《Fallen》Message from a dead sister
Stepping into the darkly lit hall I walked passed multiple canvases showcasing sceneries of death, famine, sickness, and horror. I smiled slightly at the feeling of home.
This hotel was given to me by the great and all-seeing Death. My father…
He entrusted me to keep this place running and, with all my might, I have. Though, after all this time I’ve grown to hate this place. It has become a burden, a burning steel that jabs into my pride. This place has brought war, pity, and hatred. It’s even the reason as to why I’m a Fallen.
The Remains, a group of wolves and other magical creatures watch and wait for a moment to rip this place to shreds. To find a seam at which will crumble my home to dust. I, knowing this, overwatch every decision and with keen accuracy, I make sure there are no holes in which thirsty dogs can come crawling through.
There are many more groups that wish to see this hotel fall such as, the Night Prowlers. They feed on children's nightmares and cause distraught for adult humans. They consist mainly of vampires and witches but, though they are weak their group grows to over thousands, making them a serious threat to many. We also have The Watchers, a group of magicians who abuse their power to perform trickery, they give man the ability to dive into his dreams but only to have the carpet ripped from underneath as he falls into an endless hole of defeat.
Images of gangs and groups formed in my mind until my attention was drawn away. I looked at my door curiously noticing it was already opened.
I stood there annoyed that someone would break into my room. I stepped in flicking on the lights but became agitated when they didn’t spout electricity. Walking in further, I noticed something sitting on my bed. A young bo, one around the same age as the vessel I was in. His soul trembled quietly and flickered with a bright yellow glow.
Moving forward I noticed he was bound and gagged with white thread.
I stopped at the corner of the bed and lifted my chin so I was able to look down on the pathetic creature. His cheek was cut and wrist purpled and bruised. His brown eyes pleaded for help.
I smirked seeing another soul in my peripheral vision.
“This is one hell of a welcoming present,” I stated loudly. I turned toward my closet seeing it open slightly. The red soul burned brightly now with anticipation.
“I-It’s the l-least I can do…” spoke the voice.
I walked silently toward my window leaving the poor boy helpless. The closet opened a little more behind me. My smirk faded as I recognized the vibrant colored soul.
Crossing my arms I became annoyed; After all, my sister and I don’t necessarily meet eye to eye. Our hotels are against each other and she allows lowlife dogs into hers.
“Dear s-sister. Why m-must you stand in the l-light. You know it b-burns.”
Frowning I closed my eyes focusing on her quivering voice. It was soft and had a delicate touch when it reached one's ears, yet it pinched your mind like a prick. The constant stutter she had was somehow soothing instead of interruptive.
“What do you want?” I asked sternly not willing to let the conversation drag.
“Just… a f-friendly hello. After all, it’s b-been three hundred y-years… ”
The boy whimpered and squirmed on my bed as he saw the image of my sister.
A stunning twenty-year-old woman with big breasts stood in front of him. She wore a black leather dress that cut up to the thigh on one side. Her pale skin shone like silver in the dimly lighted room. Yet, the most impressive thing about her was her fiery red hair. It grew down to her thighs and had thick curls that swirled into curious clumps. Her long lashes were coated with thick mascara and her lips were pronounced with a light brown color. Her deep jade eyes entranced every man and a small gold necklace placed itself delicately upon her overgrown chest.
“Yeah right. The last time we saw each other, I was slicing your throat open.” I glared at her. Though the memory brought a smile to my face. She pouted and tightened her crossed arms. It was obvious my words unsettled her.
“Come n-now, that’s in th-the past.” Her hint of aggression showed otherwise.
My vessels small lungs took in a sigh as I examined the world outside my window.
It was a world of darkness. The sky hung low with an eerie presence and the small stars twinkled as if the hope to keep them alive was slim. My sister shifted at the silence.
“He’s coming…”
Her words stopped my beating heart. I froze in place and in that split moment forgot how to breathe. Stunned, I felt fear creep into the hollow place where my soul used to lie. Confusion gripping my brows.
There’s no way.
“What the hell do you mean?” I spun around in a fit of rage “He’s…. He’s….” Afraid to speak more, I bit my bottom lip. My silky black bangs covered my face hiding my confusion and disbelief. My sister’s long slinky arm reached out and grasped onto my shoulder.
“He’s coming home, Shadow.” Her words snapped me out of my fearful daze.
“ Dawn… Let go of me.” My eyes glowed golden as I glared into my sisters soul. I watched as it quivered slightly with fear. Slowly the heavy sensation left my arm and millions of bumps prickled my body. Blinking, the color of my eyes became dull and my rage subsided. I suddenly became embarrassed, I had only called my sister by her name when we were younger. Saying it now felt childish and weak. The thought brought back anger but controlling it I kept quiet.
“Well, i-i must be going… enjoy your g-gift.” She gestured toward the young boy.
Then with the silent whisper of the wind she vanished. I stood there silent, not willing to let myself believe what she mentioned.
He couldn’t possibly be back. There’s no way. After all, he’s dead. I killed him myself three hundred years ago. Unless...
The boy on my bed started to cry. I looked at him one eyebrow raised. Thoughts of him left my mind and were replaced with an unamused feeling.
“Well… you want to live?” I sighed at the human crossing my arms.
The boy shook his head up and down as his small fists twisted violently in the white thread that was cutting into his wrists.
I walked around the bed and envisioned a small blade. Instantly my hand grasped onto a knife with a jagged edge. Slowly I began to free the boy from his bonds. While doing so I caught a whiff of his scent. He smelled familiar. My eyes started to glow.
For some reason, the smell pissed me off. As if a memory I locked away was desperately trying to make its way to be remembered. My senses rose wanting to rip the boy apart. Shaking away the rage I made conversation.
“Boy, what is your name?”
I suffered quietly trying to hold back my inner monster.
“Thomas…please... don’t kill me.” Fat tears were still rolling down his bruised cheeks. I scoffed not feeling a damn thing for the boy. My cold heart froze over with hatred. After cutting the last thread I smiled viciously. The boy got up quickly and gripped his wrist wincing in pain. I looked down at the knife I held in my hand hiding my hideous look.
“Thank you… thank you.” the boy repeated. His eyes looked over to the door. Slowly he walked over to it then his pace picked up.
Five, four, three.
The boy reached out his hand and held the doorknob, he turned it hearing the click as it unlocked.
He opened the door letting in light.
A smile appeared on his face and he took in a breath of relief.
My smile grew and as quickly as his smile disappeared so did his soul as it slipped down my throat…
Days passed and my hotel boomed with popularity. I was throwing a party soon and the guest list grew as availability shortened. Standing in the middle of the lobby I was pointing to a specific spot where a streamer was falling.
“No! Not there! Wait, where are you taking those? Anyone got the time?!” Questions and orders kept popping out of my mouth. The hotel workers raced around furiously. Vibrant colors swirled around me and I slowly became agitated.
A hand was suddenly clamped down onto my shoulder. Disturbed I looked and saw the clean-cut demon with crystal blue eyes.
“Crowe.” My voice trailed off as I saw a demon with a bright yellow hair pace by smoking.
“Uh, miss! There is no smoking allowed in the hotel. Please take it outside.”
The female demon scowled but left without complaining.
“Hey, Shadow.” Crowe snapped his fingers getting my attention again.
“What Crowe? I’m busy…” I stated to him turning away. Crowe impatiently grabbed my fragile hand and dragged me away from the responsibilities I had.
“Crowe I can’t..”
“Stop!” He interrupted. Frustrated I stood there silent. My arms crossed and examined my tall friend.
He looked nervous and never made eye contact. His hands fidgeted as he brushed them through his hair. He kept watching the doors and the hotel staff.
“Shadow listen to me, someone is going to try to sabotage your hotel.”
My mood dropped.
“Oh come on Crowe. That’s impossible, I, myself, watch every decision that's made here.”
“It’s not impossible! Someone is coming. Someone powerful. You can’t throw this party.”
Becoming agitated I shook my head.
“I have to. This party will be the main event of the year. It will allow me to talk to rich businessmen who might be willing to share their company. You know… make deals with devils” Laughing at my own joke Crowe became stiff and his eyes locked on something behind me.
“I-I have to go Shadow.” His heavy hands clasped onto my shoulder and he looked into my eyes.
“If you don’t hear from me… It’s too late but don’t say I didn’t warn you. Please, please Shadow...Don’t die.” His lavender soul danced rapidly in his chest.
Before finishing, he ran into the kitchen never looking back.
Confused I stood there quietly thinking of his warning. The thought of someone sabotaging, let alone finding out information was impossible.
‘Could it be.. Him? No no no he’s dead and that was just my sister being a bitch trying to scare me. But… still…’
“Miss? Where would you like the table decorations?” I turned seeing June the hostess panting.
“Pardon me June but don’t scream.” June blinked once and by that time my hand was through her stomach. I cocked my head feeling the warmth of her soul. The purple soul flickered in fear as my fingers brushed against it.
Purple… Not lavender…
As a Fallen, I am able to see everyone's soul. It’s a curse that was placed upon me as if saying ‘this is what you no longer have’. Seeing souls make it easy for me to see what kind of creature im dealing with.
Demons have purple souls and they flicker rapidly. Vampires have red souls and they are mainly calm. Humans have yellow souls that are very bright and filled with hope. Werewolves have rusty orange colored souls that sing loudly. Angels souls are blue and are powerful, jokers are green, and her father's, death, is silver.
Pulling back my hand I stared at my feet. June dropped to the floor like a soggy noodle gasping for air as a shocked expression overcame her face.
Ignoring her, a faint memory played in my mind. My father was holding me in his lap as my sister raced around our mansion. He told me once that souls fade when they die.
Looking back toward the kitchen doors I worried for Crowe.
I sighed frustrated with my confusion. “June I'm done for today, finish the rest as you please..”
I walked toward the little restaurant across the lobby.
It was a shabby place with booths and high tables. Once in a while, you would see a waiter walk by holding a tray of eye-catching sweets. The smell of various foods danced in the air and candles flared brightly in colored jars.
Sitting down in a booth I envision a pen and in a split second, a fancy metal pen laid still on the table. I picked it up and started clicking it.
Two doors one in the back of the room and one in the front. All guests are to enter through the front. If anyone is seen sneaking in they are to be killed on the spot.
Twenty guards. Eight on the inside lining the walls. Two at the entrance, two at the back. The guards must be at least twenty feet away from each other when lined up.
Fifteen servers all must have the house crest imprinted on their body. Females on their right cheek males on their left hands.
Vaults and registers are to be locked up and the key in my possession, all other rooms except bathrooms are locked and the key cards locked away.
Guests are to be dressed fashionably and must have a written invitation signed by me.
“Milady, your drink.” I looked up and saw a young waiter. He had short brown hair and deep green eyes. He was tall and had a friendly feel to him. As he placed my drink on a small round coaster I noticed the crest on his right hand…
“What is that?” I asked.
“Milady?” His voice trembled slightly as he replied.
“The house crest. It’s on your right hand is it not?”
He looked down at his hand seeing the small rounded symbol.
“Yes, milady.” he hesitated. My ears perked hearing his heart begin to race.
“Put your right hand on the table.”
Hesitant, the waiter did as told and placed it gently on the wooden platform.
“Good… now close your eyes.” I smiled watching as he gulped down his fear.
His eyes closed and my fist came crashing down onto his hand. His scream echoed throughout the small restaurant. Folks passing by stopped to see him struggle. He crumpled to the ground in agony.
I sat back grabbing my drink.
He screamed more as blood poured from his wound. Grabbing the pen with his left hand he thrusted upward ripping it away from his injury. Panting furiously tears streamed down his face as rain would on a window. I examined my glass full of human blood swirling it around. The waiter bowed sniffing, then quickly excused himself from my presence.
I smiled in satisfaction and watched as he fled into the backroom. Bringing my eyes back to my glass I focused on the silence. My thoughts bounced from one thing to another. The warning from my sister, the warning from my friend and the mistake in my own hotel. Too many things were happening at once. Could it just be an accident or, could it really all relate to him?
My drink slipped from hand, it crashed onto my table bleaching it red and rising a putrid smell.
I stood up instantly and left to the bathroom avoiding the staring eyes and murmured conversation. My eyes dried out and my breathing became irregular.
‘That voice… Its… ‘
Moaning in pain I gripped the sink. I looked at my reflection and saw my eyes turn black. Twisting on the faucet on I splashed stinging water into my face.
The voice echoed in my head piercing my thoughts. I winced in pain and fell to the ground muffling my screams. Static arose cracking my skull.
‘Stop… please.’ I begged wanting the pain to end.
Who are you? Why can’t I control my body?
Clicking my tongue I slammed my eyes shut focusing on deleting the voice.
‘Stop… just relax kid….’
I couldn’t breathe.
Clenching my teeth I fisted my hands tightly around my ears.
Letting out a breath I fell backward on the bathroom floor.
The water from the sink poured rapidly out of the spout and filled the spinning room with a crackling noise. I blinked back tears that formed in the corners of my eyes. Slowly regaining my strength I sat up staring at my feet in a daze.
The voice never spoke again.
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