《Round Two》Chapter 19 - Peaceful Love Life


“Hey, Sal, question for you. Can undead, ugh, you know, still have kids? I mean, she's been on the pill this whole time, but I was wondering if it was even possible. I'm not saying I plan to, but it would be nice if the possibility was around.” Leo says over the phone as he parks the car.

Sal lets out a laugh over the phone. “What? Dude, what have you been spending your time on recently? Shouldn't you be spending your time on work?” He asks, amused.

Leo grabs his work bag and gets out of the car. “Just answer the question.” Leo says as he closes the door and begins to walk.

Sal continues to chuckle. “I mean, yeah, it’s possible. Your body is technically human, even if your senses are cut off from you most of the time. But functions like any other human’s, with the exception of a few perks, such as the enhanced healing. Actually, now that you mention it, I have heard of a few undead who’ve settled down and had kids. I guess it’s natural. I mean, those feelings have to go somewhere, right?” He says.

As Leo walks, a pair approaches him, blocking his way. Leo raises an eyebrow and pauses. “Hey, Sal, I’ll call you back.” He says before ending the call. Sal looks to the man and woman who stopped him. “Can I help you?” He asks.

The woman lets out a smile. “You must be Leo. We had a few questions.” She says in a friendly manner.

Leo looks from her to the other guy. Who are these guys? Leo wonders. “Sure. Go ahead.” He says, unsure what his options were.

“One of our guys died here recently. We were wondering what you knew about that. How was he wounded, and if he had any information to pass on.” The woman says.


Leo’s eyes widen. Damn. This is about that? He thinks. “Well, there was a black hole on his stomach, and a purplish sort of energy. Whatever that was it ate the whole man’s body. Didn’t leave a trace.” He says, deciding to be honest.

“Hmm. Smells like a witch.” The man comments.

The woman lets out a sigh. “Well, that pretty much answers my question. Anyways, Ronin, the guy who died, sent us a request before he died. He recommended you for a place in the organization. Though… I’m not sure what he saw exactly. You smell like a newbie to me.” She says with a raised eyebrow.

Leo stares and lets out a sigh. Freaking deal with the devil indeed. That asshole’s still trying to pull me in from the grave! He thinks, unamused. “Ugh, yeah. I actually am a newbie. And I’m not sure how I feel about joining any organizations. I don’t even know who you guys are.” He says with a suspicious look.

The woman smiles. “I’m Terra, and this is Goon. We’re undead agents from the Voodoo Squad. On this playing field, we advocate self-actualization and freedom of expression. You’ll find undead organization that are all about control, or maybe power, or weirdos who advocate heaven and leading the world to a better place. We’re not about that. We’re about letting people do what they want, even if that gets them burned. Our motto is ‘Experience is the best teacher.’” The lady says with a laugh.

Goon also lets out a chuckle.

Leo raises an eyebrow. What the fuck is that supposed to mean? He questions. “Ugh, I’ll think about it?” Leo says, hoping to reject but not wanting to step on any toes.

Terra lets out a smirk. “It’s up to you. But since you have a recommendation, you have all you need for an in. So call us when you feel ready to play with the big boys.” She says as she hands Leo a card.


Leo takes the card and smiles before gesturing to the building. “I should get to work. I’m already a little late.” He says, a little impatient.

Terra smiles before turning and walking away. “Remember to call. Trust me. You’ll want to.” She says with a laugh as she walks further away.

“Kind of a bitch. Wonder how he got recommended?” Goon says as he follows.

Leo shakes his head and throws the card away. I just know these assholes are trouble. And anything that can mess up my peaceful love life has got to go! Leo says without a care, unconcerned with the card that was carried off by the wind.

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