《Magic is Power》Chapter 11


Brandon sighed and put his head down on the table.

“Oye oye, why are you so upset?” Carter asked

Brandon lifted his head immediately. His eyes gave a look of hopelessness, it looked like he was dead inside.

“What do you mean !? I created a guild and the only one to join was you !”

“Bahahahaha, ‘Brave Wolf’ Guild?, of course no one would join ! Bahahahaha”

“Ahhhh, why did you join then !? It could have been anyone else except you !”

A vein was showing on Brandons neck as he clenched his fist.

Brandon was not the only one facing such a situation, many ordinary people who had created guilds received no traction because every Hunter preferred to join a guild that was created by a big corporation as they had the financial capacity to offer great benefits and support to Hunters. Hence, it was impossible for other guilds to compete, this caused many of the small guilds to shut down.

The Brave Wolf guild only had two members. Although they received a few applications at the start of the guilds creation, many left them for the three major guilds in the United States:

Scavenger Guild

Silver Fang Guild

And lastly the biggest of them all was the Hunters Guild.

The Hunters Guild was created by the Hunters Association. Thus, the guild operated all around the world where the Hunters Association was present.

The world seemed to unite after the appearance of monsters, a common enemy had brought about a difference in perspective. The Hunters Guild was an evidence of this change, it was collaboratively run by the major countries in the world.

“Lets go recruit some members !”

“Bahaha no one will join !”

Brandon felt hopeless about the future of his Guild.


“Seventeen, eighteen nineteen….twenty !”


pant pant pant pant

Gray was doing pull ups with a weight vest, he had become strong enough to easily do normal pull ups, hence, he needed to add some resistance.

“Working out doesn't affect my strength stat by a whole lot”

He was regularly working out but his strength stat had only changed by 1 or 2 points over many weeks. He realised the amount of work it would take to raise a stat without levelling up, the stat points were really valuable and he gained 3 every level.

“This is why Hunters are much stronger”

The gap between normal people and hunters was widening because of the system. Hunters were strong enough to be called monsters themselves.

Gray wiped the sweat off his body with a towel.

“Looks like it's better to just level up instead”

Gray took a shower and wore a green tracksuit and black t-shirt. He then looked outside the window of his apartment at the city. Tall buildings could be seen miles away, the streets were crowded with people.

“The atmosphere has changed”

The situation wasn't as grim after hunters had appeared. The uncertainty had dissipated and people had hope, it had all happened in a span of weeks. As Gray thought about the events in the past few days.

“I should find a raid team”

A raid team would allow Gray to be safe while raiding dungeons. Of course, it came with the cost of having to share the rewards with others, even so, it was worth it.

“Now which guilds should I apply to?”

As Gray pondered the question of which guilds he should apply to he thought of visiting online to see the benefits different guilds would offer. He grabbed his phone and searched.

Obviously, it was immediately apparent that the top guilds offered the best benefits. However, a realisation hit his mind


“I don't want to be tied to a organisation”

Gray was an office worker. His experience made him resent the idea of working in an organisation again, he did not want to sign a contract and be forced to follow rules, even if the guild offered great benefits. Unfortunately, his experience made him feel this way.

“I’d rather raid dungeons myself, but I need to be safe”

He was not strong enough to raid dungeons himself all the time, it was risky. The truth was he needed a raid team but was psychologically against it.

“If only I could have a raid team that did not impose any rules on me”

How good would it be to have a raid team without joining a guild? Then Gray suddenly had an idea.

“Oh… I could just contact the really small guilds to form a raid team with me without a contract”

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