《HER BLACK SOUL》Masters awakening ..2


masters awakening..2

A young boy in red hood came with a little knife and a transparent bowl in his hand. He gave the knife to one of the guest. The man took knife from his hand and made a deep cut in his hand.. soon blood started dripping from his hand and it was collected in that transparent bowl. Everybody present there did the same thing.soon the bowl was filled with blood.

Elder came to the middle of the hall. On the back of him there were 10 peoples in red hood,their face was completely hidden. Elder started making symbol from the blood in the bowl on the middle of the hall.The symbol was compelete. It looked like a big star in a circle with some letter in the middle.

The moon outside today was bright red in colour. In the hall candels were lit. The 10 guys along with elder stood on the border of the circle. Elder ws a step ahead of them. They started chanting words.Each and every person was silent. One can only hear the words for awakening from those people.

Soon everybody stopped. And only elder spoke" Those soul who commits sin, those soul whose nature is dark all emerge from thee,all destroy by thee,all submerge in thee,i request the thee,our dark lord to rise and bestow us with his presence.we request the greak king of darkeness to once again rise. We request our master to once again awake and grant us the opportunity to once again see his reign."

Every person in the hall at once said" we request thee to awake."

At that moment,a dark fog appeared in the middle of circle. Everyone became silent. Every gaze was on the middle of cicle. Soon one can see a figure emerging from that smoke.The black fog started disappearing and the figure started becoming clear as the fog completely disappeared one can see the man in black dress with jade like skin,sharp eyes,thin lips.


A beauty,an aura incomparable. His eyes were as red as blood. Soon the cold diomeenering aura from the master filled the full hall. At that moment everyone awke from their gaze and knelt towards their master .

" Rise" was the first word he swoke.

Everyone rose but nobody dared to look in his eyes. Their heads were down . Elder spoke" master"

Master looked at him"its been a long tym"

Elder had a smile in his face. Master without speaking further started heading towards his study room. He still remember this place. Jacke,sam and lutin took a glance at him and started following him.

Elder started handling the situation down and thought in his mind. Still master is cold. Master really dislikes crowd still. Maybe habits didnt change even in centuries. But still he is warm as before.I am gland i can meet him again..

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