《Curse of Change (Hiatus)》Chapter 7 Part 1 - First Day At School


(Johnny) Today was an interesting day, huh...


At the moment, Johnny was lying in an insanely comfy bed in the male dormitory at Superbia Academy. He had found out that the reason why none of the other students were present was because they were on vacation. As a result, he got to look around the academy until he got tired, then he went to his bed in his new dormitory. School starts again tomorrow and he will meet all the other students then.

(Johnny) Welp! Time to go to sleep!

The next day...

(Johnny) *YAAAAAWWWWNNN* Time for school!!

Getting up, Johnny teleports his school uniform from his closet onto his bed and gets dressed.


(???) Hello? Are you awake? Can I come in?

(Johnny) Suuuuurrrrreee...

The door opens and a young girl walks into the room. She's wearing the school uniform and looks quite familiar...

(???) Hello, are you the new student?

(Johnny) LILY?!?!

(Lily) Oh, so you know who I am already? That's good, saves me the trouble of introducing myself.

(Johnny) Why are you here?

(Lily) I'm a student here of course! Also, I am here to guide you to your classes, which happen to be the same as mine.

(Johnny) I see, great! Let's get going then!

Johnny begins to follow Lily to their classroom, and as they were walking...

(Johnny) So what type of power do you have, Lily?

(Lily) How rude! Don't you know it's impolite to ask someone about their powers?

(Johnny) Not really, I just arrived yesterday and didn't know that there was anyone else like me.

(Lily) I see...well, there's no harm in telling you I suppose...HOWEVER!!!

(Johnny) Yes?

(Lily) You must tell me your power first!

(Johnny) Deal!

(Lily) So what is your power?

(Johnny) Complete Arsenal


(Lily) Huh? I've never heard of a power like that.

(Johnny) Alright, since I told you mine, tell me yours!

(Lily) Okay, my power is Sonokinesis, a.k.a Sound Manipulation. Oh, we're here!

(Johnny) So this is our classroom, huh?

(Lily) Yep, I will be in the back, okay? If you need any help, ask me.

(Johnny) Kaaaaayyy~

Johnny then walks up to the teacher, introduces himself to her, and introduces himself to the class.

(Johnny) Hi, my name is Johnny! I may be rather strange at times but please overlook my flaws and treat me well!



(Teacher) Alright then, Johnny, you may have that seat next to Rick. Alright, let's begin class!

After class, Johnny is swarmed with students asking various questions about himself.

(Johnny) Sorry, but I need to go to my next class!

And so, the day goes by and Johnny finally gets to meet his roommate after school.

(Johnny) Oh! I remember you guys! So you're my roommates, Rick, Billy, Jonas?

(Rick) Yep, nice to meet you! Also, since we're roommates, we need to establish who's in charge.

(Jonas) How about we have a battle between the 4 of us and the winner gets to be in charge?

(Billy) Sure, I'm fine with that. You guys okay with this?

(Rick) Of course.

(Johnny) Hmmm...a battle, huh? Sure, why not? But I'll need to switch.

(Rick) Switch?

(Blitz) He meant that he is allowing me to take over the main body.

(Jonas) What! Johnny! Your voice changed!

(Blitz) I'm not Johnny, I am Blitz. Now, shall we start? *snaps fingers*


Hey guys, MultiBlitz15 here, so what do you think? Nice cliffhanger, right? Hehehe...look forward to the part 2!!

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