《Matters of the Heart》Chapter 20


Terra's quill stopped scratching out words on the parchment and she looked up at the window. It was raining fiercely; it had been that way for days. She just hoped it wouldn't ruin the upcoming great ball. There were only two days left before the event; Jareth would already be on his way there. Terra felt sorry for the courier who would have to ride in the dreadful weather. At least he wouldn't have to go as far as he normally would.

Terra's eyes wandered to the radiant daisy on her table before returning to her letter. She looked over at the heap of received letters next to her. She would have to part with some of them eventually, but she loved going back and reading the oldest ones over and over and enjoying the memories they brought to her mind. She sighed. How had they ever found so much to write about? There had hardly been a day that Terra hadn't been writing away, replying to Jareth's latest letter as well as recounting any interesting events that had happened to her. They had exchanged thoughts and sentiments, troubles and worries, even trifling affairs. Terra had poured her wild ideas and adventures into her letters while Jareth had kept her up-to-date on everything happening in the goblin city. Over time, Terra had been happy to see a change in the tone of his letters. He had slowly recovered from the shock of the events he had endured with Terra and Sarah, and he hardly talked of it anymore. Terra couldn't help but wonder if it was some sort of ruse to make her think he was alright when really he wasn't. She would have to judge for herself when she saw him again.

It was hard to think that another hundred years had already passed since their last meeting. The time they'd spent apart before the last great ball had seemed so long but this time it had passed in the blink of an eye. Terra couldn't help but wonder how things would turn out. Last time it had turned into a ridiculous escapade that had brought many uncomfortable truths to light. She had no daring plans this time however, so hopefully things would go much smoother. Jareth would arrive, they'd exchange pleasantries, they'd dance together, then he'd leave again and life would go on. Maybe in time, the letters would stop and the two friends would fade almost entirely from each others' lives. Oh well. It was probably for the best.

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