《Meaning: The End of the Starless Century》Bios and Terms



Levi Wright

"I’ve been to many places around the world, and I’ve met even more people. Magic is nothing more than their thoughts and wishes given form. It’s always there, even when we can’t see it. If there’s one thing I’ve learned after all this time, it’s that where there is magic...there’s always hope too."

Art credit: Instagram/[email protected] Sex: Male Age: 25-26 (date of birth unknown) Occupation: Bookshop Owner, Knight (former) Affiliation: Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica, Knight's Order of the Congregation (former), Vorbild Temple of Babalon (former)

Surveillance Rank: B

Subject deemed non-hostile towards the Congregation, but is subject of interest in multiple RESTRICTED classified incidents.

Character Theme: The Hermit's Garden (Trails in the Sky the 3rd)

Action Theme: Savior of Souls (Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII)

As a former member of the Knight's Order of the Congregation Levi is well trained in firearms handling, armed & unarmed CQC, swordplay, and traditional martial arts. During his time in this role he survived several high profile missions even when the rest of his team was wiped out, earning him the moniker "The Survivor."

Levi resigned from the Knight's Order a little under five years ago and has since been wandering the world trying his hand at different career paths, never sticking with one for long. He often gets wrapped up in local incidents which has incited the Congregation to continue keeping tabs on him.

Levi is currently residing in Ithaca, New York where he runs a bookshop named The Dusty Tome. He is the current guardian of Lorelei Himmel.

Noelle Sellers

"A miracle at the expense of others isn’t a miracle at all!"

Art credit: Instagram/[email protected] Sex: Female Age: 23 Occupation: Police Officer Affiliation: Ithaca Police Department, Princeton University (former)

Surveillance Rank: D

No known non-Congregation magical contacts beyond Levi Wright. Holds some sway over unidentified anti-magic organism colloquially known as Nyar.


Character Theme: Red Sprouted Memories (Melty Blood: Type Lumina)

Action Theme: Objection! 2011 (Gyakuten Kenji 2)

A woman from New Haven, Connecticut born to a pair of wealthy lawyers. She grew up gifted but isolated from her peers. Noelle had a strong relationship with her older sister, Beatrice, a detective, who passed away while investigating a case. Following Noelle gaining influence over the being she refers to as "Nyar" Beatrice's passing was investigated by the Congregation Inquisitor's Office for any magical foul play and potential anti-Congregation sentiments on Noelle's end, but none were found.

Noelle has an ex-boyfriend from college named Andrew Warring who she dated while taking prelaw courses. Her breakup with him influenced her to instead become a police officer and move to Ithaca. While there she learned of magic from Levi Wright and became a known associate of Lorelei Himmel.

Lorelei Himmel

"Mages are people who ignore the wishes of others, the reality around them, just so they can selfishly change the world to match their personal faith."

Art credit: Instagram/[email protected] Sex: Female Age: 13 Occupation: N/A Affiliation:N/A

Surveillance Rank: AAA


Character Theme: Love Lost (Final Fantasy XV)

Action Theme: Crimson Chapel (Melty Blood: Type Lumina)

Verified a witch at the age of five, Lorelei was surrendered to the Congregation. She was placed in a foster program designed to keep her mobile to prevent her from forming permanent attachments so that malicious parties would be unable to influence her. She met a younger witch, Beth, between assignments and insisted the two of them be kept together. This was allowed to reduce Lorelei's hostility towards the Congregation following a study concluding she had higher than average magical potential even by witch standards.

Following Beth's passing, Levi Wright was assigned as Lorelei's guardian.

If Lorelei succumbs she is to be killed on sight.

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