《A Tale of Two Worlds》Cursed Wheel : Chapter Eight.5


A Tale of Two Worlds ii : Cursed Wheel

Chapter viii.5 : Drifter

I've been wandering around the universe for about... I don't know, probably ten billion years? Ever since I lost the battle to the nameless God, I was reincarnated multiple times. Or atleast, awakens as another person. It has always been like that. Last time I was a knight with a dragon, a ninja with a direwolf and now, I became a school girl with a pet cat.

How pathetic it was. I was powerless in this world. Having a weak body of a nine year old and a spiritual animal that can't even protect me from being raped by my step-brother. And I used to be a God of Destruction. Now I think I can relate to the Nameless God. He too must've forgotten His name like I. I haven't heard anyone prayed or called me by my real name. And now, I have forgotten it.

"Don't tell father. Or you know what happens." Aldred said as he stood and picked his brief. "No one will believe you anyways." He smiled.

"Okay." I said as I started to put my clothes on.

My father in this world remarried to another woman. And yes, she has a son. And he was Aldred. He would occasionally go to my room and 'use' me. And then after that, he would leave me as is saying the same words. "Don't tell father." I think he's just lonely. So I thought I should do my best for him.

It was around 7pm when I was looking for Astaroth, my tri-colored cat. But he was nowhere to be found. Not in my room, the living room. Nowhere. I went outside and there I saw him, lifeless on the pavement. I cried. I don't know for how long but I cried until Aldred pat my shoulder. "It's okay." He said smiling. He took the cat and told me to wait for him.

And then he was holding a jar with a pair of eyeballs floating inside it. "It's Astaroth."

I took the jar from him and smiled back.

His school is just next to mine so we go to school together. I held his hand and smiled. He smiled right back at me as he gripped my hand tightly in return.

Surely, if the other gods heard how lowly I have become, they'd laugh at me. However, I don't see that as something to be ashamed of. Being a God of a certain solar system can be a headache sometimes. Being a human is rather amusing. Instead of thinking about tons of life form, you'll only think about yourself and a certain people around you. But the worse is the feeling you get when you see your loved ones die before you. I still don't get the idea as to why The Creator created "life". Is it amusing to Him to see people die?


When we get home together, mom and dad still weren't home. So I took him in the arm again and dragged him to my room. I pushed him to my bed and started to undress.

"No, Melissa. Stop." Aldred said, frowning.

"What? Isn't this what you like the most?"

"No.. I... I have a girlfriend right now." He said. "I'm sorry."

"Aren't I your girlfriend?"

"You're my sister. I'm sorry." Then he walked outside my room, leaving me behind.




I heard a deep sigh. I looked on my left. It was Cezille. She had long dark hair matched with blue eyes and white skin. I think she looks like Snow White.

"What's the matter?" I asked my 3rd grader classmate.

"It's... my sister has a boyfriend." She said. Her eyes were almost in tears. She was wiping them before they even fall.


"So..." She looked at me, frowning. "...she won't play with me anymore!" Cezile said as she stared to cry.

The teacher then asked why she was crying and I told her Cezille's situation. The teacher said that it was just normal since they were grown ups.

"Hey," I said to Cezille. She looked at me with her bloodshot eyes. "Let's go to a mall together?"

"Why should I go with you?" She said.

"Because I'm lonely too." I smiled.

And so Cezille and I went out of school together. There I saw my brother talking to a yellow haired girl. The yellow haired girl smiled at me as I approached them.

"Is this Melissa? Isn't she cute?" She pinched me. I felt Cezille hiding behind my back.

"No need to hide Cezille. I already saw you."

"Alexandria.. I want to go to the mall with Melissa."

"Yeah. Can we, Aldred?" I looked at him and when he saw that I saw him holding the yellow haired girl's hand, he let go of it.

"Sure.. but.." he looked at the yellow haired girl.

Reading his mind, the yellow haired girl said "Vincent will accompany you." She smiled.

That was when a boy of fifteen appeared out of a black car. "You called, Ms. Alexandria?"

"Drive these two kiddo's at the mall. I'll just walk on my way home."

"What about Ms. Claire?"

"Claire took a sick leave. She's at the house, remember?"

The guy with a good looking face smiled at me. But somehow, I can feel the evil aura behind his beautiful mask.


"The music is loud. Turn it off." Cezille said.

"Ms. Cezille," Vincent said as he was driving. "..there are times that we just want to scream, right? Anger, sadness, frustration... that is what rock is. They are screaming so that you don't have to scream for yourself."

"Then turn it up."

And since then, Cezille and I became bestfriends. We both started loving the same things. Dark things. Metal music, gothic clothes. Everything. And we both shared the same hatred that we have for our siblings.

Until two years has passed and I became a high schooler. Everything was fine. I even ended up in Cezille's class. I would go to school early and wait for her or the other way around. We would sit together along with my dead cat, Astaroth, who's inside his jar. I remember how my brother said that 'Eyes are the windows to the soul'. So every time I look Astaroth's eyes, It's like seeing him from the other side.

Speaking of other side. I wish I was dead. Really. But every time I die, I would wake up as a different person inheriting his/her memories. Which sucks. I could not even remember some of my old memories from million's of years ago. But I do know one thing for sure. This is the best world I've ever been. Except for that yellow haired girl.

"Hey guys." It was Alexandria. She sat on the table next to Cezille, holding a sandwich. "How are you guys doing?"

"Fine." Cezille said.

Then I heard slurping sounds next to me. It was a blond girl with short hair and red glasses. She was eating spaghetti.

"Hi Claire. Too bad we didn't end up in the same class."

"Too bad." She said.

It kinda became a routine. Going to school, eating with Cezille and going home with her. That was until... that incident.

Alexandria was kidnapped by some goons and they were asking for money. Aldred doesn't know what to do as they said that they need 10 million pesos.

I was against about the stupid idea of him and Albert rescuing Alexandria, but he still went. No matter how many times I tried to stop him, he never listened. And that's where a bullet to the head took him to a deep sleep. He was lucky to be 'barely alive'. So Alexandria is doing everything to wake him up. Or atleast, keep him alive. The doctors said that there's no chance of him waking up ever again. But she still insisted.

So, every time I visit him on the hospital, I would do to him what I can do most. To make him feel loved even when he is asleep. And then, here comes the blond girl.

"Melissa?" She said as she dropped her flowers. I could see the anger behind those cold glacier-like eyes while I'm on top of the guy that he loves.

She slowly pulled something from her back. It was a white gun with a black silencer on it. Her face was filled with anger as she pointed the gun at me. Her hands were shaking. Until she pulled the trigger.

And tha's when I felt the bullet through my head and I fell down my brother's bed, naked.

So, my soul drifted... again. I wonder what kind of person will I become this time?

It was so dark. The dark abyss where the souls go is a scary place. You're consciousness stays but you have no form. No body. No voice. Until you have finished the 'cooldown', you'll be reborn into something else. If you're lucky, a human. Or a God. But then again, I won't stay here for a while. Oh here it is. My Uber driver.

"Cyrdiel? Are you okay?" A man's voice said as he held me on my shoulders. I couldn't see his face since my vision is still blurry.

"My head hurts." I said. It's one of the side effects of drifting. As the memories of the person integrates with my, all this 'data' is being forced inside my soul.

"Can you tell me? Where is this dragon?" He said. "We need it's power to burn the witch! We need to win this war."

Can't you see a computer lagging right now? It is me. Wait a second. My head still hurts.

Okay... wait. This is... weird. And at the same time... great.

I laughed hysterically.

""What's the problem?" He said.

"It is I, Cyrdiel of the family Alswell, the Dragon Maiden you've been looking for." I said. As I looked at him for the first time.

He had blue hair and wears some sort of medieval armor. And his eyes. Oh, his eyes were so green. And beneath those eyes... "Aldred?" I said. "Big brother?"

thanks to AJ for the edits.

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