《A Tale of Two Worlds》Chapter Eight: Knight in Shining Armor


Chapter Eight: Knight in Shining Armor

Roan01- I have a problem, XandriA! :(

Alexandria was surprised from Roan01’s whisper.

XandriA: What is it? XD

Roan01: I think I’m a lesbian….

XandriA: What? I think we should talk in person.

Roan01: I guess… You’re from Polo High, right?

XandriA: Yup. Your school is just nearby right.

Roan01: It’s the private school one ride away. It’s called Probex.

Roan01: You know that, right?

XandriA: Yeah, yeah. Let’s meet at Dunkin’ Donuts right now.

Roan01: Okay, okay…

XandriA: I’m the girl with blonde hair. That’s easy to recognize, right?

Roan01: True. See yah.

Roan01: Ehhhhhhhh? Blonde?

Xandria: I'm a Russian... remember? XD

Roan01: Oh... right...

Xandria: Take care.

Alexandria logged out of Dystergia and removed her feet from the coffee table filled with potato chips, cola and put her shoes on. She realized that she forgot to ask what she looked like. Alexandria scratched the back of her blonde head.

“You going somewhere, Alexandria?” Albert asked. “You even logged out. It’s just 3:35pm.”

She scratched the back of her head again. “Kinda. Hee hee…” Alexandria stuck her tongue out.

“Take care, blondie.” Her little sister who is sitting next to Matthew said without even looking at her.

“I’ll probably go home late. So you take care of yourself, brunette.” She then grinned at Matthew.

“W-What is it?” It made Matthew fluster.

“I just thought that the two of you looked good together.”

Cezille punched Matthew’s arm.

“Aww… what was that for?”

“You idiotic blondie!!!!! Get out now!!”

“You punched me because of your sister?!”

“She does that a lot.” Albert said as he pat Matthew’s left shoulder.

“Are you referring to me or to your sister?” Claire asked.

“To my sister…” Cezille blushed. “Sorry cuz.”

Albert then asked something that he wanted to ask a long time ago. “Why aren’t you blonde? I mean, you three share the same eyes.”

“I inherited it from our mom.” Cezille smiled.

“I better go now. See yah!!” Alexandria said as she left.

She let out a huge sigh as she left the room. Lesbian, huh? As far as I know, Roan01 is a guy…. Just what the fuck is wrong with him? Maybe he meant that he is gay or something? What the heck. Gender doesn’t matter when it comes to love, right? Still, I’m confused……

Alexandria passed every classroom and greeted every teacher that she passed. It’s hard being the Student Council President…. She hated it. Being the perfect girl that everyone depends on. However, she wouldn’t care if it’s for her beloved little sister. But that brunette won’t ask for help. She knew Cezille. She’s filled with the pride of the Svartsevich and won’t ask for help. She’d rather use her pawns than to talk to Alexandria. Vincent is such a lucky guy. I wish I was him instead. He spends more time with her than anyone.

“Going home already?” A first year with a gloomy aura behind her long black hair said. Her eyes had black eyeliner and held a jar with an eyeball in it.


“Nah.” She smiled. “Going to meet up with someone.”

“Your new boyfriend? Aldred would be sad with that.” She said with her stare like that of someone who just found out who stole her bag of cookies.

“No, Melissa.” What a scary girl… She’s on par with Claire… or maybe, a level higher… “I’m going to meet with a guild member…”

“Is it a guy?” Melissa asked as she leaned her head towards Alexandria like some kidnapper in an action movie.

“Yes….” Alexandria was never scared like this in her entire life. Last time that she met her, she isn’t like this. She changed after what happened to her brother...

“I’m going.” Melissa said. “By the way…” She added. But this time, her face turned into a worried one. Like that of a mother who’s looking for her child. “Where is Zelle? She’s acting weird these days…”

“She’s okay now.” Alexandria smiled.

“I see…” Melissa smiled back. “I’m just kidding about following you.” Alexandria then realized that the quote ‘The loneliest smiles the brightest’ was indeed true. “You better visit Aldred. I bet he misses you...” She then ran towards the gate while hugging her jar.

“I will!” Alexandria shouted.

Alexandria continued her walk towards the gate. She could already see it. And then she passed this huge tree. It was so huge that she thought that a huge supernatural entity smoking tabaco could live in it. That’s what the people here says. And since it’s near a church, there have been rumors of a headless priest, a nun wearing white or black or red and a few ghost was wandering on their school. If their church is indeed “holy” why are they afraid of such things? And why would the ghost linger there in the first place? Shouldn’t they be afraid because the church is a sanctuary or something?

She then arrived at the meeting place. It was just a small store where there’s a counter, the racks of donuts and two tables and chairs. I guess he isn’t here yet. Alexandria then ordered a couple of donuts and coffee to go with it. She ate it while staring at the glass pane of the store. A girl wearing a green uniform with green necktie matched with a green checkered skirt entered the store, huffing and puffing for air. Judging from her looks, she’s on the same year as her. A girl from Probex… Alexandria thought. She looked around the store and when she saw Alexandria, she waved at her with a cheerful smile on her pretty face.

What’s this girl’s problem?

“You must be XandriA?” The girl asked.

“Yeah. But I think calling me Alexandria out of the game would be… nice.” Alexandria smiled awkwardly. “And who would you be?”

The girl tried to catch her breath. She placed her right hand on her chest and took a deep breath and smiled back. Her brown eyes shone as she tilted her head, her long brown hair followed it. “Roan01. Nice to meet you, GM!”

Alexandria backed off a bit with her chair. Her brain is still processing the current situation. The store clerk saw her expression and giggled at her. She smiled awkwardly at her and raised her cup of coffee.


“I see… but Roan01 is… a-“ She stopped her.

“Name’s Roxanne. Get it? Roan, Roxanne..?” She stuck her tongue out and titled her head a bit.

If I were a guy, I’d fall in-love with this girl right now. Alexandria thought. She’s like a girl who came out from a shoujo anime.

“I see… then please have a seat.” Roxanne did so. “One more coffee please.”

“Coming.” The store clerk said.

“You say that you’re…. a….?” Alexandria wanted to make sure of herself. Before she could finish her sentence, Roxanne finished her sentence for her.

“I think that I’m a lesbian!” Roxanne answered with a stern face.

“Here’s your coffee ma’am.” The store clerk said as she handed their order. Alexandria handed her the money.

“Hmmmm… care to explain?” I think this is going to be a looooooong conversation. Alexandria then took a donut from the plate and gestured Roxanne to get some. And VERY embarrassing… She took the chocolate filled bavarian donut.

Roxanne took a bite then a sip from her coffee. “You know BethLOGIC? The Witch in our guild?”

“Not in person, though.”

“The fact is…” Roxanne took a gulp. “I’m in-love with her.”

Somehow, time stopped for Alexandria. Or it was probably her brain got stuck up for a second.


“Don’t just ‘Ehhhhhhh’ me.” She bit her donut again. “I don’t know why…. But I want to meet her.” Roxanne said as she is still munching.

“Then just ‘meet’ her!”

“Like that was easy enough!” Sipping her coffee once again, she lowered her head and stayed like that with a gloomy expression as if all of the burden in the world was on her shoulders. “I wanted to tell her how I feel. But in person.”

“You know…” Alexandria stared at her eyes. “Christmas is coming.”

“Christmas is coming.” She said with a deep voice as if her last name was Stark.

“But the same could not be said with winter due to the fact that we live in a tropical country.”


The two of them sighed at the same time.

“So….” Roxanne took another donut. “What does Christmas has to do with me meeting her?” She took a bite.

“Christmas party.” Alexandria smiled. “We’ll lure your Sun and Stars with a Christmas party. Well… I’m actually planning on making one for the whole guild.”

“Really? Then in that case, please do.”

And somehow, the two girls clicked together. They talked about Dystergia and about their schools, what school they would want to go to in college and other stuff. After a full thirty minutes of chatter, the two bid farewell and decided to meet up once again to plan the party.

Since she still have time before it gets dark, she decided to visit Aldred in the hospital. Alexandria visited often that she actually memorized the whole facility. The cafeteria, the lounge, praying room, comfort room, fire exits and even the name of the staff’s. Alexandria entered the room where Aldred was in. She saw that the flowers was just replaced with new ones. Must be Melissa. Alexandria thought.

It was a private room that she herself provided for Aldred. She’s actually the one who paid for his hospital bills for his family doesn’t have the money for it. There were machines attached to her Sleeping Beauty and just looking at them makes her sad. She wanted to see him smile again. As she stared at his face, Alexandria remembered everything. When she was kidnapped by those people, it was Aldred and Albert who saved her. But unfortunately, Aldred was hit by a bullet to the head, thus, sending him into a coma. The culprits were in prison. But it wasn't enough for her. She wants them dead. But having Vincent kill them won't make Aldred wake up.

Looking at his sleeping face, she felt like Aldred was Sleeping Beauty and she was his ‘Knight in Shining Armor’. She likes the sound of ‘Knight in Shining Armor’ than ‘Prince Charming’. Every time that she had the chance of visiting him, she would kiss him on his lips thinking that the ‘Power of Love’ would solve everything. But the truth is, reality isn’t as convenient compared to the stories that she knew when she was still a kid. Deep down, she knew. No matter how many times, how long… her Sleeping Beauty would not wake up. But who knows… She laughed as she removed her lips from Aldred’s. Maybe God would hear this prayer of mine. Somewhere, there’s this ‘Force’, an Entity who created everything, I pray to you…. Please wake him up. I’ll do anything you want me to… I’ll be good. I’ll follow your instructions. How hard it would be, I’ll devote my whole life to it. So please… just let me be with him again.

But God didn’t answer.

How many times did she prayed that same prayer? How many times did she laughed until she cried after praying? She doesn’t even know anymore. She laughed because she’s praying to a God whom she doesn’t believe in and laughed at herself for actually believing that something would happen if she would pray. If you do exist, You’re probably laughing at me now. Asking to You and all. Alexandria wiped her tears and stared at Aldred’s face. I just want to be with him again. You let me meet him and fall in-love with him. And then you’ll take him away from me? What kind of God are you?

That day, Alexandria just cried and cried. Like she always did.

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