《End of Tales: Gaia》First Tale: Chapter 1 - Once upon a time...
Light surrounds me as I accepted the invitation to continue living on another planet. After that, a big planet appears in front of me. It was so big I think it was three times as big as Earth well I may be exaggerating on that part since I haven’t seen earth this close. The planet keeps bigger and bigger I wonder why? Eh? I think it’s not getting bigger. It’s going closer to ...me? No. I am falling from outer space. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiitttt!!!!!
I closed my eyes the entire time until I reached the ground. I’m confident I won’t die since I just made a deal to continue living in another world. As I reached the ground I didn’t feel a thing. I opened my eyes and the ground didn’t make any crater. In fact, the ground is filled with green grass and flower. I’m in a glade. Surrounded by very huge trees that stood 90-170 meters. Hmm.. Some of the trees are very similar inside the second world but in here they are much taller. The biggest and tallest tree that I know from the game is the world trees that reached at least 2133 meters (7000 feet). They are very rare now inside the game since players are so greedy they almost cut every single one of those trees. *kzzt* *tss* hm? What’s that noise? I can hear a sound like static but there is nothing here but then as I look at my body. “Gaaahhh!!” My body is making static noises and fading like a signal getting weakened.
I was confused and don’t know what to do but then, a beam of light from above came down in front of me and behold a four-winged angel appeared. Its beauty is something I’ve never seen but its radiance seems to keep makes eyes hard to stare at her. The angel opened its eyes and stared towards me. She then holds her clasp her hands and closed her eyes as if she was praying. At that moment I was surrounded by light and my body felt heavy yet the fading and static noises are gone. “I’m sorry to make it really short but my name is Aurora and I’m the angel tasked to guide your soul.” It was the same voice as when I was at the eternal darkness. “This is the world called Gaia, after angel Gaia who made this world but sacrificed her entire being in order for this planet and inhabitants to exist. In this world performing miracles are easy or in your terms magic just like in your dream world where you play.” Dream world? “I’m sorry as I will not answer any of your questions and I’m not allowed to stay here for too long. Your soul was mixed with all the data in your dream world when you died and in order to separate them, we need another individual. So right now I am exhausted to give you a blessing but considering your status right now I don’t think it’s going to be a problem since I have materialized all those data in this world.” As I looked on my body it does look like the same as my character. Does she mean my character is now in another game? “There are few rules that you need to know. The inhabitants must not know the existence of god and other angels other than Gaia. So when you utter the words it will become different or muted maybe it will become a word of abuse. If you try to draw, write or illustrate our existence then you will be paralyzed for your entire life or in your case we will just erase your memory.” !!! The moment she said those words a sudden surge of anger came and I looked at her but then something inside me weakened as my entire body trembled. “You don’t have to threaten me like that!”, I yelled as I took a knee to the ground. “Oh.. I’m sorry but it was not a threat but a rule. So then the moment I am gone the language of all inhabitants will be forced on you so please endure the pain. Thank you and please forgive us.”
She was not kidding. The moment she disappears “GAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!” my mind went like a bomb. I fell holding my head with my two hands. Words that I’ve never heard before were forced into my brain. I …think.. I am going in-sane.
“I passed out” I open my eyes and saw the sun at its peak. I don’t quite understand but I seemed to gained knowledge as if it was normal. I stand up and saw a letter in front of me. “Right now your body is the same as the one in your dream world the only difference is that there is nothing to guide you like those things you called screens. The achievements you gathered in that world was so great and all the data you have are so big it took most of my energy to materialize so the only thing I can bless you is the language of all the beings in this planet. This is a reality so please take care and enjoy.” Haaah…. Enjoy? I am here all alone and trusting someone here blindly means letting myself get killed, how can I fucking enjoy!!!
After I read the letter, I teared it up and started to climb up the tall tree to explore my surroundings. The first thing that I would do is check my surroundings. Checking my abilities and situation will be easier once I find a secured area. After climbing I jumped as high as I could and to my surprise, it feels the same when I was jumping inside the game. Collecting energy and focusing onto my feet I did it with reflex and jumped. I saw a road far south in my position I think it will take me a day or two from here and by the looks of it I’m in a forest. The opposite is the mountain that stood so high and big surrounded by trees that stretched all the way back. Not far from here due west is a river and from the east were more trees and a misty part. “Whoops” falling down I lost my balance and fell. It seems gravity is different from the looks of it my balance is way off and my body feels a little bit heavy. Some fruit trees are familiar and some are not. Along the way, I picked up those fruits that are familiar to me as I went to the river. I searched for a place where there are big rocks in order to secure my safety. “Found it” I tried lifting those rocks and they are a little bit heavier than I thought but I collected energy to my shoulder and back then lifting those rocks are much easier. I lifted three big rocks and placed them together to create a small place to rest. Next, I collected some tree branches and leaves, as I avoid fighting an encounter with different monsters, for the campfire and to put as a door and bed. Food and place are now secures and with this I can now begin and analyze my situation.
The sun is now starting to go down in about 2-3 hours. I planned to check my abilities first and when night comes I’ll think about my next step. First, it’s now obvious I can use my skills and abilities judging by the usage of my energy on the way here. In the game, Energy was divided into 4 basic category Mana, Psyche, Chi, and unique types. A player can have 3 energies but their level must be on a total of ten. By maximizing one energy a player can upgrade it to a higher rank or better version. As such I use two energy, Natural energy which is born from a Medium psyche and pure mana level 5. Another energy I used is dark spiritual energy a unique type. Natural energy lets me use mana that surrounds me but I need to store the energy first. In my energy bar, natural energy won’t regenerate unless I collect it. While the dark spiritual energy is much the same. I need to collect energy to use it. Looking at the clear water of the river I saw my face, long black jagged hair, brown eyes naked body filled with tattoos of dark spirits. My basic gear was here as well a pair of black gloves, a brown leather pants paired with leather boots. I didn’t have an armor because of my class as a cursed warrior prevents me so. I don’t have any weapons with me since when I died I didn’t carry any weapons but she said I have a lot of data with me when I died which mean it’s possible that I have my items with me. Since she said there are no screens in real life the only possible thing to try is the command system Item summon. It’s a voice command that summons items in your inventory without opening the screen. Well then [Inventory Summon: All Items] since I forgot the items I had this is the only thing I know. ‘Huh?’ What the? I forgot to put the items in my last exploration in the guild storage!!
‘No wonder she said I have a lot of data, the items that appeared were the items I gathered during my last exploration. During that time I know it is going to be my last so I decided to explore the ruins in solo. I prepared many items that cost me a lot and donated the remaining in the guild treasure room. Right now I am surrounded by many weapons and items but there are some items that bother me. I don’t remember having 3 boxes in my inventory. Hmm? There is a note written.’ [Congratulation on achieving 'solo exploration' achievement you are rewarded with a [Legendary explorer’s book of spells III]. “Oh so this is an achievement price box well I was dying so I never paid attention to this things lately. Let’s see there is a note written here.” [This book contains 100 mana spells to be used only once, they are rank with 50 basic spells, 30 advance spell, 10 expert spell, 6 master spell, 3 legendary spells and 1 unique spell]. ‘Shit unique spells are mana spells that can only learn by a single player to think there is a onetime use unique spell. Next box is [congratulation on completing the Ruins of the Berserker King] Opening the box lies 3 items [weapon scroll (legendary grade)] [Blood of Dragon Fafnir] [4 Ancient Potion]. 'Weapon scroll' lets me generate a random weapon also guaranteed legendary hmpf.. I already have a unique weapon so it is useless to me. 'Blood of dragon Fafnir' lets the player became a half-ling since every player can only choose human as a race in the game. Last is the ancient potion that lets me boost my stats in random in a total of 10 points but since there is no screen in real life I wonder how strong those numbers are. Also, I wonder how will it affects me. What the heck let’s try one already. And so after trying one, my body felt a sudden surge of energy. My muscles hardened and I can feel heat coming from my stomach that engulf my entire body. ‘Gaaahhh this feeling differs from the game. Hah hah hah… I felt exhausted after that. So this is the difference between reality and game huh… After that I decided to keep the remaining since if I get stronger, it will be harder for anyone to kill me.
The last box contains the berserker king treasure box that contains a 2 profession book [Path of a berserker book] [Path of Legendary Berserker]. [10 Berserker Pills] that lets you boost your stat 3x for five minutes afterward your stat will be down to 10% of its original for an hour. [Soul crystal (Berserker Champion)] soul crystals can be used to gain possession skill or incarnate skill. [2 scrolls of resurrection] ….. Riiight.. better use it on someone else before I have the chance to use it on me. [10 scrolls of knowledge] scrolls that represent like hints during quests but since there is no quest screen or quest here I wonder how they are used. Lastly, a bag that contains [50 000 gold ores 300 000 silver ores 100 diamonds 20 golden necklaces 20 diamond rings 36 ruby gems and 14 sapphire gems.] Fuck!! Now I’m rich which means if I can create my own kingdom if ever I planned to build one. But I’m planning to die but not letting myself be killed so scratch that. The rest were just looted weapons and armors, my main items, my hunter tools and my exploration bag that contains a pickaxe, axe, shovel, hammer and chisel, 100m rope, 11 healing herb, 6 Yggdrasil leaves, 2 Yggdrasil fruit, 5 fire gems 1 torch 5 bottles of gas oil(at least 1 litter each) and 500g of black powder.
‘Haah these were a lot for my first day and it’s now sundown. I tried inventory restore all items and luckily it worked but one thing was left lying on the ground. ‘Is this another letter?’ what the? Tears fell in my eyes as I picked it up. It was not a letter but a picture. A picture of us looking at the sunset during that time. Haha… *sniff* ha ha ha ha... UUhhhhuu…. *sniff* Uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhh!!!! I thought I’ve sent it onto uncle, looks like I never made it in time to send it over before i died.
That time instead of observing more and trying to catch a fish I spent my time reminiscing until nightfall. I have only time to prepare a door inside and a bed made from the leaves and branches i collected. Using the spell fireball from the book of spells I ignited a fire. It seems wasted but I had to try to use it once before using it in combat. All I had to do is rip a page of the spell then a magic pattern will appear on my hand. I tried focusing my mind and aim at the campfire I made then the fireball shoot down. It seems after five to six seconds the spell will activate on its own since I didn’t even imagine shooting it down or the image of a fireball. Well, I’ll just eat this fruits for now and hunt tomorrow.
That time after sleeping I’ve been pondering what to do next. People from the game and Players all have the same dark sides. Innocent people were dragged by their wickedness as such it’s hard to trust someone in the game. There are even quests wherein the end the one giving the quest will betray you and wherein you are doing the wrong thing because of the quest. The same as the Players. It was such an ugly world, however, there are people who are nice also not everything is dark in that game. Well with this I think I’ll just stay here and live quietly since going to town meeting people means trouble and could mean letting myself be killed. I don’t want my memories be erased so I guess that’s that. For now Goodnight.
Morning comes and I woke up hungry so hungry I might die of starvation meaning letting myself die meaning memory erase. So I summon my hunter gears which contain: 3 bottles of paralyzing potion, 2 bottles of poison, 3 smoke bomb, 1 dwarven crossbow, and 69 orichalcum bolts. I planned on fishing and laying some traps today afterward I’ll continue exploring the extent of my abilities. Hopefully, I am done with that today. Fishing was rather troublesome. The gravity is different which means my aim is a mess. It took me 50 tries to catch 4 fish. Still, I was lucky not to encounter dangerous water monsters. I guess, the danger lies deeper in the forest. Afterwards ,I started cooking those damn fish and starts preparing some for later. On the river, I put rocks in a semi-circle to trap some of the fish in a certain area. This makes it easier for me to aim since the current slows down. On the ground, I prepared some pitfalls and paralyzing stakes.
Along the way here yesterday I’ve evaded many creatures like a small rabbit with a horn similar in the game except the rabbits here have a different color. In the game, it’s only white. I also saw snakes at least 10 feet long swallowing a boar at least 4 feet tall and 7 feet long but man that boar was so fat. There is also a deer but I saw only a glance of it. It has 4 horns and scales like lizards. I’m guessing it has a very high alertness since it ran away immediately. With my crossbow, I was on top of a tree looking for some beasts. The first thing I saw was a bird’s nest. There is a big bird with 4 eyes that stands at least 5 feet. It has a mixed feather of black and white and has very long talons. I aimed my crossbow coated with a poison arrow. I didn’t need to aim well since it’s big so I released the bolt and *tsu* Hit its wings!!! The bird stared me with the intention to kill. I hid immediately behind the tree reloading my next shot but after I reloaded the bird was already in front of me. ‘Fast!’ Its wings shine and were aimed at me. My instinct tells me to dodge so I jumped down and I was surprised the wings cut the tree as it passed through. Thankfully I dodged so I released another bolt as I fall down. It was supposed to hit its wings but this time it was repelled. The bolt pierces through the first time but now it didn’t? I guess it a hardening skill. Monster from the game can harden their fur to use as an armor or weapon. I never knew an avian type to have a hardening skill from the game. The bird stagger for a bit then flew down ready to pierce me with its beak. Thankfully we are in a forest so I fell down on one of its branches and dodge the incoming attack. The bird cannot stop its momentum as it continued falling down breaking the branches along the way with its hardening skills until it reaches the ground. Not missing this chance I summoned a sword and aimed down at the bird but this time [element enchant Fire] as I gather energy from my back I also activated skill element enchant to my weapon giving it fire element. The bird recovered but the poison starts kicking in giving it a weakened state not having the chance to dodge my incoming attack.*swish* With that, my meal for the day is secured. 1 bird and 4 eggs.
>End of Chapter
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