《Volume 12: The Two Monsters》Chapter 4, Part 1
Chapter 4, part 1
The next day, just before 10 o'clock Potemur and “The Young Blood” were making their way through the city of E-Rantel, towards the outer gates. Today they would depart on their way back to the Holy Kingdom, along with the Sorcerer King and Demiurge. Everyone in the group was excited and a little nervous about how they will make the trip back in just two days.
Once they were closer to the gates, they could see a large group of people, several guards among them, looking at something behind the gates. In fact, the few travelers coming into the city were also all looking in the same direction. The reason for this curious behavior became apparent once the group made their way to the gates.
Imposing and majestic, radiating with power, their blue scales shining brightly in the morning sun.
“Dragons... Could it be the dragon councils of the Argrand Republic?” Potemur mumbled, “no wait, are those saddles on their backs?”
“They are mounts? The Sorcerer Kingdom uses dragons as mounts?!” asked bewildered Kiza as the group looked at the three dragons just outside the gates.
“Indeed, some of his Majesty's servants use them as mounts, though it's still a rare sight here,” said one of the guards who overheard them.
They were still admiring the majestic dragons when there was a commotion behind them. Turning around they saw Ainz, Demiurge and six angel-like beings approach. Everyone bowed and greeted the king, who in turn nodded approvingly with the grace of a royal.
“Oh, looks like our ride is here,” - said Ainz as he came closer to the gates from where he could see the dragons. “We should arrive at the Holy Kingdom within two days,” he said, addressing Potemur and his group.
As they walked towards the dragons, Ainz looked at Hejinmal.
"Hmm, he seems leaner than before, should I tell Aura not to train him as much?"
“Thank you for allowing us to be of service to your Majesty!” said one of the dragons, as the three of them pressed their heads into the ground before the approaching undead.
“Um, we'll take Hejinmal here,” Ainz said pointing at the somewhat fatter looking dragon who greeted them. “The rest of you can split up between the other two. The Holy Kingdom is located south-west of here. We'll fly until the sun sets, then set up for the night.”
After everyone nodded in agreement they've climbed the dragons, Potemur and Marv taking one, while the rest of the “Young Blood” took the other.
The wings around them started to flap, and they were off. It was quite a breathtaking experience. Even for a magic caster like Kiza, who had experienced flying with [fly] spell, the height and the speed now was completely different.
“I thought I've had enough stories about my adventures, but this one just might take the cake,” said Marv looking at the city of E-Rantel below them.
While enjoying the sights as they flew, Potemur and Marv shared their experiences in the Sorcerer Kingdom.
In the throne room of Nazairck:
“I still don't understand why he didn't take you instead,” said Albedo addressing the one in front of her. “Wouldn't leaving Pandora's Actor here to pose as Momon be more advantageous?”
“Indeed it would be. However, we don't know what kind of accommodations will be provided by the Holy Kingdom, and switching places might not be possible,” Demiurge replied.
“I see, you are saying that Ainz-sama doesn't wish to fight the one whom he created, even in a mock battle?”
“What other reason could there be?”
“I guess you are right. We are so lucky to serve such a compassionate leader,” Albedo replied with a smile.
Although, Demiurge could detect a hint of jealousy in her voice he decided to leave it be.
They flew for about seven hours, taking a quick break in the middle to let the dragons rest. As the sun began to set, Ainz told Hejinmal to land in the open field below them.
After the dragons landed, Ainz announced that they will set up here for the night. While the adventurers wondered why neither Ainz nor Demiurge brought any camping gear (or really any gear at all) Ainz cast his spell.
[create fortress]
A large tower appeared out of nowhere. Some 30 meters high, it had massive doors, and the walls had spikes to prevent enemies from climbing inside. Looking at the fortification which appeared out of thin air, and apparently wasn't of much problems for Ainz to cast, Potemur couldn't help but mumble that such an ability ought to be quite useful during warfare.
“Eh? Um, the battles are won on the battlefield, not hiding in a castle,” Ainz replied to him, as he opened the doors of the tower and everyone walked inside.
The dragons set up in the country yard, while the rest of them took up rooms in the tower. As the group of adventurers shared their experience flying on a dragon, Ainz and Potemur discussed the agenda for the next day when they reach the capital.
The next day they rode the dragons once more. After about six more hours they had finally reached the capital of the Holy Kingdom. It was decided that in order to keep the residents from getting scared, they would land in front of the palace rather than outside the city.
While seeing several dragons land in the city might be scary, seeing an undead and a frog-like monster with a tail walking through the city would be even more so. The queen chose the lesser of the two evils.
After they dismounted several knights approached them. Amongst them a paladin in an impressive armor, who seemed to radiate power.
“I am Baur Olan Valur, leader of adamantite group “Fortress” and the Queen's brother. I understand your journey here had been uneventful. As uneventful as flying on dragons can be,” he added with a smile as he looked at the dragons.
“I am the Sorcerer King of the Sorcerer Kingdom, Ainz Ooal Gown and this is my subordinate Demiurge. Is the queen ready to see us?”
“She is, I will escort you to see her,” Baur replied to the undead monster in front of him.
He thanked the “Young Blood” group for keeping Potemur safe and asked them to relax from their journey, before walking away to lead the new arrivals to the queen. The dragons remained in the country yard, frightening the guards and curious citizens with their looks.
Once they've reached the throne room, Ainz could see a beautiful winged woman sitting on the throne. He thought of Albedo, though the woman in front of him did not have horns, and her wings were white rather than black.
"An angel? How interesting," Ainz thought.
“Allow me to present Felvia Olan Valur, Queen of the Holy Kingdom,” introduced her Baur.
With a nod, Ainz introduced himself and Demiurge.
Potemur and Baur took their places near the Queen, while Ainz and Demiurge stood in front of the throne.
“I want to thank you for agreeing to come to our aid in this hour of need,” said the queen in a lovely yet powerful voice. “If there is anything we can do for you, please ask.”
“I understand Jaldabaoth is supposed to attack the capital the day after tomorrow?” Ainz asked.
“Indeed, we have prepared for his attack, though I don't think we could defeat him with our forces alone.”
“There should be no need for that, I plan to fight Jaldabaoth one on one. Once I defeat him the hordes of demons should be easy to disperse,” Ainz said. “I understand Potemur had familiarized you with our relations to Jaldabaoth?”
“Yes, Jaldabaoth is a former servant of yours who have had gone rogue.”
“Indeed. As such I consider it my personal responsibility to eliminate him from this world. As such we will not ask for anything from the Holy Kingdom for providing this aid.”
“I thank you for this once again. Still, if there is anything we can do for you, please ask,” - the Queen replied with a smile.
“Well, there is one thing. One of the dragons we've flown here on loves to read books, I would like to thank him for his service by allowing him to pursue some books while we are here. Would you permit him to use the library of the palace?”
“That is a small favor to ask. I don't see any issues with that,” Replied the queen after Potemur nodded in agreement.
“Thank you. Is there anything else you wish to discuss?” Ainz asked.
“I do, but we can talk more tomorrow. There are some things I wish to discuss with my advisers first,” the Queen replied.
“I will escort you to your quarters,” said, Baur, as he led them out of the throne room.
“I would like to tell my dragon of the Queen's decision, I am sure he'll be excited to hear that tonight he will spend in the library surrounded by books, instead of the country yard,” Ainz told him.
“Of course, your Majesty. I will accompany you. Please lead Demiurge-sama to the guest quarters,” Baur addressed one of the nearby guards.
“Ah, y-yes, Baur-sama,” replied the guard after a bit of a stumble.
Ainz was led to the country yard where the dragons were resting.
“Hejinmal, I want to reward you for your loyal service. The Queen had agreed to allow you into the palace's library,” Ainz addressed one of the dragons.
“Oh, thank you, your Majesty,” the dragon replied while pressing its head into the ground. “You truly are a benevolent master.”
“Remember what I told you.”
“Yes, your Majesty, I remember.” - the dragon replied, showing its respect once again.
With that done, Ainz asked to be taken to his quarters.
In the throne room of the palace of the Holy Kingdom
“That really is a monster. This is the first time I could physically feel someone's power,” the Queen addressed her Adviser.
“It is as your Highness says. The King's power is unfathomable.”
“Not asking for anything in return for his aid seems rather suspicious. Could he be after something else?”
"What else could he be after? Power, wealth, military strength, he already has it all in abundance. Frankly, there isn't much we could offer him. Also, if the bloodlust he released when talking about destroying Jaldabaoth
for going against him is any indication, then defeating Jaldabaoth really might be the only thing he is after,” Potemur replied, recalling the oppressive aura of Ainz's murderous intent he felt at that time, during his audience.
“That would be most fortunate for us. And what is your impression of this Demiurge?”
“Jaldabaoth's brother, we haven't interacted much, but Ainz seems to have complete faith in him, and he seems to hold a grudge against Jaldabaoth for going against their master.”
“Guess we'll have to keep an eye on him as well. Also, there is something I'd like to talk to the Sorcerer King about in private. Can you arrange it tomorrow?”
“Of course your Highness. Also, Marv, the leader of the orichalcum group which accompanied me to the Sorcerer Kingdom said he wanted to talk to you about something.”
“Oh? And what did he want to talk about?” - the Queen asked curiously.
“It is regarding the Adventurer's Guild of the Sorcerer Kingdom. He said it was very important, but since it concerns the future of the Holy Kingdom, it can wait until the situation with Jaldabaoth is resolved. He didn't want to add to your already full plate.” - Potemur said as he smiled wearily at the Queen.
The innermost reaches of the Slane Theocracy
The twelve people gathered here represented the top officials of the Slane Theocracy. The highest-ranked member of the Theocracy; the Pontifex Maximus. The six cardinals of the six sects, the heads of the judicial, legislative and executive branches of the Theocracy as well as the head of the Research Institute and the Grand Marshal, the highest appointment-holder in the military.
The reason for their meeting was to discuss the new information regarding the Sorcerer Kingdom, delivered by Zeria Lasa, the captain of the windflower scripture.
“It appears sending Zeria to the Sorcerer Kingdom was the right thing to do. We have obtained a lot of information regarding this Ainz and his kingdom,” said Berenice, the Cardinal of Fire.
“Still, that was quite a revelation regarding Ainz's connection to Jaldabaoth. Could it have been staged to mislead us?” Asked Ginedine, the Cardinal of Water, and the smartest of the twelve people gathered here.
“That's rather unlikely. The reason for revealing his connection to Jaldabaoth was because the envoy of the Holy Kingdom was there to ask for Ainz's help. But Zeria seeking an audience with Ainz should've been a complete surprise, and so his presence during the talks with Potemur was purely coincidental,” said Raymond, the Cardinal of Earth, and the one who commanded the six scriptures.
“Jircniv did claim that Ainz possesses a monstrous intellect and could easily predict and scheme around Jircniv's plans.”
“True. But even if we assume the revelation was a lie. For what purpose was it given? If Jaldabaoth is working with Ainz, would it not make more sense to demand that the Holy Kingdom ally or become a vassal of the Sorcerer Kingdom in exchange for their aid in dealing with Jaldabaoth?” Asked the head of the research institute.
“Indeed. The way things are now Ainz is providing his aid for no apparent gain of his own. Additionally, the behavior of Ainz's subordinates and the bloodlust he released when talking about destroying Jaldabaoth for disobeying him, point to it being the truth," added Raymond.
“Thinking about what could be will get us nowhere. Let us move on to other things. What about Ainz, Jaldabaoth, Momon, and Honyopenyoko. Previously we thought that the four of them were players, however, going by the revealed information that can't be the case?” Asked Pontifex Maximus.
“Not necessarily. It's possible that he is a player from the times past after all our history only goes back a bit over six hundred years. There could have been players in the past as well. Being an undead he would not die of old age. It's hard to say if Jaldabaoth and the vampires are players as well. I tend to think that they are just powerful servants,” Ginedine said.
“Serving an undead monster of unimaginable power, the vampires are immortal as well, and the demons could be immortal or have a long lifespan as well. That would explain the power of his subordinates.”
“A powerful servant who decided to turn on his master? That's not too different than what happened with those damnable Eight Grid Kings,” concluded Ginedine.
“Then what about Momon?”
“It would appear that Momon is a God-kin, probably from the bloodline of the Eight Grid Kings. It would explain why he had the spell sealing crystal. It also checks out against what he had told earlier – about him chasing two vampires,” said Raymond.
“Then the vampire which the Black Scripture encountered and whom Momon slew is Honyopenyoko and she was working with Jaldabaoth. While her twin sister, this Shalltear, is a servant of Ainz. At least it shows that not all of his servants are incredibly powerful.”
“What about the two dark elves? Why would Ainz have two dark elves of royal blood as servants?”
“Could it be that heteromorphic eyes are a sign of power rather than royal blood?”
“As I thought, we still lack information,” - summed up Pontifex Maximus.
“Ainz is supposed to fight Jaldabaoth in two days. Also, the Thousand Mile Astrologer refuses to bear witness to their fight, she had agreed to observe the capital of the Holy Kingdom and to let us know when Jaldabaoth shows up. We, in turn, will be able to observe their fight via observation magic,” Raymond said. "We should be able to learn a great deal about their power from this battle."
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