《Loop - A time story》Prologue - Everything goes to the beginning
A woman was seated on a bed, with a big bulge on her belly. She had her legs wide open and has had a face of pain.
“Arghhhhh.” She gritted her teeth and screamed in agony.
There were several people in the room, a woman was grabbing something round that was coming out between her legs.
A man was holding her hand while saying. “It's gonna be fine honey. You're almost there.”
The woman squeezed the man's hand even further and screamed together with him in pain.
The women around the room looked at the man screaming with his wife and shook their heads. They turned their attention back to the woman, and soon a new sound filled the room.
“Uaaaaa” “Uaaaaa”
A wrinkled little baby was taken out of the woman. A new life was born! He had his eyes closed, and his skin was red. The woman on the bed made a relieved face and looked at the baby like her world was born at that moment.
She extended her arms and the baby was delivered in her arms.
The woman looked at her baby with attention and said to the husband. “Bryan, it's a boy! We have a son!” her voice was teary, and the happiness was apparent in it.
The man came closer to the baby, and stroke his cheeks with care. “Lena, I don't have words….” they were silent for a moment while gazing at the baby.
“His name… his name is John.” Said the man while pondering for a bit. “The same name as his grandpa.”
After hearing what the man said, the woman lovingly looked at the baby and said. “My little John….”
The baby grew, years passed and he was a boy. Just like his parents, he had dark curly hair, white skin, and dark brown eyes. Features that many people in the village had, nothing special.
John's parents were farmers, just like many generations before them. They had dedicated their lives to the plants and did their job very well.
Every year, they grew a variety of different plants and sold them on the market of the nearby city.
John had inherited the memories of his ancestors, for being the firstborn. Something that was normal to the humans of the continent.
When he was 1 year old, his daddy took him to someplace in their farm and planted the seed of oak in there, so that he could water and watch the plant grow. Just like his ancestors did.
In the place where the seed was planted, you could look around and see many giant oaks planted. A work that was done by his ancestors.
From that day onward, his daddy took him to water and take care of the seedling, until John was two years old, and could do it by himself.
Years passed, and little John began to awaken some of the memories of his ancestors, by watching the oak grow, he had memories of watching these oak growing, one by one. Until this forest was formed. Each one planted by one of his ancestors.
He learned how to plant and take care of the crops with his father, and by the tender age of 8 years old, was already happening on the farm.
Because of the genetic memories, he learned how to work in the field quickly and helped his father as best as he could.
Today, I was going to learn how to write. The excitement kept me awake for the whole night, and I could barely blink!
Only the most important people in the village knew how to write and read, and I was going to be one of them!
I was 11 years old this year, and this opportunity was something that few had.
Dad had paid 2 years of saving to the head of the village for me to learn. This was a very important thing, by what dad told me. Next summer, when I would be 12 years old, a mage would come from the capital to test our affinities. And if I knew how to read and write, I would have more chances to be selected.
Arriving at the head of the village house, I paused before the door and took a deep breath. There rumors about the head that were told by many kids. I hesitated for a moment and opened the door.
I saw that many of my friends were here to learn as well.
I was excited that I would study with them!
A bunch of kids waited without patience on the elder house. Chatting among themselves and trying to figure out some words.
A door was suddenly opened and an elder came out of it. He had a well-trimmed beard, a bald head, and tanned skin. His body looked strong for his age.
The elder looked around the room with a stern face, waiting for the kids to shut their mouths.
The kids realized the presence of the elder, and a silence soon descended into the room.
After everyone was silent, the elder warmly smile and said. “Today, you'll begin to learn how to read and write.” and the eyes of every kid in the room shone.
The year quickly passed, and the kids were learning pretty quickly.
The elder had many years of experience in teaching kids and knew how to deal with them.
John was the average kid, although he couldn't learn quickly, he studied hard and was on the same level as his friends.
The exam would happen the next morning, and John was rolling on the bed while thinking about a thousand of things.
His imagination brought him far, and he was slaying legendary dragons, saving a friend of his from danger, and even flying through the sky.
While thinking of all these things, he slowly closed his eyes, while mumbling things to himself.
The next morning, the sun was already up, and John's parents had left to work in the field. They would usually take him to work with them as well, but as today was special, they allowed him to sleep a bit more.
Lena entered their house and went to John's room. She opened the door and saw him sprawled on the bed like a dead animal. She laughed and walked toward him while shouting and clapping her hands.
The boy jumped from his bed like a scared cat and quickly got up.
Lena looked at her groggy son and said. “The test is going to begin in one hour, it's better for you to get ready.”
The boy's eyes widened when he heard that there was only one hour left. He quickly went to the bathroom and got ready.
He grabbed some fruits that were on the table and ran toward the village. Lena stroked her bulging belly and said. “Kids…” with a smile on her face.
I madly ran toward the village. I could not be late today!
Arriving there, I saw that many kids were already waiting in lines, organized by the head. I looked around and didn't find the mage.
“John.” I heard the deep voice of the head saying. “Get in line and wait.” he said while pointing to one of the lines.
I walked to it and eagerly waited. The kids around me were as excited as I was. Many were murmuring about how mage would look like, and when he would arrive.
The head got up from his chair and looked toward the entrance of the village. Seeing the elder actions, all of the kids suddenly shut their mouths and curiously looked in the same direction.
“Be quiet.” The head said.
I tried to see who was coming, but there were many children in front of me, and my vision was blocked.
When the mage got close to the head, I could finally see him. A man donned in blue robes, with many strange symbols inscribed in it. The man had blond hair and green eyes.
Seeing the man coming closer. The elder bowed and said. “We humbly welcome you, great mage.” he gestured toward us and the multitude of kids said.
“WE HUMBLY WELCOME YOU, GREAT MAGE.” while bowing. I was among these kids.
The mage waved his hand and said. “There is no need for so many formalities. Let's begin the test, I still have many villages to visit today.”
Luckily, our village was the first one to be attended. We were the village that was located furthest from the capital, and they began scouting from here, then to the cities closer to the capital.
The Kids nervously began to be tested, and the majority of them didn't have an affinity strong enough, nor they had a high enough mana, so they were disqualified.
The man looked through all the kids.
The process was quite simple. The child would put his hand on the crystal ball, and the balm would glow. The size of the glow would indicate how much mana the kid had, and the color of the glow, the affinity.
Of all the kids from the village, only one was selected. The kid had a rare affinity of life. All the other kids had below-average mana and low affinity to some elements, nothing that caught the mage eyes.
After all the kids, my turn arrived. I was sweating buckets and was very nervous.
The mage looked at me and said. “put your hand on the crystal.”
I curtly nodded and extended my hand. The ball glowed in a small and weak green light. The mage analyzed the glow for a moment and said.
“You have a low affinity for the element of wood, and have low mana. Dismissed.”
His words shocked me to the core. In the end, I was not chosen…
I lowered my head and retreated to the back of the line. The mage got up, nodded to the head and left the village.
After the mage left, all the kids were still in utter silence. Having your dreams destroyed was not an easy thing.
The head saw this and shook his head. He knew that this was going to happen. And he did the best thing that he could.
“What are you stand there for? You're all dismissed. Go back to your parents.” He said while shooing the kids away with his hand.
I walked back home with my head down. All my dreams ended here. I had no future in magic…
There was a girl walking beside me with her head down as well. She had a petite body and dirty blond hair.
I saw that her eyes were red and she was crying. I thought for a moment and got close to her. “Hey, there is no need to be like that. Life is more than magic..” I didn't know if I was saying this to convince her or myself.
She looked up to me with surprise in her eyes and said. “Thanks.” In a low voice.
“My name is John. What's yours?” I said while extending a hand in a greet.
The girl shook my hand and rubbed her eyes with her other hand.
She looked at me and said. “My name is Alana.”
We walked part of the way together until She had to go home. We made a promise to play together someday and I headed home.
My mood got better after talking with Alana. Making her feel better also worked for me.
I arrived home, changed my clothes and headed to the fields. After all, there was still a long day ahead.
Weeks passed, and then years.
I had already come to peace a long time ago that I wouldn't be a mage. That was 3 years ago, and there were other interesting things happening in my life.
I often read some books about histories of great mages and about other races. Those books were bought by my parents when they went to the closest city to sell the crops.
However, the most interesting thing that was happening to me was not the books, nor the crops, but my escapades with Alana.
We usually escaped from the house during the night to see each other. Both of our parents came to the conclusion that we were too old to be playing alone in the woods.
I, for instance, thought otherwise. Why couldn't we see each other? That made no sense.
My parents traveled to the city today to sell the crops, and my two years old brother, Samuel, was left with me.
They had probably done that so that I would stay home and take care of Samuel. It was a situation where both my little brother was watching me, and I was watching him.
The day quickly passed. I prepared food for my brother and put him to sleep at night. He had already arrived at an age where he slept all night, so I would have time for my plans.
After putting him to sleep, I looked through the window. It was a full moon night. Although it was dark, the light of the moon illuminated the camps.
I quickly left the house and headed toward the lake….
I had left a message at our hidden place a few days ago, and And she left the confirmation yesterday at the place. She said she would go.
I was very excited. It has already been a few months since we last saw each other, only the two of us that is.
From week to week, we would eat at the other house. Our families had come quite close to each other in those last 3 years, and even our parents were friends.
I looked around at the camps and made sure that no one saw me leaving the house.
I sneaked through the woods and arrived at the lake. I looked around and saw that Alana was already there, looking around and waiting for me.
She heard a noise of breaking branches and looked my way. I saw a beautiful smile appear on her face. Her smile illuminated the place even more than the full moon.
She was wearing a white linen dress, that showed her curves and made her body even more beautiful.
I walked to her and hugged her tightly and said. “I missed you so much.” on her ears.
She hugged me back and said. “I missed you too.” with her blushing cheeks.
There was a silence in the air, but instead of it being weird, it was comforting and warm. I grabbed her hand and said while looking to the side and rubbing my nose. “Let's swim?”
She looked to the ground and said. “Yeah..”
She pointed to the woods and said. “Lo... Look to the woods while I enter the water…”
I promptly turned around and looked ahead.
There was a sound of clothing falling to the ground, and of someone entering the water.
I turned around and saw her clothes on the ground. She had her back to the shore, and I could see her bare back…
I quickly took my clothes off and entered the water.
The light of the moon was reflecting on the water, making it impossible to see what was bellow.
I got close to her and said while touching her shoulders. “Are you going to stand in there, or are you going to swim with me?” I pushed some water to her head and she angrily looked at me.
We began to swim around while playing. Looking like two kids and kindred spirits.
There was happiness in the air. Words could not describe their emotions. After some time, we calmed down and got closer to each other.
I looked down at her eyes and said. “You're beautiful you know…”
She blushed and looked downwards. “You are a beautiful man as well.”
I smiled and hugged her. I could feel her naked body on mine. I lowered my head and kissed her…
I arrived home late at night. I quietly opened the door and went to my room. After drying myself and changing clothes, I laid on my bed.
A million things passed through my mind. Plans for the future. A future with her. I was truly in love.
I had worked with my father for many years, and the memories of my ancestors had completely awakened now.
I rolled in the bed while thinking about what to do. How I would talk to my father…
The drams caught me, and I slept.
I woke up in the morning and awakened my little brother. I prepared our dinner and waited for our parents to arrive.
After 1 hour, they arrived.
They had brought some things for us, I hastily opened the new books and was happy.
“Father, I need to have a talk with you.”
He looked at me and said. “What is it, son.”
“I want to marry Alana,” I said with a serious face.
I looked to the side and saw that a vase had fallen to the ground, and my mother stood there, rooted in place.
We had a lengthy conversation. They already knew that we were close to each other, and it was pretty normal for people to marry with my age.
We agreed that they would talk about it with her parents for some time, and they would give me an answer.
The crops were just collected, and it would take some time since we could plant a different seed again.
But we would have to prepare the ground and put some things in it.
A month passed since the day I had talked with my parents. They still haven't said anything to me. I could barely sleep, having millions of thoughts.
I decided that I would ask my father again tomorrow.
Morning came, and I was already up. I waited for my parents to leave the house.
Seeing them coming out, I went to my father and asked. “Dad, have you talked with Alana's parents? I need an answer.” he looked to my mother as if asking for permission. She nodded.
He looked to me and said while putting his right hand on my shoulder. “We were waiting for a special occasion, but as you are so eager to know. The answer was yes. You're going to marry.”
I was dazed.
Time eventually passed. I married with Alana.
The ceremony was simple but full of happiness. Our parents used some reserves and bought a small farm so that we could have our own income.
We changed to our new home, and everything was a bliss. There were some fights, but not abnormal, just something normal to couples.
Time passed, and we were married for three years already. She just got pregnant! We decided to have a child this year, and she stopped drinking the special tea.
Her belly was already bulging, the child had eight months. Each day was better than the other. I had a wife, my own farm, and now I would have a child!
I worked hard and expanded the house to create a new room for the baby. We bought some mobile for the room. The only thing that the room was missing was to be painted.
I left the house toward the city to buy the color that she wanted, light green.
I rode the horse and was quickly coming back at the end of the morning. I arrived at our house and shouted. “HONEY, I'M HOME!” I entered the house and saw that she wasn't waiting for me by the entrance. I searched the house but didn't find her.
I was becoming worried… maybe she had gone to visit her parents? I looked at the setting sun on the horizon and saw a red color in the sunset….
There was a fire in the plantation! I grabbed a water stone and ran toward the fire. Getting closer, I could feel the heat in the air.
I finally arrived in the place and was shocked b what I saw.
Alana was laying on the ground. Still. And with a lot of blood surrounding her.
I ran toward her, grabbing her body with my hands. I felt the coldness of her body and could only scream. I felt the heat on my surrounds scorching my skin. I had no intention to leave her alone in here. I would die with her in this burning hell. I looked at the wound in her chest and saw that she was stabbed in the heart, killing her almost instantly. Her body was curved, almost as if trying to protect something. I looked at her belly. Sorrow overwhelmed me, I didn't only lose my wife, I lost my future baby as well.
However, I saw some movement in her belly. I put my hand over it. The skin was cold, but I could feel a warmth from inside. And there was a kick!
I grabbed Alana's body and carried her away from there. The fire didn't matter for me,the important thing was to save the baby. I ran to the city while carrying her body, and found a midwife and she took the baby out.
There was a cut in Alana belly, her skin was pale due to the lack of blood, and her chest had a huge wound. I promised over her body, and with our daughter in my arms, that I would protect her.
Two years passed, and my daughter, hope, was now two years old, and I was almost twenty. I finished painting her room alone and took care of her with all my heart since that day…
However, Hope was the sun in my life, I lived for that child. There was nothing that could stop me from loving her. This love was so great that I couldn't describe it.
I had watched her learn how to walk, listened to her first words, and nothing could compare to that.
We were walking toward my parent's house, to have a family dinner. When there was a sudden explosion on the horizon, everything went white. I used my body to shield Hope.
Everything went black….
A woman was seated on a bed, with a big bulge on her belly. She had her legs wide open and has had a face of pain.
“Arghhhhh.” She gritted her teeth and screamed in agony.
There were several people in the room, a woman was grabbing something round that was coming out between her legs.
A man was holding her hand while saying. “It's gonna be fine honey. You're almost there.”
The woman squeezed the man's hand even further and screamed together with him in pain.
The women around the room looked at the man screaming with his wife and shook their heads. They turned their attention back to the woman, and soon a baby was delivered!
However, there was something strange. The baby was not crying, and his eyes were wide open while looking around.
There was a realization in the baby eyes, and his eyes looked empty as if he had lost something precious as if he had lost all hope….
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