《Crimson Moon》Vol. 2- Chapter 6: HISTOREA Alliance
Rio Grande City...
Uriel cuts the building in half with all of his power.However, the Chupacabras still lives and come out of the smoke screen...
The monster has half of his body missing as the Chupacabras slowly flies to the building.
"Oh no...what will happen to the "Ales"?" The hooded girl looks to her right but El Muerto is missing.
“Where did he go...I need to help the Ales…" The girl heads towards the restaurant.
“What was that attack just now, just how strong is Uriel?” Kasumi thinks as she, along with the others, heads towards Uriel's location.
"That guy sure is powerful, my spirits told me that he almost surpassed them at full potential." Tiwa explains to the others as they run.
Jairo: Both of them landed in a building next to you...hurry...they are at the ceiling
Alejandro feels weird as he runs; "Something is wrong...What are these visions?"
At the rooftop of a building...
Uriel notices the Chupacabras and uses the wind to gain speed catching up with the monster. He stabs the Chupacabra with his sword and both of them fall to the ceiling of the building next to where the restaurant was.
"Over there…." Everyone heads to Uriel's direction.
Uriel stands in front of the Chupacabras. The Chupacabras lays on the ground as he admits defeat.
"Kill you...oh...I will...but first, I'm going to make you atone for your sins."
Uriel makes a sinister smile, his eyes turning red as he slowly walks towards the Chupacabras. He drags the sword on the ground creating sparks.
"You killed more than a thousand people, now you will receive more than a thousand stabs before I kill you."
As they climb the stairs to reach Uriel, Alejandro stops as he breathes heavily.
"What's going on...what are these images…"
"Alejandro, what's wrong?" Tiwa holds him, Alejandro passes out.
Alejandro slowly walks in a dark space. The place is so dark that he can see if he's going in the right direction.
“Where am I?” Alejandro asks himself as he continues to walk aimlessly.
Suddenly a small light appears and grows bigger and brighter. Alejandro covers his eyes. Alejandro rubs his eyes and sees a jungle, there are trees as tall as he could see, many vines hanging in the jungle. Alejandro walks and hears a roar:
“Could that be the Chupacabras?” Alejandro asks himself as he runs towards the sound.
When he arrives he sees many Chupacabras corpses lying in the ground. Alejandro feels sick and throws up because of the scene.
He raises his head and sees a man in a black hood with a skeleton mask shooting at the Chupacabras flying away instantly killing all but one.
One of them heads towards Alejandro. Alejandro covers himself but the monster passes through him. The man kills the monster. Alejandro sees the bullet pass right through him as well and asks to himself:
“Is this a memory, or an illusion created by the Chupacabras?”
There is only one monster left and he is wounded on the ground. The man slowly walks towards the Chupacabras and points the gun at him and says:
“I killed your mate, your sons and everybody you know. I will continue to extinguish you, filthy creatures unless you do what I say. How about it, you trash?”
The monster roars and attacks the man, however a portal opens behind the Chupacabras and Specter hands pin the Chupacabras to the ground.
The man shoots the monster on the leg causing it to roar. The man once again says:
“You work under me now, your life is mine, you will die the moment I tell you to.”
He lets go of the monster, the monster immediately crawls to what appears to be 3 Chupacabras in the ground, and he grabs them and hugs the three of them.
One female and two little males, at that moment tears come out of the monster. Alejandro tries to walk towards them but the images begin to disappear of his mind.
“WAAAIIITTT!!!!” Alejandro screams as everything goes dark.
Alejandro wakes up, he notices everyone is worried.
"Alejandro, are you alright?"
Alejandro stands up thinking; "What was that dream?"
Alejandro runs towards the ceiling as he thinks; "Something is wrong...I must stop Uriel before he kills the monster…"
Alejandro opens the door, everyone arrives at the ceiling. Everyone opens their eyes wider as they see a puddle of blood.
Uriel continues to stab the monster one time after the other.
"That's one hundred...900 left to go…"
The Chupacabras agonizes in pain. Alejandro runs towards Uriel screaming:
Uriel stops before stabbing the monster again. He turns around and glares at Alejandro:
"Why are you stopping me? I am delivering punishment to the monster…"
Alejandro with tears in his eyes replies; "Listen...I saw the Chupacabras' memories...he was forced to kill...because…"
"So what?" Uriel puts on a furious face.
Everyone is left speechless, Kasumi looks at Uriel frightened as she thinks; "Uriel...you're scaring me…"
Uriel continues to speak; "Even if it was an order, this monster killed thousands of people...thousands of children...men and women...do you think he deserves mercy?"
"If I hadn't stopped him when he was about to attack you and Marjorie...you would have been dead…"
-TCH- Alejandro doesn't say anything. Uriel turns to see the Chupacabras:
"You don't deserve mercy…"
"SSSTTOOPPP" Alejandro runs and grabs Uriel's arm. Uriel, filled with rage, punches Alejandro.
"AALLEJJJANDROO" Tiwa screams with fear.
Uriel begins to punch Alejandro multiple times; " Are you stupid? That thing is going to kill you...stop being the good guy...if you continue to be like that...you're going to die."
"Uriel, please stop…" Tiwa runs and hugs Alejandro, Uriel stops punching him.
Kasumi walks towards Uriel.
Kasumi slaps Uriel; "That's enough...you're not acting like yourself…"
Uriel chuckles, he begins to walk away and looks at the moon.
"You're wrong...you see, this is my true nature...I believe that you people have the wrong impression about me…"
Uriel turns around and sees all of them; "You see, I am not the good guy...no...I am the one that serves as the collector of souls...I am the figure that everyone fears...I am El Charro Negro...don't you forget that…"
The moon shines down making his red eyes glow. Alejandro returns his senses and tears come out of his eyes as he sees the monster's eyes with tears as well. He thinks to himself:
“What was that, did I see his heart and memories?”
“So you were doing this without your free will right?” Alejandro says to the monster, the Chupacabras looks at him. Alejandro continues to speak:
“I´m sorry for your family, I misjudged you, you are not a monster but a living being. Forgive me”
The Chupacabras slowly tries to speak saying; “I-I-I forgive y…..”
At that moment a portal opens below them sucking the Chupacabras into the portal. Uriel and the others see a shadow above. Alejandro looks up to see the same man he saw in the memories of the Chupacabras.
“Greetings Charro Negro, My name is El Muerto”
El Muerto says to Uriel as he opens a portal above him. He opens his palm and gathers mana creating a purple sphere. The Chupacabras come out of the portal.
“You are trash, and no longer useful be gone now you filth”
El Muerto releases the sphere at the Chupacabras.
A pillar of purple and black colored energy disintegrates the Chupacabras instantly. Alejandro sees it with horror the actions and begins to cry feeling furious and screams:
“How could you? He might have been a beast, but you are the real monster!”
“You really are dumb, that filth was only a pawn of this game just like you and your girlfriend over there.”
Tiwa attacks El Muerto with rage but passes through him. El Muerto kicks Tiwa, sending her flying to the border of the building where he almost falls but hangs with one hand in the border.
“So weak, who's next”
El Muerto makes fun of her. At that moment Kasumi also tries to slash El Muerto but she passes through him as well. El Muerto grabs Kasumi´s legs and throws her straight at Uriel. Uriel sees Kasumi and catches her before she falls.
Both of them breathe heavily, Kasumi looks at Uriel:
“This guy is dangerous Uriel, plus I am out of energy and you?”
“Me too, I used it all against the monster” Uriel responds as he stands on one knee.
"So, Charro Negro or should I say Roberto's son...Show me your strength."
"How do you know that?"
"Simple, I am the one who killed him…"
Uriel with rage disappears from everyone's sight and appears in front of El Muerto. El Muerto takes out a sword and clashes with Uriel.Uriel continues to attack violently. Uriel attacks with force, El Muerto only defends.
"Shion, protect Alejandro…" Kasumi stands up.
"Right…" Shion stands next to Alejandro, Alejandro looks at Uriel thinking:
"This is not good, Uriel is blinded by rage…"
El Muerto pushes Uriel away, Uriel tries to charge but El Muerto escapes using a portal, he appears in the sky. El Muerto lifts his arm and says:
At that moment he releases a dark ball heading straight at Kasumi.
"SENPAI!!!" Shion screams as she looks with horror.
Kasumi opens her eyes and sees Uriel standing facing towards her and says:
“Are you alright?”
Uriel begins to throw up blood causing Kasumi to panic.
El Muerto claps slowly:
“Splendid, that same attack killed the Chupacabras instantly, yet, you are standing with only bruises.”
Kasumi removes her glasses, and in a blink of an eye she appears next to El Muerto.
Kasumi makes a cut on El Muerto’s arm. El Muerto jumps back as blood falls from his arm.
“It seems I let my guard down.”
“Indeed you did? Unfortunately I failed...but next time, I won’t…” Kasumi glares at El Muerto.
El Muerto chuckles:
“It seems I underestimated the Orange Pheasant of Yggdrasil”
El Muerto begins to disappear into a portal and says:
“We will meet again Charro Negro be ready”
Kasumi hugs Uriel who is breathing heavily; “Thank God you are live, I was so worry”
“Don´t worry about it.” Uriel replies exhausted as well.
"Senpai…" Shion hugs Kasumi.
"Uriel, are you alright…"Alejandro asks Uriel. Uriel looks at him and asks:
"Why are you worried? Not too long ago, I beat you up…"
Alejandro smiles and replies; " Well,it's because we are friends…"
Uriel chuckles and replies; " You are a fool…"
Uriel passes away.
“Uriel...what happened?” Alejandro looks worried. Shion looks at him and says with a relieved tone:
"It's okay...he lost consciousness because he was tired…"
"I see...that's good…" Alejandro smiles, Tiwa stares at him thinking:
"El Charro Negro sure is dangerous...I must watch my back…"
Alejandro walks towards Kasumi.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes, I am fine…"
At that moment Kasumi´s esper suit disappears leaving her naked. Alejandro looks at her with shock:
“GGGYYYYAAAHHHHH, DON´T LOOK YOU PERVERT” Kasumi screams of embarrassment as she slaps Alejandro who only says:
A portal opens, El Muerto comes out on an ally. He bleeds from his left arm:
“Damn it, I thought she was already out of the play...I guess I was too overconfident…”
The hooded girl runs to his side; “What happened to the''Ales ``?''
“Unfortunately, El Charro Negro killed the Chupacabras, when I arrived at the scene, it was too late…”
The girl falls into her knees crying; “It can’t be...why? Why did he kill him?”
El Muerto walks to her and pats her head; “I’m sorry, but that is just the way the Charro is…”
“But he is one of us? Why did he do that?”
“I don’t know but this demonstrates that we need to take action and get our revenge against those sinners…”
The girl stops crying and stands up, her eyes turn yellow as she says with anger; “Those sinners will pay…”
“Where am I?” Marjorie regains consciousness, she lies on the floor with a blanket next to an ambulance. Victoria runs and hugs Marjorie; “Marjorie...you’re awake, thank goodness…”
Officer Rodriguez walks towards them; “I’m glad you’re okay...we were really lucky…”
“The last thing I remember...I was with…” Marjorie begins to look around searching for Alejandro; “Where is Alejandro?”
Victoria lowers her head; “Unfortunately, he ran off somewhere...we don’t know where he went…”
“I see...What about Aleister?”
“Marjorie…” Aleister walks forward, he has a wounded left arm that was treated by the paramedics. Marjorie runs to his side:
“ Aleister, what happened to your arm?”
“I fell down the stairs while I was running, but more importantly…” Aleister hugs Marjorie; “I am glad that you are safe...I called your father and Charles is on its way…”
Marjorie blushes and hugs him back; “I’m also relieved that you are safe…”
Victoria looks up and sees the building; “What was that? The building disappeared in an instant after that strange light hit it. Plus...what did Alejandro do?”
“Hey hija, the boy with blue and green eyes goes to your school?” Officer Rodriguez asks Victoria.
“Yeah, but I don’t know where he and the others went…”
“I understand…” Officer Rodriguez hugs his daughter as he thinks; “That boy...there is no mistake...he was the one who saved me the other night…”
At the base, Jairo stretches as he feels relaxed; “I can’t believe we actually pull it off…”
“I know...having those kids on our side really brought benefits.” Rosa puts her hand on his shoulder. Carlos and Chelsea also look at the screen:
“Damn it...I have to get stronger…”
Chelsea slaps his back; “ Don’t act so cliche...we will get stronger…”
This is Jairo reporting from the Borderland...Mission Completed…
In an office, Allan Carter along with a red haired woman look at the report. He smiles and says:
“Excellent...I knew they could pull it off…”
“Having El Charro Negro on our side will bring more benefits...don’t you agee?” The woman with red hair comments; Allan nods in agreement:
“You’re right...Yggdrasil isn’t permitted to have more agents in the country but having people outside of Yggdrasil helps us take advantage as we look for the other golden keys.”
Allan puts down the papers that have the name; The Legend of the Seven City of Gold
February 6th; Sun City; Sun City International Highschool
The next day, after the attack of the Chupacabras, the news headlines were altered as they say:
Due to this attack, the students of both cities were given two days off as the cities, however, the Student Council continues to work hard… It’s 3pm on Sun City International Highschool
“Aww man, I’m so tired…” Victoria says as they fill out paperworks.
Marjorie looks at Victoria and comments; “I’m sorry that you had to come, everyone, but if we want to get Valentine's week going, we must fill out those papers. Victoria, I know that you want that dance to happen right?”
Victoria puffs her cheeks; “Alright, alright...I get it…”
Angela looks at Marjorie and asks; “Hey Marjorie, you mentioned that you saw Alejandro right? Is he okay?”
Marjorie doesn’t respond at first, she makes a fake smile and replies:
“To be honest, I can’t remember if I saw him or not…”
“Oh, I see..”
Aleister, Marjorie and Victoria agreed that they would not speak about the events that happened last night to avoid any other responses…
“Well now, the annual contest of the “King and Queen of the Valentines Dance” will open up next week...and I have someone in mind to nominate…”
Aleister smiles as he stands up and walks towards the board and writes a name.
“Seriously? Him? Why?” Raul asks Aleister.
“Because we need to make things interesting….and I know that he will be a very interesting candidate…”
Sun City Mayor’s Office
Darius and Olivia have tea in the mayor's office. Suddenly a door opens and it´s Nathaniel who looks furious and exclaims:
“What was the meaning of the attack last night? Are you trying to kill me?”
“Hahaha, that was funny, who knew you were eating dinner at that moment Nathaniel” Darius says to Nathaniel causing him to get angrier and screams:
“Don´t play dumb, El Muerto knew I was there, in fact I know he order that monster to attack me.”
Darius stands up and says:
“Well Nathaniel just remember who you are speaking to, show some respect, my wife is here, that was an accident but next time it won't . Remember that you work for me idiot!”
Nathaniel steps back speechless. He begins to leave and says:
“Well don't repeat it, my son was there as well.”
As soon as Nathaniel leaves, Olivia and Darius begin to laugh saying:
“Getting back to the subject, I heard that our son is doing perfect on his grades, am I correct?” Darius says as he sits at his desk.
“You are correct dear, our son is a genius that colleges want him to study everywhere, even in Europe” Olivia says as she drinks tea.
“Excellent, Now that I have a lead on the Golden Keys, I think I might send our son away in order to proceed with my plan.” Darius replies as he smiles.
“Well it just happened that we have an opening for our son to travel away but will he agree to it?.” Olivia replies as she laughs.
“You see Olivia, yes he will, I have a good hunch my dear.” Darius replies with a smile.
“Alright if you say so, I'll send him.” Olivia says as she prepares to leave.
“Now then, I have the identities of the members of Yggdrasil here…”
Darius throws six pictures on the table revealing the faces of everyone of Yggdrasil.
“I see, so what should I do about it?”
“Nothing, let’s just see how things will play out? Remember that El Muerto is the one that will control the situation…”
“I understand, I will keep an eye on them…”
“Hold on there is one more person I would like you to observe as well.” Darius says as he shows a picture of Johanna to Olivia. Olivia looks at the picture confused:
“Why her, she is just a nurse?”
“Hahaha, she is not just a nurse, she is a danger to us but she might be an asset if we play the cards right”
“Alright...what about the keys...do you have any leads?”
“Yes...in fact, that boy...Alejandro has one on his hand…” Darius shows her a picture to Olivia.
“Ahhh, that kid that Aleister refers to as a loser…”
“When the time comes, his key will be retrieved…” Darius says to Olivia. Olivia leaves the office and both of them say at the same time:
“We are Enlightened”
She opens the door and a young boy with spiky gray hair enters the room.Olivia smiles as she says:
“I see, so you wanted him to return...It’s good to see you again?”
“Ahh, Ian...how was Romania?”
“It was a pretty interesting uncle...however, I got bored of the flavors...thank you for calling me…”
“I wanted you to come, because I have a special assignment for you…”
“Perfect, and I hope you will let me have fun here?”
“Of course...just don’t go overboard…”
The boy smiles revealing fangs in his mouth; “I can’t guarantee that…”
Meanwhile, at Yggdrasil’s secret base….
“Uriel…” Uriel hears the voice of a woman.
“Uriel….” Uriel opens his eyes, he notices that he is crying as he thinks:
“Why did I dream about her again...mother…”
“Oh good, you’re awake?” Chelsea enters the room, Uriel notices that he has bandages.
“Sorry, it was all that we had here…”
Uriel stands up and puts his black shirt on.
“I see…so I am at base ehh…”
“That’s right, this is a special room...come, everyone is waiting…”
Uriel and Chelsea go to the main room where the screens are located. Alejandro and Tiwa are also in the room with bandages as well.
“Hey Uriel, how are you feeling?” Alejandro asks uriel, Uriel looks at his arm and recipes:
“I’m doing well, but it seems that you are not…”
Uriel looks at Kasumi and asks; “How are you feeling Kasumi?”
Kasumi blushes and stand behind Shion:
“I-I-I’m doing great...thank you…you are the one who took damage”
“It will take a couple of days for me to heal, I need to stay away from the Ministry in order to heal faster.”
“Hey you could stay at my apartment…” Kasumi suggests with a shy voice. Carlos burst with jealousy.
“Sorry, but no...I already have a place to stay.”
“Oh, I see…” Kasumi looks down disappointed, Shion and Rosa chuckle:
“Kasumi, that was so bold of you…”
Kasumi stands up and bows his head:
“Uriel Di Fiore, you have our thanks...for last night...that goes for Alejandro and Tiwa…”
Alejandro and Tiwa blush. Uriel sighs:
“I only did it because it was my mission, that’s all…”
Kasumi looks at Uriel with doubt and asks:
“Uriel, what is your mission?”
Uriel notices that everyone is looking at him. He sighs with his eyes close and replies:
“A long time ago, I made the decision to hunt down every last Sombra...I know that I am El Charro Negro, but I won’t follow my master’s ways…”
Uriel looks at his hand and says; “I will follow my own ideals, that’s my answer…”
“Wow he is so dreamy…” Chelsea’s face turns red.
Uriel looks at Alejandro who tries to hide his arm; “Now then, Alejandro, judging from the manna your hand is emitting, I guess you used it right?”
“Yes, I did…”
Alejandro shows his arm, his arm has black veins growing. Uriel opens his eyes wider, Shion walks forward and begins to explain:
“Judging from the way the veins grow, we have determined that the key is poisoning Alejandro. Everytime he uses it, the poison will spread from his body.”
“I understand that, that’s why Father Clemente and Sister Carolina made that black cloak to wrap it around, to stop the spreading…”
Alejandro looks worried, Tiwa then asks:
“So, how much time does he have before the poison reaches his heart?”
Shion looks serious; “If the poison that the key emmits reaches his heart, he will die. Judging by the speed that he has, I’d say he has 6 months…”
The room is silent after hearing the news. Alejanro looks at his arm thinking:
“Six months ehh…”
Tiwa touches his hand; “Hey, don’t worry, we will find a way to get that key out…”
“Aww, young love, I feel jealous…” Rosa says to them. They look away feeling embarrassed.
The tension breaks as everyone except Uriel chuckles.
“Very well, I think it’s time to talk seriously...Uriel...please join Yggdrasil...we could use people like you on our team…”
Kasumi makes a request, everyone is left speechless.
“I refuse..” Uriel answers quickly leaving everyone in shock.
“But why?”
“Simple, I am an evil being that is on your wanted list, am I wrong?”
Everyone from Yggdrasil remains quiet. “I thought so...I am better off on my own...besides I am already part of the Historical Research Association …”
Alejandro and Tiwa smile.
“That’s right...Uriel is part of our club now!” Alejandro and Tiwa walk to Uriel’s side as both of them say; “We are part of his group remember…”
“You sure are dumb you know that?” Carlos says as he feels enraged and jealous thinking;
“Damn it, Senpai never asks me to join and yet, he refused?”
“I understand, then let’s form an alliance then.” Kasumi suggests that to Uriel.
“We of Yggdrasil need people like you to be on our side. The Kage in this region are strong, not to mention El Muerto. So please help us out until we defeat them…”
Uriel closes his eyes to think, he opens it and replies:
“My mission is to kill Darius Lucifugus. I don’t know what your true objectives are but we share a common goal and that is to defeat the Sombras in this region…”
Kasumi extends her hands; “So do we have a deal? I promise that we won’t betray you and that we will work together to stop Darius. I also promise to save my student’s life…”
Uriel looks at Alejandro and Tiwa who nod in agreement. Uriel shakes her hand:
“Very well, make Carlos and Chelsea join our club and we have a deal…”
“We have a deal…” Alejandro shouts with excitement.
“HEY!!!” Carlos and Chelsea react surprised.
“Our club needs members and if we form an alliance now, you will have to be part of our club…”
“Senpai, these guys are losers please…” Kasumi smiles as a red aura comes out of her.
Both of them get nervous as they reply; “We agree to join your club…”
“HISTOREA?” Carlos asks Tiwa.
“Yeah, Historical Research Association is way too long...HISTOREA is better…”
“That makes sense…” Chelsea says, nodding her head. Kasumi chuckles and replies:
“Good, from now on, we are the HISTOREA…”
Uriel looks at them as he remembers the words that his mother said the last time he saw her:
“Uriel, even though you are alone right now...I guarantee that you will find comrades you will depend on whether you like it or not…”
“It’s as you said mother, I now have comrades and I must say…” Uriel looks at Alejandro and Tiwa making makes a little smile:
“I must say that they are annoying…”
A surprising alliance was formed on that day. Uriel, Alejandro and Tiwa decided to work together with Yggdrasil forming the HISTOREA Alliance...This Alliance will play a major role in the events that will unfold in the future….
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