《Saving Earth》Geeky Girls are Sexy Too


Ingrid looked around her shop after hanging up the phone. No customers for days, except for people wanting change for the meters. Why had she come back here? She should never have come back after her grandfather died. He had left her the business and she thought she had it made. However, the opposite was true. The old man owed everyone money, and the stock was low. She did not know how he survived all those years. When her father talked of him, it was with stories of jewelry they had made when he was young. How all the people of St. John’s came to his shop. She sighed. They had moved away when they were young. Her father had taught her all he knew about jewelry, but that was in the basement of their house. It was fun not a living. Her degree was in electronic engineering, which was her passion.

She stood up and grabbed the old jewelers case and walked to the front door. She turned off the lights and flicked the old sign to closed. She opened it and walked out locking it behind her. She walked up the street to the lot behind the building and went over to her car and unlocked then opened the door and got in. She glanced at her phone to remember the address, put the car in gear and headed to Mount Pearl.

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