《A Tale of Two Worlds》Chapter Two: Milly


Chapter Two: Milly


Chapter Two: Milly

It was a cold morning when Emily reached Polo National High School. She walked in the sea of students wearing their uniforms telling her ‘Good morning’. The uniform for the girls were a white shirt with a red checkered necktie and knee level skirt with the same pattern. And a white shirt and black pants for the guys. She just smiled at them since it was indeed expected of her. She finds it irritating at times. But she thought that it is better than ending up being all alone.

Writing and singing songs at her age, she became a nationwide idol. But somehow, people find her studying on a public high school instead of a prestigious private one. Every guy loves her and every girl wants to be her. But they don’t know that there’s this one guy that doesn’t fall for her charms. Well, not anymore.

Most of her fans doesn’t care if she’s good at singing or what. Most of them just liked her by her looks. Which made her sad. Some liked her for her songs itself, but, those fans were only a few. They only liked me because I’m pretty… She thought. Maybe if I were ugly, they wouldn’t care a bit about me… unlike Albert back then...

She had short black hair and dark chocolate like eyes. She’s as tall as Albert and had a slender figure that guys liked. Her skin was fair like honey that guys would die just to have a taste of it. However, they’d just die without even licking it. Emily entered her classroom and as usual, she found Albert staring at the swaying trees. She sneaked on his back like a cat about to attack it's prey and pulled Albert’s left earphone and plugged it to hers.

“Milly..?” Albert was startled. His eyes widened and stared at Milly.

Milly was her nickname. She said that somehow, it sounded like one of her favorite bands, Mili. And thus, she was called Milly.

Milly smiled at him. “So... you are still listening to my songs.” Just admit it already that you still like me. “I just released my new album so please don’t download the pirated ones.”

“I had my phone on shuffle and it played accidentally. This version of your ‘Chocological’ is easy to sleep to.” Albert said as he stared outside the window again. “I buy your CD’s though. I wish I could at least have you sign them.”

“Easy to slee-“ Suddenly her smile turned like that of someone just told her to pause an online game. “Is it that bad?” She scowled.

“No, no, you dumbass.” He poked Milly’s cheek. “It’s like…. I imagine you singing it to me as a lullaby before I go to sleep.” He smiled.


Milly fixed her bangs. “Really? So you imagine that I’m with you before you go to sleep? That’s lewd.” She grinned.

Albert looked at her face and then looked outside as he let out a huge sigh.

“What?!” Milly then poked Albert’s stomach, which is, his weak point.

“Stop….!” He said as he laughed uncontrollably. “RAAAAAAPPPPEEEE!!!”

“Rape? Who’d want to rape you?” Except for me, that is. Then she realized that she had other competitors. Oh, yeah… his older step sister… and Alexandria… shit…

Albert let out a huge yawn. “Patricia and Alexandria.” He smiled.

“Yeah. I did thought of them.” I want to rape you too, you know. “Anyways, does my voice sound that angelic to you? That it automatically sends you to sleep? It’s just the beginning of the day and you’re already this sleepy.” Milly smiled.

”Not really. I just… did things… last night.”

Milly then examined Albert’s face.

“Eye bags?? You pulled an all-nighter for a game, have you?”

“Uh… no… it’s a… uhmmm…”

Milly knew Albert enough to know when he’s lying or not.

“Then tell me?”

“Look.” He took a deep breath and then explained. “My cousin ran away from home. And her reason was…. She did not tell me.”

Milly knew that he was lying. Who could that fucking girl be? His girlfriend? I want to murder her right now.

She let out a sigh and said “I see. So she ran away in the middle of the night?”

“Uhhh… yeah…. But I do need your help.”

“Help? For what?”

“She did not bring clothes with her.”

It was after school when Milly told everything to their President.

“She did not bring clothes with her?” Alexandria said with her loud high pitched voice. “What? Did commuted all the way from her house to yours, naked? Is she some sort of exhibitionist?”

Alexandria Svartsevich. A fourth year student in the same school that Milly and Albert attends, the President of the Gaming Club and also the Guild Master of The Brotherhood of the Crows. Has long blonde hair with blue eyes. She is also tall for her age. Or maybe it’s because of her Russian blood that made her that tall. People adored her due to her looks and she is also promising when it comes to academics and sports. She’s the perfect girl that any guy would desire as long as she shuts up her filthy mouth.

Alexandria slammed her cellphone as she stood from her desk. “I want to meet her.” She said as her crystal blue eyes sparkled.

“She’s not a pervert.” Albert said with a sigh. He’s still not used to Alexandria’s antics. Maybe, never will.


“Spaghetti.” Claire demanded.

Claire gawked at Albert from the sofa that she’s sitting while holding the book that she’s reading. The book cover reads: Tales of the Forgotten World.

Claire Svartsevich. She’s Alexandria’s cousin, a second year student. She had short blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. Her eyes were deeper than Alexandria’s. It was like her eyes were the windows to the cold ocean. Unlike her cousin, she is short. She likes to read books, eat spaghetti and stare intently at someone as if she’s trying to make one’s head explode using her psychic powers.

“Here.” Albert produced a small white bag with the logo of a convenience store.

Claire gladly accepted it. However, her face did not show any sign of happiness in it. But Albert knew that she was glad.

“Now, cook.” Claire demanded. She handed the bag to Albert again.

“That can wait, heh, heh.” Alexandria said with a smile like that of a pervert. It is because, she is one.

Sheesh, this girl is always up to no good. It’s written in her face. She probably wanted to meet this girl and team up to rape Albert or something. Milly thought.

“If that is what you want.” Albert looked pained as he started to heat a water for the instant spaghetti. “Eliza needs clothes. If you have some….” Albert was interrupted by Alexandria.

“You want us to donate clothes?” Alexandria said as she crept towards Albert. Albert backed away from the electric stove. His back slammed to the bookshelves filled with Claire’s books. “Am I right?” Her face was near Albert’s that he could smell Alexandria’s cold breath.

If she kissed him, I’d yank her hair from her head. Every single thread of it.

“Yeah….” Albert answered nervously as he tried to lean away from Alexandria’s tempting eyes.

“Do you want me…” Alexandria reached under her skirt from its bottom and revealed her long white legs. Claire took a photo of it with her cellphone. “…to take off my clothing down here and give it to you?” She smiled as if she knew where the Yamashita Treasure was hidden.

“Errrr… that’s…”

“It’s still warm. I hope your cousin isn’t picky.” Alexandria continued to tease Albert with her seductive voice.

I can’t take this any longer.

“We shou-“. Milly was interrupted by Claire.

“Let’s just go. I want to eat already.” Claire’s eyes were dead serious. “Frost Glare” is what people call it.

Everyone was silenced. Even the “High and Mighty” Alexandria.

In the end, they just went to their houses to fetch for old clothes. First, they went to Milly’s since it was just a five minute walk. And next, they went to the mansion of the Svartsevich’s. The two were suggesting to just buy new clothes for Eliza. But Albert just couldn’t stomach it.

“By the way.” Albert decided to ask. “Where is Matthew?”

“With his girlfriend.” Claire said as if it was a pain to answer.

“Yeah, yeah.” Alexandria agreed. “Ever since he and that weird-almost-everyday-and-every-minute-full-charged-girl became a couple, Matthew forgot that he actually has friends.” She said with a serious tone as she continued to walk.

“I think he just wanted to spend time with his girl.” Mlly said.

“It’s been a month since the last time he went to the clubroom and logged-in on ‘Distergia’. As if being together in school and every fucking day wasn’t enough?” Alexandria was pissed off. “They send text messages at night. Sit next to each other at school. Eat lunch together. Spend the weekdays together on dates. They should be studying not flirting. And besides, she’s not the only person in the world. He had us before her. We were there when he was all alone.”

I guess she’s right. Milly thought to herself.

“Whew….” Alexandria exhaled. “That was something.” She giggled. “Anyways, I think that you probably don’t have this ‘cousin’ that you speak of. You just want to smell our scents from our clothes. Tell the truth and I’ll give you my panties.” Alexandria teased as she reached under her skirt again. Claire took another photo with her cellphone.

This made Albert blush.

If it’s panties that you want, I can give you mine. Or even my whole body….. Eeeeekkk… what am I thinking? Milly then hid her face.

“Are you okay, Milly?” Albert asked.

“Yeah, I’m okay.” He’s concerned….. Kyaaaaa… I think it is okay to die now.

“Okay.” Albert smiled.

And thus, the three off them commuted on the way to Albert’s apartment.

When they got there, there were shoes that Albert find familiar. As they opened the door, they saw someone holding Eliza’s mouth, preventing her to scream.

Eliza tried to fight back but her harasser was stronger than her since her wound isn’t fully healed yet.

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