《Warhammer CYOA (SI) Fanfiction Minora [Dropped]》Chapter 3 Childhood 2-4 Part 1


Selected: Reward= Mother(4>10/10) Father(4>10/10)

Cuddling= Cuddling is always an Option (Mother)

Grants: +1 Relationship (x6)

Cuddling= Cuddling is always an Option (Father)

Grants: +1 Relationship (x6)

Status Update: Experience=0/100 =Level 1

Health P.=100

Stamina P.=20





Wisdom=5 (5,5)

Charisma=20 (21)


Willpower=50 (52.5)

Resistance=50 (52.5)

Perception=10 (11,5)

(10Distributable Points)


God= Each Level Grants: 5HP., 5SP., 2Str., 2End., 1Ref., 2Int.,

1Wis., 1Cha., 1Agi., 2Wil., 2Res., 1Per., 10Distributable Points

Judge= You can read Souls, what they are now and what Events formed them.

Grants: 15% on Perception, 5% on Resistance, 5% on Charisma,

10% on Wisdom, 5% on Willpower

Domain= Every Live taken by you or in your Name will become yours.

Grants: 10% Exp. from a killed Enemy, Converts 10% from a

killed Enemies HP. Into Exp.

Champion= Grants: reroll critical fail (tactic), x2 to defense (to Troops)

Engineer= Grants: reroll critical fail (construction),

x2 to Combat-Value (your own Gear/Equipment/Armour)

Scholar= Grants: reroll critical fail (learning),

x2 to Knowledge-Check (Which includes either Intelligence, Wisdom or Perception.)

Who would have thought what can be achieved with 2 Years of cuddling, your affection have created a bond between you and your Parents that would let you even get away with murder, not that you would want anyone death given that you have only ever met your Parents in the first place.

Amongst other Things your hugging led to many a Tour trough the administrative part of Strabell leading to the shaking of many hands, as in tens of thousands of them. Less often your Tours led to the part of Strabell under the direct administration of semingly always busy People clad in metall with so many hands, tentacles, ... hand-tentacles???, well they are at least not Servitors Mom has already explained that they aren't really alive or something so what kind of Poeple are they.


Who knows maybe I can even learn somthing from them, if one is always busy it's only logical that they know a thing or two worth the effort, right? Do you ask the one fussing over a Servitor if you can help in the hopes of finding out who they are, over what they want and do instead of asking or do just ignore them?

Major Actions (select 20)(2Years)(can be selected more than once):

Strength training= Your Father uses dumbbells to increase his Fitness should you join him? Grants: +0,5 Strength +0,5 Agility for each time the Action is selected

Reading Picture Books= You have hundreds of Picture Books, why not use them?

Grants: +0,5 Wisdom for each time the Action is selected

Coloring Books= You have hundreds of Coloring Books, why not use them with actually staying in the Lines as is ‘proper’?

Grants: +0,5 Perception +0.5Reflexes for each time the Action is selected

Stamina training= You have much fun running, enough to make it a hobby?

Grants: +0,5 Stamina P. +0,5 Reflexes +0,5 Agility for each time the Action is selected

Expedition= Oh I can’t go there, guess where you will find me in a Minute?

Grants: +1 Perception +0,5 Charisma for each time the Action is selected

Please select: 20 Major Actions, Talk to Tech-priest yes/no

(This Chapter is a Time skip of the third and fourth Years in Minoras Live.)

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