《Saving Earth》Geeky Girls are Sexy Too 2
An hour later Ingrid pulled into the parking lot, checking the number on the building to make sure. The sign over the door said O’Rourke and Associates. It looks like this is the place, she thought. She turned off her car and stepped out taking the old bag with her. She closed and locked the door and then headed up the steps into the building.
She entered the building but none of the doors had signs on them, she walked slowly, it was a little creepy. At the foot of the stairs a sign said “O’Rourke and Associates second floor.” She walked up the stairs and stopped at the landing. In front of her were less doors, the one at the end had a sign on it reading O’Rourke and Associates. She headed there and opened the door and walked in.
In front of her was a young lady, who stood as she entered.
“Hi there.” She said. “My name is Claudia. Welcome to O’Rourke and Associates. Can you state the purpose of your visit please?”
“Hi Claudia, my name is Ingrid, it is nice to meet you.” She replied. “I have an appointment with Ms. O’Rourke. She said to come as soon as I could, so here I am. She said something about an appraisal I think.”
“One second, please have a seat, I will inform Susan that you are here.” She replied with a smile. “And it is nice to meet you as well.”
Ingrid turned and noticed a young man sitting there reading the newspaper. There was only one seat left and that was next to him. She walked over and sat down. When she did he looked at her and gave her a smile.
“Hi there, my name is Jake.” He said.
She was mesmerized by him, he looked gorgeous and what a great smile. She put her hand out to greet him and said. “Hi Jake, my name is Ingrid. It is nice to meet you.”
Jake looked at her hand and did not return the handshake. “Sorry, I do not shake hands.” He said.
“That is ok.” Said Ingrid.
Then the door opened and Claudia came out.
“Jake, Ms. O’Rourke will see you now.” She said.
Jake got up and lay the newspaper on the small table and smiled down at Ingrid, then entered Susan’s office.
When he entered Susan was sitting behind her desk, the diamond was on the table in front of her. She looked up and stared at Jake intently. He looks incredible, she thought. She felt herself getting warm and also getting excited. Be professional, Susan, she thought.
She smiled up at Jake and said. “Please be seated. I think it is best if I do all the talking, I will only ask for clarification if needed. You can act like security, if that is ok with you?”
“Sounds like fun Susan.” He said smiling. “Where would you like me to be?”
“Please sit over there on the side of the office, leave that chair open for Ms. Hermet.” She replied.
Jake walked over and sat in the chair. He smiled at Susan as he sat down. Susan took off the scarf she was wearing and placed it over the large diamond. She wanted to feel the women out before getting to the reason for the meeting. This was probably the most valuable diamond in the world and she had no security. If people learned of this she feared someone would try and steal it. She picked up the phone and buzzed Claudia. “Please show in Ms. Hermet please Claudia.” She said, then hung up the phone.
A few seconds later the door opened and a pretty young lady walked in. She was short and a little plump but she was attractive.
Standing up Susan reached out her hand and said smiling. “Hi Ms. Hermet, my name is Susan. I am glad you could make it on such short notice.”
Ingrid walked over and shook Susan’s hand and smiled back. “You can call me Ingrid. At least someone shakes hands around here.” She grinned at Jake as she said this, who blushed in response.
“Please be seated. I just have a few questions first, if you do not mind.” Said Susan. “We need to get a little background information.”
“No problem, ask away.” Replied Ingrid.
“Ok, do you have a criminal record?” Asked Susan first.
Ingrid was a little taken aback by this but answered with a no.
“Great, the object is rather valuable.” Said Susan. “I wanted to make sure you were not a risk. Can you give me a little background history please? I need to know your credentials.”
Ingrid thought for a second about this. I guess they want to know if I am capable, she thought.
“Well I graduated with an electronic engineering degree from Carleton University. I was the top student in my class.” She replied. “My father was from Newfoundland originally, but moved to Toronto before I was born. His father owned the jewellery shop downtown, who had come here from Amsterdam many years ago as a young man and started the shop.”
“Ok, but what experience do you have then?” asked Susan.
“It is the family business Susan.” Stated Ingrid. “The oldest has been trained in the family for generations. I was trained by my father as he was trained by his father and so on. We were famous in Amsterdam for our skill.”
“Have you ever appraised uncut diamonds before?” Asked Susan.
Ingrid snorted and said. “Of course, I know all there is to know about diamonds and can appraise any cut or uncut diamond. That is easy actually. I have been taught about all stones and also how to design and cut them. We had a workshop in my father’s house. It was a side business, I grew up designing and grading stones. It also paid for my degree.”
“Well Ingrid, we want you to appraise a rather large uncut diamond for us.” She said. “And give us the approximate value, providing that it is real of course. Can you do that?”
“That is easy Susan.” She said picking up her bag. “I have all the tools I need here in the bag.”
Susan nodded her head and reached forward to remove the scarf from the table. As she did so a rather large diamond emerged. Ingrid’s mouth dropped open in amazement, it was huge the largest she had ever seen, in person or in books. She had studied every diamond and this was even larger than the largest, she was sure of this.
She reached into her bag and pulled out her loupe and put it on. She reached forward and picked up the diamond marveling about the weight. It felt like the right weight. She peered intently into the stone using her loupe, slowly rotating it.
She turned to Susan and asked. “Can I use your desk lamp?”
Susan pushed the lamp closer to Ingrid, who immediately used it to examine the diamond closely. She continued rotating it and stopping periodically to check it in more detail.
Jake was holding his breath in the chair. Are you sure it will pass, he thought?
“Of course Jake.” Said Hal. “I created it using all records about every diamond ever found on your planet. It is the largest and most perfect diamond ever.”
“Maybe you made it too big Hal.” Thought Jake. “It is a bit conspicuous. I hope no one ever wants to know where it came from.”
“That is why we have the lawyer Jake.” Said Hal. “She will protect us from detection. She will handle everything for us. In turn I will protect them from detection from anyone using computers.”
“It is perfect.” Said Ingrid incredulously. “It is the most perfect diamond I have ever seen. No imperfections of any kind. It is also the largest, I think even larger then The Cullinan Diamond.”
She lay the diamond back on the desk and sat back in the chair in awe. This is not what she expected today. She was one of a handful of people to have seen an uncut diamond this large. What a privilege. Now what was it worth?
“I think it is priceless, Susan.” She stated. “I have nothing to compare it to. Where did it come from? What is its history? Why has it never been seen before? It will go for tens if not hundreds of millions. It depends on who wants it and how much they are willing to spend.”
“I am sorry but my client wants to remain anonymous.” Stated Susan. “The question is how can I sell it for him? Do you have any ideas Ingrid?”
“An auction house. A big one worldwide.” She replied. “Christie’s handles this kind of stuff all the time. A cut stone of only around 163 carats went for over 33 million in November of last year at Christie’s. This is so much larger.”
Susan sat back in her chair and thought about this. It was good advice. The next step was getting an auction house involved. She stood up and help out her hand to Ingrid. Ingrid stood up and shook her hand.
“Thank you for all your help Ingrid.” She said with a smile. “Please submit an invoice and I will get it paid right away.”
“No problem Susan.” Said Ingrid with a smile.
“Ingrid, can I ask you a question?” said Jake.
Both women turned to him, they had forgotten he was there.
“Sure Jake, what is your question?” Asked Ingrid.
“Did you say you were an electronic engineer?” Asked Jake.
“Yes I have that degree; why do you know anybody hiring right now?” She said with a grin. The economy was awful right now and there were very few jobs available.
“Yes me.” Stated Jake. “Or I will in a few weeks. I am starting a new electronics firm and will be looking for some qualified engineers. That is if are interested? You do have a shop you are running.”
Ingrid could not believe her ears; he was going to offer her a job? He was so handsome and she would get to work with him? Play it cool Ingrid, she thought, do not appear too eager. This could pay off the debts on the shop and get her working at something she loved.
“My first love is electronics actually Jake.” She replied. “Are you joking? It would be cruel.”
“I would not be cruel to such a beautiful young lady.” Said Jake with a smile. “I will just have to figure out how to do this. I have never offered anyone a job before.”
“Jake.” Susan said. “I think I can help you with that, but I suggest we wait a little while. You still do not have your offices set up yet. Ingrid, if you could give copies of your resume to Claudia in the next few days then she will give them to Jake. Is that ok with both of you?”
They both nodded and Ingrid ran over to Jake and gave him a big hug. A shock went through them both.
“Jake stop it.” Said Hal.
“I did nothing Hal.” Thought Jake. “She grabbed me!”
Ingrid felt light headed and hugged Jake even tighter. He smelled and felt so good, she wanted to rub herself all over him. Jake slowly pushed her away and stepped away from her. Ingrid just stood there with a dazed look on her face. Susan buzzed for Claudia who came in and escorted a dazed Ingrid out of the room.
“I think that went well Jake.” Said Susan with a smile. “Now it is up to me to get in contact with the auction house. That is if you are in agreement Jake. This will not happen overnight however; it will probably take months to get it straightened out.”
Jake sighed and sat down. He had so much to do and he was still broke. Maybe Hal should have printed money instead, it would have been much easier.
“Too easy to trace Jake.” Replied Hal. “It would be easy to do but too traceable. I thought that this would be the easiest. I did not realize how your economy worked for selling such things. We will just have to wait. I need you to bring me the samples and you can stay on the ship while we work this out.”
“What is wrong Jake?” Asked Susan with a worried look on her face. She did not like how he looked. She wanted to comfort him.
“I am broke Susan.” Said Jake with a sigh. “My car is unusable and I have so many things to do, all of which needs a car and or money.”
I can help him, Susan thought. I have the cash from the settlement and my old truck. He is going to be rich and using my building and it ties him even closer to me.
“Jake I can help if you like.” She said sitting next to him. “I have a second vehicle, an old pickup that I use on winter days. I can also lend you some cash to get you started in the short term.”
Jake looked at her with a shocked look on his face. He just met her and she would do all this for him. How wonderful she was. She looked and smelled wonderful, maybe he should take her to dinner?
“But you do not know me Susan.” He replied. “I could be a crook or just take your money and run. Why are you doing this?”
“I have learned to trust my instincts Jake.” She replied. “I could always tell what a person was like or when they were lying. It is what makes me a good lawyer. I can feel that you are a good person.”
“What do you think Hal?” He thought. “Should we do it?”
“I think we have to or we will be months waiting.” Replied Hal. “I think she is good mate material as well.”
“I never said anything about mating Hal.” Replied Jake. “I have just met her; she might just be nice.”
“I accept Susan.” Said Jake with a big smile. “You are a godsend. I could just kiss you.”
Susan leaned in and gave him a kiss on the lips. A small shock went through them, Jake wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tighter, intensifying the kiss. Just then her phone buzzed and Susan jumped up and out of his arms. She ran behind her desk and answered the phone.
Saved by the bell thought Jake. That could have gotten intense.
“I agree.” Said Hal. “I think that answers the question. She would definitely not mind being your mate.”
“Enough with the mate business Hal.” Thought Jake. “We are not even sure what the pheromones are doing yet.
“Hello.” Answered Susan breathlessly. She was breathing hard and felt warm and flushed after kissing Jake. My god that was so unprofessional, she thought, I hope he does not fire me.
It was Claudia asking if she could come in and Susan said to do so.
The door opened and Claudia walked in. She looked at them both, they both seemed to be a little out of breath. Strange, what happened here she thought.
“Susan, we cannot leave this diamond here.” She said. “It is too valuable; our insurance would never cover it if it was stolen. I looked around and there is a security company that can store valuables for a price. They provide around the clock security and also have a storage vault they can store the diamond in. What do you think?”
“I think that is a great idea Claudia.” Said Susan. “What do you think Jake?”
“I agree, but we need to put it in a locked box or something.” He replied. “We do not want them to know what it is.”
Susan opened the bottom drawer of her desk and pulled out a large lockbox. She opened it with a key and took out some papers. She wrapped the diamond in her scarf and put it in the box. It just fit. She locked the box and left it on her desk.
She looked up with a smile. “I think this will do the trick. Ok Claudia give them a call and get them to send over a driver. Make sure it is a secure van as well.”
Claudia walked out of the room to make the call. Susan turned to Jake but was unable to look him in the eyes.
“Jake I want to apologize for the kiss.” Said Susan. “It was unforgiveable and unprofessional. If you want to take your business elsewhere I will not be offended. When you said I could kiss you, I got confused and kissed you. Please forgive me I feel rather embarrassed over it.” Secretly she hoped he liked it and would keep her as his lawyer, but she prepared herself for the worst.
“Susan, there is nothing to be embarrassed about.” Said Jake gently. “You are a beautiful women and I am flattered by the kiss. I want you as my lawyer and that is final. We have just met and you never know what may happen in the future. I am single.”
Susan looked up at him and smiled. She wanted to grab him and kiss him again, but fought the impulse. How was he single? He must like me too because he kissed me back and he said we may have a future.
“Thank you Jake.” She replied blushing. “You will not regret this. Ok how much money do you need? I can e-transfer $3000 right now? The truck is at my house we can pick it up later after the security company picks up the package.”
“That will be plenty Susan.” Said Jake. “You are a saviour. That will be enough for now. I need food and gas for my trip. I will be back on Friday.”
The door opened and Claudia walked back in.
“They are sending a van now. They will be here in about a half hour.” She said. “Is there anything else?”
“I still need the offices set up. You can use your expertise for that right?” Asked Jake. “the problem is I cannot pay for it just yet. If you do up a list, we can order it later.”
“No, Claudia make up the list and forward it to me.” Said Susan. “If Jake agrees we can charge it to our account. He can reimburse us later when he pays his bills for the legal fees. How does that sound Jake?”
“I do not like accepting charity.” Said Jake with a frown. “But if you add it to your bill then it saves us the trouble of setting up accounts right away. When the business gets going I can set up my own. So I will accept, and thank you very much. I think this is the beginning of a wonderful partnership.” He beamed a smile at Susan, who blushed. “I think I will look at the offices again and try and figure out what I need and then compare with Claudia later. On another note, what are you ladies doing for supper? After all your help I insist on taking you both out for a quick supper? Especially since I am getting a lend of your truck.”
Susan and Claudia looked at each other and both said “Great.” Then burst out laughing.
“I think that means yes from both of us.” Said Susan with a smile. “Go look at the offices and Claudia will get you when the security people get here.”
“Sounds great.” Said Jake. “I will look forward to it.” With that he waved and went out of the offices and down the stairs leaving two women staring at his retreating form.
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