《Life Sentence》Face to Face


“Why don’t you just leave the kid alone?”

You know it’s funny; when I imagined doing something completely against self-preservation I always thought I’d do something crazy like going bungee jumping off the State Parks Connecting Bridge. That thing’s got to be at least 200 meters high. But no, instead I’m doing something utterly and completely mind-blowingly stupid.

“You got a problem with us?”

Don’t answer that Nick… Just walk away while you still can… please!

“No, I just think it’s in everyone's best interest that you leave the kid alone.”

Or I can get myself killed. Seems to my thing these days…

“Is that so? And what are you going to do about it?”

Where did it all go wrong? I explicitly remember feeling great hatred towards this kid this morning. Why am I now risking my ass to save this murderer? My murderer!

Earlier that Day

Alright, so I have two choices. I can either go to the prison and die, or I could refuse the job and have the leaders kill me anyways. Have I ever told anyone how great my life was? No...Well, there is a reason for that!

On top of this mind-numbing headache; the usually calm and composed Alaya is only making matters worse by totally freaking out and by practically foaming at the mouth with questions.

It’s been over 24 hours since our meeting. I’m sure they’re eagerly awaiting a response. In fact, more than eagerly, it’s quite insulting how closely they’ve been watching me. I’m starting to think they want me to know that they’re there. I called Alaya this morning to meet me at our usual spot; the coffee shop on 4th Blv. After I had arrived, I ordered a scone and a hot chocolate; which is usually my favorite. But I got to say, when you’re on death row, food just doesn’t quite taste that lovely anymore.


My temples pound even harder from this blinding headache. I felt inside the breast pocket of my jacket and pulled out my flask. Nothing like whiskey to make you forgot you’re going to be dead in a matter of days.

Ah, she’s finally here.

“Yes, Alaya for the fifth time that is what happened. They took me and offered me this deal; this fucking death contract. Save his son or get ghosted.”

"But, why you.” Alaya screeched on the verge of tears, her hands shaking as she tightly gripped her coffee cup.

"Alaya, calm down. Do not forget our position. It’s gonna be alright, but you need to not make a scene right now. They are still watching me. They never stop in fact."

I slowly moved my eyes right to glance at the cable repair truck parked outside.

Alaya took the hint and nodded slightly while taking a sip of the tea.

She finds the strength to get it together, put down her tea and asks, "So why can’t they get anyone else to do it? Or better yet why can’t, they just stop his transfer to the prison. That way, no one has to break anyone out. They have until noon today to do something, why not try?”

“Because that would be too messy. This is the first time in centuries a blatant crime has been committed and the kid that did it was almost a minor. Do you know how much attention this thing has amassed? Also, he confessed almost instantly. The Media is having a field day! There is no way for them to just get him out or cover up this mess. He has to be processed like usual.”

I took a sip of my chocolate to once again check the location of my onlookers, “And you and I know best that once people enter The Detainment Facility, they don’t come out. Their UI’s permanently branded and void to Society until death."



"So what… I mean even with your skills, are they actually expecting you to be able to get him out. You don’t know the first thing about the prison. It’s huge! The system they use is far too sophisticated for you.”

“O gee thanks…”

“No offense.”

She shrugged her shoulder and continued, “I mean, how are you even getting in there anyways? And what If you get stuck?"

"Well, me getting in shouldn’t be a problem considering they’re just going to bug my UI and have it produce a new identity at the time of my‘imprisonment.’ It will last up until the 9th. Since the conversion will be completed by the 8th.”

“So, what happens if you don’t get out by the 9th?”

“Hmm, well let’s see. I’m going to take a wild guess and say, failure is not an option.”


Alaya and I said our goodbye's and I headed back to my apartment. I got in, closed the door behind me and pulled out my phone to make a call.

The phone rang twice then someone picked up. They made no sound, just waited for me to speak. I sighed, "I'm in."

They begin by switching my identity with that of some random generic criminal. As I sat there in the back of that van in transit en route to the facility, I questioned each and every life choice I’ve made to this point and continuously blamed myself for my own demise.

There were only five of us, with everyone except the kid a lot bigger than me or just plain mean looking and I am not a small guy. They were all gigantic in size compared to him he was almost as slender as a female. I thought to myself, how the hell did a scrawny kid like him manage to fight, let alone murder someone?

Well, I guess I was about to find out.

“I said… what are you going to do about it?”

Alexander turns toward me from his position on the tiled floor of the shower, bloody nose, birthday suit and everything, “Did anybody ask for your help? This doesn’t concern you. I don’t need some ‘would be Hero’ to save me.”

Well, fuck you too! I should have damn well let them rape your ass! Ungrateful little bastard!

“You should listen to the kid. This doesn’t concern you. Walk away, asshole!”


“I would love to. But, I'm thinking


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