《A Tale of Two Worlds》Cursed Wheel : Chapter Eleven


A Tale of Two Worlds ii : Cursed Wheel

Chapter xi : Purple Haired Hunter

 “You know the “Sapphire Dragon”?” I asked Albert who’s drinking his coffee next to the tri-colored witch.

 “He’s a friend of mine on our world, so he says.” He bit his bread that he just soaked on his coffee. It was one of the peculiar things that he does that I actually want to try. I mean, the Star Wars series that he made me watch and Rorounin Kenshin was good. Maybe his world is a good place. Unlike this place. It’s filled with things in the dark that you would never ever feel safe walking down the road alone at night. “He’s the boyfriend of the president of a club I was in.”

 “A club?” Loraine said, smiling. “What kind of club is it?”

 Albert smiled. “It’s a… uhmm… more like a family bonding thing rather than a club.”

 “Family? Like, your parents?” Loraine tilted her head a little.

 “Nah,” Albert smiled. “You don’t need to be blood to be family.”

 “It was a place where you could just laze around.” Norwind, the Sapphire Dragon said as he sat down next to Albert. He was wearing his mail. I guess he is always battle ready.

 “My Lord.” I said as I bowed to him. “I will serve you as I have served King Ezmond.”

 “The more the merrier.” Cyrdiel Alswell grinned at me. “I can sleep peacefully at night adding the Purple Haired Hunter as one of our friends.

 Norwind raised his hand with a smile. “Don’t be formal towards me, please. Albert’s friends are mine.”

 “Yes, my Lord.”

 “Drop the ‘my Lord’ thing.”


 “Anyways, Albert. Now that you have eaten your breakfast, let’s have a little chat, shall we?” Norwind said as he stood up and gestured Albert to go outside. He and Cyrdiel followed Norwind, leaving me with the witch. Truth is, I don’t trust this witch. Since she is working under a demon.


 “What did you sold your soul for?” She said sipping her coffee.

 And there it is, the million gold pieces’ question. I suddenly feel the cold inside the room. The crackling of the fire seemed louder and my heart beat started to rise.

 “Let’s not talk about it, then. I’m sorry for asking.”

 And so we continued eating our breakfast. I tried soaking my bread on the coffee like Albert did. It tasted great. The bread became soft and tasted a bit of coffee. The softness and the hotness of the bread became a big deal.

 “Are you alright?” She asked.

 “It’s nothing….” I hid my face.

 “Can you use two swords?” She asked.

 “I never tried it. Why?”

 “Can I borrow your sword later? I think I can forge you something like it.” Loraine said. Her white eye shone as she grabbed her red flat cap.

 “Like it? I don’t think you can make one ‘like it’.”

 “Trust me. It would have the same functions as Azazel’s Smile.”

 “Then go ahead.” I said as I handed her my katana.

 “I’ll make the saya simplier, okay?” She said as she grabbed it.


 “This is just for design, right? And yeah, wasting Dragon Crystals on a saya is just….”




 What does she know? It looks good. And that’s what matters.

 I walked outside and saw the men that will fight with me tonight. Some of them will live and some of them will die. Or all of us will. The snow just never stops. My coat is not enough to keep me warm. I guess I should just go to my room and sleep there.

 Or not.

 I saw Albert talking to Norwind and Cyrdiel next to the woods. I guess a little peak won’t hurt.

 “I teleported here by Claire’s help.” He said. “I would occasionally go back there and check up on my siblings. I’d be there for a day and I’ll be gone here for an hour. The time works differently from this world to ours.”


 “Why are you here?” Norwind asked. “Really?”

 “To do God’s work?” He shrugged and then sighed when he saw the look that Norwind gave him. “Eliza Marie Enfolic.”

 “You know my cousin?”

 “Yeah. Spent a month with her. She said that she escaped from the ones who took the castle.”

 “The Dragon Slayers…”

 “And she was gone and you went to find her, am I right?” Cyrdiel said.

 “Is she really Melissa?” Albert asked.

 “Yes I am.” She smiled. “I remember the time when you and Aldred went to save Alexandria and you let hi-“ Before Cyrdiel could even finish what she was about to say, Norwind looked at her with his green eyes.


 “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to…” Albert said, his head down.

 “What happened, happened. And It isn’t Albert’s fault.” Norwind said.

 “Do you want to return to our world?” Albert said.

 “With this body and this responsibility?” Norwind scoffed. “I don’t think Alexandria would even look at me. I cheated on her. I don’t think I can even look at her in the eye.”

 “You’re not at fault, Aldred.” Albert said. “You thought there was no way out.”

 “I’ll just spend my life here. It’s my punishment.”

 “You are also punishing Alexandria. She is waiting for you.”

 “I know. But…”

 Albert took his cellphone. The one he always listens to music with. “Here. Just run the app and it will take you to her mansion. I already saved the coordinates here so that you won’t have problems going back.”

 “I don’t think…”

 “Just do it.”

 And with that, a soft light covered Norwind’s body and then he’s gone.

 “Was it all a lie?” I said as I walked towards him.


 “You being... God’s chosen one?” I said as I made a fist.

 “I don’t know myself. All I know is that I am looking for Eliza and my only lead was Gretzel. Maybe this is God’s plan.”

 “God’s plan.” Cyrdiel laughed. “God doesn’t give a shit about you.”

 “What do you know about God?” I said.

 “I lost to her once. And now, the whole universe belongs to her. She already left the wheel and became a passenger herself.”

 “What are you saying?” Albert said.

 “All I’m saying is that, she’s a human now. She sealed her memories and powers and is living a carefree life someone in the galaxy. She probably got pissed at how creatures like you would keep on asking her shit and just forget about her after. You only pray when you need shit and after then, what? You’ll live your shit life again. And when something bad happens again, you’ll pray. Isn’t that irritating?”




 I let out at sigh as I was staring at the two big balls of blue. Cold smoke came out of my mouth. I laid my back on the bark of the tree. It is cold, indeed. Good thing, the snow stopped. The siege tomorrow would be nice if this continues. But there’s no telling that it would not snow tomorrow.

 “Loraine.” I said as I sensed her presence.

 “Yeng.” She said as she showed me my new sword along with its new saya and carrier. “Let me help you put these on.” She said.

 Lorice casted a belt on my waist which is connected to the end of the saya and a belt on my right shoulder which is connected next to the other end. The two swords, dangling on my back.

 “Can you run?” She asked.

 It is quite odd having it dangling on my legs, but it was nice.

 “Try unsheathing both of it at the same time. And use the same principle that you use on Azazel’s Smile on the other one to make it transform.”

 And so I did. And there, I pulled out two red lightsabers.


 “Witch craft, bitch.” She grinned.

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