《Crimson Moon》Vol. 1 - Chapter 5: The Successor´s Mission
Fabiola runs as fast as she can, dodging every attack it makes to her. She crosses a hill and she arrives where a farm is located. The animals begin to panic as they sense the presence of the monster approaching causing the farmer to wake up and search.
Fabiola tries to go around the farm when she is stopped by the farmer who came out of his house:
“Hey, what are you doing in my farm at this hour?”
Fabiola notices the monster approaching her and says:
“Mister, you must go inside quickly there is a monster.”
The old farmer looks at her with a weird face and says:
“Little girl, are you pulling a prank, I will call the police!”
He grabs Fabiola’s hand and forces her to walk with him to the front of the house. Fabiola tries to break free, but the farmer won’t let go. The farmer stops and says:
“Who is that?”
A few meters in front of the house a figure with the appearance of a man wearing a cape walks directly at them.
“A friend of yours I see, you were pulling a prank, well now it’s over.”
The old man says to Fabiola. Fabiola let’s go of him and screams:
“Run away!!!!”
The man turns around and sees the monster spread its wings and roar. He panics and says to Fabiola :
“Run girl, you must flee”
The monster attacks the old farmer and takes him to the sky releasing a huge pressure sending Fabiola flying to the chicken coop. The chickens begin to flee of fear as well. Fabiola passes out for a moment, however she wakes up and hides under a coop.
There is silence at first with Fabiola waiting for the monster to appear. For a couple of minutes, Fabiola slowly crawls in the coop trying to find another exit.
She tries to move when suddenly the dead farmer falls in front of her causing her to panic. Fabiola wants to scream but she holds it by biting her lips causing them to bleed.
The man turns to ashes. Fabiola notices the monster flying on top of her. The monster flaps its wings causing the coop to fly away along with Fabiola.
Fabiola screams as she lands where the pigs are causing them to flee.
She calls once again her Lance. The lance reaches Fabiola on time. Fabiola, who is covered in mud, prepares to fight the monster.
The monster overpowers her. With one flap of its wing, the monster sends Fabiola flying.
The monster comes down and lands in front of her. Fabiola charges to attack but the monster dodges the lance with ease and grabs her in the neck:
“N-N-No, leave me alone…”
The monster begins to choke her, and she is about to lose consciousness.
All of a sudden, Alejandro appears and punches the monster with his left arm hurting it. The monster falls back.
“I knew it, my left hand did hurt him.” Alejandro says as he looks at his hand.
Fabiola coughs as she breathes once more. She looks at Alejandro who smiles moving his left hand.
“What are you doing here, you idiot...” Fabiola says with an angry expression.
“Well I wanted to help so here I am...”
"You're a giant idiot, you know that?" Fabiola says, shaking her head.
The monster flies down, trying to attack Alejandro.
"Holy crap it's after me…"
Alejandro runs grabbing Fabiola's hand. Fabiola’s face turns red as she screams:
"We need to go back to the Ministry...I'm sure we'll get some help…"
Chasing at high speed, the monster approaches, Fabiola notices; “GET DOWN YOU IDIOT!”
Fabiola pushes Alejandro down a hill. Both of them use the opportunity to roll down a hill.
The monster flies pass by them, and soars to the sky once more.
Alejandro and Fabiola use the opportunity to catch their breaths. As they rest, Alejandro looks at Fabiola and says:
"Thank you…"
Fabiola looks up angry; "That bastard is toying with us…"
"You think so?"
"Yeah, if he wants to, he could paralyze us in an instant…"
"I see..." Alejandro stands up, he extends his hand:
"My name is Alejandro, it's a pleasure…"
"Huh…" Fabiola looks surprised.
"Are you crazy! We're on the verge of death being chased by a monster.."
"Well, I figured if I'm going to die, I might as well know your name right?" Alejandro chuckles scratching his head.
Fabiola burst in laughter. "Man you're not just an idiot, you're weird…"
Fabiola shakes his hand with a smile:
"My name is Fabiola…"
Alejandro smiles, Fabiola looks at him asking:
"Are you not afraid…"
"I am, but I saw you being brave so I gained courage to help you…"
Fabiola blushes, Alejandro sighs and asks:
"So, why are you so fixated on hunting that thing?"
"That monster took my sister away from me, I want to avenge her…"
"I understand but…"
Suddenly Alejandro feels pain in his left hand. Fabiola notices and says:
"Let me take a look…"
She takes off the bandage and notices that he has vlack veins in his hand.
"This is bad, this is poison...but why?"
"I don't know, I just…"
The monster charges at them. They both managed to dodge the attack by jumping in both directions, however both of them are blown away because of the wind.
Alejandro sees Fabiola near the cliff, he runs as fast as he can grabbing her with his right hand.
Fabiola hangs on the cliff, below her there is a precipice. Alejandro feels weak because of the pain.
Fabiola looks at the monster flying towards them. She looks up and sees Alejandro in pain.
"Let me go, or you'll die…"
"No, I couldn't live with myself if I did that…"
Fabiola with tears on her eyes smiles:
"Thank you...but this is my resolve…and I don't want you to die"
Fabiola lets go, and suddenly the monster grabs her.
The monster begins to elevate into the sky and goes higher, causing Fabiola to start losing consciousness.
Fabiola with the last of her strength points her finger up making the lance go straight to it and says:
“You dumb monster, I got you.”
The lance makes a cut in the monster’s arm, releasing Fabiola.
Fabiola begins to fall at high speed making her remember an event from the past.
Ministry of San Juan; Five months ago….
“Listen Fabiola, you must not pick fights with other kids okay.”
A young girl says to Fabiola who is covered in bruises.
“It’s not my fault; they were picking on Abril so I just defended her, Sister Melissa.” Fabiola replies while she is getting treated by Melissa.
Sister Melissa was a 16 year old girl who was very nice to Fabiola and the other sisters because she was the oldest sister without including Sister Carolina. She was always scolding Fabiola for fighting. Fabiola always admired Melissa. Melissa had brown hair with brown eyes always wearing a nun’s attire,she also had dark skin.
On the night of her disappearance Melissa and Fabiola had one last conversation.
“Listen Fabiola, I will have to leave you guys for a long time, I want you to protect your sisters.”
Melissa says to Fabiola while she hugs her. Fabiola replies:
“But why do you have to leave, Father Clemente hasn't returned yet, please don’t go!”
“I must in order to protect you.” Melissa replies as she stands up from the bed and walks to the door.
“Whatever you do, stay alive!” Melissa says as she leaves with tears in her eyes.
An hour later Fabiola sleeps soundly on her bed along with her other sisters. Suddenly, she hears a strange sound.
She goes to the window and sees Melissa walking outside the ministry. Fabiola tries to get her attention by knocking on the window but she doesn’t respond.
She sees Sister Carolina run as fast as she can to stop her. All of the sudden, the winged monster descends and takes Melissa without any struggle.
Fabiola screams as she breaks the window in order to save Melissa. She sees Carolina throw her Lance of San Marcos at the monster but fails.
Fabiola tries to go after Melissa, but she is stopped by Sister Carolina saying:
“There is nothing we can do. My little one is gone now for the sake of us.”
Fabiola picks up a cross that Melissa always had and begins to cry calling her name as the monster and Melissa disappeared in the distance:
After a few moments of somber, Fabiola’s sorrow turns into anger and determination. She lifts her head and says:
“Melissa, I swear I will protect my sisters like you once did...and some day, I will avenge you...”
Fabiola falls at great speed and the monster follows after her as it flies downward.
Fabila closes her eyes thinking; “Sorry everyone, it looks like this is the end for me.”
She begins to cry and holds Melissa´s cross tightly.
As soon as the monster is about to grab her a mysterious figure appears and kicks it in the stomach.
At the same time it uses it as an impulse to reach for Fabiola who is about to reach the ground.
The mysterious figure catches up to Fabiola and holds her.
The mysterious figure then makes a turn to the position where it lands on its feet forming a small crater; “Are you okay?”
The young man asks Fabiola who opens her eyes and recognizes him.
“U-U-Uriel is that you?” She asks him with a surprise tone.
Uriel smiles a little and nods in agreement.Uriel senses the monster approaching at high speed.
Uriel puts Fabiola down and clashes with the monster with a kick, sending it flying to the barn causing it to collide on top of the windmill.
The force of the wind causes Fabiola to fly away to the haystack. She lies on the ground slowly opening her eyes and notices Uriel’s appearance.
Uriel is wearing a special charro suit, which consists of long, tight black colored pants covered with decoration on the sides. He has a long bolero coat with golden buttons white gloves, and a special pitea belt made of silk. He had a white button shirt with a black vest, a silk tie and a large round sombrero hanging from his neck.
"Holy crap is that Uriel?" Alejandro approaches them running.
Uriel looks at him surprised asking:
"What are you doing here?"
"He saved me from the monster... but.... he is an idiot…"Fabiola responds, Alejandro gets mad:
"Hey, I saved your life, don’t say that…"
“W-W-What are you wearing Uriel?” Fabiola says thinking he looks weird.
Alejandro says with stars in his eyes. Uriel sighs responding:
"Man, you're weird…"
Uriel takes a few steps forward and replies; “Thats correct...I am El Charro Negro…"
Fabiola is in shock upon learning the truth. She nervously asks Uriel:
“So, are you evil?”
“Are you?” Alejandro reinforces the question.
Both Fabiola and Alejandro await an answer. Uriel turns around to see them and says:
“I don’t know...It depends on what you think, you can judge for yourself.”
Uriel turns again takes off his hat and throws it to Fabiola which lands on her head and says:
“Don´t take it off, it will protect you. Alejandro, stay by her side...”
Fabiola grabs the hat tightly and bows her head thinking to herself:
“He's so cool”
“Also please sit straight because your panties are showing.”
Uriel says to Fabiola, Fabiola looks down and she is showing her green panties. She quickly sits straight and covers them.
Alejandro bleeds from his nose falling back; “I can die in peace now!”
Fabiola’s face turns red and begins to scream:
Uriel chuckles:
“Sorry it wasn't on purpose.”
At that moment the monster comes out of the barn and begins to fly straight at them.
“Stay back and don't move.”
Uriel says to Fabiola and Alejandro,he makes a special wind barrier surrounding her chanting:
“Barrera de Viento” (Wind Barrier)
Uriel charges at a great speed towards the monster. The monster strikes with a claw attack but Uriel dodges it.
Uriel punches the monster's stomach causing it to go back. Uriel runs fast to catch up with it and begins to punch the monster's face multiple times, finishing with a kick sending the monster flying to the house.
The monster once again charges at Uriel now with a roar attack causing the surroundings to blow away.
Uriel begins to dodge every attack at high speed with a single step he appears in front of the monster and delivers a jaw hook blow causing it to fly into the sky.
Uriel bends his legs and jumps going higher than the monster. He puts his hands together in the form of a fist and hits the monster´s upper back forcing it to the ground causing a huge explosion.
“Wow, he's so strong!”
Fabiola thinks to herself as she watches Uriel´s fight. Alejandro screams with excitement:
Uriel begins to walk slowly and says:
“Now, time to finish this.”
He extends his arm and a crimson flame begins to show however at that moment a cow is sent flying to his direction, making both Alejandro and Fabiola scream: “WWWWHHHAAAAAT AAA COOOWWW?”
“What the...”
The cow says as it hits Uriel causing him to trip and fall. The cow is now on top of Uriel. Uriel says:
“Man, it's heavy”
Fabiola and Alejandro say at the same time:
“That's so lame”
The barrier surrounding Fabiola suddenly disappears leaving her vulnerable. Uriel sees that and says:
“This is bad, I need to hurry”
He sees the monster passing by him heading straight to Fabiola. Alejandro steps forward however he feels pain in his hand once again.
The monster flaps its wings blowing Alejandro away, causing Fabiola to lose her hat and proceeds on grabbing her.
Alejandro screams, grabbing his hand.
Uriel gets the cow off of him and begins to run chasing the monster. Uriel makes a pistol appear and points at the monster.
Uriel shoots at the monster’s wing, the monster let’s go of Fabiola.
Fabiola screams and Uriel jumps trying to grab her hand. Just as he is about to touch her hand the monster notices flies back and kicks him causing him to fall.
“Damn it “
Uriel says as he is falling then a mysterious figure jumps from a hill; a woman steps on Uriel´s back and says:
“Mind if I borrow you back.”
The woman uses Uriel´s back as a catapult and helping Uriel to fall faster and catch Fabiola:
“I caught you!”
The woman takes out her sword in the shape of a katana and Slashes the monster's back.
The monster roars with pain. The woman tries to attack him again but the monster evades releasing mana from his mouth as a distraction.
Uriel notices something; “That thing is not a Sombra, no, it's far worse...”
The monster begins to fly away disappearing in the sky. The woman lands on her feet in front of Alejandro. Alejandro stands and walks towards her and says:
“Thank you, I owe you one!”
“Don't worry I am just doing my job.” The woman responds.
The clouds make the moon shine again revealing their identities.Alejandro is shocked to learn that the woman who was wearing an orange kimono and a black coat was in fact the teacher Kasumi Miyazono.
“Ms. Miyazono, is that you?” Alejandro asks her.
“Alejandro…are you okay?” Kasumi asks Alejandro who has his mouth opened.
“Ms. Miyazono, why are you here?” Kasumi looks at Uriel. She opened her eyes wider as she is surprised as well learning that it was indeed Uriel and says:
“Is that you Uriel?”
Uriel nods at her. Kasumi Kasumi gets nervous because her identity was revealed. Fabiola looks at her and says:
“That woman, her breasts are really large...I feel so jealous…”
Kasumi notices Uriel in his Charro attire. She begins to blush and then she takes out her katana and slashes the ground creating a dust cloud and disappears. Alejandro tries looking for her but she is already gone.
“Who was that Uriel?”
Fabiola asks with a tiresome face, Uriel then carries her in her back and says:
“A person I know”
He grabs his hat and puts it in Fabiola´s head. Alejandro looks at Uriel and asks:
“Uriel, what was that monster?”
“I don’t know...but Alejandro, what is that thing on your hand?”
Uriel looks at Alejandro’s hand, the black veins spread more around his arm; “Uriel, what’s going to happen to me?”
“To be honest, I am not sure...but, let’s take her to the Ministry…”
Uriel looks behind and notices that Kasumi was behind the rocks.
“I can’t believe it...my Master’s son is El Charro Negro and Alejandro is with him...” Kasumi says with a surprised tone. She makes a call to Carter and he answers the phone: “Mr. Carter, our suspicions were true that the monster was indeed the legendary Chupacabras, we have big trouble.”
“Good work, is there anything else to report?”
Carter says, Kasumi lowers her head and closes her eyes and says:
“No, nothing else to report.”
“Very well let’s call it a night okay be careful” Carter says as he hangs up.
“Uriel, who are you exactly? Alejandro, why are you with him?” Kasumi thinks to herself as she heads to her motorcycle.
"That was awesome...Uriel, you…" Alejandro looks tired as well, suddenly Alejandro falls, Fabiola looks scared; "ALEJANDRO!" Uriel gets closer to see what happen:
" It's okay, he's still breathing…"
"Thank God" Fabiola cries feeling relief. Uriel notices black veins in his left hand.
"I see, so I was right, this guy...is dying…"
Uriel carries Alejandro in his back and Fabiola in his arms.
"Let's go back to the Ministry...everyone is worried…"
Uriel, Fabiola and Alejandro who was unconscious returned to the Ministry
The two sisters hugged Fabiola with tears. Father Clemente and Sister Carolina thanked Uriel.
However, not everything was a joy, as Alejandro was unconscious and had a severe fever...
On the top of the building the guy in the mask meets up with Darius and Nathaniel Gonzalez.
He walks to them and says:
"The successor has arrived at the border land.”
Darius says:
“That's excellent, our plan is going well.” Nathaniel begins to smoke and asks:
“Should we worry about him killing the Chupacabras?”
“So what if he does?”
Darius says with a big smile. Nathaniel gets mad and says:
“Hey, that's my money for the protection taxes, come on.”
“Not to worry he won't , those creatures are hard to kill, hahaha.”
The man in the mask says to Nathaniel as a black hole opens in his feet and slowly gets into the hole.
Darius and Nathaniel also disappear because of the black hole.
Alejandro’s Memories; 5 years ago...
Uriel enters the classroom a boy jumps from behind and made him fall to the ground,
Uriel turns around, gets up and kicks his legs to make him to the ground as well.
“Man you are slow as always Uriel” The boy says to Uriel as he stretches his hand towards him.
“Damn Alejandro, that hurt me you know” Uriel says while he grabs his hand to stand up.
Alejandro Sanchez was an 11 year old boy who has short orange hair, his eyes are orange color, a thin body and his skin color is white. He is always next to Uriel, his best friend since preschool. Alejandro has complete trust in Uriel.
Uriel Vazquez was an 11 year old boy who had blue hair, green eyes and brown skin. He was a very joyful boy and really enthusiastic. He was always next to Alejandro.
Both of them play around as they go to their desks. Another person comes to greet them and he says:
“Good morning guys, you two are goofing off as always”
The boy says as he sits in his desks next to them. He opens his book to study.
“Good morning Raul, are you ready for the exam?” Alejandro says it as he puts his arm around Raul´s shoulder which causes him to almost drop his book.
Raul pushes Alejandro back to pick up his book to study; “Did you studied last night Alejandro?”
“No, I did not,” Alejandro replies. He puts his hand on his head sticking his tongue causing Raul to scream and throws his book to Alejandro´s face.
“Then study for God's sake!” Raul screams, making Uriel burst into laughter.
“It’s good to be your friend...Uriel...” “Yours too... Alejandro” Uriel says with a smile
January 23rd; Ministry of San Juan
Two days later….
It's been two days since the attack, Alejandro lies on a bed sleeping, He slowly opens his eyes:
"I see you're now awake…"
Uriel says as he enters the room.
"U-Uriel is that you?"
"That 's right…"
"What happened to me?"
Uriel points at Alejandro's hand. Alejandro notices that it has a red cloak.
"What is this?"
"It's a seal, I don't know what happened to you...but you have been poisoned."
Alejandro opens his eyes wider. He remembers when he touched the key several days ago and the key disappeared.
Uriel sits in a chair and says:
"Tell me what happened in detail please…"
Alejandro lowers his head, he grabs confidence and says:
"I will...But first answer me this; Are you Uriel Vazquez?"
"...."Uriel doesn't answer at first.
"You look exactly like him, and you even have the same name. “Di Fiore” is from your mother, I know because I always spent time at your house when we were little."
"I see...so you know Uriel Vazquez…Hahahaha"
Uriel laughs, Alejandro gets angry:
"What 's so funny?"
"I'm amazed that's all, you seem to remember me well. You are correct I am Uriel Vazquez,at least I was…"
Alejandro cries; " I knew it…I always knew that you were alive my friend…"
He hugs Uriel, "Hey stop that…"
"Oh wow, just like the stories that Sister Fabiola reads…"
The girls say as they spy on Uriel and Alejandro.
Uriel pushes him away, Alejandro decides to tell Uriel everything.
After a few minutes…
"I understand...Now that I know about the Golden Key, I am predicting that you are now a target…"
"Wait what?" Alejandro is in shock, Uriel chuckles:
"Don't worry, I will protect you...from now on you will be leaving here in the Ministry, Father Clemente gave us permission…"
"Wait what?" Alejandro is speechless on what he just heard.
"Hey Uriel? Do you think I'm weird?"
"What's with that question all of a sudden?"
Alejandro changes his expression to a sad one:
“Ever since you disappeared, I’ve been desperately trying to find my friend...however everyone thinks I am weird and now I have nobody...even Marjorie who I thought was my friend betrayed me...”
Uriel stands up and looks at the window:
“You are weird...but that’s not a bad thing because you followed your beliefs and I think that’s the best thing someone could do...”
Alejandro looks at Uriel with joy:
“Hey Uriel, can we be friends?”
-Ehhh- Uriel sees Alejandro with puppy eyes, he scratches his head and si with his eyes close:
“We are not friends...but we are colleagues on this mission...”
“Mission?” Alejandro looks confused.
“You see, that key is essential to stop someone, and you're going to help me. My mission is to kill the man named Darius Lucifugus...”
Uriel changes his expression to a serious one, his eyes glare at the sky. Alejandro takes a gulp as he asks:
“Why Darius?”
“Because he was the one responsible for everything that happened 5 years ago...”
Lightning falls and it begins to rain heavily. Uriel lifts his hand and continues to speak:
“I will eliminate all evil in this land...quite ironic isn't it...”
Uriel turns to look at Alejandro:
“But until that day comes, let’s have some fun...from this moment on, I am a member of the SIS...”
Alejandro looks surprised; “Really? But why?”
“You are the only one that remembers me, plus you have that lay in your hand that makes you an easy target...we will figure out a way to get that key on your hand...”
“That’s right...your suspension ends in a couple of days, when you return to school, come to the clubroom...you will see a great surprise...”
Uriel opens the door, "Keep the whole Charro thing a secret okay…"
“GGGYYYAAHHHH” The girls fall, Uriel leaves the room. Uriel walks down the hallway thinking:
“The Golden Key...that means the Legend of the Seven Cities of Gold exists...Father you were right...
January 29th, Sun City International Highschool
A couple of days later, Alejandro’s suspension was over, he was permitted to return to school, however he didn’t receive a warm welcome...
“Hey, it’s the guy who punched Aleister?
Yeah, I heard that he was suspended...
“What an idiot...”
Alejandro sighs as he hears everyone talking, he enters the classroom. He sees Marjorie, Marjorie takes a glimpse at him but later avoids looking at him.
“I guess, things will never be the same...”
“Good morning Alejandro, you’re looking well...”
Alejandro hears an unpleasant voice, he feels chills down his spine, he turns around and sees Aleister. Aleister has a bandage on his cheek where Alejandro punched him. He has two big students on his side.
“....” Alejandro doesn’t say anything, Aleister with a sinister smile says with a loud voice:
“Ah come on, don’t you have anything to say to me, after all, you’re the one who punched me... Apologize...”
Alejandro looks around, he begins to feel the pressure of his peers as they say:
“Yeah he should apologize...he assaulted him...Apologize...Apologize...Apologize”
Alejandro feels nervous as he thinks:
“What do I do? Everyone is looking at me...Maybe I should apologize...”
Aleister smiles as Alejandro is about to apologize.
Suddenly, Uriel appears and bumps into Aleister, pushing him away.
“Oh, I’m sorry...”
Aleister looks angry, the two students stand in front of Uriel.
“Hey punk...”
“Relax, it was just a bump, right Uriel...” Aleister looks at Uriel, Uriel stares back at him. Uriel walks towards Alejandro and grabs his shoulder:
“There is no need to apologize, because the president is a good person, he already forgave Alejandro a while ago right?”
Alejandro looks surprised, everyone looks at Aleister thinking:
“That’s right, our president is the kindest person...”
-TCH-“Whatever, I lost interest, and Alejandro, I forgave you a week ago, I was just playing with you my friend.”
Aleister smiles thinking:
“Damn you, Uriel...”
The bell rings and class is about to start.
“Thank you, Uriel...”
“No problem...”
Uriel goes to his seat, Marjorie walk to him and says:
“Good morning Uriel...”
“Good morning...” Uriel gives her the cold shoulder. However, Uriel feels his heartbeat raising as he thinks:
“Why is it my heart reacting to her...why?”
Kasumi enters the classroom saying:
“Good morning, class is about to start.”
She looks at Alejandro and smiles. Uriel looks at her and remembers what happened that night.
“Kasumi Miyazono, who are you really?”
In the last period, Alejandro walks down the hallway, he looks nervous as he is about to reach the clubroom.
“Now what? There isn’t anyone there...”
Alejandro shakes as he reaches the doorknob. However he doesn’t open it:
“What should I do? In this school it is mandatory to have an organization. Now that I don’t have one then...”
“Hey, why aren’t you going in?”
Uriel asks Alejandro, causing him to panic.
“Well, I...”
Uriel sighs and walks forward, he approaches the door and opens it:
“Come on, let’s go...”
As they open the door, Alejandro is shocked, the room has completely changed. The room is filled with books, it has a fancy table with chairs, the sunlight now shines in the room, and there are no posters.
The room has a sign in the top that says; “Historical Research Organization”
On the table there is a girl with brown skin sitting next to it. She has hair and green eyes, she has puffy cheeks.
-Hhmmpphh- “What took you so long, sheesh I got tired of waiting...”
“What did you do to the room, and who is this girl”
“What the hell, we have like three classes together, I’m Tiwa, Tiwa”
“Allow me to introduce you to the Historical Research Association. There are currently three members. This is Tiwa Smith, she is a Junior of this Highschool...”
“Heeeeeeellllllooooooo, I am a descendant of the great Ysleta tribe, I’m Tiwa de Ysleta...” Tiwa puffs her cheeks staring at Uriel.
Alejandro smiles at her; “I see, nice to meet you...but why did you change the room and the name....”
Uriel begins to explain:
“Allow me to explain, the SIS was banned, and because Tiwa and I didn’t have a club , we decided to form this club.”
“Really? Well I guess I don’t have a choice right...” Alejandro sits and grabs a cup of tea on the table. He looks at Tiwa and asks:
“So, why did you choose this club... I mean you look like the type that is popular right...”
“Well, You see....I...”
Tiwa plays with her fingers, acting shy.
“She doesn’t have any friends either, so she wanted to join you...”
“Oh, I get it now....”
Tiwa’s face gets red; “You get what...I told you I wanted a club besides...”
Tiwa acts shy again; “I am also interested in Paranormal activity...”
Alejandro smiles, Uriel begins to explain:
“The Historical Research Association has one objective; To investigate what happened 5 years ago in The Borderland...and to protect it from the beast known as the Sombras...”
"Sombras, you mean those beasts are Sombras?"
"That's right, those are beasts that still mana from people...they are vicious and powerful…" Tiwa explains, Uriel continues with the explanation:
"They are attracted to powerful manna and in this case, your left hand...that means that you are a target…"
"I kind of knew that…"
Alejandro scratches his cheek.
"The thing we fought the other night is not a Sombra...it's something far worse…"
"Oh really?"
"Sombras are spiritual beings and this thing had a physical body...I investigated a little and Tiwa told me the true identity…" Uriel says to Alejandro. Tiwa looks proud and explains:
"Now that you mention it, I did some investigation and found out that the monster is really…"
"A Chupacabras…" Uriel interrupts Tiwa, Tiwa looks at her with anger saying:
"Let me finish Uriel...sheesh…"
Alejandro chuckles, Tiwa sighs and continues to explain:
"The Chupacabras is a beast found in Southern Mexico, the fact that it's here is a mystery...either it came on it's own or someone brought it here…"
Alejandro stands up with excitement; “Oh wow, now this is exciting...our first task is to tigate about the Chupacabras...”
Alejandro raises his fist, Uriel makes a smile and bumps his fist. Alejandro looks at Tiwa who is embarrassed, she raises her fist with a shy expression and bumps with them.
“From today on, we are the Historical Research Association....”
The three agree, Uriel begins to think:
“Besides, I am also interested in Alejandro’s hand...that Golden key may be the thing I need to learn about my past...”
“I want that Golden Key... I will have it someday...” Tiwa chuckles as she drinks her tea.
Alejandro drinks from the tea as he smiles:
"Grandpa, Grandma...I’m truly happy because I found my best friend and I made a new one. I am not alone anymore...”
This is the birth of the Historical Research Association. The new club that will bring a massive turn of events that will forever change the Borderland...
- In Serial41 Chapters
Mafia God!
One man, did everything to get power, not so he could abuse it, but so he could change his messed up world!After training for so long, he finally stood at the top of his world, but everything was taken from him, the ones he tried to save, stabbed him in the back!He vowed if he gets a second life he wouldn't try to change the world, he would make it kneel to him and change it with force!He was granted a 'Second Chance' from a god but given a mission to take over the world!But he was not sent back to his world, instead, he was sent to earth!What will the man who lived in a kill or be killed world do on earth!This is the story of the Mafia God!_____________________________________________________________________________________________You can also read it at my website : https://saleban1.wordpress.com/Also make sure to read my other novels.
8 186 - In Serial7 Chapters
Leave A Scar (Fullmetal Alchemist)
After the defeat of Father, Ed and Al fail to get their bodies restored. They're still searching, but with a sudden strange power, and a bounty on Edward's head, things aren't going to be easy. And despite what they say, I'm not doing them any favors, either. [Ed X OC] [Fullmetal Alchemist fanfic. Basic knowledge of FMA not required but encouraged.] [Written from 2015 - 2018] Contains violence & harsh language. Updates Tuesday and Saturday
8 120 - In Serial7 Chapters
The end of times as we know it came as the whole world becamed engulfed with monsters. Nations fell one by one as mythical creatures razed everything to the ground. To make matters worse, the world that had already been tamed through human innovation reverted back to its original wild state as various human technology disappeared off the face of the world. Fortunately, the RPG system that came with the apocalypse allowed all humans to level up and exceed the strength limits of their race. From the ashes of the old world, heroes like the Dragon Lord and the Steel Empress rises up as they protected and ruled over what remained of humanity from the destruction. Regardless of whether they were cunning or strong or just plain lucky, there was no doubt that these heroes are people who have the power to fight against millions. To many, they are the beacon of hope in such dark times as they represented the strongest potential of humanity. Orginally, Alex had nothing to do with this world, but an accident from the future thrusted him right into the very center of this world's conflict. --- Just your normal cliche post-apocalyptic RPG story with an edgy MC. Expect overpoweredness and wish-fulfillment.
8 139 - In Serial9 Chapters
The Fall
This is a LitRPG story about a young noble whose family falls into disgrace and must do everything she can to pull her family and her lands back up into the light. The Empire to the south has abandoned her. Their fellow lords and ladies march upon her people and lands. Her father is put down like a dog and her sisters become nothing more than prisoners for their husbands. The emperor refuses to respond to her father's letters and gives no aid to the North. Hilja is forced to flee from her home and all she's ever known in this strange world. Armed with her memories of another world she was able to distinguish herself as a young woman, but that has only made the target on her back greater. With her parents dead and her sisters married her father's title naturally goes to her. And those arrayed against her cannot gain that title until she dies. Explore this world of Calar with Hilja as she both grows into a young woman and then into a leader of a nation. Risen from Ice and Cold, Winter heeds her call.
8 283 - In Serial10 Chapters
Yet Another Recycled Plotline: An Underwater Isekai Litrpg
A new life in a magical world. Underwater exploration isekai inspired by Arthurian legend. Zane once yearned to travel the world, see everything there was to see, and discover things no one else had found. But life has a way of fitting people into its grooves, and as the years passed his dream became little more than wistful glances at travel destinations he'd never afford. Until the day he's summoned to a magical water world and given the chance to start over. One tiny catch - he has to become a merman and give up any chance of returning home, but that's a small sacrifice compared to the power and potential these oceans have to offer. Finally a chance to break out of the mundanity of his normal life and see things he could never have imagined! There's a whole magical world to explore, ancient mysteries to uncover and squabbling kings to navigate, and Zane will face it all. He'll slay monsters, learn magic, and level up as he explores beyond the boundary of reality itself in a quest to finally show everyone what he's truly capable of and claim a place for himself in his new world.
8 148 - In Serial19 Chapters
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To jest chat. Wiedźmiński chat. Chyba nie muszę wam dalej o nim opowiadać.
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