《Psychotic Death Online》Chapter 7: Fairy Guardian vs. Fairy God
Author's Corner: Oh the woes of being a Blademaster shall be revealed!
" " = people talking
italics = people thinking
* * = sounds
' ' = people talking within telepathy
CAPS = Power usage
Chapter 7: Fairy Guardian vs. Fairy God
After picking up the sword I took a moment to saver the feeling gained from killing Ragnor, a truly frightening individual. I had less than 400hp by the end of the fight, I’ve never gotten that close to death!
But the feeling I got was orgasmic! It was like swimming with the waves in the middle of a hurricane, while being in full control of the wind and the waves! I finally knew what my calling was. It wasn’t to find random bugs and kill them, oh no! It was to be the best Pk’er ever inside the World of Destiny!
Eventually though I calmed down as I knew I needed to move from this place if I didn’t want to re-encounter anything bad.
“Hey Faefae how much money do you think I can get for this sword?” –Me
“Well that depends.” –Faefae
Always cryptic I see.
“Depends on what?” –Me
“On if you are going to sell the item for US dollars or gold.” –Faefae
“Why should it matter? By the way, what is the exchange rate?” –Me
“The exchange rate is locked out at 1 gold to 10 US dollars, but that isn’t what I meant. The game has only been out for a short while so gold is in short supply. Throw in all the gold dumps and even buying gold at this time is very small. That means you will make way more money in dollars than you could possibly in gold.” –Faefae
“Well fuck! I have no use for US dollars!!! What am I supposed to do?” –Me
“You could bribe Ragnor and try to get him on your side. Having red names in a team will make life more fun!” –Faefae
“Damn I don’t want to do that either, I guess I’ll have to hold on to it for awhile.” –Me
Before I could say any further an annoying message popped up.
Ragnor has sent a friend request.
Fuck what does he want. I guess you cannot message people who are not in your same guild, group, or friends list. Oh well better hit the accept button.
‘Hey there buddy.’ –Ragnor
‘What do you want?’ –Me
‘Hey no need to be so rash. I’m just here, one red buddy to another. No reason we shouldn’t be friends!’ –Ragnor
‘Ahh, so it’s about this beautiful sword huh?’ –Me
‘Of course! My ability to Pk is dependent on that weapon! Sure my armor is good and I have a very high defense, but without the sword I can’t kill anyone!’ –Ragnor
‘How about this, if you can buy it back for a reasonable amount of gold, we can be friends.’ –Me
‘Okay I’ll bite, how much?’ –Ragnor
“How much money could I probably get for this weapon from the auction house?” –Me
“Probably $1000 or so since it is a very high ranking weapon.” –Faefae
Damn that’s a lot, too bad I don’t need real life money. But I’ll never get 100 gold, fuck I guess I’ll just sell it for cheap as some gold is better than no gold.
‘I’ve come to the conclusion this weapon is worth 100g but since no one has that much gold I am willing to sell it to you for 10g.’ –Me
‘Fine! I’ll buy it back and in the future may we team up and kill others!’ –Ragnor
So I opened up the mailing system and chose the C.o.D. method and sent the sword to Ragnor for 10g, I then set the time limit to 3 days so he only had 3 days to get me the money or I’d get the weapon back.
‘There done, nice doing business with you.’ –Me
‘Fine whatever. Bye!’ –Ragnor
Wow that was fast, he must have already had that much gold on him. Should have asked for more!
“Okay that’s done, what should we do now?” –Me
“Killing Ragnor leveled me up to 7 so for now I can heal you for over 200 per, we should be strong enough to go on our original mission if you want. But we are very close to the center of the forest, maybe we can check out the Guardian and get some treasure or a quest?” –Faefae
“Okay sounds fun, let’s challenge the Guardian!” –Me
I mean how bad could I be? I have an overpowered God tiered pet!
“Okay get on my shoulder, I’m flying directly there!” –Me
So with Faefae on my shoulder I flew straight up above the trees and scanned for the lake. After finding it, I flew towards it. Being able to fly above 20 meters is really stronger than I originally thought. I am effectively able to skip content because of this!
Once over the lake I noticed the eerie glow around it. If this was a full immersion game or another world I’m sure I would feel something inside of me. But since it isn’t and I’m a crazed psychopath, I feel nothing!
Slowly I descend to the surface of the lake. Only my balls are big, so I do so in the very middle of the lake. Because if I know anything about anything, if there is a treasure in this lake, it is going to be in the middle of it!
Once I made the surface of the lake I looked at Faefae and nodded.
“Come out Guardian, I’ve come to talk!” –Me
And by talk, I mean steal our treasure!
Then right in front of me emerged a very beautiful creature. Unlike the other Fairies this one was one of the actual playable races that Elves could evolve into. Well it is one of the known ones, though it isn’t accessible until like level 75 and even then it is the caster/rogue route and not good for fighters or tanks.
“Who are you and why have you disturbed the sacred lake of the Fairies?” –Fairy Guardian
“Well my name isn’t important, or maybe it is I don’t know. But I’ve come to inquire about the possible treasure that could be gained from this lake.” –Me
“There is no treasure in the lake. Travelers come here to seek the blessing of the Guardian in order to right wrongs in the world. Only the pure in heart can gain this blessing.” –Fairy Guardian
“Hey Faefae, why does that sound like code word for ‘Only Elves can gain this blessing?’” –Me
“Oh because it is. In this game, only Elves are a pure race, and only Elves can come here at level 75 and become Fairies. It’s part of their evolution quest after they pay 1000g to the one to get the quest and finally travel here.” –Faefae
“What a waste of time. Well I do not want the Fairy’s blessing, I just want the treasure that is probably at the bottom of the lake!” –Me
“There is no treasure at the bottom. Leave now or face me in combat!” –Fairy Guardian
As a quest npc, she won’t attack until provoked as she is a level 75 boss or whatever so as to not be killed by those who fail the quest at level 75. Hell should could even be level 100 but no way for me to tell due to all the ???s over her head.
“Well I have no interest in tangling with you, so why don’t you have a nice chat with Faefae the Fairy God!” –Me
With that I give a toss to Faefae towards the Fairy Guardian and fly a few paces back.
“Yes, bow to me for I am your God!” –Faefae
Crazy girl getting into her role.
“A God? What? On this plane? How is this possible?” –Fairy Guardian
“You know who I am, so submit and let me master have treasure!” –Faefae
I took that as my cue to search for the treasure. So I dove into the water and searched!
‘Don’t worry, I’ll keep her here, she cannot beat me as I’m the strongest! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.’ –Faefae
‘Hey what is with that scream? And there is nothing down here. The entire lake is empty! No shinnies at all! Do we need to kill her?’ –Me
‘No, I died.’ –Faefae
This made me look at my pet icon and I saw that I had a level 6 Fairy God pet instead of level 7. Oh well time to fly up!
As soon as I break the surface of the water, I see an angry Fairy Guardian.
“What are you doing Demon? I am the Guardian of the Lake! Do you wish to fight me?” –Fairy Guardian
“No no, I just came to swim for a bit, I’m done now and have no interest in fighting you. I’ll be sure to send anyone who is of pure soul to thank you for your generosity!” –Me
And before she could respond, I flew straight up and angled Northeast towards greener pastures. After an hour I finally land to get my bearings. Pets take a 1 hour siesta every time they die. So I summon Faefae to ask her what the fuck just happened!
“So Faefae, what happened?” –Me
And she blushed! What is a pet doing blushing!!!!
“Well you see, besides my words of intimidating I couldn’t really do anything else to her.” –Faefae
“Then why did you die? She didn’t even attack me!” –Me
“I kind of used a skill on her to bind her in place to give you more time. But it didn’t do anything and then she smacked me once for more damage than I can calculate so I died.” –Faefae
“Wait wait wait? You are a God tiered pet! You couldn’t touch her at all? What abilities do you have? Aren’t you a cheat like existence?” –Me
“Well technically I’m not a cheat. I’m only God tiered pet because of the amount of resources the system uses on me. I’m a deity as far as this game is concerned as the moment I became a pet it was only natural for me to be God tier. But I’m not a cheat because I’m not able to do any harm to anything. Even though I can heal for a lot, I cannot do damage to even undead! I’m a full support pet in order to not break the system. Besides healing I have some really good Vines spell that can hold targets in root for awhile. I’m super useful for a Pk’er!” –Faefae
“Yes yes very useful. Would have been nice to know ahead of time though. At least your heals seem to be stronger than a healers so that is why you being a God tier pet is something good.” –Me
Oh well, and she takes up my primary pet slot and is soulbound! I could gain two other pets but what would be the use, it’s not like she would let me sue them! And I only have 39 pet capture capsules left! No way am I going to get another pet like ever! Unless I pk it!
“Okay so where am I? I think I was flying towards Old York but trees and other things!” –Me
“If you fly East from here you will run into the road that takes you to Old York.” –Faefae
“Okay great, what is the highest level by the way? I’m too lazy to check the internet to find out.” –Me
“Highest level is 24 at the moment, so you still have plenty of PK’ing until it becomes obsolete. Also you should check the level 20 dungeon that is near the barrier separating the this zone from the one controlled by Old York. I’ll make the dungeon on your list, should be a great place to pk!” –Faefae
Checking my map I saw the East would take me to the road but if I just flew mostly North and a little East from here I would run into the dungeon. I made sure to fly very high so as not to be seen by anyone and managed to arrive at around noon, and entire day after killing Ragnor almost.
Once there I made sure to land and stealth so no one could find me. It has become increasingly obvious that the tutorial I went through isn’t the same the others went through. I at first assumed that rogues could sense others in stealth just like I could. But that isn’t true at all, because as soon as I got to the entrance I noticed about 5 others in stealth nearby.
I started to stalk them as the only others in the front of the dungeon where the regular babble of characters you might find. Vendors and people forming parties. No possible way to attack them and easily get away so stalking the stealthers was the best option.
As soon as I noticed one of them stalk to the East towards the main road I got behind him and shanked him! Well that is what I did in my head, really I just turned on Piercing Aura and killed him before he knew what happened. It has also become obvious after fighting Ragnor that my class is weak but my personal mechanical ability is pretty good. I may only hit for around 90-100 per attack, but I’m able to get so many of them off before someone recognizes what is going on. Versus getting hit for 500 or 1000 that others seem to be able to do. This made me ask Faefae.
‘Why does my class seem weaker than others?’ –Me
‘Because it is. It is the tank class in the Rogue tree, just like Paladin is for Healer or Summoner for Mage. Your class is meant to be able to fight bosses for long periods of times without dying, thus your damaging abilities are very low but your tanking and utility abilities are high. At 10 you got parry which is a tank ability and when you hit 20 you will notice more such abilities.’ –Faefae
Fuck so my class is gimp!
‘Okay so I assume Paladins are gimp but Summoners should be useful, especially their necromancer counterpart. Of the 12 main classes, what rank is Blademaster? ‘-Me
‘12th.’ –Faefae
‘Well I guess it is time to show the world how a 12th rank class can become the #1 Pk’er!’ –Me
It appears the rogue I killed was level 19 as I gained a exactly a level for killing him. Unfortunately, he didn’t drop any loot so no money for me. Walking back to the entrance I noticed the other 4 rogues just staying still as if they were just there to wait for a group and wanted nothing to do with normal thievery or Pk action.
This made me sad so I decided to check my stats then go to the vendors and practice Blacksmithing as nothing else was going on at this time.
“show status and skills.” –Me
STATUS WINDOW!Name:Psychotic DeathRace:DemonClass:BlademasterLevel:19Health:2660Qi:2660Power:532Speed:532 (+30)Intellect:266Stamina:266Attack:M. 120-136, O. 120-136Defense:73[tr]Currency:12g, 95s, 50c
Active Skills:Manual Flight (level 2)
Qi Blade (level 2)
Piercing Strike (level 2)
Stealth (level 2)
Mining (level 2)
Blacksmithing (level 1)
Piercing Aura (level 2)
Passive Skills:Quick Steps (level 2)
Body Strengthening (level 2)
Parry (level 2)
Dual Dagger Mastery (level x)
Buahahaha poor Jun has chosen a tank class. Will he be able to overcome that flaw and become the greatest Pk of all time? Or will he make a total fool of himself and have another outcome? Only time will tell! Only chapter this weekend but expect more Monday if all goes well.
Though doesn't change the story, did edit the numbers from chapter 5 as they were wrong for some reason, dunno why :P. I have no clue how authors of LMS or Zhan Long can keep all this shit together! Also gear is rare so don't expect Jun to just get tons of it super fast. The tutorial was h4x!
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