《Signs of Nature》Interlude: Paladin Thoughts by Embassy Paladin Assessor #12


Before a world can become a part of the Great Embassy, it must be purged of its infection. This is where paladins come in. Paladins combat infections for the good of the Embassy; all who survive are given a heavy compensation for their efforts as well as key positions in the cured world's government should they want it.

Not just anyone can become a Paladin, however. My colleagues and I select key candidates from worlds either of the Great Embassy or far enough away that an infection has not spread to them. Certain worlds yield more ideal candidates, such as Earth, a young world known for its entire population containing only Humans. Despite the lack of competition from other races, Earth Humans find plenty of conflict among themselves thus making them prime candidates for their ruthlessness, tribal-mindset, and simple-minded tendencies.

Another ideal world is Lumamia, composed entirely of several war-like races. Cyclops, Minotaurs, Orcs, Ogres, Trolls; all of them have such fascinating lust for strife and carnage. Perpetual warfare would've driven each race to extinction by perpetual warfare if the Embassy weren't picking a couple hundred of them every year to purge unusually problematic infections.

Our most preferable candidates are those who are easily manipulated, quick to violence, and have deep self-preservation instincts. These qualities are absent among a few otherwise powerful races, such as Elves, Aviankin, and most Underfolk. As such, you'll find only about twenty or so Paladin-Elves in comparison to the three thousand Paladin-Humans working under the Embassy. We tend to reserve smarter, more cunning races for infections that exhibit sapient-level intelligence. Fortunately, there are few of those that infect potential Embassy worlds.

We have seen an increase in infections that have shown a higher level of intelligence, however. They still use brute-force to overwhelm our paladins, but they do use some semblance of tactic. We've compensated by bringing in more Paladins, particularly of the Earth Human variety. I suspect the number of Paladin-Humans will grow exponentially over the years; they are a versatile race despite their inability to get along without scheming for power in the background.


They'd make good Embassy politicians if they didn't blaspheme the Makers with their every breath. Alas, they will continue to be passed over for the more favorable Karikit. The cricket people make such wonderful acolytes. Unfortunately, they're an apprehensive race, known from fleeing from or freezing at the sight of danger. They are good strategists, despite their cowardice, so they make decent paladins.

Alas, I don't think the Embassy will ever see a point where there is a crucial need for more Paladin-Humans. Even though they can produce a startling amount of talent if pushed hard enough, it is doubtful that the more strength-inclined races will be passed over in favor of them. Trolls are my favorite paladin candidates. Super strength, admirable defense, and regeneration powers make up for their admittedly lacking intelligence, in my opinion.

Paladin-Trolls number four hundred and fifty-six strong and they already have an impressive track record compared to Paladin-Humans. Fifty-three worlds have been purged all thanks to Trolls. If that doesn't say something about them, I don't know what does.

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