《Planet of The Living Dead》1.21 - FIRE


The scent of smoke in the air jolts me awake. There’s no screaming, but everyone in the room is waking up at the same time. Marshall is putting on his armor, a sober Niko is filling his bag with things to go. Thore is trying to locate Enda, but doesn’t seem to be having any luck. I grab my bag, some medical supplies, sunshine and my favorite snacks. Probably could have packed better but you don’t need to pack thoughtfully when you’ve got a gun. We gather in the common room, as sirens sound off and an anti-fire solution rains down on the building.

“Why are we standing here, we need to get the hell out,” Marshall shouts.

Everyone falls in behind and rushes through. Elevators are out, we need to take the stairs. Only as we move through the doors do I realize Aaimina isn’t with us. I rush back to the common area and try to force my way into the women’s room. Aaimina is there, passed out. I check her pulse, she’s still breathing. I place her over my shoulder’s in a fireman’s carry and head towards the exit. Marshall is waiting, shouting, I can’t hear him over the sirens. He’s probably upset I went back for her but I don’t care. I take the stairs ahead of Marshall. After the third flight it gets hard to carry Aaimina, I’m not in the best shape already, but half-awake with my lungs full of smoke doesn’t help. I collapse outside of the building. Rolling over to begin CPR on Aaimina, making sure she’s alive. I don’t even know this woman that well, but she makes me want to be stronger and braver. I leave her with Niko and Thore as she comes awake, I regroup with Marshall.

“Are you out of your damn mind,” he grips my shoulders, “Why would you run back into a burning building?”


“I wanted to make sure everyone got out okay.”

“You almost didn’t get out okay!”

“Did we do a count,” I try to change the subject.

“We’ve got everyone,” Marshall responds calmly.

“No we don’t.”

“Who are we missing.”

“Marki, we can’t just let her body burn up in there.”

“She’s already dead.”

“But this isn’t right.”

I make my way towards the hospital’s front doors. We had her on the first floor, it should be easy to get to her. Marshall grips my arm trying to prevent me from going in. I snatch my arm free from him and keep walking. I feel my body yank backwards as he grabs me by the collar of my armor. I shove him off of me, prepared to fight him.

“Duane,” Aaimina chokes as she tries to shout.

“What,” I find myself shouting at her, my adrenaline flowing.

“You can’t go back in there,” she pleads with me. “I know she was your friend, but you’re just going to get yourself killed if you try to run back in that building.”

“She should have a proper mourning ceremony.”

“Well nothing is proper anymore,” Aaimina takes my hands in her own, “we don’t need to mourn you because you couldn’t let your friend go.”

The overwhelming adrenaline that flows through my body seems to be calmed by Aaimina holding my hands. I can think clearly, and it is insane to run back in the building for a dead person. I take a seat on the ground and just watch as the fire envelops the hospital. Aaimina joins me as I try to calm down.

When I’m calm I grab my back and make sure all of the medical supplies I brought are in good condition.


“Does anyone have any injuries,” I call out.

“We don’t have time for this, we need to move before nightfall,” Marshall whispers angrily in my ear.

“We can’t move fast if someone has a limb falling off.”

Thore makes his way over to me carry Niko in his arms. It’s an odd sight, but I spot the burn on Niko’s leg. He’s probably in incredible pain at the moment. I don’t ask him how he’s feeling before I offer him some sunshine. To my surprise, he rejects it. He knows what kind of situation we’re in. To fight through the pain when there’s and alternative in front of you is great strength. I pour some bottled water over the wound to cool it before applying some medicinal cream to the burn on his leg and bandaging it.

“Take a rest for now, but it’s not too bad. You should be able to walk in about an hour or so. Just give it time to start the healing process.”

“Thanks Duane,” Niko smiles as Thore lifts him and carries him to a bench to rest on.

Calista is next, she’s got some burns on her hands. I repeat the process and for once she’s almost thankful. Everyone else seems to have made it out with nothing more than emotional injuries, and I can’t do anything about those. Enda seems to have found a way out on his own.

Marshall calls me over to a secluded location to speak in private. I’m unsure of what he wants, I already agreed that we need to move, but people need a chance to recover. However, he still seems urgent for some reason.

“What’s going on,” I ask him.

“We need to deal with Calista.”

“What do you mean we need to deal with her?”

“Court marital her right here in the field.”

“Why are you talking about a trial?”

“Because she tried to burn us up. We couldn’t find her Enda when this all started. She’s also got burn wounds on her hands. Nobody else has burn wounds on their hands. We didn’t touch any doors, they opened themselves. How the hell did she burn herself?”

Marshall is right, she probably did try to burn the building down. I didn’t pay any attention to her, but I don’t recall seeing her with us either. Marshall could be right, but I don’t want to just accuse her, especially not right now when people are still trying to calm down.

“Alright, set it up.”

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