《Crimson Moon》Vol. 2- Chapter 5: Terror! The Rio Grande City Monster
Sun City; The Tallest Tower
On the tallest tower located in Sun City. A girl with white hair and a black cloak looks at the moon as she begins to remember her past…
Located in Guatemala, a small town was wiped out in a blink of an eye by an unknown entity. The town of Akateko was a peaceful town with a population of 500 people disappeared in an instant…everyone died but one child….
A girl with white hair walks down the road of a town covered in flames. She walks slowly as she tries to look for someone. However, there are no survivors.
The girl falls because she is weak. She continues to cry as the flames get close to her.
Suddenly, three Sombras surround her, they are about to attack her but a creature flies down at high speed and lands next to the girl.
The winged creature destroys the Sombras in an instant.
The monster extends his arm, the girl looks at it and smiles.
The girl shakes her head. She stands up:
"Thank you, mister…my name is…"
Are you ready?
Bact at the present...the girl opens her eyes and sees a man with a skeleton mask walking to her side.
"Yes, the "Ales" is heading towards Rio Grande City…"
"Perfect, let's get closer to the action...I want to see the show…"
The man with the skeleton mask opens a portal, the two of them walk to the portal and disappear.
At the secret base, Jairo and Rosa are observing any activity on the screen. Meanwhile Carlos is taking care of Chelsea:
“Where am I?” Chelsea opens her eyes slowly as she sees a light shining directly at her face. Carlos looks at her and smiles with tears in his eyes:
“So, you finally wake up eh…”
“For a second, I thought I was abducted by aliens by seeing your ugly face…”
“Hey what the hell? I am being nice here…” Carlos says as he smiles. Chelsea also smiles and asks:
“How long have I been asleep…”
“One day, you almost died...but Shion-senpai managed to cure you…”
“The last thing I remembered was that the Sombras attacked me, did you save me?”
Carlos lowers his head and replies; “No...It was the Charro…”
“I see, Uriel Di Fiore…”
“That’s right, we got suspended from the mission because we acted on our own accord…”
Carlos makes a fist and says; “ I’m sorry, I acted on my own and couldn’t protect you...but I swear that I will get stronger and next time I will protect you…”
Chelsea chuckles; “You idiot, I don’t need your protection…”
“Everything looks fine here...how about your end…” Shion, who is outside the restaurant wearing a red wig, reports to Jairo. She is drinking at a cafe next to the restaurant.
“Excellent, keep us informed..” Jairo says as he stretches. Rosa chuckles as she sees Kasumi and Uriel on the date:
“She looks so innocent, I can’t believe this is her first date…”
“Well, she has been through a lot…”
“I know, Director Miyazono can be really tough, especially with his children…”
“What’s going on?” Rosa asks as they see the screen. Jairo looks at the screen and stands up:
“This is bad, the Chupacabras is approaching…”
A few moments ago…
Tiwa and Alejandro speak in the kitchen…
“Phew, that was a close one, thank you Tiwa...:”
“No problem…”
“I still can’t believe that Marjorie came here...when the Chupacabras is supposed to attack…”
Tiwa looks at Alejandro and she asks with a shy tone:
“Hey...Alejandro...do you still have feelings for Marjorie?”
Alejandro who was drinking a glass of water spits it all creating a small rainbow. He blushes as he replies nervously:
“W-w-where did that come from”
Tiwa gets closer and with a persistent tone asks:
“I really want to know…please...tell me…”
“Well...the truth is…”
Suddenly, Alejandro’s hand feels pain once more.
“What’s happening?”
The lights begin to turn on and off. Without warning, Tiwa and Alejandro open their eyes wider.
“Alejandro...who is that?”
Standing in front of them, a man with a Native American cloak, long white hair and a long beard. He looks really old, almost like a mummy.
“It’s you…” Alejandro says surprised.
“Wait...who are you?” Alejandro tries to walk forward but the man disappear, Tiwa looks in shock as she says:
“I can't believe it…”
“Tiwa do you know that man?”
“Yes...he was one of the founders of my Pueblo…”
Alejandro looks at Tiwa who is with fear.
Both of them hear a loud sound coming from the dining hall...
At the same time that Alejandro and Tiwa were experiencing that apparition…
Uriel and Kasumi were facing another problem…
On the other side of the restaurant the mayor of Rio Grande City was eating with his son. He keeps staring at Kasumi and says:
“Well I think I just found a great woman to pass the night.” Alberto looks at her and says: “Sorry, Father but I will go first.” Alberto stands up and goes straight at Katsumi.
Alberto Gonzalez is a 28 year old man who has dark skin, brown eyes, and black hair. He is a lady’s man who has a reputation of going out with different women.
Alberto stands next to Kasumi:
“Hello there Missy, Allow me to treat you with champagne for you and your little brother here.”
Uriel puts on a serious face as he glares at Alberto. Kasumi looks at Alberto, smiles and denies:
“No thank you, I already have a date here, please go away.”
Alberto looks at Uriel and begins to laugh:
“This little runt is your date? Don’t make me laugh, why don't you date a real man.”
Alberto grabs a chair and sits next to Kasumi and begins to hug her. Kasumi begins to feel uncomfortable, Uriel asks him politely:
“Please sir, I don’t want any problems so please go away.”
“Listen runt, you don’t know who I am?” Alberto stares at Uriel and stands up and says:
“My name is Alberto Gonzalez, son of the mayor who is right there, and the supervisor of all the schools in Rio Grande City.”
“I don’t care…” Uriel responds to Alberto who gets angry at him.
“Now then, sweety, how can you date someone who has that ugly scar on his face.” Alberto says with a smile causing Uriel to squeeze his fists. He says with a low tone:
“Stay away from her.”
Alberto ignores Uriel and begins to kiss Kasumi’s hand. Kasumi moves away; “Get away from me…”
Alberto chuckles and pulls her arm:
“Don’t play hard to get sweetty and come with me.”
As Alberto pulls Kasumi, she feels pain:
“Stop, you're hurting me.”
Alberto begins to laugh and forces Kasumi to start walking. At that moment Uriel grabs Alberto’s arm and exclaims with a furious tone:
“I said stay away from her!”
Everyone in the restaurant begins to look at the scene. Victoria and Marjorie who are talking begin to observe.
“Hey look, isn’t that Uriel?” Victoria asks Marjorie, Marjorie looks and opens her eyes wider replying:
“It is...is he with Ms. Miyazono?”
Victoria and Marjorie are in shock at what they are seeing.
“Hija, who are you talking about…” Officer Rodriguez stands up and looks with shock thinking:
-TCH- “Forget it, I lost interest...Let go of me…. Maybe I should go hang out with that silver haired beauty over there...What was her name again? Marjorie?”
“WHY YOU?” Uriel begins to squeeze tighter causing Alberto to panic.
Alberto lets Kasumi go. Nathaniel orders his guards to attack Uriel. They begin to walk towards Uriel. Kasumi grabs Uriel and says:
“Uriel let go, I’m alright please we do not have to make a scene.”
She sees Uriel’s eyes and his corneas are black which frightens her. Kasumi begins to call Uriel his name as the tension grows and he keeps grabbing Alberto’s arm.
The bodyguards stand next to Uriel, Uriel makes a sinister smile; “If you want me to be serious, I will... stay away from Majorie and Kasumi or I’ll kill you!”
Uriel stops squeezing Alberto’s hand and makes a sinister smile looking at the window:
At that moment Uriel hears a strange sound coming from the distance. He let’s Alberto go and lifts his table:
At that moment the glass breaks and the Chupacabras crashes with the table causing Uriel and people to fly away.
The wind blows Kasumi away. The monster notices Uriel charging at him and with one wing sends him flying to the wall.
As the dust cloud clears the image of the Chupacabras begins to paralyze people with its roar.. The monster has gray colored skin with red eyes, pointy ears, fangs and two huge wings with a muscle body. The Chupacabras spreads its wings and begins to roar:
The huge roar destroys the lights and makes some of them blink. Nathaniel looks at the Chupacabras and exclaims:
“This wasn't part of the plan, DAMN IT!!!!!"
“Marjorie, what is that thing?” Victoria says with fear, Marjorie is also paralyzed by what she is seeing.
Alejandro and Tiwa quickly come out of the kitchen; “The Chupacabras is here!”
Nathaniel stands up and points at the monster saying:
“Men take out your guns and begin shoot NOW!!!!”
The body guards take out their guns and begin shooting directly at him.
The bullets begin to impact the monster with no effect at all. Alberto takes the opportunity to run next to his father and says:
“Padre, we need to go now!”
The Chupacabras charges straight at the Mayor, the mayor runs towards the exit, the Chupacabras begins to chase him, the mayor passes next to Marjorie and Victoria.
“VICTORIA!” Officer Rodriguez pulls Victoria out of the way. Marjorie is paralyzed with fear, and doesn’t move.
“MARJORIE!” Victoria screams, Officer Rodriguez tries to reach her; “I won’t make it in time…”
In a blink of an eye, Alejandro saves Marjorie by throwing himself and pushing her away. The Chupacabras continue to chase Nathaniel.
“Are you alright?”
“Yes...thank…” Marjorie opens her eyes wider as she sees Alejandro with his wig off.
Alejandro notices that he didn’t have a disguise; “Marjorie...I…”
The Chupacabras begins to flap its wings and flies straight to the body guards, instantly killing them by cutting their heads off. The monster attacks without mercy killing people it comes across. Some of them are being killed by getting their blood sucked and others by getting impaled. The room became red because of the blood being spilled in the lights. The monster begins to walk slowly towards Nathaniel as the lights turn on and off making the Chupacabras disappear and appear closer to them.
“GET AWAY YOU MONSTER, YOU WORK FOR ME!!!” Nathaniel screams as he walks slowly backwards with Alberto behind him.
The monster roars and charges straight at them. At the moment he lifts his arm Uriel appears in front of Nathaniel and kicks the monster, sending it flying through a glass window. Uriel looks at both men:
“Run away, you imbeciles!!!”
The two of them react to the scream and begin to run through the stairs. Uriel is furious and looks at Tiwa:
“Tiwa, follow them, something tells me that they will still be targets.”
Tiwa nods in agreement and follows the two of them. Alberto asks Nathaniel while they run:
“Father, I thought the monster would attack after we left to kill the owner!”
“I know I need to speak to Darius about this, he will pay!” Nathaniel replies to Alberto as they continue to run downstairs.
At the restaurant Alejandro is shaking with fear as he sees around all over the place is covered with dead bodies. He makes a fist and thinks:
“Calm down Alejandro! I know this is something out of a horror film but it's real, you must protect Marjorie at all cost!”
The Chupacabras come out of the wall and head towards the people who are running to the exit. Among them, Victoria and Officer Rodrigue. Alejandro pulls Marjorie screaming:
“Aleister isn’t here yet, he went to the restroom…”
“We need to escape, don’t worry, Aleister has probably escaped by now.”
The Chupacabras appear in front of them and about to attack; “MARJORIE!” Alejandro puts his body first.
Blood splashes at the wall. Marjorie and Alejandro open their eyes, Victoria and her father are in shock.
“Are you two okay?” Uriel says as he is holding the monster off. Both of them nod in agreement, Uriel turns around and punches the monster with force.
“Alejandro, grab Marjorie and get out of here! I will hold the monster off...now…”
Marjorie begins to scream; “WAIT, URIEL, YOU WILL GET KILLED!”
“Right…” Alejandro pulls Marjorie’s arm and begins to run to the exit.
“Alejandro, wait...Uriel will be…”
“Believe in Uriel…”
Alejandro turns around and sees Uriel who says; “Protect her with your life…”
“I will…”
Uriel lifts his arm, chants and flames come out of his ring changing him into his Charro form. At that moment he sees the Chupacabras heading there one more time. Uriel takes out his sword by saying:
“Espada del Mariachi” (Mariachi Sword).
He takes his stance and prepares to fight. The monster enters the restaurant and charges straight at Uriel. At that moment Kasumi in her esper suit kicks the monster sending it through a table.
Kasumi rushes to Uriel´s side; “Thank you for helping those two.”
Uriel looks away with a serious tone; “I won't let that monster kill more people.”
Kasumi smiles and takes out her katana and takes her stance as well.
The Chupacabras roar and charge at them. Uriel and Kasumi attack as well generating a huge explosion in the restaurant.
Meanwhile in a building next to the restaurant, El Muerto and the hooded girl are looking at the events in Rio Grande City.
“So what are you going to do EL MUERTO?” The hooded girl asks as she looks at the building catching fire for the battle. El Muerto begins to walk slowly and to see the events:
“I think my pet needs some help, I never imagined that Charro would team up with Yggdrasil.”
El Muerto walks to the edge and lifts his hand with the index finger pointing to the sky. A huge portal begins to form, at the portal spirits wearing purple cloaks, no feet, claws and skull faces begin to charge straight at the building.
“Suflete spectre” (Translates: Specter souls)
The specters head towards the building. El Muerto looks at the girl and says:
“Now call some of your friends…”
The girl walks forward and takes out a flute. “Vengan, mis spiritus” (Come, my spirits.)
-♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫-
At that moment, a couple of Sombras begin to gather around the building where the restaurant is located.
“What’s going on? The building is surrounded by Kage?” Shion says as she heads to the street.
The Chupacabras begin to attack, Kasumi and Uriel are fighting it at the last floor...Shion, try to stop the Kage from attacking people.
“Right…” Shion begins to run with talismans on her hand.
A few floors below the restaurant, Nathaniel and Alberto head to the elevator, Tiwa follows them.Sombras appear and try to attack them.
“You fools, I’m the mayor, protect me…”
Nathaniel and Alberto walk backwards as they try to protect themselves. The Sombras charge straight at them.
Tiwa appears wearing her disguise and stops the Sombras.
“Get into the elevator now…”
Nathaniel and Alberto get into the elevator. Tiwa removes her wig and smiles:
“It’s time to get some action...Suma, Jana…”
Suma the owl, and Jana the serpent appear to the side.
“Suma, fuse now…”
“Right…”Suma’s mana begins to transfer to Tiwa’s, Tiwa opens her eyes as they change to the yellow color. The Three Sombras prepare to attack Tiwa. Tiwa lifts her hand, and cretaes silver colored claws.
Tiwa slashes two of the sombras, killing them instantly. One Sombra remains and punches Tiwa. Tiwa flies to the wall.
“Ah..ah..ah” Tiwa falls as she breathes heavily; “Damn...I let my guard down…Jana…”
“SSS...RIGHT…” Jana’s mana begins to fuse with Tiwa, Tiwa opens her eyes revealing a change of color to white. On her left arm, a rope in the shape of a serpent appears.
The Sombra attacks once again. Tiwa swings her arm, the rope wraps the Sombra tight.
“Abrazo de la Víbora…” (Serpent’s hug)
The rope squeezes the Sombra. The Sombra tries to break free, but it can’t. Tiwa laughs; “The more you squeeze, the tighter the rope will be…”
The Sombra slowly turns into mana and disappears. Tiwa takes a deep breath; “That was easy…”
Tiwa grabs her ear; “Yes, I can hear you...this communicator is cool…”
Tiwa, listen, there is another Sombra below, where Alejandro is heading…
“SAY WHAT!!!” Tiwa begins to run towards the stairs; “Damn it...I hope I can make it in time…”
“HA..HA...HA…” Alejandro, Marjorie, Victoria and Officer Rodriguez run as fast as they can towards the lower floor.
“Papa, what is happening?” Victoria asks with a shaky voice. “I don’t know hija, but we must get out of here…” Her father replies as they reach the next floor.
They walk slowly as they notice that it is empty. Alejandro who is holding Marjorie’s hand walks slowly thinking:
“What should I do? There is no one who can protect us here…”
Suddenly, a Sombra appears behind Victoria’s father. The officer turns around and pushes Victoria aside.
The Sombra punches the officer, sending him flying to the wall and causing him to lose consciousness.
“PAPA” Victoria runs to her side. The Sombra heads towards Alejandro and Marjorie. Alejandro who is afraid, thinks; “WHAT DO I DO? DO I RUN?”
Alejandro turns to see Marjorie who has tears in her eyes, and makes him think; “No...I promised Uriel that I would protect her with my life…”
The Sombra tries to attack Marjorie, but Alejandro steps in. The Sombras punches Alejandro away.
Both of them fly away. Marjorie loses consciousness, Alejandro breathes heavily and says:
“Marjorie...are you okay?”
“ALEJANDRO RUN AWAY!!!” Victoria screams at Alejandro, the Sombra heads towards Alejandro.
“What should I do? What should I…”
“Use the key...the key…”
Alejandro stands up, he begins to remove the bandage on his left arm. The Sombra attacks him one more time.
Alejandro coughs up blood. He stands one more time, he walks at the Sombra. “Think, think...you can do it...Uriel mentioned that I can use mana...focus…”
Alejandro begins to gather mana onto his hand. Victoria looks surprised at what she is seeing. Alejandro makes a fist, his eyes turn hollow. Alejandro feels that someone is behind him, the old man with the Native American attire is behind him as he says:
“Young one...the golden key...use it…”
Golden mana comes out of his fist; “Focus, just like a Space Ranger attack…”
“AAAHHH” Alejandro charges at the Sombra; “It may sound cheesy but take this; Golpe de Plata” (Silver Punch)
Alejandro punches the Sombra with force releasing an enormous amount of mana immediately disintegrating the Sombra.
“Yes, I did it…”
“That was a golden punch, why did you call it silver?” Victoria exclaims, Alejandro feels like a boulder with the word; “Lame” falls onto his head.
Alejandro chuckles; “Well, when we were young, I was the Silver Space Ranger...Besides, I had no time to think of a name okay…”
Victoria blushes as she sees the light shining above Alejandro; “He looked so manly…”
Alejandro falls onto his knees, the pain in his hand gets stronger; “Damn it...I guess this is a side effect…”
“Alejandro behind you…” Victoria warns Alejandro. Another Sombra appears behind him.
Tiwa cuts the Sombra and makes it disappear; “Man, you’re slow.” Tiwa puts her hand on her ear; “This is Tiwa, Alejandro and the others are safe…”
Jairo: Excellent, you must escape before the building collapses…
Alejandro stands up and carries an unconscious Marjorie. Tiwa helps Victoria carry her father.
“You’re Tiwa right? What are you doing here?” Victoria asks Tiwa, Tiwa makes a smirk; “Right now...saving your life…”
They continue to walk downstairs...
At the Restaurant, an intense battle was unfolding...
The Chupacabras punches Kasumi with force. The monster heads straight towards Kasumi, at that moment Uriel attacks with his sword:
“Cuarto Cresciente” (Translates: Crescent Moon)
Uriel slashes upright trying to attack the monster however the monster dodges his slash and kicks him to the roof and crash.
Uriel falls to the ground and says; “Damn that hurt”
“Dangan no tori” (Translates: Bullet birds)
Kasumi screams and the bullets attack the monster. The monster covers himself with its wings from the bullet's impact.
The monster extends its wings and screams, making a sound attack, paralyzing Kasumi. The monster charges at her but Uriel interferes and makes a cut on the monster’s wing.
At that moment the specters enter the building to attack the people inside it.
“AAAAAHHHHH!!!” Uriel hears screams and asks Kasumi:
“What’s going on , I’m hearing strange rhythms in the building?”
“Some kind of spirits are attacking the people,” Kasumi responds, watching on a small screen in her arms.
Jairo: You’re right...aside from the Sombras...it appears that ghostly figures have entered the building...
“Kasumi go and stop those, things hurry” Uriel tells Kasumi. She frowns and responds:
“NO!! You go and stop them.”
Both of them stare at each other.
Jairo: Would someone please help them and stop the Chupacabras already...
At that moment the Chupacabras appears behind her about to attack but Uriel intercepts it. The monster grabs Uriel’s head and takes off with him to the outside. Uriel screams to Kasumi :
“Change of plans, go defend the people!!”
Kasumi nods and goes to the elevator where the people are at.
“AHHHHH” Nathaniel and Alberto hear screams of the people outside. They are in the elevator with 20 others.
“Damn it I’m the mayor, why are all of you here?” Nathaniel says with a furious voice.
“Calm down Padre when the monster gets here will use them as sacrifices to escape” Alberto suggests to Nathaniel. Upon hearing Alberto, the others glare at them.
The specters begin to hit the top of the elevator wanting to come in.
“AAAAHHHHHH” The people begin to scream with fear. At that moment the spectors break the cable, and the elevator falls at great speed.
Kasumi falls and slashes the specters, beating them one by one. Kasumi grabs the elevator cable avoiding it crashing on the first floor.
Jairo: Kasumi, the ghost-like creatures are heading your way...
Soon every spectre inside the building heads towards Katsumi in the elevator room to attack her.
Kasumi begins to jump and attack the specter with her sword at high speed.
Kasumi continues to slash however the specters gain up on her. Kasumi falls at high speed crashing on the top of the elevator, she lets go of her sword and sticks on the 5th floor.
“Damn it what’s going on, let me out Damn it!” Nathaniel says pushing the people.
Jairo: KASUMI... KASUMI...
Katsumi tries to get up but the specters hold her down. She begins to panic:
“Damn I’m too weak, someone please help me!!!” Katsumi begins to scream. The specters begin to cut her as she screams:
Jairo and Rosa: DON’T GIVE UP…
Carlos and Chelsea: SENPAI DON’T GIVE UP...
“PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER STUDENT” Suddenly Katsumi begins to hear Roberto’s voice and begins to remember her past.
June, 8 years ago; Behind the Hills of Sun City
Eight years ago, a young Kasumi trained with her Master, Roberto every day as she tried to improve her skills.
Roberto hits Kasumi (Age 11) in the head:
“Kasumi you're slow, you need to act faster!”
“But sensei this is all I can do” Kasumi (Age 11) replies to Roberto with tears in her eyes. Roberto sighs and sits in the ground to explain:
“Listen Kasumi, the esper suit is an advanced technological suit that combines science with magic. It concentrates the mana around us and turns it into visible energy in order for us to use for our benefit.”
“What now…?” Kasumi asks Roberto, causing him to get mad.
“Let me show you then” Roberto says as he stands up and walks away from Kasumi. He shows the crest and says:
“Activate: Lobo Solitario: Parcial”
The left side of Roberto turns into his espersuit consisting of green veins spreading across the left side. He raises his arm in the sky and begins to gather mana.
“Do you see the mana particles?” Roberto says to Kasumi as she sees them with huge eyes; “Pretty”
The mana begins to convert into a green energy sphere that grows bigger every second. The sphere stabilizes. Kasumi looks at it with awe:
“It's too much mana, How can you do that sensei?”
“Just focus your mana and release Katsumi, take a deep breath and try it yourself”
Roberto says to Kasumi as she changes into her esper suit. Kasumi begins to gather mana and a huge orange sphere forms. Roberto smiles feeling proud:
“Good job Kasumi now release it”
Kasumi releases her energy to the sky making a small beam. Roberto releases his making huge pillars causing Katsumi to cry and say:
“No fair sensei yours was stronger than mine”
“Just keep practicing, I know you can surpass me one day” Roberto says as he pats Katsumi´s head smiling, Kasumi smiles as well. **********************************************************************
Present; Inside the burning building.
Kasumi releases mana freeing herself from the specters; “Now you made me mad…”
Kasumi takes off her glasses and glares at the specters flying around.
Kasumi begins to breathe and gathers mana in her arms. Her mana begins to spread, taking the shape of wings. Kasumi flaps her wings, defeating the specter. She stands up lifting her arms in shape of wings and says:
“Seishin no tsubasa” (Translates: Spirit Wings)
She begins to flap the wings and flies upward. The specters attack Kasumi.
Kasumi spins with force, cutting them one by one making them disappear. She continues the attack until she reaches her sword and grabs it. Kasumi makes her wings disappear and begins to fall slowly.
The specters head towards her ready to attack, every specter in the building is heading towards her. Kasumi puts her katana in the back in the position that she is about to stab. The katana glows with a bright orange light. Kasumi for a fraction of a second closes her eyes and focuses:
“Gather the mana like sensei told you and release it at once.”
She pushes the katana and stabs creating a small crack. Orange circles spread around the area. Kasumi chants:
“Kiji no hashira” (Pheasant pillar)
A huge pillar forms and expands destroying the specters in the corridor and the energy spreads to the sky causing a huge orange pillar to illuminate the sky.
“I did it sensei” Kasumi falls into the elevator ceiling passing out. The police arrive into the building securing it and the people run outside. Kasumi regains consciousness and says:
“I need to help Uriel” She breathes heavily and goes to the stair beginning to walk up but her esper suit disappears. Shion runs to aid her.
“Are you alright Senpai?”
“Yes...I just need to rest…”
Shion smiles and replies; “I’m relieved for you...I disposed of all the Kage outside.”
Jairo: Tiwa and Alejandro have successfully abandoned the building, there is no one inside now…
“Thank goodness...all that is left is to stop that monster…” Kasumi stands up with the help of Shion.
Everyone looks up as they witness fire consuming the building. Kasumi looks up thinking; “Uriel, please be okay…”
5 Minutes before Katsumi’s attack.
The Chupacabras flies around the building grabbing Uriel’s head. The monster begins to fly closer to the building, crashing Uriel’s head into the glass.
The Chupacabras drags Uriel all around the building. The Chupacabras throw Uriel with great force towards a police car.
“Ouch that hurt!” Uriel rubs his head covered in blood; “I guess this thing really wants to die tonight!”
People gather around Uriel with curiosity, filming the scene and taking pictures with their smartphones. Uriel sighs; “These guys, wanting viewership for social media will get them killed.” He notices the monster heading down and begins to scream:
The monster lands in front of the people blowing them away with his wings and roars once again paralyzing everyone.
The monster attacks a couple of people, sucking their blood and disappearing. Everyone begins to panic. Uriel stands up once again and runs towards the Chupacabras. He makes his sword appear again and chants:
“Arte del Mariachi: Cancion de la Luna, Tercera Estrofa: Media Luna” (Translates: Mariachi Art: Song of the Moon, Third Stanza: Half Moon)
Uriel’s sword shines in a platinum color as he slashes the monster horizontally materializing the form of a half moon. However at that moment, a specter appears and receives the attack instead of the Chupacabras.
“What is this?” Uriel says as he looks up and notices countless specters in the air charging towards him. The Chupacabras elevates into the air trying to escape. Uriel dodges the specters as they attack one by one. He jumps into the air and chants:
“Viento Multiple” (Translates: Multiple Wind).
Wind steps form to aid Uriel as he jumps into the air. Uriel jumps one by one at high speed in order to catch the Chupacabras. Lightning begins to come down. Soon, rain begins to pour, making Uriel’s wind unstable.
Uriel steps on the last one and chants; “Impulso del Viento” (Translates: Wind Impulse)
A bigger vortex forms forcing Uriel to jump higher and stabs the monster right wing. Both of them fall to an abandoned building two blocks away from the restaurant.
The monster releases mana in the form of shockwaves. The attack blinds Uriel, Uriel can’t hear or see.
The building has the ceiling falling down, no electricity meaning that it is completely dark around. Uriel lands on the floor and begins to look around looking for the monster. The Chupacabras makes its presence disappear.
Rain falls heavy, with lightning touching the ground, meaning that it is freezing.
Uriel only hears his heartbeat. He is bleeding from his head and one of his arms. He breathes heavily as he holds his sword tight.
The Chupacabras flies from the roof and attacks Uriel. Uriel blocks the attack with his sword. The monster flies at great speed making it hard to observe.
It attacks continuously, Uriel tries his best to block it, however the ground below him breaks.
Uriel stands up and gets his guard up once again; “This is not good, I’m losing control, come on I must be strong or I’ll die.”
The monster continues to attack him, Uriel knows that he is wasting time because his comrades are also under attack by monsters known as Sombras.
“Breathe, Breathe, Focus, Focus, come on FOCUS!!!”
Uriel thinks to himself as he tries to concentrate. The monster flies down once again, Uriel turns trying to cut him.
An explosion causes the floor to collapse once again. Blood splashes in the wall and on the floor. Lightning falls illuminating the room. Drops of water pour down to Uriel as rain showers the city and lightning comes down every minute.
“Remember the chord sequences that Juan taught you in the guitar and apply it into battle, that way you will predict the enemy’s movements and find a way to counter attack.”
“Damn it...why do I have to remember that girl…”
Uriel begins to hear the Chupacabras’ rhythm. For instance, a flames moves around the room noticeable to Uriel’s eyes. The flame begins to float in the air. Uriel notices and smiles:
“I found you monster”
The Chupacabras slowly floats behind Uriel and charges at him. Uriel begins to whisper:
“Arte del Mariachi: Cancion de la Luna, Cuarta Estrofa: Cuarto Menguante” (Translates: Mariachi Art: Song of the Moon, Fourth Stanza: Quarter moon descend”
Uriel turns around with his eyes closed and lifts his sword, cutting it downward forming the shape of a crescent moon with a platinum aura.
The Chupacabras roars as Uriel slashes its arm off. The arm falls and disappears.
The Chupacabras flies away from Uriel, it goes outside at high speed going to the sky.
Uriel begins to follow the beast, at that moment a giant pillar of orange light illuminates the city causing the clouds of rain to disappear in a small circle.
Uriel slowly heals himself thanks to the Charro abilities. Uriel runs outside and tries to communicate to Kasumi :
“Hey are you okay? Kasumi, what was that light?”
A few moments pass and Uriel keeps on trying to communicate. Meanwhile the beast flies in circles trying to heal itself.
“Uriel I’m okay don’t worry, the people are safe, well most of them, everybody left the building... I’m trying to get back my energy” Kasumi responds to Uriel, he smiles and responds:
“Stay where you are Katusmi and put a barrier, I’m going to finish this right now.”
Kasumi puts a small barrier and looks at the sky thinking; “What will you do Uriel?”
Uriel jumps into the air and creates a vortex of wind once again. He stands in a position where the moon is behind him. Soon portals begin to appear and specters come out charging at Uriel. Uriel takes a deep breath and remembers Juan’s voice:
“Listen Muchacho, the attacks that you make are stronger when you make them in front of the element used.”
Uriel moves his arm and spins the sword making the shape of the moon. The light of the moon reflects the sword shining its light. The sword shines brighter and Uriel begins to chant:
“Arte del Mariachi: Canción de la Luna, Quinta Estrofa: Luna LLENA” (Translates: Mariachi Art: Song of the Moon, Fifth Stanza: Full Moon)
Uriel swings the sword with force. The slash forms a great cylinder similar to a great ray of light that makes the specters disappear. The attack reaches the Chupacabras forcing it through the restaurant. The light is so bright that everyone in the city notices the attack.
Half of the building disappears by the attack in an instant, leaving only a clean cut.
“What was that?”Alejandro asks Kasumi. Kasumi looks at the sky with shock:
“That was the power of the Charro Negro.”
It was at that moment that everyone was witness of the terrifying and true power of "El Charro Negro"
- End739 Chapters
Seeking the Flying Sword Path
This world has Fox Fairies, River Gods, Water Monsters, Great Demons and Practitioners who seek immortality. Practitioners can open their Magical Eye and see Demons and Ghosts. They can practice a flying sword that can kill enemies thousands of kilometres away. Their sharp long-range eyes and sensitive ears could observe everything around them…… The second young master of the Qin clan, ‘Qin Yun’ is one such practitioner…
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Arcane Awakening
Verdan Blacke is an Imperial Wizard, a researcher by preference but soldier in the war by necessity. Cursed by a hex witch in her final moments, Verdan escapes the ever-increasing pain the curse inflicts by performing a self-made stasis ritual. When the curse has finally faded and he has awoken, Verdan finds a world completely different from the one he left behind. Dark things work in daylight with impunity, once common knowledge is a mystery and even the nature of magic that humans use has changed. Verdan has the chance to start over, to devote himself to his research and leave the world to carry on as it will. All he has to do is forget his Oath as a Wizard, to let the final piece of the empire die.
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Ocean of Dreams
Contestant in Royal Road Writathon Nov 2021 Book 2 of Universe Series Two quirky aliens from another dimension accidentally crash land on the planet of Beldora. One secretly manipulates the local population and accelerates technological development in the hope of recovering his ship and rescuing his trapped friend. Scientist and entrepreneur, Jejliard Castonea, plunges ahead with daring experiments, unaware he is being used by the alien. Beldora advances prematurely from the steam age to computerization and nuclear capability. Jejliard experiments with inserting a computer chip in an animal brain, then later his own, to enhance native intelligence. When it proves successful, he goes even further and implants one in his infant son, Tajlon, who effectively grows up with a supercomputer for a brain. After nuclear secrets fall into the wrong hands, a full-scale nuclear war soon threatens the planet. Jejliard decides the only hope is to leave Beldora. In a desperate attempt to escape the war, he restores the damaged spaceship where he stumbles upon the key to a new form of existence that transcends mortal life. His very sanity is at risk as he is seduced by the potential of unlimited power and the promise of immortality.
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[REPUBLISHED AS COURTS DIVIDED] The Kingdom through the Swamp
Sorry! This novel's not really a thing on the site anymore, updates didn't work for some reason, so boohoo. Oh, but you can buy the complete novel by clicking the link below! https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B07BRS6QSV
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Leveling up the World
After his first college party, Dallion woke up in a small room without doors or windows. Next thing he knew, he woke up as an “awakened” in a small medieval village in the middle of nowhere. Now all he needs to do is figure what the heck is going on. And what’s the big deal with being awakened anyway?! Arc 2: The Adventure Arc starts at Chapter 85 Arc 3: The Wilderness Arc starts at Chapter 382
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|A camp camp story| gwenvid -DISCONTINUED-
All the campers are fifteen now and it's time to go back to camp Campbell for the summer! But things don't start off with such a swing. Secrets are kept from friends and crushes appear. Gwen is having trouble with her family and David tries to help. Although everyone has hardships they all have to stick together in the end. Will things work out? This isn't the best Fanfiction but I hope you guys enjoy! Also there are multiple ships in this story. Nikki x Neil and Gwen x David if you don't like those I suggest you may want to check out a different story. Warnings: -Swearing-slight abuse flashbacksAll characters belong to rooster teeth except the ones I made up. Cover art goes to the rightful owner.
8 212