《The Lost One》Chapter Three *UPDATED*
The walls of the capital city were massive. Hundreds of feet tall, and built with solid stone, one could tell that it was completely functional and not some aesthetically pleasing piece of work. William made his way into the city by entering through the front gate with falsified credentials that the Master fabricated for him. These allowed him to use different names each time he entered different cities. If he went everywhere using his own name, someone would be able to see that his name was the only one in common in each place that his assassinations occurred.
William waited in the long line for normal commoners to enter the city, the guards at the gate verified each person matched the credentials, and asked for their place of origin. He dismounted, since most of the people around him did the same unless they were in a cart, and stood on high alert. Although he doubted any of the people surrounding him now had the necessary skills to defeat him, emulating confidence could be his downfall. The Master had trained him to always assume danger was right around the corner.
Once William was second in line he looked at a group a little ways behind him. There were two boys and one girl with their parents. The children sat on the cart while the parents were standing on the ground waiting to reach the front of the line. As William watched them, his vision went white…
William found himself standing on a wood platform. As he looked at his surroundings he noticed it was a cart, similar to the one he saw the children on earlier. There were also two other people inside of the cart with him. One was a small boy, he had white hair and near white eyes. He appeared to be somewhere around four years old in human years, but this boy was an elf looking at his ears.
The other was a girl that appeared to be near the age of fifteen. Her hair was a platinum white, similar to William's own, but she had brown eyes. She looked at William after staring at the floor for a while.
“Hey! What are you doing Wyrran? Are you excited to get back home?” the girl said as she stared into his eyes.
William was confused who ‘Wyrran’ was, but then he heard his own voice saying, “Of course! We’ve been on this cart for weeks!”
The small boy next to William asked, “How much longer do you think it will take us sis?”
After the smaller boy spoke William came back to reality. The vision ended, and a guard was standing extremely close to him, but he hadn’t noticed the man approach.
“Hey, did you hear me? Name and Country of origin?” the guard spoke in an exasperated tone.
William blinked in surprise and then replied, “Jason Orion, Trace.”
“Papers?” the guard asked immediately after, making it clear he really wasn’t interested.
William retrieved his identification out of his sack, and handed them over to the guards. The two men gave him another cursory glance, comparing his magically compiled illustration to the one before them, and they seemed satisfied. The ID cards were made by the Mage Guild, and used magic to create a picture they can identify each person with. If the traveler was coming from another country they were required to use a temporary ID card, which would only last ten days. But, if they decided to stay then they must have a permanent card made. The cards used a very specific set of magic runes to avoid counterfeit pieces and only Mage Guild employees were able to create them. However, the Master had no issue creating his counterfeit ID in order to enter the city. He paid off one of the Mage Guild members, and had several created.
William walked through the smaller side door, as they only really utilized the large gate for emergencies, and was finally inside of the capital. He walked mundanely for an hour or so, in case someone from the gate was told to follow him, but after that amount of time no trace of Jason Orion could be found. First thing for him to complete was to meet with the King. He was already several hours later than he should have been, and waiting at the gate did not help. The entrance to the secret tunnel that led to the palace was in a small bath house on the other side of the city. It was a bath house for commoners, and appeared to be a normal establishment from the outside.
The bath house was located directly next to a brothel, and on the other side was a seedy looking place that the common thieves received their work. The King decided to put the tunnel here, because he doubted anyone would anticipate this being the area that he would use for a tunnel to his private chambers, and he was correct. As William entered he glanced around the room. This was not the first time that William had entered this bath house, as he had done several jobs for the king before, but he had never entered during the middle of the day.
The entire building was full with occupants. It was a communal bath house so both men and women, in their respective rooms, were present. William walked to the third shower on the right, which was out of order, and after looking around to ensure no one was paying close attention to him he entered. Inside, the ‘“shower” was significantly larger than it should have been. It appeared to be some sort of guard house, as there was a sentry sitting behind a desk directly in front of a solid wall.
After William’s presence was noted the guard’s eyes lit up, and he spoke, “The King has been waiting for you. Hold still while we do the scan.”
Every guard that was placed at this location was required to be a mage, as they scanned the person entering before allowing them past. This magic scanned the subject for any sort of tracing spells, and also had the ability to identify any hidden weapons on the person of the man in question. Knowing this beforehand, William placed his own spell upon the daggers hidden on his person to withstand the scan. He refused to go anywhere completely unarmed if he could help it, and entering into this King’s private chamber in a palace surrounded by guards was no different.
The guard nodded once and stated, “Leave the swords here and those two daggers at your waist. You will be leaving from the same location so you do not have to worry about losing them. They will remain here for you to retrieve. Give me the key.”
William complied with his demands, as he left two of his daggers out of his masking spell to divert suspicion from his hidden ones, and removed the weapons specified. He then pulled the key out of his coin purse and handed it to the guard. The two sheathes came off his back, which was an odd feeling for William as he hardly ever removed them, even to sleep, and proceeded to put the daggers beside them. The guard pressed the key to some sort of magical construct below the desk and it activated the door behind him. The solid wall moved backward, and slid into the wall. It was an ingenious piece of magic, even William could appreciate that.
The guard motioned for William to move around the desk once the door was finished opening. The cave was expansive, as he had to cross nearly the entire city in order to make it to the palace. It took another hour to reach the end of the tunnel, and by this point night had descended upon Aston. Once he neared the other side of the secret passageway, he noticed a door at the other side. It was a massive archway made of some sort of iron in order to keep people from entering without explicit permission from the king, just in case the pathway was found.
When he reached the door William rapped on it in an intricate code, which was followed shortly with a loud clank, as the lock was being lifted from the other side. The door swung open for William, only to reveal another guardsman standing behind it. The man scanned William once, to ensure he wasn’t carrying any visible weapons, and allowed him to enter. Once he turned into the room the first thing he noted was the older man sitting behind a massive desk adorned in a ridiculous amount of silk and frills.
The man himself was disgustingly rotund, as he most likely spent most of his life sitting on his throne issuing orders to others. William doubted the man had ever wanted for anything. The King, Valerion Trace, looked to be in his seventies, and his life of filling himself with pleasure instead of maintaining his body showed. The way that his breathing appeared ragged, just from walking to the front of the desk.
“You are late.” Valerion huffed once he got to the other end of the desk, “I waited here for hours this morning between meetings.”
William looked down at the man, as he stood a solid six inches taller, and replied, “I apologize, but I had a little complication on the trip. Who is the mark?”
Valerion snorted in disdain, as he remembered he was basically talking to a wild animal rather than a human and stated, “Just make sure it doesn’t happen next time. I am a very busy man, Specter. This needs to be handled as soon as possible. This Elven woman came into my country and began making demands.”
The King began to pace as he was monologuing, “Of me! She made demands of me in my Kingdom! Can you believe that? She wants me to release all Elven slaves that we have in our kingdom, and she has been gathering support in my court in order to try to force me. I want her taken care of quickly.”
Completing his rant the King snapped his finger, and one of the servants that had been hiding in the corner came up to William carrying a scroll. William took it from the man’s hands, and after checking it for any sort of traps, he unrolled it. There was a description of the mark written on the scroll.
Aella Dafiel
Age: Unknown
Race: Elf
Description: Approximately 5’8, Long raven black hair that falls below the middle of her back. Sharp features popular with the elves, and light blue eyes. She is an Elven diplomat, and is usually accompanied by a group of Elven guards. Numbers vary.
Location: She has purchased a manor in the Noble’s district. It is the third noble house from the trade district, and has a fair amount of land.
William put the list down, and found a map was on the next page. It showed the many rooms that the manor consisted of, including the first and second floors. On the map of the second floor it showed descriptions of the rooms in which the target slept, and her study where he assumed she spent most of her time. After studying the map for a few more seconds William put the map down, for he had already memorized it.
Valerion, seeing William finish looking, said, “Burn the scroll. I need this done quickly and discreetly. Make it look like an accident or something, I don’t care. Just get it done.”
After he said this, Valerion waved his hand in a clear sign of dismissal. William took the chance and turned to leave, but whispered a few words under his breath. The scroll burst into flames, and quickly burned to ash. The King jumped back in fright, and scowled at William when the fire went out. He began yelling at his servants, venting his frustrations at the audacious assassin.
William left the same way he came. He went out the tunnel and collected his weapons and the key from the guard at the other end. Since it was the middle of the night no one was inside of the bath house. He sauntered out of the bath house and went back to the trade district The Dragon’s Head was a popular inn, not too expensive, but also not cheap. William entered the inn, and went directly to the counter at the bar.
William placed a single silver coin onto the bar and simply said, “Three nights.”
The barkeep just nodded. He knew better than to ask questions. Though the Dragon’s Head appeared normal on the outside it was the center of where the underworld was out of. Assassins, thieves and the like that need to lay low, and even black market vendors stayed in this hotel to handle their business. They accepted all customers, and would never even ask a customer’s name. William was informed of this inn from the Master, and every city that he was sent to had one.
After paying for his stay, William walked directly to his usual room, pulling another key from the same coin pouch. The Dragon’s Head kept his room vacated in case he stayed there, but once he entered one of the rooms the other cities were contacted to inform them that room could be sold. After entering William scanned the entire room for traps and poison, but found nothing of note. He decided to put a hold on showing the stone to any of the merchants until completion of this mission, considering how urgent the King made it out to be. After confirming that he laid his sack next to the bed, and laid down to sleep.
Morning is the most infernal creation of the gods above. Aella rolled around in her bed, attempting to get her overactive mind to go back to sleep. Five AM certainly is not the time she wished to wake up, but when she got up in the morning she couldn’t get back to sleep. Groggily, Aella sat up from her bed and rubbed her eyes.
Meeting with Cecilia Trace, the first princess, meeting with Councilor Perisus an hour later, and then I have lunch with the Dwarven Ambassador. All this has been is meetings and more meetings since Wynter asked me to come here. Aella thought.
She got dressed after she washed herself in the basin that was in her room, and immediately went to the study. It was still early around six in the morning at this point, but she had a few things that she needed to take care of before meeting with the Princess. Cecilia, unlike her father, detested slavery and would be among her greatest supporters if she wasn’t being pressured by her father.
Aella opened the door to her study and sat down behind the desk in the middle of the room, with an extensive library surrounding it. After she had sat down she observed all of the various notes that she had made the last few days.
These humans are so two dimensional. They say one thing in public, but completely disregard it when they scamper off on their own. Aella thought with obvious frustration.
The King of the Elves, Ilthuryn Liacyne, sent Aella to this human Kingdom in hopes of retrieving the Elven slaves the slavers had captured. Though the Elven Kingdom denounced slavery, that did not mean that slave traders did not make their way into their country. In fact, Elven slaves were far more popular that Humans considering all Elves are able to use magic, unlike the humans, and the fact that they are far more powerful physically as well. One elf would be worth as many as ten to twenty humans.
“Aria!” she called, “Get in here.” Following which a young elf opened up the door to the study, “I need you to send out this letter to Ilthuryn.”
“You mean His Majesty, My Lady. Your father directed me to keep you from calling the King by his name no matter what relationship you had with that boy. He is still the King.” Aria replied stiffly.
Aella scowled after Aria scolded her and said, “Just get it done, Aria. You don’t work for my father now. You work under me.”
Aria had the good sense not to reply, and she left hastily. Aella hated the fact that her father had to put that woman onto her staff, and any time she had a meeting with someone she did not want Aria to know about she sent the woman out on some other task. After Aria departed, Aella began to write the real letter for the King. The one with the information he would actually want to know. She knew that Ilthuryn would understand why he was receiving two letters.
She finished writing, and then called, “Zera! Come in here please.”
Zera had been Aella’s hand picked secretary, before her father had interjected. Now, Aella had to bring her as a maid to allow her to come along. Zera entered the room much the same as Aria had, but you could tell from their entire demeanor that she thought more of Aella. She stood as straight as possible in her presence, and any time she would speak it would be proper with no sense of disrespect.
“Yes Mistress?” Zera said softly.
Aella smiled at the girl, who was only a few decades younger than herself, and said, “I told you Zera. Just call me Aella when it is just us. I need you to take this letter and have it delivered to Wynter. She’ll know who to get it to.”
Zera bowed slightly, before she left just as swiftly as Aria had. Aella sat back in her chair, and released a deep breath. These last few months were not pleasant, as she was forced to meet with various different leaders of different races. Why Wynter had insisted that she take this job she had no idea. Well, in all reality, she did have an idea. She remembered what Wynter told her like it was yesterday.
“Listen, we need a diplomat to leave the country and meet with the Human King of Trace. The “on paper” reason for your mission in Trace will be to deman that the King releases all of the Elven slaves in his Kingdom. However, I don’t care about all that. The rease why I want you to take the job is entirely different. I want you to look for him!” Wynter had said desperately.
Aella stared at her dumbly and said, “Wynter it’s been 150 years since he was taken. Do you seriously expect me to make any more headway than all of the professional trackers and operatives your father sent out?”
Wynter scowled at Aella then and spat out, “They aren’t you! You know what I mean Aella. I always knew how you felt, there was no hiding it from his elder sister! You’ll look harder than any of those imbeciles. The blasted fools only cared about the gold coming into their coffers. For all we know they could have accepted someone else’s gold as well!”
Aella looked back at Wynter darkly and said, “And if I don’t want to go? It’s been so long Wynter. What if I don’t want to dredge those thoughts up again?
Wynter smiled sweetly at her, “You know you would be lying to yourself. I want my brother back, Aella. I want to know who could take him out from under our noses and tear them apart!”
Aella hesitated after Wynter spoke, so Wynter pleaded, “Please. Aella Please. I want my baby brother back.”
Aella sighed again. Nothing. She had been at it for months, talked to nearly every race’s diplomats, but none of them had heard any word of the missing Prince. At least, none of them were telling her that they had heard anything. None of it made any sense. Why would they take the Prince of all Elves, and how did they manage to bypass all of their wards?
The clock on the wall read seven in the morning when Aella looked at it now, and her meeting with the Princess of Trace would be in an hour. It would take her about that long to get ready and then arrive. Aella left her study, locked the door, and made her way back to the bedroom to pamper herself up for court.
The meetings had not gone as planned. It seemed as if someone had gotten to the Dwarven Ambassador, and the Councilor was nowhere to be seen. Aella knew exactly who spoke to the Princess, but how in the hells had he gotten to the others as well? She returned to her estate in a huff, frustrated in the lack of progress.
King Valerion was required to accept votes on his council from the other races. Aella was counting on the Dwarven Ambassador’s vote as well, but now he completely blew her off any time she mentioned the situation at all. He would deflect the question!
Once Aella entered her house she knew something was wrong. Unbeknownst to her, the shadow in the corner of the room straightened slightly as she entered. She removed her sandals at the door, and prepared to move up the stairs to her room. Following her inside of the manor were her six Elven guards, along with Zera and Aria.
“Thanks for coming with me. Aria, be ready in the morning. We are going to have to write a few more letters in order to get the councilors on our side.” Aella said, and Aria then went to her room.
Zera came up to Aella after Aria had left and asked, “Is there anything I can help you with Mistress? Are you going to be in your study? I could bring you some tea.”
Aella smiled genuinely at her and said, “That would be great Zera. Please bring it up.”
After their brief conversation both of them went in opposite directions, Aella up the stairs and Zera into the kitchen. The guards that had entered behind Aella spread out throughout the estate. Two stayed in front of the door, one moved right up the stairs. The other two spread out on the first floor evenly to cover any secondary entrances. The guard upstairs would stand outside the study when Aella was in there, and then stand in front of her bedroom door when she went to bed.
Aella stepped into her study alone, or so she thought, but the same shadow from before flowing into the room and lingered in the corner beside the door. The study was sound proof, to ensure there wasn’t any eavesdropping on any of the confidential conversations she had inside. William, having heard that Zera would be returning, did not move immediately, but bided his time.
Zera entered the room half a mark after Aella entered. She was carrying a small tray containing a teapot, and a single small cup. She carefully placed the tray down on the desk, and began pouring tea into the cup. The tea steam carried across the room, and Aella’s eyes flashed for a moment imperceptibly.
“Thank you Zera.” Aella said.
Zera bowed slightly deferentially and said, “Is there anything else that I can do for you Mistress?”
Aella bit her tongue, as she almost snapped at her to stop calling her Mistress, and said, “No Zera. That will be all. Sleep well and I will call for you in the morning.”
Aella sat back in her chair once again before she raised her eyes to the ceiling. She sat like that for a few moments, enjoying the smell that came from the tea.
She straightened then, placing her elbows on the desk and called out, “So, are you just going to sit there all night, or are you finally going to come out?”
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