot do anything to stop it. My body is frozen to the spot, unable to react to the horror scene I am witnessing.
‘I-Inna!!!’ the boy screams as he escapes my grip and run over to the girl, who stands straight, like her body is being forced to. He grabs the water, which apparently is solid enough to grab and starts pulling as hard as he can. It has no effect. The water easily digs her way into her body.
Another water body comes out of the ground, immediately killing the flora in the surrounding area and knocks him away from Inna. I cannot do anything to help. The water inside her disappears from sight, and a change occurs within Inna. She stiffens up, and relaxes immediately, her arms hanging weakly next to her body, her head hanging downwards and her long blond hair hanging creepily around her face. At the same time, the Guardian starts to convulse wildly as the waterbody drops to the ground, leaving behind any trace of its existence but a wet pool, as the lake turns back to its original colour…a beautiful reflecting lake, reflecting the rising sun as morning arrives. ‘What happened…?’ I force myself towards the boy, who lies down unconscious on the ground. My vision shifts towards Inna, who still stands motionless, like a corpse forced to stand up. ‘I-Inna… Are you…okay…?’
A small voice escapes her mouth. It’s a chuckle. It’s a small chuckle, which chains itself into a much louder laugh. The laughter of a demon. ‘Finally,’ the Abyss says through the body of Inna, ‘Finally I have gained a vessel. I can finally start taking this world by the neck.’ She looks over at me, her hands balled up into fist while she stays bend over, staring through her strains of hair. Her eyes are filled with fury. I shake. I cannot stop shaking. I cannot even image beating her with my bare hands while having a wound as deep as this one.
My vision blurs, but I can clearly see a trident forming over her head while she remains in her same pose. ‘D-Dad…’ An image of my dad suddenly pops to my mind. Am I going to die here? Am I in this situation again? ‘Dad…dad…’ Tears flow down my eyes, as the trident flies towards my head!
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