《Matters of the Heart》Chapter 21


Jareth swept the golden-haired Meena across the elegant dance floor, his eyes searching the crowd carefully. Terra hadn't come to greet him as she had at the last great ball. The bright-eyed, crimson-caped girl he'd been expecting to leap into his carriage hadn't shown a trace of herself at all. The weather couldn't be to blame for keeping her at home since the raining had stopped the day before his arrival. He couldn't help but wonder if she was alright, or if perhaps something he'd said in his last letter had upset her. He certainly didn't believe there had been anything in it to warrant offense; all he'd say was that he was looking forward to seeing her. Was there something else detaining her?

"Excuse me," a voice said at his side.

Jareth halted instantly, almost tripping Meena. His dance partner shot him a glare before quickly resuming her polite smile so as not to seem rude or petty. Jareth released his hold on her and turned to see the speaker. His face lit up with a wide grin at the sight of his missed friend smiling up at him. Her hair was tied up in a tight bun and she was wearing long white gloves and a strapless dark blue dress with teardrop earrings of matching color. The look didn't suit her quite as well as her previous choice, but she still looked just as beautiful as ever.

Terra looked to Meena.

"I'm sorry, but I'll be stealing your dance partner now," she apologized.

Meena simply cast her a stony look before walking off.

"I hope she isn't too upset," Terra said, sounding slightly amused.

Jareth brushed the subject aside.

"Where were you?" he demanded as they joined hands and started to dance.

Terra raised a single eyebrow, "Were you that anxious to see me, my prince? I was only having trouble picking out a dress. I see no need for you to concern yourself."


"You were having trouble picking out a dress?"

Terra frowned, "Why the surprise?"

"You are certainly not the type to agonize over what dress to wear."

"This is a very special occasion that happens only once a year!" Terra insisted, "I'd like to see you laugh at me when you have been faced with an entire wardrobe of ball gowns to choose from!"

"Oh, I would do it easily," Jareth said teasingly.

Terra burst out laughing, the crystal light catching her eyes and illuminating them brightly. Jareth looked down at her, a thoughtful smile forming on his face. He remembered that laugh, and the sound of her voice, and the feeling of dancing with her. They may have eased their loneliness through frequent correspondence, but it wasn't the same as actually being together. It had been too long, and Jareth was only just beginning to realize how much he'd really missed Terra's company. He thought back to their first parting, back when they were just kids. He had leapt at the chance to have his own kingdom to rule, but he hadn't even thought about the strain he'd be putting on Terra and his friendship with her. He hadn't thought of it at all, choosing instead to allow his own selfish ambitions to blind him to her pain. Even after she had fled the ball and he had guessed her feelings at receiving the news, he hadn't gone to her as he should have done, as a friend would have done. Then again, hadn't he always been like that in youth? Even in their playful pranks on the courtiers, he had used her countless times as a scapegoat without ever apologizing for it. Terra had always been there for him, but he'd swept her under the rug in a heartbeat. He'd even known about her family troubles and had said nothing of it. He'd offered no comfort, no support, no friendly advice. For a hundred years, he had practically forgotten she'd existed. But Terra had never forgotten him. She had accepted his choice quietly, she had endured a hundred years without a single letter from him, she welcomed him back upon his return with open arms, and she had even tried to mend his broken heart. For a second, Jareth almost hated himself for being so awful to Terra. Despite everything, there she was, smiling up at him like he was the most wonderful thing in the world. He didn't want to leave her behind again. He couldn't.


His feet had stopped moving but the crowd around them still relentlessly swayed to the sound of the music. Terra blinked at him in confusion.

"You alright?" she asked.

Jareth met her gaze. He wanted to say something, but all he could do was stare at her.

He cleared his throat after a moment of silence between them, "I fear I am done dancing for today. I will retire to my chambers."

He strode off before Terra even had a chance to reply, his heart sinking further with each step he took away from her.

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