《Crimson Moon》Vol. 1 - Chapter 2: A Familiar Face, But a Different Person
January 19th- Sun City Major Hall
Two days ago, a strange phenomenon shook the entire continent. Powerful rays of golden lights illuminated the skies of the American continent. These lights caused panic among the civilians, with some even saying that it was the end of the world.
The lights caused an uproar among the shadows and soon powerful organizations began to make their move.
At the Sun City Major Hall, the mayor, Darius Lucifugus is having a private meeting, it’s 5pm, meaning that schools and work are over for the day.
“Just as you said sir, the lights that appeared two days, were actually the golden keys themselves.”
Darius says to the monitor, on the monitor, there is a person, however his appearance is shadowed.
Darius Lucifugus is a middle aged man. He has pale white skin, no hair, a lock beard and always wears sunglasses. He is the Major of Sun City and the Boderland’s most richest man. He is a calm person who likes the elegant life and that’s why he always wears an expensive suit.
“Excellent, do you have the locations of the lights?”
“Indeed, and one of them is here at Sun City, however it is not clear where it originated...”
“ I see.. well then, I leave the searching to you, remember that your mission is collect the Golden keys, Darius”
“I understand, leave it to me...”
“We are Enlightened...”
Darius ends his meeting and the person in the hologram disappears
-TCH- Darius looks at the window with a furious face as he thinks to himself:
“One day I swear I will have the power to kill you....Third...”
“Excuse me...Major, your son is here to see you...” A secretary says to Darius.
“Excellent, let him pass...”
Aleister enters the office with his school uniform; “You wanted to speak to me father?”
“That’s right my son, you see today, someone powerful is arriving”
“Someone powerful? Who is it's father?”
“A mythical being which is said to be the devil on earth, he might be more powerful than you...”
Aleister chuckles; “I doubt it father, aside from you, I am the most powerful here...”
“Try not to be arrogant my son, anyway, the one who is arriving today will attend your school so I want you to keep a close eye on him...”
“Him, so you know who he is?”
“That’s right, beware because he can be even more bothersome to you and Marjorie...”
By hearing the name Marjorie, Aleister changes his expression to a serious one, he begins to feel anger and asks:
“Who is that person, father?”
Darius smiles and begins to release a little manna in the shape of purple aura as he replies:
“ The son of Robeto Vazquez...the famous Solitary Wolf...”
Attention, Passengers of Flight 07261998 with destination to Sun City. Please fasten your seatbelts, we are about to land...
On seat A-22, a young man with blue hair looks out the window, he sees a mountain range. The twin cities are located in the middle of a large mountain range that extends thousands of miles.
He begins to look at the cities and begins to think:
“So, this is the Borderland...the place that I once called home...”
Uriel begins to feel dizzy and a great headache as images from his past begin to flow once again.
Uriel sees a red haired woman holding his hand as they walk down the road where he call her:
He sees a purple haired girl and a red haired boy sitting in what it appears to be his room and he calls them:
“What are these images, stop...please stop...”
Finally, he sees a man sitting on a couch in the living room, he is reading a newspaper. Uriel’s memories are fuzzy and he can’t see the man’s eyes.
“Ha...ha...ha...” Uriel breathes heavily, he begins to sweat as he grabs his chest thinking :
“Stop it, please...go away...”
All of a sudden, one of the hostess of the airplane grabs his shoulder asking:
“Sir, we are about to land...are you okay?”
Uriel comes to his senses and looks her in the eyes. He changes his expression with a smile and replies:
“Yes ma’am, everything is fine...”
“Very well sir, please fasten your seatbelt...”
The airplane slowly descends to the ground. After the airplane lands, Uriel checks out with his luggage and heads to the exit. He descends the electrical stairs and there is a giant sign that says:
Uriel heads to the exit, as he walks down the main gate, he feels that someone is observing him from afar.
Uriel carefully looks in all directions checking who it was, however, the place is very crowded and it doesn’t give him time to see.
Without warning, a figure appears between the crowd.
Uriel stops moving and with a serious expression sees the figure approaching. The figure is a hooded person, his face cannot be seen, the figure has the same height as Uriel.
The strangest thing is that people pass without noticing him. People pass through him.
"I see, is he a hologram or a projection?" Uriel thinks to himself as the figure stops next to him.
Uriel looks forward as the figure begins to speak:
"It is a pleasure to welcome you to the Borderland...Charro Negro…"
The figure has a modified voice of a man. Uriel opens his eyes wider, he smiles and replies:
"Well, this is a warm welcome, who knew I was famous here in the north. You even know who I am…"
"Charro Negro, I don't know what your intentions are here in the Borderland. But hear my warning…Leave immediately...this land is under my jurisdiction…"
"Heh...so I need your permission to be here...what a joke…"
Uriel knows that he can't make a scene, otherwise people would panic, he makes a fists and continues to stand still.
"I am warning you again...do not interfere with my plans… you will regret it…"
"Now you listen to me...I won't be going anywhere...if you interfere with El Charro Negro… I will take your soul…"
The hooded figure begins to walk away as he says:
"You are an interesting fellow...you have been warned...Charro Negro…"
Uriel turns around and notices that the figure disappeared. Uriel continues to walk forward as he chuckles:
"Fascinating; Not even 5 minutes here and I have been challenged...this is going to be a really interesting mission…"
It's already noon on a normal school day, students have their lunch at this hour. Like any other school, the students go to the cafeteria where they enjoy a world class buffet.
Others decide to eat in the classrooms, outside or at their clubrooms. In the case of Alejandro, he always eats at the rooftop like other cliche protagonists. Even though it is prohibited to eat at the roof, Alejandro always manages to open the door without anyone noticing.
Alejandro looks at the sky while eating an apple. He is covered in bandages because of Aleister's assault.
"What was that nightmare that I had that night...it felt so real…"
The sky is clouded and it started to snow, Alejandro looks at the palm of his left hand. In his palm there is a mark, the mark has the shape of a key.
"First I had that weird dream, when I woke up the golden key disappeared and this strange mark appeared on the palm of my hand."
The bell rings and Alejandro decides to head downstairs.
"I must keep it a secret...I don't want anyone noticing this mark…"
Alejandro walks down the stairs, he passes the girl brown skin, violet eyes and blonde hair without noticing her.She looks at Alejandro and notices that a strange golden aura is coming out of his left hand.
“This aura, no doubt about it...Alejandro Sanchez, you are now my target...”
Alejandro decides to cover his palm with a bandage in order to avoid anyone seeing the mark.
After the classes had ended, Alejandro decided to walk home. As he walks down the street he is looking at his hand. Suddenly, a beautiful girl with black hair and brown eyes approaches Alejandro.
"H-h-h-ello Alejandro…"Alejandro notices a shaky voice coming from behind. He turns around and sees Angela who is smiling at him.
"Oh, hey Angela, how've you been?"
"I've been doing great thank you...Are you going home?"
"Then can we walk together?"
"Sure, no problem…"
"Great…" Angela smiles and runs to his side.
Angela and Alejandro have known eachother since kindergarten, Alejandro has always seen her as a friend however, Angela is attracted to him. But Alejandro doesn't feel the same way.
They walk together down the street, Angela begins to shake as she says:
"I-it sure is freezing today right?"
"You think so? To be honest, I think it's normal…" Alejandro notices her shaking and takes off his scarf.
"Here, you can borrow it for today, I don't want you to freeze…"
Angela blushes and denies it at first, Alejandro puts it around her neck gently. Angela smiles and leaves it on.
"Thank you…"
"No problem"
"I wanted to ask you about your injuries, what happened to you?"
Alejandro looks away, he knows that Angela has connections with Aleister because she belongs to the student council.
Alejandro makes a fake smile and comes up with an excuse:
"I...ummm...fell down the stairs, yeah...I fell down accidently at work…"
"Oh my, and are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, it was just a scratch…"
"I see, and what about the one in your left hand…"
Alejandro gets nervous, Angela slowly begins to approach her hand to his, her eyes turn hollow as she approaches it saying:
"I want to see what's beneath it, did you hurt as you fell down the stairs as well??"
Alejandro quickly puts it away his pocket replying:
"I...uhmmm…..cut myself while preparing dinner that's all…"
"Oh...I see...then you should be more careful…"
"I will, I promise…'
A car arrives to pick up Angela, Angela runs to the car and says:
"Well, I'm going now, please be careful Alejandro...I'll see you tomorrow…"
Angela waves and leaves, Alejandro waves back and continues to walk.
"What was that? Why was she so persistent?"
Alejandro thinks to himself as continues his path. At the other corner of the street, a beast observes his movements, the beast growls as it observes with its giant green eyes and slowly vanishes…
At school, located on the first floor there is a large room at the end of the hallway, the room has a sign that says:
It is after school and today there was no meeting however the President and the Vice president are finishing with some paperwork.
"FIU...ALL DONE!" A silver hair beauty says as she wipes the sweat out of her forehead.
"Nice done dear…you're a lot faster than I am…" A handsome young man says as he continues to work with his papers.
"Well, I've won this round Aleister…"
"You're always the fastest between us, Marjorie."
Marjorie gets closer and hugs Aleister from behind.
"Hey, Aleister dear...our anniversary is coming up, in just one more month, it will be 2 years of us being together…"
" Oh yeah...I forgot about that…" Aleister says with a serious tone.
"You did?" Marjorie's expression changes. Aleister begins to chuckles:
"Oh dear, you're too emotional, of course I would never forget...in fact I have a special plan for our anniversary."
"Really, I was worried you'd forgotten…" Marjorie says with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes.
Aleister stands up and gently grabs Marjorie's chin.
"I would never forget about it, in fact, on February 14th, two years ago, you made me the happiest man alive…you know how much I love you right?"
Marjorie with great happiness approaches his face and kisses him.
"Thank you, I love you too…."
"Well, I see you two are as lovely dovey as always…"A red haired beauty says as she stands at the door with a grin on her face.
The two of them look away. Marjorie feeling embarrassed says:
"Victoria, how long have you been there?"
"Not much, just when you hugged him…" Victoria chuckles, Marjorie gets redder, Aleister chuckles.
"That was from the beginning, sheesh Victoria you could have at least knocked…"
"Now, now, no need to be all embarrassed, I just came here to talk to you guys about our missing member, we still need a Historian…"
"About that…" Marjorie looks at Aleister and suggests:
"I recommend Alejandro Sanchez to be the next Historian…"
Aleister and Victoria look at Marjorie with a worried expression.
"What's wrong, is it a bad idea…"
Aleister sighs with his eyes close and says:
"Listen Marjorie, the position of Historian is for someone who is serious about it. The historian in this school must record everything that is happening within the student council and faculty…"
"So what...Alejandro is a genius, he is able to do that position with ease…"
Victoria steps forward,and with an annoyed expression comments:
"Yes, we all know that he is a genius, but he is a weird goofball who is only obsessed with supernatural things. In other words, he is not serious enough."
"I know but…"
"Marjorie please understand, I don't like him, he's always asking me about what happened that night 5 years ago...the day my parents…"
Victoria begins to feel dizzy, she falls down on her knees and puts her hand on her mouth like she is about to throw up.
"Victoria...are you okay? stay strong…" Aleister holds her.
"I'm okay...thank you…"
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to…" Marjorie tries to go near her.
"Marjorie that's enough, listen I know that he's your friend and that we have known him since kindergarten but I must ask you this…"
Alesiter puts his hands on her shoulders:
"You must stay away from him, I already submitted a request to the Principal about the SIS disbandment."
"But why?"
"Because it has no purpose, it's only a waste of time and you know that. Marjorie, stay away from him, he only wants to put you against me and you know it…"
Aleister continues to speak:
"You must quit the SIS, you need to concentrate more on the Student Council as its vice president. Please, you must concentrate on our relationship as well."
Marjorie lowers her head, she looks at Victoria and Aleister.
"Very well, I will tell Alejandro...and I will quit the SIS...and be here with you…"
Aleister smiles and hugs her saying:
"Thank you, you don't know how happy that makes me feel…"
Aleister makes a sinister smile as he thinks:
"Excellent...things are going as planned…"
Alejandro arrives at his apartment and a robust woman is waiting for him at the door.
"Why hello Alejandro dear, I just wanted to give you this…" The woman says with a smile as she hands over a lunch box to Alejandro.
"Thank you Ms. Gutierrez…"Alejandro says with a smile.
Rosa Gutierrez is a 40 year old widow. She has a robust body and a chubby face. She has white skin and red hair. She is the guardian of Alejandro which is why she is always bringing him dinner.
Alejandro looks at his food, Ms. Gutierrez notices Alejandro's sad expression.
Ms. Gutierrez grabs Alejandro's face, Alejandro looks at her worried expression.
"Mijo, are you okay? I've been very worried about you ever since you came with all those bandages. Did you get into a fight?"
"No Ms. Gutierrez, I fell down the stairs, that's all, please don't worry about me…"
"I understand, mijo, you don't want to talk about it, but please remember that I am here for you okay…"
Alejandro smiles at her and replies:
"Thank you Ms. Gutierrez I know…"
"Ay mijo, call me Rosa okay…" Rosa winks at him, causing Alejandro to feel chills down his spine.
The phone rings in Rosa's apartment. Rosa answers the phone and the person from the other side says:
"Rosa, has there been any change?"
"I'm afraid there is, he's presenting a strange manna coming out of his left hand, what is my next move?"
"For the meantime none, let's just wait until there is another change. I must warn you that someone with a powerful manna has arrived at the Borderland."
"Are you serious? Is he a friend or a foe?"
"That I don't know, please stay alert and protect our objective…"
"I will...I won't fail my mission…"
Meanwhile, Alejandro unwraps the bandage of his left hand and sees his mark.
Alejandro looks worried as he says:
"Ever since that night, the key disappeared and this mark appeared, but that's not all. I've been seeing strange colors surrounding people…"
Alejandro feels pain in his hand,his brown eyes change to yellow and once again, the mark begins to shine.
The key stops shining, Alejandro breathes heavily as he shakes. Slowly, Alejandro passes out because of the pain.
Meanwhile, at the top of a tall building, Uriel looks towards downtown and thinks:
"That sensation, there's no doubt that it was the same I felt the other night."
Uriel jumps off the building and falls. He closes his eyes enjoying the fall.
As he approaches the floor, Uriel summons a whirlpool made of wind which stops his fall. He lands smoothly and continues to walk without a care in the world.
“This is bothersome, well I don’t sleep anyway...might as well begin the hunt.” Uriel enters an empty alley as he thinks:
“This place is full of manna, but it’s full of Sombras as well... It’s going to be a long night...”
Uriel removes his left glove revealing a ring in his hand, a “Sombra” approaches him at high speed.
“You guys don’t waste time ehh...”
Uriel makes a fist and flames come out of his ring.
January 20th, Sun City International Highschool
A normal day in Sun City, students walk towards their classes like any other day. However, this day is different as a New student walks towards the school.
In the principal's office, the principal; Olivia Lucifugus has a conversation in the phone with a certain person:
"Darius dear, I am getting tired of working as a Principal, is there any other thing for me to do?"
Olivia Lucifugus is Darius' wife. She has white hair, white skin and a slim body. She has the appearance of a 40 year old woman. She has a reddish tone on her eyes. She is also Aleister’s mother.
"Patience my sweet Olivia, our plans are moving smoothly. Right now you must continue being the principal and when the time comes, we'll slaughter everyone in the school…"
Olivia begins to laugh:
"Oh dear, you are so funny...but I can't wait for that moment to come…"
"I have a meeting right now, I'll see you at dinner and make sure to bring Aleister with you…"
“Alright, I think Marjorie is coming as well...”
“Excellent, anyway, a new student will be arriving soon...he’s a recommendation from an old acquaintance, be sure to be nice with him...”
Olivia hangs the phone,-KNOCK KNOCK- A beautiful blonde woman enters the office.
"Excuse me, Principal Olivia, the new student has arrived…"
"Excellent, let him pass Ms. Saito…"
"As you wish…"
The new student enters the office, Olivia opens her eyes widely and smiles:
"My, oh my, who would've thought that such a powerful being would be entering my school…"
It’s almost the end of the first period, Alejandro takes the Advance Algebra class.In this class there is also Marjorie, Angela, Victoria,Raul, Angela and Aleister.
“Alright class, please turn in your assignments for today...” Kasumi begins to pick up the papers.
Alejandro slowly begins to fall asleep again.
“Pss...Hey Alejandro, are you okay?” Angela whispers to Alejandro, she sits in front of him. Alejandro feels weak and looks at his hand, he is very sweaty as he holds his hand.
“Why is it hurting again...not only that, I don’t feel so good, my head feels like it is about to explode...”
“Alejando?” Angela touches Alejandro's shoulder, he comes back to his senses and sees Angela with a worried expression. He makes a smile:
“I’m fine, don’t worry about me...”
“You’ve been acting strange lately, are you feeling sick?”
Alejandro chuckles nervously as he comes up with an excuse:
“No, it’s just the cold weather....trust me, I’m fine...”
Kasumi scolds both of them, both of them nervously apologize:
“We’re sorry...”
Kasumi clears her throat; “Ahem...anyway, like I was saying, today we are receiving a new transfer student...”
Everyone in the classroom begins to talk to each other saying:
“Wow, a transfer student...Do you think he's a guy.....No it’s a girl....”
“Teacher, do you know who the transfer student is?” A female student asks Kasumi.
“To be honest, I don’t know...”
Alejandro only looks at the window, not caring at all.
“I wonder how is he or she like?” Marjorie asks Aleister who is sitting next to her. Aleister looks at the door with a mad expression thinking:
“Damn it, I wasn’t informed about this...mother you will be punished...”
Suddenly the whole class turns silent. They all stare at the door, everyone sees a silhouette but it is not clear if it’s a man or woman.
“Come in...”
The door begins to open, Kasumi is writing on her board as she says:
“Welcome to our cl...”
Alejandro is looking in the window thinking:
“I wonder if someone would know about this situation...”
Suddenly, a sound shook Alejandro, as he looked at his teacher dropping both her book and the chalk. Alejandro sees Kasumi with tears in her eyes.
“What’s going on?” Alejandro thinks as he looks at the door. All of a sudden, Alejandro opens his eyes wider and stands up.
“I can't believe it...”
He sees a male student entering the room. The student has brown skin, blue hair and green eyes. He has the same height as Alejandro, he has a thin body and he is wearing the school’s uniform. The most impactful thing is that he has a scar on his left eye.
“Good morning teacher...I am the new student my name is...”
The new student gets interrupted by Kasumi who hugs him tightly. She has tears in her eyes, and with a shaky voice she says:
“I can’t believe it, you’re alive, you look just like my master...”
Everyone in the classroom is in shock as they see the teacher hugging the new student. Alejandro looks at the new student with his eyes wide open as he says with a low tone:
Marjorie looks at him with a shocking expression as she thinks; “That boy, have we met before?”
Aleister looks at him and chuckles; “So this is the one I warned about by father eh...”
The secretary Shion Saito enters the room and pokes Kasumi in the shoulder as she whispers:
“Senpai, please let him go, everyone is watching...”
Kasumi regains her senses, she looks up and sees the new student looking at her without any expression. Her face turns red and let’s him and begins to talk nervously:
“I-I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to...”
Kasumi looks at his students, only staring at her. She gets redder and tuns out of the classroom screaming:
She leaves a road of dust behind. Shion clears her throat and looks at the new student saying:
“I’m sorry, that was unexpected...well until she returns, I will take over.”
Shion walks to the desk and begins to speak:
“Well class, this is our new student, he comes from Tapatio, a place south of Mexico. He is a recommended student by the Major himself. Please introduce yourself...”
The new student looks at the class and introduces himself:
“My name is Uriel...Uriel Di Fiore...it is an honor to attend this school.”
“I knew it...” Alejandro says, looking at him with a serious expression.
“U-U-Uriel...” Marjorie says as she blushes looking at him, Aleister notices and gets angry.
“Uriel, that’s a nice name, well then take a seat on an empty desk, let’s see...right there next to Alejandro...”
“I understand...” Uriel begins to walk towards his desk, as he walks there, the girls blush as they look at his wild appearance
Victoria looks at him and thinks; “Oh wow, he’s so dreamy looking...”
Uriel notices an eraser in the ground, he picks it up and gives it to the girl who is sitting in front of his desk.
“Here you drop this...” Uriel gives it to the girl, that girl is Marjorie. He opens his eyes wider as he puts the eraser on her desk. Marjorie looks at him and feels her heartbeat raising.
“T-T-Thank you...” Marjorie and Uriel stare at each other for a few seconds. “This girl, who is she, and why is my heart beat increasing, do I know her?”
Alejandro notices and gets angry, -TCH- Aleister also notices and stands up; “Well hello there, Uriel Di Fiore, my name is Aleister Lucifugus and I'm her boyfriend.”
Uriel looks at him and notice his aura, Aleister continues to speak:
“I didn’t know you are an acquaintance of my father Darius Lucifugus...”
Uriel makes a fist as he hears the name of the man who killed his father.
“I am not, but my guardian is...”
“Oh, and who is your guardian?”
“That’s none of your business...”
“He talked back to the president, how brave of him...”
Everyone notices the tension that is building up between them. Aleister chuckles and stretches his hand:
“Well no matter, as the Student Council President, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the best school in the country. Let’s try to get along...”
Uriel knows that he must keep a low profile so he decides to shake Aleister’s hand.
“Very well...”
Both of them shake hands, Uriel notices that Aleister is increasing his aura. Uriel makes a small smirk and looks at Aleister, increasing his aura as well. Aleister notices the pressure and begins to sweat thinking:
“What’s this power...is he even human? The pressure is...”
The bell rings meaning the end of the first period. Uriel decides to walk to his next class with a group of girls following him. Alesiter is left shaking, Marjorie touches his shoulder and asks:
“Hey, are you okay?”
Aleister looks at Marjorie and replies; “Yes, I’m alright...”
Alejandro stands up and walks to his next class as he is surprised thinking:
“That guy, Uriel and Aleister, what were those strange colored auras surrounding them...well who cares, what’s strange is that he looks like Uriel...”
Meanwhile at the girl's restroom, Kasumi washes her face, Shion arrives and asks:
"Senpai, are you alright?"
"Yes, I am, but I still can't believe that he is alive"
“Alive? Do you know him?” Shion asks Kasumi. Kasumin nods as she says; “My master left a letter describing his family, and that boy is identical to his son…”
Kasumi looks at the ceiling and thinks:
"Master, are you alive as well?"
Alejandro arrives at the Chemistry classroom and notices a group of girls staring inside.
“Mmmhhmm..I wonder what’s all this commotion...” Alejandro looks inside the classroom and notices the handsome new student seating on his desk.
“Wait..why do I have him in another class?”
Alejandro enters the classroom and with a furious tone screams:
“Oh is it, I’m sorry, I’ll move...” Uriel stands up and changes seats. Alejandro stands there thinking:
“Great, now I look like an idiot...well this is just momentary right?”
Uriel looks at the board, suddenly one of the girls steps forward and with a shy expression asks:
“Hey, I know you’re new, here are my notes so you can catch up, I mean if you want to...”
Uriel grabs it and with a faint smile says; “Thank you, I appreciate your help...”
The other girls scream and gather around him causing the guys to look at him with jealousy including Alejandro.
“Man, this is annoying, I hope I don’t have him for the next class.”
But fate has another plan for them. Alejandro is shocked to see that he has Uriel for the next period as well, and the story is the same; Uriel gets the attention of all the girls. The same situation repeated all day for Alejandro as Uriel was in all his classes...
At the end of the sixth period, Alejandro was really tired and decided to confront the new student....
Uriel walks in the hallway heading to the Principal’s office.During the 7th and 8th period, Uriel was invited to the Principal’s office where Shion would explain about the Organization's periods.
“Hey new guy...” Alejandro shouts at Uriel, Uriel stops and turns around. Alejandro looks at him trying to intimidate him. Uriel looks at him clueless and asks:
“And who are you again?”
Alejandro gets angrier; “You’ve had me for all your classes damn it, I’m Alejandro Sanchez...”
"I see…" Uriel turns around and begins to walk away.
"What do you want? I'm going to be late…"
"Tell me, do you know someone named Uriel Vazquez?"
Uriel remains silent, Alejandro makes another question:
"Why do you look like him? He died 5 years ago...who are you?
"I don't know that person...I may look like your friend as you say but I am not him…"
"Then why did you come here?"
"That's personal, I don't have the obligation to tell you anything…"
Uriel looks at Alejandro's left hand; "Tell me, does that hand hurt a lot?"
"How do you know?"
"You have a strange aura coming from there, Alejandro Sanchez, I warn you...don't come out at night?"
"Why do you say that?"
Uriel begins to walk away as he says:
"Because, monsters come out at night, and you are a clear target for them…"
Alejandro looks at his hand shaking, however, he shakes with excitement and thinks:
"This is the proof I wanted, there is no doubt in my mind anymore. This isn't just a coincidence, you arrived here, that nightmare I had…It's all bound by fate, I just know it...I will know the truth…"
Alejandro removes the bandage in his eye and heads to the clubroom with excitement.
Uriel walks down the hallway thinking:
“That guy, how does he know my name, how does he know who Uriel Vazquez is?”
His head hurts once again as parts of his memories cross through his mind. He begins to imagine another kid playing together.
The boy in a silver costume screams; “I’m the silver space ranger...”
“And I’m the Fire Space Ranger...”
“Wait, why does he look like Alejandro, this is part of my memory?”
“Alejandro, wait....you’re going too fast...”
“Ha...ha...ha...” Uriel leans on the wall as he grabs his head.
In the main hallway, Marjorie, Angela and Victoria are hanging decorations for Valentine's Day...”
“Hey,that new guy is such a hottie don’t you think?”
Victoria says with a luxurious tone, she is holding the ladder as Marjorie hangs the decorations.
"Well he certainly is handsome…" Angela says with a shy tone, she is helping Victoria hold the ladder.
“Just handsome?, come on didn’t you notice his cute face, his body and that scar in his left eye that is him look so wild...”
“Well when you put it that way, I guess he is hot...”
"Do you think he likes redheads like me…" Victoria wonders as she looks up. Marjorie thinks of him as well; “I wonder if I had met him somewhere before...”
“I think I’ll just ask him out, no one refuses my proposal...” Victoria says with a confident tone. Marjorie gets jealous and says:
“Oh come on Victoria, you don’t even know him...”
“Oh what’s this... don’t tell me you liked him too...”
“No it’s not like that...”
“Well too bad for you, you already have Aleister...but I guess if you show him those provocative black panties of yours...maybe he’ll fall for you...”
Victoria chuckles as she plays with Marjorie. Marjorie instantly covers her panties as she says:
“Sheesh, Victoria, stop looking up....”
Marjorie suddenly slips from the step and begins to fall from the ladder. The two girls with a frightened tone screams:
Uriel, who is passing by, sees Marjorie falling. In a blink of an eye, Uriel charges towards, catching Marjorie in mid air.
The girl screams as a massive wind blows through the hallway. The girls look up but they don’t see Marjorie
“Where is she...”
The girls look at the new student standing with Marjorie in his arms.
“Are you okay?” Marjorie opens his eyes, and sees Uriel’s face. She blushes as she notices him holding her.
“Y-y-yes thank you...”
Uriel puts Marjorie down; “Marjorie” Victoria hugs Marjorie crying:
“I’m sorry,I didn’t mean to...please forgive me...”
“Are you alright?” Angela asks with a preoccupied tone.
“It’s fine...I’m okay, thanks to him...”
Uriel begins to walk away, Marjorie says with a louder tone; “Thank you”
“Sure...no problem...”
Uriel feels pain in his head. He begins to walk away. Marjorie feels her heartbeat sing as she thinks:
“He looked so cool...”
Uriel walks in the hallway but the pain gets bigger. Uriel begins to see another memory of a silver-haired girl smiling at him:
“Well consider this our engagement. Please promise me that we will get married someday. I will forget about you, but don’t forget about me. You now know how much I love you.”
“Stop it, these memories are useless, I have only one objective...”
Uriel begins to walk once again and he looks forward; “I will kill Darius Lucifugus”
- In Serial10 Chapters
Vaeril: First Transmigration
Three months into the advent of the apocalypse, Earth had turned into a supernatural RPG with horror and death as its motif. Except this real-life RPG game had no respawns. There was no second life. And Vaeril, a loner and hermit by cultivation, was quietly eking out his survival, making only the most minimal of human contact and avoiding the general majority of the population--zombies. When he sees a pair of siblings fleeing from a horde of zombies, he broke his carefully cultivated hermit-tude and attempted to save them. Vaeril should have known better. Humans were the real monsters of the apocalypse. Their betrayal left him subsequently bleeding and poisoned on the floor of an apartment. But not all hope was lost. In his most desparate moment, right on the brink of death, a system notification popped out. [You have unlocked the quirk [Transmigration].]
8 158 - In Serial59 Chapters
Silent Luna
After a terrible car accident when she was seven, Eirenae's life got turned upside down. Her father changed everything, becoming rotten and abusive to the point it caused her to stop speaking entirely. Eleven years later and she still lives by his rules, trapped under his thumb. She has nowhere to go; no life outside the awful one she's forced into at home, and any time she tries to speak, her voice fails her. Without much hope left, she suffers in silence. Until moving to a new town changes everything. Arriving at her new school, Eirenae immediately catches the attention of six students. They're the nicest anyone has ever been to her, but everything about them strikes her funny: they're naturally perfect, have insane athletic reflexes, and they keep using strange words like "Alpha", "Luna", and "pack". On top of it all, their eyes horrifyingly seem to change color and no matter how much she runs or gives hints she should be left alone, they won't stop being overly friendly. No one seems to be willing to explain anything to her, so maybe it's time to bring her life back into her own hands, discover what has been hiding from her past, and let herself be rescued. . . and maybe not particularly in that order!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-Book 1 of War of the Wolves-Precedes "Fatal War"-Started: August, 2018- Completed: May 1st, 2019-#1 in Abuse: 9/21/2019-#1 in Mate 10/5/2019-#1 in luna 10/16/2019-#3 in Werewolf 12/26/2019-#1 in Whitewolf 1/28/2020-#1 in Mute 2/9/2020-#2 in Telekinesis 4/25/20-#1 in Royalwolf 3/15/22
8 249 - In Serial17 Chapters
My Punk Lover (Yamaguchi x reader)
cover fanart from @juu.ssi [https://www.instagram.com/juu.ssi/]You and Tadashi were from the same school but guess what? you guys weren't friends back then. Just strangers, always observing each other but never daring the first move. You liked Tadashi, more than ever. You loved him so much. But your interactions were just mere stares and looks. Tadashi never approached you because of your cold demeanor and you never approached him because you were actually shy (skskssk). But when you guys go college, Tadashi changed and he wasn't the same soft boi you knew, maybe even become a bad boy. and by the miracle of the plot, you guys end up talking and becoming friends. And who knows maybe Tadashi empowered himself and got himself the strength that he needed to face the world ... and maybe face you as well :)Will you begin this story y/n ? :)
8 67 - In Serial62 Chapters
[A Promise]>R. Tempest x Reader
The only thing Rimuru wanted was for you to move in with him, and in order for that to happen, he'll have to marry you.--------With love, comes drama, and with drama, comes death. Your life with Rimuru was something you never thought would've happened and even the problems that came along with it. Let's read the story of Rimuru and Y/N Tempest as they experience many difficult challenges. Female oriented.
8 154 - In Serial18 Chapters
"If you don't use your voice, you're halfway in Asphodel already." No one can tell if Nico and Will love or hate eachother, because they bicker like crazy all the time. But maybe exactly that will help them both to fight their inner demons and to speak up again... This is my first fanfiction ever and English isn't even my first language so don't judge please also description writing sucks goodbye
8 103 - In Serial6 Chapters
IT (2017)- Pennywise Vore
Here is a vore compilation for the 2017 version of Pennywise, where he eats the members of the losers club, including Henry Bower's gang and Georgie. (I may include some side characters from the movie.)
8 172