《Crimson Moon》Vol. 1 - Chapter 1: Nightmare of Fate
5 years later...
January 17th; Sun City
It’s been 5 years since the “Borderland Catastrophe.” People live their normal lives as if nothing happened, the buildings were repaired, and have a futuristic look,the streets were paved once again.
The reason was because of a single man named Darius Lucifugus. He alone paid for the reconstruction of Sun City and Rio Grande City. In less than 2 years the cities were reconstructed. Because of his actions, Darius became the mayor of Sun City.Everybody forgot about the catastrophe, everyone except for one person...
It’s a normal winter day on the Borderland, it's raining lightly with lightning falling down. The temperature is freezing with everyone wearing coats.
At the entrance of the Sun City International Highschool, there is poster with at says; “SUPERNATURAL INVESTIGATION SOCIETY” with two students sitting at the table, one is with his laptop and the other is shouting:
Students pass him without paying any attention to him. The bell rings meaning that it's the beginning of classes.
Welcome to Sun City International High School, a large building located at the centerSun City. This is a prestigious school that attracts students from all over the world. This Highschool has a worldwide connection and almost everyone comes from a noble and rich family. The buildings are hightech, and have spacious rooms comfortable for students to study.
In the high school division girls wear the traditional school uniform which consists of a white button shirt, a black tie, a red school jacket that has black skirt with black leggings and school shoes. Men wear a white button shirt, a black tie, and black school pants with dressing shoes. Men also wear the red jacket like the girls with the school symbol which consists of a Sun with the initials: S.C. I. H. S. which is the name of the school.
The student with brown hair looks at the one who is sitting at the table; “ Hey Raul, how many people signed up today?”
“ Let’s see...” Raul counts his fingers and says with a sarcastic tone; “Zero, Alejandro”.
Alejandro Sanchez is a 16 year old boy who has long straight brownish hair, he has white skin and a skinny body .He is average in height, wears glasses. He is a fan of supernatural things and he is the president of the SIS.
Raul Diaz is a 16 year old boy, he has green hair and hazel colored- eyes. Light skin, slim body and wears glasses. He is a nerd who is only interested in studying, and reading books. He only joined the club because he needed to.
Alejandro sighs with his eyes closed; “ Awww maaaan, we still have only three members...”
“I’m telling you to change the name, not everyone likes that name...” Raul says as he continues to type.
Alejandro turns around and with a fist in the air; “Never, because this is a society where we are going to find the truth of these supernatural mysteries like the Chupacabras or Bigfoot, don’t you have curiosity?”
“Not at all... I have to go to class, okay, I’ll see you later...” Raul stands up and goes inside the building waving at Alejandro. Alejandro once again sighs, and begins to pick up his stuff and take off his poster.
“Man, this sure was a popular club last year, but I failed to impress everyone...”
“Good morning, Alejandro...” A female student approaches Alejandro, Alejandro looks at her and gets mad; “Marjorie, you’re late...”
Marjorie puts her hands together in sign of apology as she says: “Sorry, I had a meeting...”
Marjorie Bellerose is a 16years old girl. She has long silver hair with a black ribbon on her left side and blue eyes. She has a slim body with a nice figure. She is the most popular girl in the school, considered one of the three princess idols of the high school. She is the student council vice-president. Her warm personality makes every guy in school want to talk to her but she now has a boyfriend.
“Don’t worry about it, you’re doing more than enough being in this club” Alejandro grabs his bag and begins to walk inside the building. Marjorie walks beside him, causing everyone to speak behind their backs:
“ Why is one of the Princess Idols walking with him?
That guy is a complete loser...
I heard he's crazy...”
“I can hear you, damn it...”
Alejandro hears as he makes a fist. Marjorie chuckles as she doesn’t mind and asks:
“So did you have any luck last night in your investigation?”
“Unfortunately no, I was investigating a possible Chupacabra sighting but the police didn’t let me pass...”
“Where did you go?”
“Rio Grande City, apparently there have been mysterious deaths, and rumors say that it isn’t human...I want to know what it is...maybe it is a Chupacabra”
Marjorie puts a worried expression; “You know, I think it’s great that you investigate those events but try not to put yourself in danger...”
“Yeah yeah, I know, but remember that where danger is, the answers are as well....”
“Just promise that you won’t get self involved with some strange people, okay or any dangerous things, please...”
Alejandro smiles and replies; “I won’t, I promise...”
“Well I have a council meeting now, I’ll see you later...”
Marjorie enters the classroom, Alejandro continues walking, as he turns around the corner, there is someone waiting for him.
A young man leaning on the wall; ”Hey Alejandro, your looking stupid as always...”
Alejandro looks at him seriously and replies:
“Hello Aleister, I need to go to class, so if you excuse me...”
Aleister Lucifugus is a 16 years old young man, he has black hair with red eyes, he is considered the most handsome guy in the high school division causing all the girls to fall for him. He is tall with a thin but very strong body compared to Alejandro's. He is one of the smartest students in high school and the son of the mayor Darius. He is also Marjorie´s boyfriend making them the most popular couple in school and the student council president.
Aleister walks beside him going the other direction, he grabs Alejandro’s shoulder; “Hey, when are you going to stop involving my girlfriend with your crazy stuff?”
“Marjorie likes to help me, besides I am not involving her in anything, so don’t worry..”
“I hope so, remember that she is mine and mine alone, if I see you walking beside her, I will make you pay...”
Thunder strikes down illuminating the hallway, Aliester’s eyes shine a bright red, he begins to walk away saying; “Dont say I didn’t warn you...Alejandro...”
Alejandro takes a deep breath and changes his expression to smile; “Okay, enough of that, it’s time for class.
At Sun City International Highschool, the classes given are the same from any American Highschool. The grades are 9-12, students get to choose the classes they want to take with a total of 8 classes per day.
Despite how people see him, Alejandro is a genius when it comes to academics. He’s taking advanced classes, for his first period, he has Advanced Algebra...
“Very well class so if you clear the x from this equation, your answer should be 2... Are you following?”
The teacher explains as she writes on the board, she is very beautiful and causes all the male students to drool. At the end of the classroom, near the window ( The most cliche spot for a main character) a student is sleeping, his snores distract the class.
The teacher sighs with her eyes closed. The student is Alejandro who is making everyone mad as they stare at him. The students begin to whisper:
“That loser is sleeping again? We should just expel him…”
Marjorie, whose in the same class, looks at him with a worried expression.The teacher sighs with her eyes closed thinking:
“Not again…”
The bell rings as a sign that the 1st period ended. Alejandro wakes up and looks up; “Oh-oh”
He sees his teacher glaring at him, she makes a fake smile and asks:
“Did you enjoy my lecture Alejandro?”
Alejandro looks at her nervously with sweat coming from his head;
“Everyone have a nice weekend, the test results are on my desk, don’t forget to pick them up.”
Alejandro tries to stand up but the teacher stops him. With a fake smile she asks:
“Alejandro, I want to speak to you now!”
“Oh he’s in trouble now... serve him right for being a weirdo...”
“Ms. Kasumi, I have to go to my other class...” Alejandro says to his teacher, Kasumi sits on the desk and crosses her legs causing Alejandro to look away nervously.
Kasumi Miyazono is a 19 year old young woman, she is a genius who graduated from college at the age of 15. She has orange hair and as always she has a ponytail with braids. She wears glasses and has light brown eyes. She has a well-developed body. She’s a beauty that rejects every teacher who asks for a date. She is also the teacher in charge of the Supernatural Investigation Society.
“Honestly I would scold you more but you have such good development in my class.” Kasumi hands a sheet of paper to Alejandro. It’s his test score that says 100/100.
“Why thank you teacher, does that mean I can go now right?”
“Hold on just a minute, you went to investigate last night, right?”
Kasumi grabs Alejandro’s shoulder, Alejandro nervously shakes his head.
Kasumi sighs once again; “Listen Alejandro, I agreed to be your advisor for the club because I thought that there was no harm and you could make friends, but you are doing dangerous stuff and not sleeping, you come to my class all sleepy and that bothers the other students.”
Alejandro looks down and says in a low tone; “So what? Those guys wouldn’t like me anyways, why should I bother to be nice to them...”
“I understand that you don't care but try to make new friends...Then, your club could grow...right now, you have three members...”
“Yeah, rules state that we need at least three right, so there you have it...”
“Yes three active members, but you clearly don’t, you have Raul who is on his computer and doesn't care about the supernatural stuff and you have Marjorie whose motives I don't know yet, but she’s never here...”
“Fine, I promise I will try recruiting more people, but please continue supporting us...”
Kasumi looks at Alejandro who has a sad puppy face; “Fine, you have two weeks to find more members alright...I’ll see you later...”
“Alright, thank you teacher...”
Kasumi chuckles, she sits on her desk and changes her expression;“ I made a promise that I would watch over you, but please don’t do anything risky Alejandro...”
Alejandro’s schedule is the following:
1st Period-Advance Algebra
2nd Period- Advance Chemistry
3 rd Period- Advance History
4th Period-Advance Literature
5 th Period- Physical Education
6th Period- Music
7th and 8th Period- Organizations (Clubs)
The last two periods of school, the school permits the students to go to their clubs, this is for them to concentrate on after class activities such as work or catching up with classes. Outside the main building there is an old building that has only two rooms, one is for the janitor’s belongings and the other is for the SIS.
“Alright club, here is evidence that something supernatural happened last night."Alejandro puts his hand on the board where there are pictures of a crime scene.
“Wow, interesting...” Marjorie says as she applauds sitting next to Raul who is typing in his computer.
Inside the club room there are hundreds of pictures hanging on the walls, with some of them being UFOs, BigFoot, and the Loch Ness Monster.
“Hey Raul, please pay attention, this is important...”
Alejandro says with his hands together, Raul sighs; “Fine...”
“Very well, last night, another man was attacked at Rio Grande City...”
“The victim didn’t have any signs of strangling or other symptoms, what makes it unique is that the man had a hole on his neck...”
“Wow, that’s scary...” Marjorie puts her hand on her mouth.
“My theory is that it was something else, I might say a Vampire or something like that"
"I think the killer just likes to make holes in the victims necks, nothing supernatural about that…" Raul makes fun of Alejandro.
"Don't be stupid, its obvious that it was something not ordinary and I am going to investigate, who's with me…"
"Sorry, I have to wake up early tomorrow for cheerleader practice" Marjorie apologizes.
"And I am not interested, good luck finding something yourself…" Raul comments as he closes his laptop.
Both of them leave the room, Alejandro sighs disappointed, Kasumi enters the room and asks; "Where are the others?"
"They just left…"
"I see, Alejandro, you're not planning on going alone again do you?"
"No, you know, I do wish to do club activities like any other, but I sometimes think that wish will never come true...” Alejandro says with a fake smile as he feels depressed.
“Then why do you keep this club, you know you could join any other, why are you pushing so hard to have it...”
“Because I want to know the truth, teacher, something strange happened five years ago, my friend disappeared, and no one remembers him...His name was Uriel...”
Alejandro puts on a desperate expression.
Kasumi looks at Alejandro and replies; “I know, you told me about him, and his family....after the catastrophe, no one remembered him right...”
“That’s right, I formed this club because I thought someone would remember, at first everyone joined because they were interested....” Alejandro puts his hands on the table and looks down with tears in his eyes.
“But something happened and everyone suddenly lost interest, and they began calling me a faker...”
Kasumi approaches him and tries to cheer him up,suddenly Alejandro turns around with a confident expression:
“But there is no time to be sad about this, my grandpa always told me to be persistent, no matter the obstacles I face, one day I’ll find the truth...”
“That’s right, and I will support you, as long as you don’t do anything dangerous okay...”
Kasumi smiles at Alejandro, Alejandro looks at the clock; “It’s almost time for my shift...I must hurry...” Alejandro grabs his bags and runs to the door.
“See you tomorrow teacher...”
Alejandro runs to the door, Kasumi waves at him with a smile. Kasumi takes out a photo of the size of her palm and smiles:
“The truth is...I do know the people you are talking about, but it’s too dangerous for you to learn the truth.... I swear to your grandparents that I will protect you...”
As Alejandro runs to the entrance he passes next to a girl who is reading a book, the girl has brown skin, violet eyes and blonde hair. She looks at Alejandro and begins to say:
“Alejandro Sanchez, your curiosity can lead you to your doom!”
Downtown Sun City...
At a café located near the downtown area, Alejandro works part time as a waiter. He’s optimistic personality attracts many clients to the café making it one of Sun City’s most popular.
It’s a rather cold afternoon, as the clouds begin to cover the moon. People walk by the street wearing large coats, gloves and scarfs, as expected in the middle of January.
“Here you go ladies, three cappuccinos” Alejandro, who is wearing a waiter uniform smiles at them, the three ladies are Marjorie, Victoria and Angela.
Victoria Salazar is a 16 years old beautiful girl. She is a little taller, and has a well developed body. She has long red hair with a pony tail hanging on her right shoulder. She is considered one of the three "princess idols" in the High school. She has a very hyperactive personality.. She is a member of the student council like Marjorie as the secretary.
Angela Conte is a 16 years old girl. She has a thin body and has average height. She has long straight black hair and brown eyes. She still is very shy but that is what makes her attractive to the guys at school. She is considered one of "The princess idols" of the high school division, she is a member of the student council as the treasurer.
“Thank you Alejandro..” The girls say at the same time, Alejandro smiles and replies: “Sure thing...no problem...” Alejandro walks away, Victoria continues to speak:
“As I was saying...Jake wanted to go out with me...”
“Gyaah, and did you accept?”
“No, it takes more than being handsome..”
“Well, Alesiter is handsome and kind...but he is sometimes cold with me...” Marjorie says with a somber tone. Victoria smiles and says:
“Oh come on, you’re dating the hottest guy in school plus he is really smart and athletic, you’re so lucky...I wish I had someone like that...”
“I know but I don’t feel that he is the love of my life, I feel there was someone else...”
“I think that you should look for him... I mean it’s just my opinion....”
Angela says in a shy tone. Marjorie looks at Angela who drinks her coffee and replies; “You’re right...I will keep looking...” Alejandro sighs and thinks:
“If you only remember your true love Marjorie, Uriel would be sad....”
“My, oh my, are you feeling down Alejandro? Maybe I can cheer you up” Alejandro gets nervous as the man who is standing behind the bar says in a luxurious tone.
Alejandro begins to sweat and chuckles:
“No, that's fine Mr. Jairo, I was just thinking about my homework...”
Mr Jairo is a 30 year old man, he is a tall and muscular man with a black mustache. Even though he looks manly, he is very feminine, he likes to wear tight jeans with sleeveless shirts and a captain's hat. He likes to tease Alejandro whenever he works.
“Nonsense, tell me, which of the three you prefer...”
“No one, please let me get back to work boss...” Alejandro says with a red face as he goes to the kitchen, leaving Jairo chuckling.
After 30 minutes, the girls decide to leave, Angela has a car waiting for her, and Victoria decides to go with her since they both live in the same direction. Marjorie is checking her phone however...
“Yes...I understand father, Charles is currently busy...yes....I understand I'll wait...”
Marjorie hangs the phone and sighs, she is standing outside the shop, Jairo notices and makes a smirk.
“Hey Alejandro dear...would you be so kind as to walk that lady to her home...please, don't worry, I’ll close the shop...”
Alejandro gets nervous at first but he changes it to a smile as he says:
“Thank you boss, I’ll see you tomorrow...”
“Tomorrow at 5 pm, don’t forget...”
“I won’t” Alejandro opens the door of the shop and looks at Marjorie:
“Hey Marjorie, want me to walk you home?”
Marjorie smiles and moves her head up and down as a sign of agreement. Alejandro takes out his umbrella and both of them begin to walk together. Behind them, Aleister stands beneath a light and sees them.
Aleister chuckles as he says:
“So, you don’t like listening to my warnings...you’ll pay...”
Aleister releases a strange aura that causes the lights of the street to blow up...
As they walk together, Alejandro and Marjorie are talking about school:
“Hey, I notice that you are really close to Ms. Miyazono...”
Alejandro blushes and begins to move strangely; “It’s not what you think, she’s like a sister to me, I’ve known her for many years and she has always been looking after me...”
“I see I just wanted to make you nervous...” Marjorie chuckles, Alejandro scratches his cheek nervously.
Marjorie and Alejandro have always been close, since their childhood.Marjorie trusts Alejandro that she feels comfortable speaking about Aleister. She sees him as a brother, however, it’s not the other way around....Alejandro does have a crush on Marjorie...
“So what are you doing this weekend?”
Alejandro asks hoping for her to answer “nothing”
“Well, I’m going with Aleister on a trip to Empire City, his dad wants us to see the final light show...” Marjorie replies with a smile.
“I see, well good for you...” Alejandro makes a fake smile as he is crying inside.
“You two are very close, is your relationship working?” Marjorie changes her expression, looks at the sky, Alejandro notices a worried face, Marjorie begins to speak:
“To tell you the truth, Aleister is a very jealous man, don’t get me wrong, he is a very kind person as well as his family, but I feel strange when I’m around him...”
Marjorie touches her chest where the heart is located.
“Strange like how?”
“It’s nothing really, thank you for walking me home, I’ll see you at school okay...”
Marjorie enters the mansion, Alejandro waves at her and begins to walk away thinking to himself; “What did she mean by that?”
Suddenly, a hand grabs his shoulder, Alejandro turns around and sees two large people identical to each other.
“Marcus, Claudius, what are you...”
Marcus knocks him unconscious and carries him towards another destination without anyone noticing.
In a back alley, two guys punch Alejandro continuously, Alejandro bleeds with every hit.
“That’s enough for you two, I don’t want him dead...”
Aleister appears from the shadows and sees Alejandro. Alejandro has a swollen eye and bruises in his face, he is bleeding from his nose and mouth.
“You see, I told you to stay away from Marjorie and you still had the nerve to walk her home, remember that she is mine...”
“Ha...ha....ha... you make me laugh Aleister, I can’t believe you don’t trust your own girlfriend.” Alejandro chuckles as he continues to speak:
“You think that she loves you but remember this, she will always love another guy...remember...Uriel....” Aleister gets furious and begins to punch him with force.
“You imbecile, I don’t know who that is but his name makes me furious, learn your place, you are weak and a loser...don’t forget....”
Aleister stops, he begins to leave with the two men. Alejandro is left lying on the ground with tears in his eyes thinking: “Damn it, why am I so weak...why?”
“I’m home...” Alejandro opens the door to his room but there is no one there, Alejandro walks slowly towards his room. He looks at his face that is all beaten and sighs. He goes to his emergency kit and begins to treat himself.
Alejandro lives in a single room apartment, he has a basic kitchen, one room and one bathroom. He lives near the downtown area, in one of the poorest regions of Sun City.
Alejandro sends a message to his sister asking;
Hey, sis, when can I go to Spain with you...
His sister replies:
I already told you that I am busy working...you must finish High school, you can come after that...Good luck…”
Alejandro throws his phone to the wall, he lies in his bed thinking; “What good is it to finish High school, nobody expects anything from me anyway...”
Alejandro’s grandparents died in an accident four years ago. He never met his parents because they died one year after his birth. He has an older sister (Rebecca) that is 8 years older than him.She is in Spain working, and refuses to look after him. Alejandro is being taken care of by a neighbor, Mrs. Gutierrez, who often visits him to see how he is doing.
Alejandro eats some leftover food from yesterday, he looks around and sees that everything is dark.
“This is a pain, I’m going to my base…”
Alejandro decides to go to his base, located deep in the mountains. He comes out of his apartment and leaves a note that says:
“I’m going to my Base...be right back…”
As he walks down the hills he begins to remember when he was a child running with a kid with blue hair, they were wearing their Space Rangers customs and pretended to fight with swords.
Alejandro arrives at his base, the base appears to be brand new, Alejandro has been taking care of it for five years. He enters the base, the base has electricity thanks to a small windmill that he built.
Alejandro heads to a corner of the hideout. In that corner, there is a small hole. Alejandro removes a carpet, and he grabs a treasure box. The treasure box is made of plastic that has a lock, Alejandro slowly opens the box and there is a piece of red clothing.
“It’s been 5 years since I found this...and yet, ever since that strange glow, I haven't figured what it's for...”
Alejandro stares at it for a couple of minutes, he later gets sleepy and puts the key next to him and closes his eyes as he thinks: “Well, tomorrow will be another day...” (BADUMP,BADUMP)
Suddenly, the key begins slowly pulse like a heart beat...and it begins to shine bright in Alejandro’s hand...
Izamal, Yucatán
During the same time, a different event was happening in the south part of Mexico. In the Peninsula of Yucatan, there is a colorful town near the seaside known as Izamal. In this peaceful town, people live normally during the day, children play at the beaches or the jungles nearby. Everything is happiness during the day, however at night there is a different story….
Every day when the sun sets…..
"HURRY EVERYONE, YOU MUST GET INTO YOUR HOUSES NOW!!!" A priest shouts at the church of the town, people with great speed begin to put away their stuff. The shops close, people hurry into their houses.
"Hurry sister, we need to go where mom is…"
A boy around 8 years old runs holding his sister's hand. Her sister appears to be 6 years old and she is feeling pain:
"Hermano, stop, you're hurting me…" The girl trips and falls to the ground; "Waaahh!"
The girl cries holding her knee, the boy runs back. "Hurry Hermana, I'll carry you, our house is just two blocks away, we must hurry!!!"
There is a reason why people panic, everynight, Izamal falls prey to a strange being that appears and kidnaps those who are outside. It all happened three months ago when "it" appeared…
Men scream as they call the monster that hunts at night. A mother waits at the door as she sees the sun disappearing at the horizon.
"My children, they haven't come back, I must.."
"No stop, or you'll get caught…" An old man stops her from leaving the house. The woman struggles as she cries for her children.
"MAMA" The two children approach the house with speed.The woman smiles and screams:
Suddenly, from the shadows, something comes out and grabs the girl pushing away the boy.
The girl screams as she is being taken away from that being…
"NNNNNOOOOO!" The woman screams as she sees her daughter disappear in the shadows, the boy gets up and with courage decides to go after them…
The mother also tries to go but she is stopped by the man who says; "Wait hija, you'll get caught as well, I'll go…", The old man decides to head after the children...
Meanwhile, at the top of the hill, as the moon shines in the sky, a dark silhouette looks at the town, he is mounted on a black horse with red eyes.
The silhouette appears to be a young man wearing a charro outfit, the charro hat covers his face.
"Heh...So it finally appear ehh...let's go Trueno (Thunder)"
The horse begins to gallop towards the town at high speed.
"Ha...ha...ha...Hermana!!!" The boy runs around the town screaming for her sister. There is no one outside,everyone is looking at their windows feeling worthless as they see the child pass by.
The boy follows her sister's voice, her screaming gets closer. He enters a dark alley between the houses as he asks himself:
“This is where the scream came, but where is she....”
Something landed behind the boy, a creature large enough to create a large shadow behind the boy. The boy begins to tremble as he hears a growl. The boy slowly turns around and sees a large beast behind him.
The beast is in four legs, has a large body similar to a lion, and a coyote face with a bird’s beak. The beast has arms coming out of his back and a tail. The beast is black with yellow rhombus patterns surrounding its body.
The beast roars causing the boy to fall on his butt and cry.
The boy begins to move back, the beast moves down a little, the boy is in shock to see his sister in that beast’s arm.
The beast roars once again and charges straight at the boy, the boy runs as fast as he can and dodges the beast. The beast continues to pursue the boy destroying the parts of the houses.
“Over there, we must hurry!” The grandfather along with the mother head towards the commotion, they have a shovel and a broom. The boy arrives at main where he screams:
People only look at their houses as they become frightened seeing the beast. The boy trips and the beast jumps to attack him. The boy reacts and dodges the beast.
The boy looks at his sister, she is unconscious with tears in her eyes. The boy feels weak, however, he makes up his mind and stops shaking. He grabs a rock and a stick and stands up.
The boy throws a rock at the beast causing it to get furious. The boy with shaking legs but a determine face charges with that stick thinking:
“I will get my sister back!”
The mother screams as she sees the boy.
The beast with one arm attacks the boy creating a dust cloud.
Everyone is shocked to see the boy getting crushed. The mother falls to her knees thinking that her son is dead.
As the dust cloud clears, the beast lifts its arm, however,the boy wasn't there. Everyone begins to look for him, the beast begins to charge at the people.
But it suddenly stops and looks up. Soon everybody looks up as they are in shock to see a person on the top of the cathedral.
"HIIIJOOOO" The mother screams, the moon makes a shadow of what it appears to be a person with a charro sombrero.
The boy slowly opens his eyes, regaining consciousness.
"That was brave of you niño but pretty stupid."
The boy looks up and sees a pair of red eyes. The moon reveals the face of a young man. The young man says with a serious face:
"Look, it's good to be brave but if you're weak, you'll get killed. You need to be strong enough to back up those words."
"I just wanted to save my sister...sir…" The boy says with tears in his eyes.
Without warning, the beast attacks the two figures and runs away with the girl. The young man carrying the boy lands in front of the mother.
"I can't believe my eyes…" The old says with a surprised expression as he continues to speak:
"That Charro suit, a sombrero and that power...it's you….the one who steals souls...cursed by the devil to roam between the land of the living and the land of the dead…and said that he is here to conquer the world...El Charro Negro…"
Everyone is in shock to see the young man. The young man sighs and slowly removes his hat letting it hang from his neck.
The young man has blue hair, and green eyes with a claw shaped scar on his left eye. The young man with a serious expression says:
"Those legends are a little exaggerated old man. Plus that was my predecessor, my goal is a little different now…"
The young man begins to walk slowly as he asks to himself:
"Now then...where is that beast…"
"Charro Negro please….save my daughter…" The mother says with a pleading tone. El Charro turns and sees her with tears in her eyes.
"You're asking me for help….you know I am an evil being right?"
"I don't care if I make a pact with you, I offer you my soul...just save my daughter."
El Charro sighs with his eyes close and says:
"No, I won't save your daughter…"
He begins to walk away from her, as he says:
"However, I will hunt down that beast…"
He disappears in a blink of an eye in search of the beast.
The young man walks towards the center of town, he stands in the middle of the plaza. He closes his eyes and begins to feel the monster’s presence; "Where are you?"
He opens his eyes and makes a sinister smile:
"Found you…"
The young man bends his knees and instantly charges straight to the beast who was about to leave town.
As he heads towards the beast, he takes out a sword inside its scabbard. The young man approaches the beast, he closes his eyes and slowly chants:
"Arte del Mariachi" (Mariachi Art)
Musical notes begin to appear around the beast, the young man sees the notes in the arm.
The young Charro cuts the beast's arm, freeing the little girl. The young man grabs the girl and jumps back.
He whistles and a red portal opens behind him, a black horse with red eyes appears.
"Trueno, please take care of the girl…" The young man puts the girl on top of the horse. The beast charges straight at him, he puts his two hands k. His double edge sword lifts his arms up.
The young man slashes the beast in half, the beast slowly turns back into its colorful self, he looks at the young man and says; “Thank you...”
The beast disappears, turning into manna particles. The young man puts his sword away.
The boy and the rest of the people arrive at their location. The young man gives the girl to his mother, the boy looks at the young man and says:
“That was incredible mister, thank you for saving us... I will never forget you...”
The young man puts his hand at the boy’s head and chants; “Memoria Perdida”
The boy loses consciousness and the young man looks at the people; “ It’s better if you forget about me...”
“Thank you, so much, I don’t care if you’re evil, you’re a good person to me...” The mother says with a grateful expression.
The young man doesn’t say a thing; he mounts the horse and slowly begins to walk away, disappearing in the darkness.
Near the Peninsula of Yucatan, the young man and his horse travel along the beach. The sea reflects the moon, and the waves slowly approach the shore causing a nice breeze. The horse stops, the young man looks in front of him:
“Well, this is a surprise...for you to appear in front of me, viejo...”
“Mind your manners muchacho. Remember that I’m your uncle Juan...” A red portal opens in front of them and a man riding his horse slowly gallops out of the portal.
Juan de la Trinidad is a tall man with an appearance of 40 years of age. He has brown skin, red eyes, a mustache and black hair. He is wearing a traditional Charro Suit, and has his sombrero on top of his head.
“Now then muchacho, it’s been one and half years since you started your journey. During this time, you’ve made a name for yourself among the people who handle the underground...”
“So....I don’t care about that, viejo....”
“That’s the problem idiota, you’ve made a positive popularity, people now admire the Charro Negro, the savior of the people, what the hell are you thinking?”
“You came all this way just for that?”
“Of course I came for that, El Charro Negro used to be a name that everyone feared, I was known as the son of the devil, the man hunter....but now that you started hunting “Alebrijes”, everything has changed...”
“They are “Sombras” , viejp , and all I am doing is purifying them, don’t make a big fuss about it...”
“I heard you’ve been to Central America, the Carribeanand even South America...”
“That’s right, I’ve been hunting the “Sombras”, it’s a promise I made a long time ago...”
Juan sighs with his eyes closed, and begins to laugh:
“You never change, just like your father...”
“Whatever...” Uriel begins to move forward as he says; “If you don’t have anything else, then I’ll be on my way...”
“Wait, muchacho, I have a mission for you…”
“What kind of mission?”
“I need to go hunt down some “Sombras” for me...”
The young man stops and turns around; “Where exactly?”
Juan smiles and replies; “The Borderland Region...”
The young man changes his expression, he remembers that he once lived there.
“Why now..of all times...why there?”
“Sorry muchacho, but lately, the “Alebrijes” have turned into “sombras”. My contact told me that they began to terrorize the Borderland, if you want to stop them, now is the time for you to go...”
“I see, but what is the catch, I know you have another reason for me to go...”
“Always on The point ehh...well yes, I need to investigate a boy named Alejandro Sanchez...does that ring a bell?”
“Well, he has something that everyone wants,I need you to retrieve it, you’ll be going to his school and do some investigating. “
“I see, very well, I’ll go because I want to see the man who killed my father”
“Ahhh, Darius Lucifugus...very well, just try not to get killed,muchacho...”
“I understand...I....” Suddenly, Uriel begins to feel a headache…
"What's wrong muchacho...answer me…"
Juan notices the same and looks at the sky, he begins to smile as he says:
“This feeling, the manna in the air has changed...muchacho, it’s finally time...”
At the same time, the Golden key next to Alejando begins to shine.
Alejandro wakes up and sees it; "The key, why is it shining...what's going on….."
The key shines brighter...Alejandro passes away…
"Is this a dream?"
Alejandro floats in an empty space. There is nothing his eyes can see, only darkness.
“Hello? Is someone there?”
All of a sudden, Alejandro begins to see the Twin Cities underneath him. However, the cities are engulfed in flames and explosions are happening everywhere.
“What’s happening? What is this nightmare?”
“Young man...thou chosen by the golden key...protect it with the cost of thou life...”
Alejandro sees a man standing in front of him. He has Native American cloak, long white hair and a long beard. He looks really old, almost like a mummy.
“Who are you?” Alejandro asks with fear...
“Young man...protect thy key with thou life...when the seven keys are gathered...the gates of the underworld shall open...and thus, the end of the world shall begin...”
Alejandro sees the key in his hand, suddenly he sees visions of people in war...corpses all around him....destruction and death...
Alejandro looks up in the sky and something falls into the cities, a comer that causes the complete destruction of the region.
Everything goes blank, Alejandro with tears in his eyes looks once again up and sees the moon. The moon has a crimson color illuminating the sky...
“When the moon is tainted in crimson...the end of the world shall begin... it is bound by fate...”
On the night of January 17th, seven locations in the American Continent experienced a strange phenomenon...seven golden lights shined to the sky and with it...the fateful reunion approaches…
- In Serial86 Chapters
Legend of the Seven
Humans were cast out of Eden for committing the original sin. Now Seven will answer, should Humanity live forever? But first, join Team Six in their rescue mission turned daring prison break from death. Author's Corner: Welcome to the Legend of the Seven series #LOTSseries, my Guardians.This is my first novel turned webnovel. I'm returning to this fictional world after a 6-year hiatus with a lot of personal growth and insight. Insights gained from being a lifetime reader.I was the kid who read Harry Potter and Percy Jackson. I was the new adult who read I Shall Seal the Heavens and Ark. I've lost count of how many fictional worlds I've visited and lived through for I grew up on western novels but discovered eastern novels in my college years. This is my attempt to marry those two literary styles.It's my hope that this journey becomes more than just a book. If you're reading this simply expecting an ego power trip then turn back. There'll be action but with a lot of metaphysics and discussion on life with its accompanying issues. I strive to ground and make this webnovel relatable with verisimilitude. This webnovel is about choice. Freewill and its consequences. I give my characters autonomy to do and be themselves which sometimes leads to me rewriting and replotting because of pleasant surprises from my characters. Even the character who dies within the chapter they are introduced can have a massive impact with several ripples. So, there'll be stories on love and loss, hope and despair, but most importantly, it'll be a story. Release schedule: M, W, F - I aim for afternoon (1pm to 6pm) MST. I'm working on a project, codenamed "Guides' Sanctum", to make LOTSseries even more alive with special voice-overs, extra stories, behind the scene stuff, and so much more. But it can only come online when certain benchmarks are reached. The listed goals will help us get there. Goals:50 readers will unlock 4 chapters a week - Extra release on Thursday100 readers will unlock 5 chapters a week - Extra release on Tuesday250 readers will unlock 6 chapters a week - Extra release on Saturday500 readers and Project Guides' Sanctum comes online!Links:Lotsseries.blogspot.comSocial:@tonyswag0 - twitter@lotsseries - FacebookI'm thrilled at what is happening and what is still to come. Never be afraid to drop a comment. My DM is open. I'll work to keep this work free to access but I ask you to enjoy it from official sources so that you can be part of the discussion. There's magic in reading together to form a shared experience.Again, welcome aboard, my Guardians.
8 144 - In Serial26 Chapters
Soro Matako is an ordinary high-school student, most high-school students these days are ordinary, they go to school, study, do exams, but what if that was no longer the case ? What if something happened that allowed some of them to become somewhat...different ? If a chosen few became more stronger, faster and better than others, would they still be the same person ? There are some students who are popular, some who like to pick on the weak and some who try their hardest to maintain good grades, However after a strange "rainfall" their became those who are gifted with unique abilities that allow them to stand tall above the rest, but the question is...What will they do with this gift ?
8 106 - In Serial17 Chapters
Zero Gravity / 無重力(Gakuen Alice)
*GAKUEN ALICE FANFICTION!* Natsume x OC-Completed ✅✔************************************************"Yue-chan, why are you in the faculty room again..." The teachers stared in awe and slight caution at the smaller girl leisurely eating a mug-cake in the corner couch. She blinked her light azure eyes, an amused smile on her pale face. "Waiting for Natsume and Ruka."************************************************DISCLAIMER:This fic, does NOT belong to me, it belongs to "яαιη (Shinnah)" from quotev, I loved so much this fic that I decided to publish it here.Sadly this fic doesn't have a sequel.---------------------------------------------------All rights to their respective owners.specially the author of this amazing story!and the creator of "Gakuen Alice"************************************************Highter Ranks:#1 Aliceacademy#2 GakuenAlice#2 MikanSakura#2 HotaruImai#2 RukaNogi#6 AliceAcademy#2 NatsumeHyuuga
8 155 - In Serial22 Chapters
My Bestfriend's Father
Short story.Time skips and jumps.Age differences.*DON'T READ COMMENTS THERE ARE SPOILERS*Fiction-literature in the form of prose, especially short stories and novels, that describes imaginary events and people.For the people that got something smart to say but don't know what fiction is.
8 207 - In Serial41 Chapters
Sage ▸ Stiles Stilinski [Book One]
"You do realize that I'm supposed to tell you when you're throwing yourself into a dangerous situation and that doing this will probably get you killed, right?" "I don't need you to take care of me, Sage." "Says the werewolf that fell into the floor." Sage Connelly was notoriously known for the fire that killed her entire family when she was only ten years old. Granted, that name held importance for an entire year before people eventually forgot about the Connelly's and the other family involved in the fire, the Hale's. Nearly six years later, when the little girl is not so little anymore, Sage comes back with more than just a leather jacket hanging on her shoulders. She comes back with a personality distinctly different from what her old friends remembered, not only stunning Jackson Whittemore into silence but efficiently taking away Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski's ability to talk about the dead body found in the woods the night before. Even more, the bite on Scott's body that held an importance only two people in town could help him with: Sage, to her dismay, was one of them.When Derek Hale calls upon her help, giving her the title of Scott McCall's personal babysitter, she's inevitably forced to tag along with the boy's trusty side-kick. The introverted and overly, well, intimidating qualities that the blonde had lead Stiles Stilinski into an unfathomable struggle of convincing himself that Sage Connelly was just a crush, and that Lydia Martin would forever be the one holding his heart. That lasted as long as the one-way conversation the boy had with the strawberry blonde in the middle of a hospital. His downward spiral leads him directly into the arms of a stubborn, damn blonde that was confident she didn't need a boy in her life that was still tripping over an elementary school crush. [Season One & Two of Teen Wolf]IN THE SLOW PROCESS OF EDITING. SEQUEL IS NOW PUBLISHED, 'STILL'© Copyright 2016 | vividparacosmCover: @amberIes
8 167 - In Serial33 Chapters
Champions || DNF [Ancient Rome AU]
A DreamNotFound fanfiction.-•-"Well, you certainly look... strong.""I'm glad I meet your expectations, emperor."-•-Dream was taken from his home as a young boy and forced into chains; trained as one of the most formidable gladiators in Rome.George was born into imperial royalty; into a life of marble and gold; living a life as the heir to the Roman throne.One had nothing.The other had everything... or so he thought.-•-[This story will contain aspects from both Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece][!!contains!! violence, coarse language and such themes relevant to the time period]Complete :)
8 161