《Crimson Moon》Vol. 1- Chapter 4: In the Silence of the Night
Night falls on the Borderland,it's a calm night. A chilling breeze passes through Rio Grande City, for some unknown reason there is no one outside...
The city is completely empty. The reason, the attack of a strange monster that lures in the city. Therefore, the mayor Nathaniel Gonzalez issued a curfew.
The only one outside is a young man wearing a black jacket, he carries a video camera as he walks in carefully and silently in the empty streets...
"Man, where is everyone? It's a ghost town here…" Alejandro thinks as he passes next to an ally.
"Hey kid, what are you doing..." An old man hiding in the dumpster waves at Alejandro. Alejandro looks at him and ignores him at first.
The man runs and pulls him into the alley.
"Hey what are you doing old man…"
"Shhh...kid what are you doing outside, don't you know about the monster?"
"A monster? What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about the one that is attacking everyone, the one who sucks out the life of living creatures.”
The man who has the appearance of a homeless person says to Alejandro, he scratches his white beard.
Alejandro gets excited as he thinks; “Finally, here’s my chance”
Alejandro asks the homeless person; “Have you seen that creature?”
“Oh yes, I have and it might attack tonight beware because you could be next.”
Alejandro looks at the old man frightened and takes a big gulp. Alejandro hears sirens from afar, he runs to see where they are heading. He sees the police pass at high speed.
“Hey old man. We should...” Alejandro turns around and sees that the man disappeared.
“Huuuh...was I seeing a ghost?”
“Hey kid stop right there, this is no time to be outside.”
Alejandro turns around and there are 4 police officers running straight towards him.
“This is bad, they noticed me” Alejandro thinks to himself as he begins to run away from them.
The police get into the car and drive trying to catch him. They activate their loudspeakers and say:
Alejandro runs faster but he notices there are 10 police cars following him. He begins to panic.
“This is Police unit 100, we are chasing a young man. He wears a black coat, blue jeans, and black tennis shoes we are currently in pursuit.”
The police officer says to the radio contacting the police station.
“Ah man, now I’m in big trouble. I’m going to be arrested without filming the monster” Alejandro thinks to himself when he turns into the next street and he falls by accident into a sewer without the police noticing.
The police officers are searching for Alejandro but they can’t find him. A police officer says:
“Demonios, we lost him, we should head back to patrolling.” (Demonios= Damn it)
The other police answer:
“Yes sir.”
When the police leave, Alejandro climbs up from the sewer covered in black water and begins to laugh saying:
“Damn my luck.”
He continues to run into the streets searching for the monster thinking:
“I wonder where that old man went?"
At the top of the building a monster with large red eyes and giant wings appears to be sucking away the life of an old man.
That old man was the one who spoke to Alejandro. The monster finishes eating and throws the man's body without life. The man turns into some kind of ashes with the wind blowing his body leaving anything but the clothes he was wearing.
The creature makes a high-pitched scream. Behind him, a black portal opens and the man wearing a skeleton mask appears:
"Here you are, you damn disgusting creature…"
The creature notices and charges straight at the man, the man extends his right arm.
“Please stop!” The monster hears the voice of a young girl. A hooded figure comes out of the portal and runs towards the monster.
The creature stops in front of the girl. The man with the skeleton mask releases a sphere with purple mana attacking the monster.
“STOP... PLEASE!” The hooded girl says to the man with skeleton who says:
"Know your place you damn creature...Now obey me and begin the hunt…"
The pain stops, the creature extends its wings and flies away in search of victims. The man in the skeleton mask and the hooded girl slowly disappear in the portal as he says:
"Have fun…."
The Ministry of San Juan is a catholic church located on a small hill near the mountains of Rio Grande city. It is an old building that has some parts of the ceiling falling off. The Order of the Holy Maiden utilizes the old church to raise orphan girls and train them to form part of the order as well.
In the dining room, three people are having a serious conversation:
"I see, so my mother contacted you and said that I was coming…" Uriel drinks from a cup of tea, calmly. Seating in front of him there are two people; a nun and a priest.
"That is correct, she asked us to welcome you the moment you arrived. Allow me to present myself, I am Sister Carolina."
Sister Carolina is a 30 year old nun. She has black hair with dark green eyes. She was a student of Maria until 5 years ago when the tragedy happened. She often played with Maria´s children when they were little.
"Oh yes indeed, it was a surprise for me to know that Maria had another son aside from Daniel, my name is Clemente, at your service."
Father Clemente is a 50 year old priest. Despite his age, he is very strong and looks young. He has white hair and a white beard. He is in charge of the church and he is a member of the Order of the Holy Cross.
"Thank you for welcoming me…” Uriel thanks both of them by slowly leaning his head in sign of respect.
"No problem, hijo, I have known Maria since she was just a girl…I was in charge of joining your parents in holy matrimony…"
"I see…"
Father Clemente laughs, he then changes his expression to a serious one:
"Hey hijo, I have a question?"
"What is it?"
"Is it true that you made a pact with the devil?"
"...."Uriel doesn't answer at first, he looks at his tea and responds:
" Yes, I did…"
"You know that you could go to hell right, and under the Church's order, I could purify you here, right?"
Father Clemente begins to release a small aura, he looks at Uriel with a threatening expression, Sister Carolina looks worried. Looking behind the door, the three sisters whisper:
"Did you hear that, that boy made a deal with a devil…"
"I know, that's scary…"
Uriel looks back at Father Clemente and says:
"I am well aware, however, I already saw hell at first hand, plus I can't die here...I have a mission to complete…"
"I see and what is that mission?"
"My mission is to eliminate all the Sombras in the world…"
"But you are an evil being...why do you want to hunt Sombras?"
"Because I made a vow that I would get rid of all evil...”
Uriel closes his eyes and tries to remember his father:
“Five years ago, I made a promise to that man who sacrificed his life, he was my father. Although I don’t remember him, I remember promising him that I would defend this world...and that’s what I am going to do by destroying every evil that roams this earth...”
“I see...” Father Clemente stops releasing mana as he begins to chuckle:
“I understand, that look in your eyes is Maria’s alright...I believe you boy...I know you have another motive in coming to the Borderland but I will look away...Welcome to the Ministry of San Juan...”
Sister Carolina sighs in relief, Uriel smiles a little and says:
“Very well, I want to ask you about the situation in this city...but first...”
Uriel turns to the door; “You three, come in and listen as well....”
“GYYAAHHH” The three sisters fall from the door into the room. Carolina sees them with a furious expression. The girls begin to panic as they apologize. Carolina looks at Uriel:
"I’m sorry, the girls were curious to see you, allow me to introduce my three students: Fabiola, Mariana and Abril. They are all 13 years old.”
“It is a pleasure to meet you.” The three of them greet themselves to Uriel.
Abril is a young girl that has brown skin, black hair and light brown eyes. She has a skinny body, and she is always hyperactive and smiling.
Mariana is a young girl that has white skin, light brown hair, and also light brown eyes. She has a thin body as well. Unlike Abril, she is very shy. She has a thin body with regular breast size.
Fabiola is a young girl that has white skin, blonde hair and dark blue eyes. She has a thin yet more developed body and she acts more mature despite her age.
“Nice to meet you, you girls were strong when you confronted me...”
“About that, we’re sorry...” The girls apologize to Uriel, Mariana then asks Uriel:
“Excuse me Uriel, are you evil?”
The other girls look at Mariana with a mad expression as their faces say:
“SHUT UP...”
Uriel drinks his tea and answers; “ That depends, it is up to you to decide on your own...”
Abril and Mariana look at him with stars in their eyes; “Wow,that’s so cool...”
-Hmmmpphhh- Fabiola looks away angry at him.
“Now then, Uriel, allow me to explain the situation...The city is currently under the attack of a monster, we believe it is a Sombra but I think that it’s something else.”
Father Clemente explains, Carolina lowers her head and tears come out of her eyes:
“It's all because of him.”
“Who are you speaking of?”
Uriel asks: “You mean the dead man?”
Carolina responds; “Yes, we don’t know much about him but one night 5 months ago he made a public announcement on television. He warned us that he would take away the people who he selects and kidnap them. Mayor Gonzalez offered the protection to the citizens but it would cost a fee. People would need to pay a protection fee, otherwise a monster would attack them. At least that is what Mayor Gonzalez told the city.”
Uriel looks at her with a serious expression and comments:
“Please continue.”
“At first people did not believe him, and did not pay the fee. Suddenly one day people began to disappear without a trace and were found dead three days after. I began to feel desperate so I called the order for help, however each time a member came their plane was destroyed in mid air, or assassinated. I believe that “El Muerto” knows about us, and he is the one who killed them.”
“I see, is it a Sombra?”
“I don’t know but I did get to see it.”
Carolina walks closer to the window and continues to explain:
“Last month I could not make the payment on time, as a consequence one night I heard a sound in the yard and I knew that something was wrong. I quickly ran to see what was happening and I saw it.”
"You saw what?”
“ A devil, at first I thought it was a man with a cape, but suddenly he opened his huge pair of wings and in his arms it had Sister Melissa and began to fly away. I tried to stop them by throwing my “Lance of San Marcos” at him but I failed.”
Sister Carolina begins to feel nauseous. Father Clemente stands up and trying to calm Carolina and says:
“You did the best you could and I am proud of that. I feel the same way as you, I couldn’t protect her, I feel so weak.”
Father Clemente looks at Uriel and lower his head and tears come out of his eyes:
“Uriel, I am going out of my way and commiting a sin in asking this but could you please help us against this monster.”
Before Uriel can answer, Fabiola stands up with an angry expression:
“You can’t take him down, you look weak. I’m the one who will kill that monster for taking away my sister. Father, Sister, you disappoint me...”
Fabiola says, looking at Uriel with a furious face.
She stands up and walks out of the dining room furious as she slams the door shut.
“We are sorry, she is just upset about losing our sister.” Abril says with a sad face.
Mariana is standing behind her and both of them say at the same time:
“We will be leaving now, excuse us.”
Mariana and Abril leave the room.
Uriel sighs with his eyes close:
"I'm sorry, but my mission has nothing to do with you…"
Uriel stands up and begins to walk to the door:
"However, if a shadow is involved, then I have no choice but to eliminate it…"
Father Clemente smiles and begins to say:
"Thank you, thank you...may God aid you in your quest…"
Uriel steps outside thinking:
"I don't think that God would want to help someone like me…"
Suddenly, Uriel sees an explosion at the center of the city.
"What is that?"
"This mana, is it a sombra? No...it's something else…."
"What's happening my boy?" Father Clemente runs outside with the sister.
"I don't know but I feel something sinister coming from there...stay here...I will go and check it out…"
Uriel gathers mana on his feet, he bends his knees and with great impulse makes a great jump heading towards the center of the city.
"Goodluck…hijo de María" (Maria’s Son)
A few minutes before...
Alejandro walks down a street of tall buildings, the street lights flashing making it feel like a horror film.
Alejandro looks at his cellphone and thinks to himself:
“Now this is scary, according to the new intel I've acquired through social media. People are chosen by a beast with some sort of hypnosis. They usually walk from their houses voluntarily and when the family members notice they have already disappeared.”
Alejandro continues to walk around some parts of the town where houses have their lights off and some are even abandoned. Alejandro continues to film as he walks with caution.
"I wonder if I would have a chance to see the monster that attacks the city."
He begins to blush as he thinks with excitement:
"If I film this monster tonight then I'm going to be famous. The SIS will be restored. Marjorie and Raul are going to be…."
He remembers the fight he had with his classmates. Alejandro feels as if a cloud is above him and rains hom down feeling depressed:
"Oh yeah...I don't have anybody now...man I'm such a loser…"
He shakes his head repeating:
"No, I'm not. No, I'm not."
He lifts a fist in the air:
"I have a hunch that everything will change tonight. I have to be brave and film it...you can do it…"
Meanwhile, the monster begins to fly into the west part of town and begins to roar:
The intense roar causes some of the people that hear it to get up from their beds, and walk out their houses hypnotized.
The monster begins to take them one by one into the sky until there isn't anyone left in the west part of the town.
Before the monster could attack the last victim, an officer shoots at it.
"Stop right there…"
The monster begins its assault against the police.
Alejandro begins to hear gunshots around the west part of the city. He begins to run there once again to see what’s happening. In the west of the city the police are fighting the monster that has the appearance of a man with great red eyes.
“We need back up, that thing is killing my men, I repeat we need back up.”
The officer says through the radio.
He leaves his car and begins to shoot the creature who is killing the police officers one by one.
The creature then extends its wings and elevates to the sky, it charges straight to the police officer but the officer dodges the attack. The creature destroys the car causing an explosion.
The monster continues the assault and takes down two more police.
Uriel who is standing in the top of the building sees the explosion and says to himself:
“It’s happening there, I must hurry.”
He begins to run on top of the buildings heading towards the explosion.
Suddenly, two Sombras who have the resemblance of two giant eagles attack him.
"Damn it, not now…"
Uriel falls between the buildings with the two Sombras.
At the battle scene, one of the officers connects a bullet to the monster.
The monster charges straight to him and stands in front of the officer.
The monster is 7 feet tall and its wings are large, its body is grey color with huge red eyes, pointy ears and a tail with spikes going from the head to the tail.
The monster roars with great intensity, paralyzing the officer, he hits the monster in the stomach with his fist and does not have any effect.
The monster stabs the officer in the stomach with its claws; it passes through his body causing him to throw up blood. The monster slowly elevates the officer to point that his feet do not touch the ground anymore. The officer with his last breath says:
“See you in hell”
The officer takes out a grenade and triggers it.
The explosion of the bomb causes the alarms to set off. A giant smoke screen covers the area. A figure moves slowly in the smokescreen. The officer has fully disappeared; however, the monster remains and without any injuries. The monster spreads its wings and begins to fly up in the sky looking for something. The monster notices mana in the Ministry of San Juan. It begins to fly straight for it.
Alejandro arrives at the scene and sees blood all over the street and many dead people. He begins to feel dizzy and throws up. Alejandro shakes from his feet feeling fear. He hits himself in the face and begins to say:
“Come on, pull yourself together, you need to see that thing!”
Step by step Alejandro begins to walk slowly down the street but he doesn’t see the monster.
Alejandro feels pain in his left hand. The pain is so intense that he falls into his knees dropping his camera.
"Why now, why is it hurting now…"
Alejandro sees the monster heading towards a little girl; “WAAAHHH...MAMA….”
Alejandro shakes from his legs:
"I must help her…"
Alejandro stands up and runs towards the girl. Alejandro manages to grab the girl rolling over, saving her from the monster.
“Are you okay?” Alejandro asks the girl. The girl with tears in her eyes nods in agreement.
“HIJA!” The girl’s mother runs towards her, the girl and her mother reunite; “Muchas Gracias” (Thank you very much)
“No hay problema...corran...rapido” (No problem...run away...hurry)
The mom and the girl begin to run towards a building. Alejandro breathes heavily thinking:
“That was incredible...I just saved someone…”
The monster begins to head their way.Alejandro throws a rock at the monster. The monster notices Alejandro, Alejandro begins to run away screaming:
Alejandro runs as fast as he can thinking:
"I need to hide before…"
The monster grabs Alejandro, and begins to lift him to air.
"Let go…"
Alejandro touches the monster with his left hand, suddenly a bright light shines in his left hand hurting the monster.
The monster lets go of Alejandro. Alejandro falls into a dumpster, he breathes heavily.
"I don't know what happened but my hand began to shine...incredible…"
Alejandro gets out of the dumpster, he notices the monster flying away; “I must hurry…”
Alejandro grabs his camera and begins to follow it as they head towards the ministry.
Five minutes after the attack….
"Where am I?"
Five minutes after the attack, a survivor officer wakes up. He stands up slowly as he tries to think what has happened.
The man has a badge that says; "Rodriguez"
Officer Luis Rodriguez (Age 35) is an officer of the Rio Grande City police force, he is the commander, and he has brown skin with short black hair. He has yellow eyes and a mustache; he is wearing a black police uniform with a helmet on and bullet proof vest with military boots.
He walks crooked as he has an injured leg and his face is covered in blood. He arrives at the scene and sees his fallen comrades. The whole area has blood everywhere along with flames coming out of the burning cars.
Officer Rodriguez falls into his knees and begins to punch the ground:
"Damn it, why the hell did this have to happen...why damn it…."
He senses a presence behind him. He turns around and sees a creature with circle patterns. The monster is a Sombra and it has a coyote appearance with fangs and claws.
The Sombra charges at the officer, the officer dodges, but the Sombra hits him with his tail.
The officer falls into the front glass of a car. He immediately stands up evading the sombras attack.
"You damn monster…"
He fires his gun multiple times, however they have no effect. The bullets pass right through the Sombra.
The Sombra gets ready to attack the officer. The officer takes out a knife and smiles:
"I guess this is the end…"
Suddenly, the Sombra gets slashed in half and slowly begins to disappear, turning into mana particles.
“W-W-What happened?” The officer is in shock as he sees a person walking straight at him.
The young man has blue hair, and brown skin, the flames cause a shadow making his eyes look red.
The officer lifts his gun and shouts:
In a blink of an eye, the young boy disappears from his sight; “Where did he go?”
The young boy reappears in front of him and grabs his neck pulling him up.
"You know,that's no way to treat your savior like that…"
The moon shines bright revealing that young boy is Uriel. Uriel lets the officer go.
Uriel looks around and asks:
"Tell me, where is the monster that did this?"
"I don't know, I was unconscious…"
"I see, so then you are a lucky one...good for you…"
Uriel begins to walk away, the officer tries to stop him:
"Wait, what are those things?"
"Those are Sombras and I advise you to stay away from them...or else you'll be killed…the fact that you can see them is a miracle."
“Watch out!” Officer Rodriguez screams as two more sombras appear and charge directly at Uriel.
Uriel cuts both of them with ease just by using his hands. -BBBAADDDUUMMPP- Uriel begins to hear the wings of the monster, and looks at the direction where it's heading.
He opens his eyes and realizes it’s where the ministry is located. He begins to run saying:
“Damn it, I lost too much time…"
He concentrates manna in his feet and jumps with great force, unleashing a powerful wind current. Uriel heads with great speed to the northwest part of the city.
Uriel disappears from the officer’s sight. The officer lays on his back thinking:
"Sombras...ehh…and that boy, he seemed very familiar…"
Hiding in an alley, a beautiful young woman with orange hair sees Uriel’s actions. She begins to walk to a street light and says:
“Uriel...what is he doing here? I must follow him and see what actions he will do”
She stands below the light revealing to be Kasumi Miyazono. Kasumi gets on her motorcycle and begins to follow Uriel.
*************************************************************************5 minutes before…
In the Ministry of San Juan, the girls were ready to go to sleep without noticing the calamity that was happening in the city. However, the calamity was heading in their direction…
“I’m going to the restroom sister.”
Mariana tells Fabiola who is lying on her bed still awake.
“Okay, but go quickly.”
Fabiola responds to Mariana. Mariana steps outside the room without noticing the protection tag that Carolina left on their door.
It’s already midnight, Father Clemente and Carolina are still awake in the kitchen. However, they didn't notice that Mariana was out of her room.
After Mariana gets out of the restroom she heads back to her room.
The monster flies on top of the Northwest region of the Rio Grande City. In that part there are few houses including the Ministry of San Juan, and in the back it is surrounded by hills making it the poorest part of town. The monster repeats the powerful roar:
Mariana who was heading to her bedroom hears the roar and falls into its hypnosis. She begins to walk the other way towards the exit of the Ministry without anyone noticing.
It’s been 5 minutes and Fabiola stands up and begins to run in search of Mariana thinking:
“It has been a while since Mariana went to the restroom, something is wrong.”
Fabiola runs looking for her; “Mariana...Mariana where are you?”
“Fabiola what’s wrong?” Father Clemente and Sister Carolina notice Fabiola running outside:
Fabiola runs outside the ministry and sees Mariana; “MARIANA! COME BACK INSIDE!”
Fabiola is about to step outside, at that moment, she notices the winged monster in the sky.
“It can’t be...that creature…”
Fabiola turns and sees many people outside their houses standing there hypnotized. The monster flies down and attacks a man who is standing outside on the far end of the street.
The monster covers the man with its wings causing him to scream. The monster finishes and the man begins to turn into ashes and disappears.
Fabiola begins to tremble of fear, thinking to herself:
“It’s the same as before, what should I do?”
The monster begins to attack one by one the people closing in on Mariana.
Fabiola slaps herself and stops shaking. She runs towards Mariana and begins to slap and yell her name trying to wake her up:
The monster finishes the last person next to their house and begins to charge at the girls.
Fabiola screams one last time causing Mariana to react; “Fabiola, why are we outside…” Mariana notices the monster; “KYYAHHH IT’S THE MONSTER!”
The creature heads towards the girls and flaps its wings with force.
The girls are separated, the creature heads towards Mariana. Fabiola begins to remember what happened to Sister Melissa and screams:
In a blink of an eye, Alejandro appears and saves Mariana. Both of them roll a few meters. Mariana opens her eyes and sees Alejandro; “Hey girl, are you okay?”
Mariana blushes and nods in agreement. Alejandro stands up carrying Mariana and expresses excitement:
"Woo-hoo this is my second save of the night."
"Hey you perv, stay away from my sister."
Fabiola screams at Alejandro who notices that he is still carrying Mariana
Mariana looks at him very nervous causing Alejandro to panic:
"I'm sorry…"
“It’s okay, please put me down…” Mariana says with a shy voice.
The monster roars again and charges at them. Fabiola stands in front of them and says:
“Stand back, you two...”
Mariana then goes behind Fabiola. Fabiola with a brave face puts her two hands in front in a position as she was holding something.
She then begins to chants:
“En el nombre del Santo Protégeme: Lanza Divina de Santa Inés” (In the name of the father protect me: Divine Lance of Saint Ines)
A spear with a white staff and a silver blade appears in her hands. She grabs the spear and hits the monster with the staff and says:
“I’m your opponent.”
“Listen to me Mariana, you need to hide!” Fabiola tells Mariana as they both see the monster flying on top of them.
"Hey, what about me?" Alejandro says feeling left out.
"You're bigger than us, you can defend yourself…" Fabiola says to Alejandro who feels sad.
However, Mariana is so scared that all she does is stare at the monster, Alejandro grabs her hand and both of them run to the Ministry.
The monster flies down once again with the intention to attack the girls.
Father Cleemente appears and punches the monster.
"Don't touch my daughters you beast. "
Sister Carolina also appears and stands in front of both Alejandro and Mariana.
The monster releases a sound wave causing the cars, and the girls to fly away.The shock wave is too powerful that blows Father Clemente and Sister Carolina away.
Alejandro holds Mariana, however they are also blown away.
Mariana hits her head in the ground causing her to bleed. Alejandro notices Fabiola smiling at Mariana who is barely conscious:
“Mariana take care, I swear I will avenge Melissa and protect you but stay strong.”
Fabiola begins to run and throws the lance to the monster, hurting its right wing.
Fabiola begins to spin the lance at high speed. Fabiola jumps into the air and hits the monster with the lance causing it to fly to the sky once again.
The monster roars and begins to charge straight to Fabiola, she runs straight to the hill where a farm is located.
Alejandro stands up and begins to run towards the direction that Fabiola went.
“I must help that girl, I must help her...”
Father Clemente and Sister Carolina regain consciousness, they notice that Fabiola was missing.
“Where is Fabiola?”
“She went that way...” Mariana answers as she is barely conscious.
“Mariana, stay with us...”
Mariana suddenly faints causing both of them to panic. A figure falls behind her causing wind to blow hard and a dust cloud to rise. Carolina makes her lance appear, preparing to attack.
“Are you okay?” The figure says. As the dust cloud begins to clear she notices that it is Uriel.
“Uriel are you okay?” Father Clemente asks with a worried face, Uriel looks at him and says:
“I’m alright, what happened here?”
“It was a monster; Fabiola is fighting it at this moment.”
Sister Carolina begins to cry saying: “No, God not another one, Fabiola”
Uriel walks a little bit to the side and closes his eyes and thinks to himself:
“Hear the rhythm of the soul.”
Uriel begins to hear Fabiola’s soul; he opens his eyes and says:
“Found you…”
Uriel takes out a ring and puts it in his right index finger. Mariana says with a lone tone: “Please save my sister.”
“I will”
Uriel answers with a serious expression, she passes out, he looks in front and begins to chant:
“Yo soy a jinete, yo soy el inicio, yo soy el final, yo soy el Charro Negro” ( I am the horseman, I am the beginning, I am the end, I am “El Charro Negro”)
He holds his right forearm with his left hand and lifts them. He squeezes his hand and makes a fist.
Suddenly a crimson flame begins to flow out of his ring and expands covering him causing a small pillar of crimson with pink flames, and the wind to blow hard.
Father Clemente and Carolina cover themselves from the flames. They begin to sweat because of the intense heat of the area.
Uriel comes out of the fire and takes off with a high jump:
“Time to hunt that monster....”
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8 124 - In Serial14 Chapters
Demon Fortress (Rev 1)
What do a broken automatron, a succubus stuck in a genie bottle, and a drunk unicorn have in common? Samphire's Magic Carnival – come one, come all, see feats of magic and creatures of legend! **** Thaddius sets out to save his adoptive father. He was sent alone through a portal to find and save him. Now he finds himself trapped in a Duke of Hell's fortress where his magic and soul will be sucked from his body. Who would have thought some kid from the Carnival would end up here? From zero to hero if he can live through it. **** I am currently Editing this book of the Thaddius Rockgrip Chronicles. I will re-release Book 1 before Book 3 goes on RR. New chapters are in Rev 1. of the book. I've rewritten large sections for consistency and accuracy. It is not professionally edited. It’s a much improved draft. Cover art: Mary Evans Credit for the human character goes to Josh P. (model), and Marcus Ranum (photographer, website: http://ranum.com/ ) Man: https://www.deviantart.com/mjranum-stock
8 214 - In Serial22 Chapters
Eleknar's Heir, The Infernal Prince - Backstories
Sucked into another world from Earth? Check. Magic, mayhem and a fight for survival? Check. Not sure who's gonna survive or get killed off at a moment's notice? Check check check. This line of books contains the stories for many of the prominent characters or guildmates (prior to meeting Trey) surrounding Trey's character in the book: Eleknar's Heir, The Infernal Prince (which is still currently ongoing) Reading these books before the main book can be done without ruining anything (though the character you're invested in may disappear from this book into the main storyline after a couple dozen chapters), but that's up to you ^.^
8 134 - In Serial6 Chapters
Tales of Heroes and Demons
Every great story begins in tragedy…A story of true heroes, forged through hardship…A story of a world thrown in turmoil…A story of heroes, battling the forces of evil…However, every great story has a humble beginning.In the Ancient Times, the world was in turmoil. Only through the efforts of a martial hero, wielding the Flaming Medallion and the Heavenly Sword, was the Dark Lord slain.Now, eight hundred thousand years have passed…Yang Jing, a disciple of the Order of Heaven, dies on a mission. However, he finds no rest after death. Reincarnating into the body of Cheng Yuan, a mere mortal, will he recover his martial prowess, or is there a deeper meaning to his reincarnation?Will he answer the call of a world thrown into turmoil? To follow in the footsteps of those before him, and defeat the Dark Lord once and for all? [Remake of my older story 'The Sage and the Sword' with a number of important changes and revisions.] Cover: From Pixabay, website for sharing copyright free images. Design: From Canva.
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