《Curse of Change (Hiatus)》Chapter 7 Part 2 - First Day At School


The moment Blitz snaps his fingers, light envelopes the boys, blinding them. Once they have recovered their eyesight, the become incredibly confused as to where they are. Surrounding the boys is darkness, nothing more, nothing less. In fact, they are unable to comprehend why they can see in this darkness. The first to regain his composure is Rick. He immediately begins questioning Johnny, or in this case, Blitz.

(Rick) Okay, Johnny, you owe me some answers!



(Rick) First off, where are we and how did we get here?

(Blitz) This is an isolated space that I have created through my sub-power, Space Manipulation. We got here through another one of the sub-powers of my ability: "Complete Arsenal" It's called Meta Teleportation! It allows me to move ANYWHERE I want INSTANTLY!!

(Rick) I...see... So what is this "space" exactly? And why did you create it?

(Blitz) We decided to fight, so I thought that we should go somewhere more isolated so we can go all out with our powers while we fight and no one will notice. As to WHAT it is...I dunno.

(Rick) Eh?

(Blitz) A-anyway, let's fight already!

Announcing this, Blitz immediately gets into a bizarre fighting stance, one that upon first glimpse looks like he is just standing straight up, but upon further examination, one would realize how his muscles are positioned ever so slightly different from normal, and that his center of gravity is perfectly suited to enter combat. Just when Blitz is about to attack...


(Blitz) Why?

(Rick) Look at the other 2!! They are unconscious!

(Blitz) Oh...looks like they just couldn't handle the Meta Teleportation...well, unfortunately, it looks like we will have to postpone this fight until tomorrow.

Saying this with a disappointed frown on his face, Johnny snaps his fingers again.



Instantly, they 4 boys are back in their room. Snapping his fingers again, Blitz teleports the 2 sleeping boys to their beds.

(Blitz) Alrighty then...switch.


(Johnny) SHUT UP!!!


Mentally blowing up Drake, Johnny then takes over the body again.

(Johnny) Sorry about that! My third persoanlity, Drake, decided to take over the main body without permission, so THAT *grimaces* happened. Again, sorry about that!

(Rick) ...

Noticing that Rick is staring at Johnny with a dumb, confused look on his face, Johnny couldn't help but laugh. After calming down, he realized that Rick still wasn't moving.




(Blitz and Johnny)

(Drake) sorry...>

As Drake mentally hides in a corner, Johnny slaps Rick in the face.


(Johnny) Oi! Wake up!

(Rick) Ugh...what was that?

(Johnny) What?

(Rick) That pressure you gave off! And that creepy deep voice! WHAT WAS THAT!!

(Johnny) Oh! That was my third personality, Drake! Don't worry, he's under control now!

Saying this with a cheerful smile on his face and looking like a completely innocent 10 year old boy, Rick had to resist the urge to pat Johnny's head. However he couldn't help but think...



MultiBlitz15 here! So, did you guys read my edited chapters? I added much more content! The prologue will stay the same though. Anywho, did you enjoy the chapter? I wrote this in the morning cause I was bored and didn't know what to do. Welp! Thanks for reading anyway! And special thanks to Codexoftheimmortal and BlinkOfAnEye for the constructive criticism, it helped me a great deal! I will work much harder on each individual chapter from now on to make them longer and have them contain more information, so thanks again!


(P.S I intend to post at least one more chapter today, so look forward to it! Then again, it depends on how much homework I have...damn school.)

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